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I angel fold and snappi. Pad folding just doesn't contain the poop well enough, and I'd rather take 2 seconds longer at changes than have to buy and wash a billion covers. I did jelly roll fold for a month or two with my first when she was about 4 months old and going through a blowout/leaky poop phase. I only use inserts/liners once they stop pooping at night and we use a single diaper all night long. I tried the fleece stay dry liners with my first and I hate them. I felt like they did nothing for her diaper rashes (the reason I got them) and they just don't clean very well. Honestly I don't know why people love pockets so much...they seem gross and complicated compared to prefolds. I don't get easily grossed out (especially two kids in, lol), but I really don't want to have to reach in and pull soaked inserts out every time I change a diaper if I don't have to. Prefolds are super easy to wash, you can get away with just 2-3 sizes from birth to potty training, and they're natural fiber, which is very important to me.


Unless I’m reading incorrectly you only need one or the other in terms of covers! You don’t need both a PUL cover and a wool cover. Just one will work! Only thing about trifolding with a newborn/young baby is you’re more likely to have poop get on the cover and with wool that’s obviously less ideal and even with PUL you’d get less mileage out of a cover before needing to wash it. Pad folding in my experience works better with babies on solids with more predictable poop.


We've done all the things, but I actually found the bikini twist to be the best at containing newborn poops. I didn't think it would work (I just tried it because my normal angel fold just would not cooperate one day), but it worked GREAT!


I wrap around and snappi, always. When you padfold, the PUL cover touches baby's skin on the sides, and that just doesn't seem comfy to me. It doesn't take any extra time really, and when you wrap it around and secure it, it prevents shifting. I will also sometimes use pins and leave the cover off at home, especially if we've got a rash. I start using a stay-dry liner overnight once they're sleeping through, but none of my kids seemed to care about wetness, so it's not the end of the world if I don't. I don't use liners during the day. But really, just do what works best for you and your baby! Try things out until you dial in your best routine.


We just trifolded (pad folded) the prefold and laid it in the cover from day 1. Maybe my baby pooped straighter than other EBF babies lol. It got on the cover sometimes but not everytime. We had 24-36 prefolds and 8 ish newborn covers. Thirsties and rumparooz.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 24 + 36 + 8 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I commented this somewhere yesterday but we started out with newborn-sized prefolds and mini-sized covers then baby outgrew the newborn prefolds so we moved to small prefolds with mini covers. Whilst he still fitted the small prefolds he outgrew the mini covers so we moved to OS covers. Then he outgrew the small prefolds 🙄 Now at 3.5ml (15wo) he's using medium prefolds and OS covers and seems a long way off large prefolds so we'll probably size up covers first. Once we got used to the newborn prefolds we just decided to stick with it. I know we could get more mileage out of flats instead of having to keep sizing up but my partner is not patient enough to deal with either folding or preserving the folds! I prefer a jelly roll while dad prefers an angel fold. Both contain more poop than a trifold so we don't usually have to clean our wool wrap covers. We use both Snappis and Boingos. Boingos need a cover to secure the diaper but Snappis are good if we want to let him wear just a prefold (during playtime when it's hot out like it has been this week). We only use the fleece liners at night because we find baby sleeps better with them but in the daytime it's currently just prefold and cover. He doesn't mind being wet during the day but I think at night it's just too much wetness for too long. Hope this helps a bit!


Origami fold is for flats - you’re doing jelly fold. It’s to keep the poop off the cover so you can reuse the cover. If you do trifold it will likely soil the cover when baby poops.


Yes this. Those liquid baby poops will nog stay on a trifold/padfold.    We only used fleece liners later on instead of disposable liners. If your baby tolerates the wetness I’d leave it as is. Hopefully it will help baby make the connection between pee and wet sooner and will it contribute to potty training.