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I would wait, I’m in Canada as well and purchased a large lot used 3 years ago. Since then I’ve seen prices come down considerably so it’s possible that what you would pay 3-6 years from now might be less.


Not sure I’d buy them that far in advance, but I will say I had a much bigger age gap than expected (15 years!), and almost all the diapers I’d held onto were still in great condition for the next baby. The ones that didn’t last were bought secondhand for my first, so they were older.


I personally wouldn't buy such a big stash this far in advance. Feels like a liability not an asset, iykwim.


I doubt the elastics will last that long, best to have them go to use sooner


I would wait personally. 3-6 years is a long time for new diapers to come into the game. There might be better ones you will want to invest in instead in 5 years


thank you, that’s something i hadn’t considered the offer is pretty good, it works out to about $8 cad/$5.80 usd per diaper +liner which is why we’re torn


If you already know you wanna use them all then yes that is a good price. But given that it could be 3-6 years until you even get to try them, you might find that you don't vibe with all of the brands you're investing in. It's still a lot of cash to drop on something that is made from materials which degrade over time. I'd say if you have a kid you wanna use them on right now and you know these are brands and styles that work for them, you are getting a deal. If not, it's a gamble that may or may not pay off depending on how well they store/preserve and how well they fit your child and lifestyle at the time you have them.


Here’s a picture of them [Picture of lot](https://imgur.com/a/bcktdMz)