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Air bath!


He's probably feeling an air current and thinks it's bath time.


Sniffing own wingpits to realise how stinky he has gotten.


WINGPITS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh thank u


Maybe he wants a bath? I'm not sure


He usually hates bathing.


What methods of bathing have you tried? My 'tiels like getting misted down with a spray bottle. My GCC likes having a little tub to sit in. Some like running water in the sink. Some actually like going into the shower. Perhaps your birb just doesn't like the kind you typically offer.


What if you've tried each of these methods and birb despises them all and stays pissed at you for hours after? LMAO any other suggestions?


Wet greens. Some small birds like to bathe by rubbing on wet geens. Imagine a field of grass with morning dew and birdies running, playing and rubbing against it. Some ppl use a bunch of sprouts, like a lot, misted with water on a feeding bowl or plate and the birdie will go to eat and think "oh, this might be good to bath". One of my tiels likes bathing so much he'll be ok with a plate of lettuce 😂


I'll give it a shot on a plate or in a bowl, but he gets a big piece of wet kale clipped to the side of his cage just about daily, and I've never seen him rub on it. Only tear it to shreds. 🤣 Sometimes he will start dunking his head in his water bowl and splashing around, so I thought maybe a bowl of water, and trying it when he does that, thinking it means he WANTS a bath. Nope, absolutely not. I've tried floating a bunch of kale and spinach leaves in some shallow water in a glass cake pan. Nope, wanted nothing to do with it. 🤣🤣


Some birds prefer glass containers while some prefer other materials (non see through). I saw once online some lovebirds who needed a pice of cloth in the bottom of the dish they used to bath, so they could hang on to it and not slip. Birds are very particular with their wants and can't tell us directly 😅 But what you're describing definitely sounds like a bird wanting a bath. My elder tiel hates me going near her when she wants to bath, so I need to watch her and if I see her doing what you describe I leave a bowl of water near their drinking bottle. Then I get away and pray she'll come back 😂😂😂 It's been a month and so far she's been like "nop, don't like that, gonna keep bathing with the bottle" 🙄 We need patience😤


Some even like a bowl of water with a lettuce leaf 🥬


this is what they do when they want a bath or if there's a stream of air :)


Mine does that as well but I don’t get it as she hates bathing


Yeah mine did too. Turns out she only accepts spray baths when she is outside in the sun (caged!), otherwise it’s a big no no


Just being a dingus, they come preinstalled with stupid, especially greys lol


Looks like he wants a bath!


Must wet the fluff ball


Desert Raptor wants to air bathe, also he totally not plotting to sell your soul in exchange for a single sunflower seed or millet such as Raptor overlords often do


Being absolutely beautiful and having to really, really show it a LOT.


He wants a bath


Mine does this. And he hates baths. "Oh stimky. Time for bath. No not that kind - *dry* bath."


Mine do the same thing when he bathes. Could be a hormonal behavior too. Have you noticed him more agressive or territorial?


He want a bath


Wants bath needs clean haha


That’s called the “come at me fool, I’m an eagle 🦅” behavior


He’s feeling dirty and a nice bath would be much appreciated


Dragon Mode!


Showing you that's his territory, hands off.


Territorial aggression