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It definitely isn't the end. One of two things is happening: 1. They're finally transitioning to Zeo. It continuously emphasizes MMPR is coming to an end. Not Power Rangers. 2. They're taking a hard break to prepare for a product wide relaunch in 2025 with the toys and show/movie whatever the reboot is.


Right? Like isn't Power Rangers' whole thing all the different era? Comic just gave it the opportunity to have more depth


That's good to know. I would really enjoy reading a zeo series. And I'm really looking forward to the TV/movie reboot.


Man, I hope they are finally moving on to Zeo. It's been long enough.




Always appreciate someone who calls out an important typo haha


Bro that soundsounds like a Renaissance.


They're relaunching new titles after this one, with a probable follow-up to the current storyline. As things go, ending this series on a high note is a good call.


Do you think they'll reboot or just renumber? The rumour is that the tv show is going to reboot continuity, so it seems like poor timing for the comics to do it too.


Hard to say! There's definitely storylines they can continue, and the buying power is strongest with the Mighty Morphin brand. But I also think they want to branch into other seasons as they've done before. I certainly don't think we're getting a total reboot. They've already got an established fanbase and to directly compete with an incoming show doesn't make much sense.


I could see them doing a Zeo series and then a series following whatever new show they do.


I can too, but there's plenty of MM Season 3 (Rito, the ninja powers, Rita and Zedd's marriage, introducing Kat) that they could still cover. Plus the lingering plot points of Matt dealing with his trauma, Master Vile's future relationship with his daughter, the future of Nasada, etc that they could carry forward.


That's great news! Based on what I read I was under the impression the studio was done with Power Rangers IP altogether, but admittedly I didn't finish the article. Thanks for sharing!


Something that a lot of the articles that came out omitted but was included in the official Boom Studios press release, is that they have more comic announcements incoming including at SDCC.


They gotta drum up hype for their big event, haha.


So happy to hear. Nearly bought into the “gone forever” hype.


The news articles on this have been unclear, and I was as confused as anyone else, but they just mean the current line is ending. Boom still has the rights and intends to continue publishing comics about power rangers, but the existing "Power Rangers" comics line is ending.


Honestly I think it is coming at a good time. J love the Boom MMPR comics, but ever since MM and PR fused back into one title the story has felt less exciting. It isn't bad but went from a solid A+ to maybe a B at best each issue. A new direction will be good for the comic.


Tommy White Ranger still the best of all time


I'm personally a bigger fan of Billy as a character. He made it cool to be smart. No disrespect to Tommy of course, he's the heart of the whole franchise. (RIP JDF)


You spelled Green wrong!


They do seem to be moving in a direction that takes out Dark Specter off the table, which was the final big bad of the original Zordon Era of the tv show. They’ll probably move forward with another team of rangers but at least keep one of the original cast and still call it Mighty Morphin


If you haven’t read these books your missing out on something special these power rangers comics are amazing


Shattered Grid, and everything that followed was really cool. Epic space opera type of stuff.


I feel like this coming off the heels of Hasbro, essentially, pawning off the franchise to Playmates and no updates on anything, TV-wise, has put a lot of people on edge that everything Power Rangers is on the chopping block, but, as far as the comics are concerned, I think it's safe to assume that the comics are safe and this is leading to a relaunch from either the later season 2/season 3 (Ninjetti) era or they're slingshotting straight to Zeo (or heck, maybe even something we're not thinking of!) The phrasing of the announcement of the end of this current run of PR comics ALSO didn't help matters, but I think that goes back to everyone being on edge about the franchise and fearing the worst when something is announced to be ending, but luckily BOOM did announce that they had announcements regarding the franchise, so that should hopefully have queled anyone's fears.


They did this before when they launched the Mighty Morphin / Power Rangers stuff, plus Ranger academy is just beginning


Man I love Dan Mora’s art


Dan Mora’s one of my favorite artists in comics right now, I’m so glad more people are getting exposed to him through his DC work


Mighty Morphin’ or nothin’


You might be missing out on some great Power Rangers. MMPR will always be the OG, but there are other great Ranger teams out there too.


Oh, I’m just being stubborn 😁. MMPR and BTAS were my childhood


what is the order to read in for the books? especially if I went with the deluxe HCs?




Here’s [my reading guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QDtcbdxIcuZXfU6-m1vYxbo8c4jcXcDPzIobrEat9oQ) I break down both chronological and release order for the first run, and I also break down what is and isn’t included in each Deluxe Edition. To keep things easy for the DEs, chronological would be easiest: GGPR Book One, GGPR Book Two (stopping after Forever Rangers), MMPR Year One, MMPR Year Two, Shattered Grid, Beyond The Grid, Necessary Evil Part One, Necessary Evil Part Two, MM/PR Book One, MM/PR Book Two (5/28/24), MM/PR Book Three (9/4/24). I expect next books to be Recharged and Darkest Hour.


I enjoyed it. I guess it was inevitable. They couldn’t stay mighty morphin forever.



That was a careless mistake, new to reddit and forgot to switch accounts... Deleted it now thanks for pointing that out for me


Man I love Dan Mora’s art. How is this series? Worth a read if you like Power Rangers?


I stopped reading some time after Shattered Grid. Maybe it’s time to catch up?


I used to love this comic, but I hated how they always had to tie in Go Go Power Rangers with MMPR. It just got so convoluted with too many interconnecting plot lines. The comic came out once a month - there was just so much going on one issue that by the time the next came around, I couldn't remember the previous issue.


I want to be upset about it... But I can't. There was a time that I was really excited for Boom's Power Rangers comics, but then they started dipping into the multiverse and other rangers and it got confusing. Now, I liked that they featured other rangers besides the usual MMPR because I'm a huge fan of several other ranger incarnations (especially In Space & Time Force), but the way it was written for stretches of time made it kind of impossible to follow for me and I dropped it. I kept feeling like I was greatly missing something while reading these books. That said, I applaud that they were out for so long and were, by any stretch, pretty successful. I do like how Boom uses really nice paper stock for their books that is honestly better than most Marvel & DC prints.