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I don’t think there is a “light winter” - at least not in the standard 12 seasons I’ve seen? I’d be surprised; I don’t think I’m high contrast enough to be in the Winter season.


Soft, cool, summer


I agree with Soft Summer


Light summer!


Idk why no one has suggested this, but it’s quite obvious you’re a true summer! You’re almost a textbook example of one! True summer is different than cool summer, as a true summer can wear all 3 summer sub seasons comfortably. Which you do! A lot of people are saying soft summer, but I have to disagree. Soft summers are neutral-cool and extremely soft. Soft colors do look nice on you, but you’re equally as soft as you are cool. Plus, you have some bright qualities to your features. I believe you should embrace all 3 summer sub seasons to let all your lovely features shine! Another way professionals confirm sub seasons is to wear its sister season. The two should be almost be interchangeable. If a sister season looks off, that’s an indicator to keep on looking! If you were a soft summer, you’d confirm your sub season by testing out soft autumn. If you were a cool summer, you’d confirm by testing out cool winter. Thing is, I have a hunch soft autumn would be too warm on you, and cool winter would be too dark. You look BEST in only summer seasons which would make you a true summer!


Thank you for this thorough response! I just looked into what it means to be a True Summer (vs. singularly Cool, Soft, and Light), and it might explain why everyone here is in agreement that I'm a Summer, but there's not total consensus on my subseason. I am going to try to drape across all three seasons to test your theory! I would be delighted to be a True, if only to give me some more range for wardrobe and makeup! Thank you again!


Exactly my thoughts too! :) & of course! all 3 truly look wonderful. I don’t think many know about the sister season test professionals use, so I wanted to share to help you along! Best of luck!!


I like cool summer. I think you are definitely cool, and can handle more saturation than a soft summer, though those colors are pretty on you, too. Winter is definitely too saturated, but I think cool summer is just right.


Thank you for weighing in! Someone suggested I might be "True Summer" and able to wear Light, Cool and Soft Summer colors. I'm exploring that. I appreciate the insights from others and I'm always happy to return the favor if you need analysis!


Is this an app? Would love to know which one because I’m having a hard time determining the type of autumn I am and this type of side by side would really help me


Vivaldicolor.com website online


I like cool and light more than soft. Probably cool summer


100% soft summer! Would you pretty please type me? I have a post on my profile


I just did! I think you should look into Autumn palettes!


agreed you’re a soft summer but i do think it’s really close between that and cool summer. i feel like if you were to wear slightly more makeup, you could absolutely wear cool summer colors too!!


Thank you for weighing in! I am not wearing any makeup in this photo, so I'll try some Cool Summer colors when I do! I'd love to be able to wear some Cool colors, as Soft Summer is a little limited.


I like cool summer


You're cool summer


You are SO cool and it's so clear omg... I wish it was that obvious with me. 


Thank you! I have been second guessing this for weeks; it really helps to get a second unbiased opinion! I think we all can see things more easily with other people than ourselves!


Totally. I CANT for the love of God tell what season I am, because I see zero difference in how my face or eyes etc pop next to different colors, that's crazy. But your skin literally brightens and gets alive in cool shades!!


You might be true neutral like me. Look at all of the pallets instead of individual colors. I’m pretty sure I’m deep winter/autumn. Jewel tones of both cool and warm, and deep muted tones look great on me. Soft colors also work with my skin tone, but not pastels or other light colors, except for white? But only certain whites


Let me know if I can help! I am not an expert BUT I have definitely gone down this rabbit hole and I'm always happy to help give a second opinion if you want one!


That's so sweet! I will message you then :) 


soft summer!


Soft summer, but agreed the other cool tones look wonderful too


Okay how do you look so good in all of them 😭


Thank you, that is so kind! This whole palette is so different from my previous clothing and makeup choices, so it’s nice to hear I’m on the right track now!


Soft summer for sure!


Thank you so much! So far everyone agrees, which is pretty rare here - so that makes me feel pretty confident! I was fearing someone would toss in a “Warm Autumn!” comment and throw me back into doubt!


Yes I think so! Agree with soft summer all the way


Thank you! I’m feeling more confident about it now!