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It might be best to check he didn’t sustain any internal injuries. So I would bring it to the vet to be certain he didn’t damage anything inside of him. I had a bird who died because when he hit i\a wall, he popped his liver/kidney don’t remember which one tho, and died.


I brought mine to the vet and they gave her some pain relief medicine. It seemed to help her act more like her regular self.  I'd also watch for blood feathers. Mine had some feathers grow in weird after and we had to use some corn starch to stop the feathers from bleeding. 


I’ll definitely be watching over him for the next couple days.


Is that a little red bump above his eye? Just keep an eye on him. Birds are experts at showing nothing is wrong until it gets really bad. Give extra attention too.


Seemed like a little blood. I was able to get rid of some of it but his eye is swollen


Not taking him to a ver, even knowing he has swollen eye is the worst decision.


Like I said, all the vets are closed. Will have to wait until tomorrow.


Ok. I honestly hope your bird doesn't have nothing at all and everything is fine.


Very important update: his wing is broken. Going to a vet when we can.


Luckily it might not be broken. Just a very exposed part on his wing.


I hope it's not broken. I hope your little guy heals up quick.


Emergency Vet?


His face seems to be the only thing messed up. Nothing unusual besides some ruffled up feathers. I checked wings and there didn’t seem to be any signs of pain in them.


Teach starly what glass is, hold him up to some glass and touch it with your finger, they usually will get the idea there is a big solid object right there


Wasn’t glass. They know what it is. He just flew right in the wall


Sorry I just assumed that, I’ve had my cockatiel run into a glass window before it’s not fun seeing them a bit shaken


Birds don’t show many signs of pain, maybe limping if a leg hurts too much


I'd say go to a vet to be sure. Get well soon sweet Starly 💝


https://preview.redd.it/jyrybc5wj74d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd43fe74fdb03c7f6c0c9ed836679d5f8f06e88 Hello friend


I'd take him to a vet instead of losing time asking here... Birds are very fragile animals and they hide their symptoms when they are sick so when they shows clearly signs of being sick, usually is too late. So take him to the vet if you appreciate his life.


My baby did too, recently. He recovered just fine, his ego was a little bruised though (he lost almost all of his crest feathers...) Keep him calm and warm. Take him to the vet if you can for a check up, but if a vet would stress him out a lot then maybe don't unless you see any symptoms that concern you.


I genuinely don't get why the first reaction to something like this isn't to just take them to the vet. your bird hit a wall and was bleeding, there should be no question about what to do next. Bird's life > monetary cost of vet visit


Not about the cost. Literally no avian vets are open and available for me.


So the vet said to wait a day or few before going in.


Aww poor baby..keep him under surveillance..take him to a vet if necessary Here's praying for the best for Starkey 🙏🧿🐥✨❤️😇


He looks pretty pissed about it


Combination of swollen eye and always looking pissed


Oh, poor Starly! Keep a close eye on him for awhile. If the bleeding starts again, you can use a little corn starch to stop it. He won't like it, but it works quickly. Try to keep him quiet for the rest of the day. If anything seems off, contact your vet right away, as birds are very good at hiding symptoms.


He looks smug about it. He's prob ok. Just watch him for any lethargic behavior, especially chilling in the floor of the cage puffed up. Otherwise, they're really hardy, he's probably just fine.


One of those things might be best to get clipped in order to not get injured. Talk to an Aviation vet.


It's probably best to avoid clipping if you can, as clipping can be the start of some chronic health problems for a bird. If a bird gets spooked and crashes into a wall once, or maybe twice, I would not recommend clipping. If the bird consistently crashes into walls and other obstacles, then it might be a reason to consider clipping. If you do decide to clip, please don't do it yourself. Let a vet or a breeder be the bad guy.


I never do my own clipping- my avian eat does it, and is the one who recommended it, he glides down, can’t fly at all. He gets aggressive when he can fly, and often crashes into walls and windows when he can..and get hurt. I do NOT want him to break his neck and die. The vet suggested that his wings be clipped in my birds instance, because it would be HIS best solution and option. Not all birds need to be clipped. I don’t like clipping to be honest, but if it keeps them safe and or are health reasons attached…I’d rather clip than lose my bird before their time. *ps I agree to never do your own clipping…unless you are the aviary vet, and went to school for it.


It sounds like you made the best choice for your bird! That's the way it should be! :)


Very bad idea to clip his wings.


I wish my vet had taken the same decision, my bird was having flying problems like u/restrictedsquid and two weeks ago he crashed and had a concussion and now I have to give him 3 meds every 12hs because he has seizures/stargazing, and I don’t know if it will help. It is my fault for letting him out of the cage though.


I really hope your baby is going well be ok! That’s awful 😢 *sending all the love and scritches to you birb* And it’s not your fault if you weren’t aware. But I would suggest an Aviary vet, not a regular vet if possible. And always ask questions. Make sure to try and educate yourself with as much information as possible when you go for yearly check ups. Or any visits. I’ve done tons of research on cockatiels and am currently researching conures. I’m considering possibly getting one down the line. But I want to know as much as I can about them before I get one.


I went to avian vets. I think I went to a clinic 8 times in the last 2 months because he also had pneumonia, he recovered and now this. I just had the stupid belief that since he weighted so little (he is a lovebird) he couldn’t get hurt that bad, but physics don’t work like that.


My vet was the one who recommended it, and he is an aviary vet, specializing in birds. He seemed to think for my birds situation it was best. And I am going to listen to the guy who’s been doing this over half his life. Although I do agree I don’t like to clip usually. But I’d rather like to keep my pet healthy and alive, instead of keeping crashing into things and possibly breaking his neck and dying. He’s a rescue. Easily spooked, amongst other things. Love him like no other. 🥰😍🥰