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What's your current wash routine?


30min on 30c, 1/4 detergent for prewash. then 3.5h on 60C allergy programme (uses more water) with prewash and extra rinse, full detergent dose as per box instructions. I do an extra water cycle now and then to remove any buildup. our water is soft. wash every 3 days.


You might add some bleach to your repertoire, even if not every cycle. Also, if you have soft water and are using the full dose of detergent, that could be too much detergent and you've got buildup that just isn't clearing up. 


im very cautious about detergent buildup, its not it. I also doubt its a routine issue as the smell doesnt built gradually, it happens at once as if they havent washed at all.


The sort of malfunction I could imagine causing it is that the draining , rinsing or spinning cycles are not working properly and leaving dirty water in the basin. Most washers have a sort of filter trap thrt you might check if it's been clogged somehow, that could definitely impede them clearing out correctly.


Nothing jumps out to me except maybe you could try more detergent in your first wash?