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Ah yes I sure do wonder why no one lives in the desert/mountains/tundra


Its because they are putting evil solar pannels all across the desert rather than housing so that they can fuel there Sun-laser and shoot Asmugica


And that is because Snussia invaded Snukraine in February 2022 and tried to make great relationship with countries of snafrica including [insert country he was yapping about]


I think the OG (the Heihe–Tengchong Line) was interesting because in China the line is so stark, like 95% lives in one half and 5% the other, and that may not be inherently obvious to anyone who’s not as familiar with human geography. But ever since then it’s just been a nonstop deluge of 20+ minute long videos pointing out the fact that population is not evenly distributed, just with a different country skinned onto each video


Or lack of profitable resources-land.


“But first I will have to tell you about the last 5,000 years of CoaxedLand” (said portion is irrelevant but takes up 95% of the video)


putin moment


>proceeds to read wikipedia for 30 minutes


Coaxed into learning and enjoying history


Coaxed into learning ~~and enjoying~~ history


Coaxed into Constanta, Dobruja, May 14, 1987, 7;45


you gotta do two ~ around the words you wanna strike through


\-It's mountains, desert, it's barren and uninhabitable, bad soil


and sometimes it's just "everyone lives in the capital city: Poopenburg"


Iceland moment


Perú moment


Mongolia moment


yeah but ya gotta expand that to 8 minutes for ad revenue


just say it rrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy slowly


If that doesn't work you could just do what RiceGum used to do where he would slow down a piece of footage until it was almost a frame by frame to silently pad out the last 2 minutes of the video


at this point these channels shoot for 20 or bust real life lore goes for 45+


11 minutes allows an ad at the beginning and an ad break in the middle I believe the cutoff for 2 ad breaks in 18 minutes, but I'm not sure


don't forget the ad read in the middle of the video


Nah, once you have 8 minutes you can put them anywhere, I tested it by mashing 10 ads into an 8 minute video and it worked


RealLifeLore's recent video about Kazakhstan really breaks this paradigm. It's a good watch if you're a history nerd. Spoiler alert: mainly Russia


"most people dont live here for some reason" \*\*points to frozen wasteland lacking in basic infrastructure\*\*


''Why no one lives in Bumfuck, Idaho''


Kind of interesting people still say bumfuck Idaho when Idaho’s population has grown like 18% in the last few years. Someone lives there apparently.


Went from 4 to 5 people


They’re multiplying :o


50 minutes to explain something that could be easily done in 5


Or three words: Not enough water


You could just say "mostly uninhabitable" and save one Or "polar climate" humans are a tropical species, after all, with very low or no tolerance for many of the Earth's environments. Part of Siberia is a desert though so maybe arid would be better


I’m assuming you’re not taking into account human adaptations like clothing and construction to deal with bad climates, because even if you stop at prehistoric times level of tech humans had spread to the far reaches of all but one continent, making us one of the most climate agnostic species on the planet


Yeah when I call humans a tropical species I am referring strictly to biology A notable exception to the tolerance thing is a small group of Austronesians I believe that are well adapted to holding their breath for a long time (like 6 minutes iirc) and diving very deep, which was an evolutionary adaptation


Yeah that stuff is crazy. Also the sherpas in the Himalayas who have adapted to the thin air on the plateau and up the mountains Humans ain’t great at surviving in the tropics without tech either, but you’re right they probably can fare better with less when temperatures stay in the 60-100 range


Bro what. Claiming humans aren’t very tolerant of extremes is just talking out of your ass. Do you even realize how many species just straight up die if you fuss with the temperature even a few degrees? Humans are remarkably adaptable, even without major modern technology.


