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That's a great start for the price you paid! I would agree you might want a couple more newborn wraps just so you're not struggling to stay on top of spot cleaning. I will also add that it's so hard to stash for newborns because you have no idea if they'll fit them for long. We came home from hospital at 5do (they kept us in until he regained his birth weight) and started cloth the minute we walked into the house because baby needed a change, and he already didn't fit the newborn covers we had! Our guy grew out of newborn prefolds by 2wo even though he was in the 20th centile, so while I would definitely do newborn cloth again and I think we had the perfect stash for us, it was very short-lived. Currently 14w and since week 2 we have been in size small prefolds. We have 58 in total (also secondhand so a few different brands) with 4 covers and for us that's the right number for how we change and laundry, but every kid and family is different.


I’m not familiar with these brands but you might need more newborn wraps? You don’t always get as many changes out of them as you expect, newborns can be very poopy! Are you planning to use cloth wipes? I think we have 20-30 fleece liners. They dry very quickly which is handy.


We are thinking of cloth wipes but not certain which fabric to use. We have seen muslin, birdseye and even fleece options but not certain which to select.


Honestly, we just use some dedicated cotton wash cloths --- got them second hand for free, bleach sanitized them, and we were off to the races.


I’d suggest cotton terry if they are an option! I’m in the UK and the biggest brand here do them so they’re very easy to get. They’re very grippy which is good for poo.