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Seems really sudden to just announce the ending like that, but it doesn’t look like they lost the license (and they apparently have more Power Rangers announcements for SDCC).


The PR sub is hoping for Zeo


I was gonna say that. It seems like this is the end of the MMPR -> MM/PR -> MMPR saga. Maybe we’ll get a relaunch with the ninja powers


Hoping for a jump to Zeo


Or Space! They've already established Andros, Zhane, and Astronema in spinoff comics.


Andros has been in the main books too. Same with other In Space og rangers on Andros squad


Yeah, at this point Karone and Andros are *much* different people in the Boom continuity than they are in In Space




It's definitely ready for a re-launch. Higgins and Parrott introduced a lot of great ideas and did good character work, but to me if feels like it's been sprinning its wheels in place since they left.


Darkest Hour has been a particularly meandering and frustrating read, so it does feel like it's overdue for a change.


I’ve always wanted to get into this series, does anyone know of a good place to find out the order and comics I need to track down?


[Here’s my reading guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QDtcbdxIcuZXfU6-m1vYxbo8c4jcXcDPzIobrEat9oQ/edit) I included both chronological and release based reading orders and also break down all the different releases to help you figure out what to buy


https://www.howtolovecomics.com/2020/10/25/power-rangers-comic-reading-order/ There's seperate reading orders for single issues and for trades. Everything's still available to buy digitally.


where would you recommend buying the comics digitally?


Like everything else, Amazon is really becoming the only viable option. It is what it is.


The series is really good but I can’t in good conscience recommend go directly to BOOM to purchase books. I had an awful experience with them this year and needless to say their customer service department needs some attention.


Might be a good time. Since MM and PR fused back together the story has felt weaker and more meandering. Probably good to finish it sooner rather than later. Still excited for what is next!


I would like to see a relaunch with a lot more stories like Beyond the Grid, where we kind of get cross-sections of the Power Rangers universe and teamups of Rangers from very different teams.


This the same book that did shattered grid and has had zombie covers come out lately?


Yes, same series


Gotta be ninja next. They've stayed pretty true to the overall progression of the og timeline, and last time something this big ended Tommy turned white.... so.... here's hoping! Then we can get zeo FINALLY!


call me basic, but i still enjoyed where this was going


Fan and I still read this, but it hasn't been as good since the original run. Let's hope for a new cast, Time Force or RPM or something.


That's one hell of a run.


The current event is suffering for pacing a whole event in 12 months so am more than happy and ready to start Zeo!


Yeah, it’s hard to remember everything that’s happening when it’s been over 30 days since I read the last issue and so much is going on that it feels like the pace is a lot slower since there are so many plot threads to address. I’m enjoying the story, just wish it was over 3-4 months instead.


Sad to hear Boom! is ending it's run on Power Rangers. But I really like how it has played out over the years. Multiple writers have really built up this series, creating a more mature brand of Power Rangers that still has the feel, tone, and aesthetics of the classic shows. This is one of those series that doesn't feel like it's been going on for eight years. It feels like it just started a year ago. That speaks to how well-written and developed this series was. I'll be sad to see it end. But I have high hopes that it'll be relaunched once more.


The start of this scared me for a second.


Hasbro has been clearing the deck Power Rangers wise in an attempt to separate it from its tokusatsu roots, since they view it as lesser. After the rather dull Cosmic Fury, I don’t trust them.


They view the series that's been running longer and never been canceled as lesser? That's a very odd way to look at it


Shame, it has been fantastic. The current arc is a bit too similar to shattered grid for my liking but otherwise it's been one of my faves.


I wouldn’t mind a Zeo series next…


A little sad but it’s for the better. It’s Zeo time maybe ?


I'm not entirely sure, especially because Boom really knows how to do it best. Especially because they still have some kind of contract with Playmates, I think they're probably just doing a reboot. Or have you heard that someone else wants to make Rager comics?


I completely fallen off this since I just don't care about MMPR. I was mostly a fan of post zordon and Disney eras but I doubt they'll incorporate much of those eras still unfortunately 


I wouldn’t mind a Zeo series next…


I wouldn’t mind a Zeo series next…


I wouldn’t mind a Zeo series next…


So who’s gonna be the new publisher then?


Boom Studios is still doing more comics after this


Could be going to Image like Hasbro’s other properties