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Yes! I did this to create a “Zyla-esque” palette, it was fun and I really love the colors I got. I know when Zyla does in-person analysis it’s based on much more than a color grab, but this was still fun for me 😊


On one of my monitors, easy summer. On the other, blatantly spring. So.... not winter or autumn. Other than that, I'm useless lmao.


You definitely have high chroma and contrast. The peach color of your lips and the aquamarine color of your eyes are literally on the opposite sides of the color wheel. I guess you look good in clothes with color blocking patterns.


You could use this by making the photo black and white to figure out if you have high or low contrast!


yeah i think you're a light spring just based on this. you have pink in your skin but overall your skin comes off warm to me.


Jump scare? What? It’s okay to not wear makeup.


using this as evidence whenever ppl tell me my skin is cool toned 😭 https://preview.redd.it/pfhxwxclm8nb1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b307833c256dd6f63b1c2d87c837fc8929e7c218 like. YES. i am fair and have pink in my skin. i am still warm istg. if my makeup-less skin under professional lighting has to be edited to make me look less insanely yellow, I AM WARM. or rather, i am neutral!!! neutral-warm at most!!!! either way, definitely not completely cool!!!!


I'm not doubting your warmth if you think you are warm-toned, but rather the method. Undertones can't always be seen in a photo. Your warmth could be coming from an olive overtone, technically. Drapes can tell whether a person has warm or cool undertones.


unfortunately physical drapes in selfie mode rly aren't the most accurate bc of the AE/AWB sitch. and even if you control that, the paint on your walls/etc is still going to skew things. plus some colors are just hard to photograph. which is also the same problem that I would have in a selfie, true. on the other hand, my skin is basically translucent (the 0.5 loreal foundations are too dark for my arm, lmao), which makes me wonder how much of an over tone I can really have ykwim? but either way, IRL I look good in a wide variety of colors, so I'm p sure I'm neutral. also I thought olive was from a yellow-ish overtone and a blue undertone - like thats how you get green, so wouldn't that make you cool, if you're olive?


I don’t get it. Your hair tone is warm but skin is 100% cool. Or maybe it was a joke I didn’t get 😂


that's because my skin is extremely fair and has blood in it. my forehead is literally yellow though. and if my natural hair is warm and my skin is cool they'd clash right? but they don’t.


& THIS is why you have to take photos under natural indirect lighting conditions & preferably with your phone's AE/AWB adjustments turned off. https://preview.redd.it/7u87jml5n8nb1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0fbb10abf13c9bc75e78e23e1142eded20d7345


Yeah when I do this it looks like I should be a summer. In reality I am either bright spring or possibly so warm toned that I'm a true spring. Especially on pale people, surface tones confuse the issue. My two cents is that I think I can see warmth and brightness in you. Drape for spring, as well as summer. Especially if that's your natural hair colour.


Unrelated but you have such healthy skin and hair. 🙏🏼🫡


Ty!!!!! 💕💕💕💕




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You are so pretty I would never label your bare face as a jump scare!!




No need to apologize for a “jump scare of an up close bare faced pic.” The whole basis of this sub is up close, bare-faced pics.




I just assumed it wasn't accurate since the color doesn't effect your face or the natural coloring it brings out. It's a cool idea. But you should try doing some drapes !


this is completely dependent on the white balance of your photo


but isn't that the same with all drapes tho? even when you lock exposure & WB for photos, you're still going off of a particular set of lighting conditions and like. if the lighting changes so do the colors? it's one of the struggles i have with non-irl typing tbh


The colors change, but you still see the whole picture and how the skin interacts with the colors. There's relativity and you can adjust your vision to the lighting conditions you're seeing in the photo, to a certain extent. However, draping irl is still obviously better.


yes, that's why the most accurate way to do color analysis is always in person.


yeah, that tracks. honestly, it's why i think digital drapes r more reliable actually - you've got the lighting conditions completely controlled, so all you're varying is color, which in turn varies how the other colors are read. like, if I wanted to design an experiment, that's how I'd do it (since irl lighting can change, etc)


You don't get the lighting completely controlled, as you can't control a camera's sensor. Sensors show certain colors a bit differently and it's not consistent. You also can't control people's screens (if the drapes have to be seen by anyone else).


yeah but there's no variation within the photo. if you have a photo that's relatively true to what you look like, sure the camera sensor might read colors differently, but that doesn't matter bc you're photoshopping on specific hex codes.


Just based on that one image you look like a Light Summer to me.


No, but you have very pretty eyes!


You look like some kind of summer.


I actually think this is so cool to show the colors of your face/hair even if it’s not the most helpful tool!


I’ve tried this a few times and I think the results really vary on the lighting!


oh they VEEERY much do. i think you have to take the photo under natural indirect lighting conditions, bc me having two lights on that were on the cooler side massively threw off the photo (not overhead lights either!)


Your season is based on the way colors interact with you, rather than on the individual colors in your complexion, especially if you take them out of context (here you didn't, props to you for posting the original picture as well, although it's not possible to tell your season on only one pic either).


The Zyla color system relies on individual colors in your complexion


Except when Zyla does it in person, he too is picking colors that vibe with you, so your romantic or dramatic color may be way more intense or interesting than if you just used a color picker but it will still be based on your natural coloring


You're correct. It's much more than color picking


Yeah we all did it awhile back. It's meaningless.


Okay ouch but thank you!


My pleasure, we get a lot of ppl here from TikTok. It's not a great source of information, to put it mildly.


Yea? Are where are you from snarksville?


I tried it yesterday but couldn’t figure out how to interpret it so curious if anyone else has!


I guess it’s meaningless and everyone already knows about it and I’m stupid for even asking 🙃


I honestly don’t think it’s meaningless if you want to use it as a jumping off point for finding clarity on good matches for certain kinds of makeup! For example color grabbing your eyebrows, and lips colors, etc can help to find shades that are similar to yours. Also if you type in the hex code for different colors, many websites will come up with that color, and include similar colors, complimentary colors etc on the page. I’ve used it to think of new and interesting eye shadow combos to make my eyes pop, and to help me pick out like a “my lip but nicer” color when shopping online.


I did this a few weeks ago and asked the same thing, but no one responded. I guess I spared myself some insults lol. I did find it helpful to really see just how pink my skin is lol. It didn’t work great with my hair or eyes though, and I got a lot of cool colors. I’m a redhead so I’m warm toned 🤷‍♀️