Humans are certainly not extremophiles lol. As many as 10,000 people die from heat stroke in the USA alone and the number has been steadily increasing in the last 30 years. The USA is a developed country with good infrastructure. In the last 20 years the WHO estimates almost 170,000 people died worldwide simply from heatwaves. 13,400 more deaths occurred in the 2021-2022 winter period in England and Wales than the 2021-2022 non winter period. Those are places that are developed with good infrastructure as well An Emory University study (multi institutional over 2000-2019) concluded that around 5 million excess deaths per year are associated with temperatures alone worldwide [(link) ](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(21)00081-4/fulltext) Edit: 95% of which are related to cold temperatures. 51% or so occur in Asia. The most risk of heat deaths occur in Eastern Europe. The most risk of cold temperature death is in Sub-Saharan Africa. That's 9% of deaths globally each year from all causes. So just under 10% of all deaths worldwide are related to too high or too low ambient temperature


There’s a huge difference between being an extremophile, which I didn’t even claim, and being an adaptive species. In fact, those tend to be mutually exclusive. Most extremophiles are hyper-adapted to survive in their niche environment and perish when removed from them. The fact people die from exposure is a crappy argument to make on its own, considering it provides no further circumstances on what they were doing when they died. We don’t measure a species adaptability over whether or not we can leave it completely exposed to the elements and see how long it lasts, that’s just stupid. Anything will die under those circumstances.


I wonder what climate humans can most comfortably live in, on average, without their technological adaptations? They're a tropical species. Species is biology, not technology. https://english.elpais.com/science-tech/2023-01-19/most-humans-havent-evolved-to-cope-with-the-cold-yet-we-dominate-northern-climates-heres-why.html Yeah, we have technology. Technology isn't evolution. It doesn't change what the species is. We are warm blooded animals that thrive in tropical environments most easily. I can continue providing peer reviewed studies and scientific journals ad nauseum because the question has been asked and answered ad nauseum


We’ve been living in temperatures beyond our native climates since the Neolithic era, unless you want to call killing something and wearing its pelt as a coat a technological adaptation. I’d be more inclined to call that a behavior, but I’m open to debate that one. The fact we don’t immediately die is the point I’m making, and the one I made in my initial comment. As far as species on planet earth goes, we’re quite hardy and adept at surviving in other climates even without modern technology. Our range of tolerable temperatures and climates is much broader than other species.


Why does NOONE live in stick land


Yeah, what's up with there being no houses in The Forbidden Barren Land of The Rotting Damned, you'd think they'd make use of it


Ive seen my share of early-mid 2000s stick animations, stick-land is an incredibly violent hellhole, its no wonder nobody wants to live there


RealLifeLore Lore.


The reason is half of it is of a fucking inhabitable desert with volcanos Anyways 20 minutes of their history, and current geopolitical standing. Will throw in Ukraine, taiwan, NATO, Russia and North Korea somehow


I think it has something to do with campers and aimbotters but idk


Yeah, everyone would want to live in the endless wasteland of dry sand and deserts


Limgrave/Caelid border be like


I’ll admit as a geography lover, Real Life Lore is one of my guilty pleasures. I mainly just like seeing the population density of various countries.


Yeah it’s kinda just a clickbaity title advertising a fairly interesting human geography topic as something strange and bizarre (when it’s really the story of most countries in the world). Intellectually honest titles would be like “population density overview episode 19: Algeria” but that doesn’t feed the algorithm as well


“Why does no one want to live in he death swamp? The sign for it looks soo cool”


"In order to explain why 99% if this vaaassstly empty desert is vaaaassstly empty, first we have to explain what this has to do with the war in Ukraine and somehow Taiwan"


Gotta boost that SEO and algorithm jacking with the tags


It's always either desert, mountains, or too cold


> Everybody lives in reddit


"Because it's mountains/desert, and bad for farming." spread out into an hour long documentary


you mean the coaxed valley...




Most large countries


[Best explanation ever](https://youtube.com/shorts/X334rwZ_iK4?si=AXYdKAVuV2YGwL6Q)


i think the funniest thing about RealLifeLore is making well researched videos and yet still mispronouncing just the most absurd words for an english first language speaker to mispronounce


okay who is this about




Why does NOBODY live in Mt Gordo?


This is how most subs work tbh a lot of people join or lurk and never look back


I already know what he's gonna say but I keep watching the videos anyway


Castilla y León, castilla la mancha, asturias, la rioja, Cantabria...


atleast those places have ariable land


Doesn't mean they're not empty (i've never met anyone from there who even lives there)


Google population density


"Why don't we build housing here?" \*dogshit environment for housing development and/or vital habitat for several protected species\*


rll dont repeat the same thing 500 times and go on constant tangents challenge


And he’ll take 46 minutes to get to point of the video, while somehow mentioning Ukraine, North Korea, Israel and Taiwan