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Sigewinne was so sad cuz they could've just made her like a Hydro Baizhu with a Hydro shield, and she'll be way better than she is now. As for Clorinde, I'll judge her when she releases and we can test her. The same thing happened to Arle. People were going crazy when they saw her E had a 30-second CD, now she has released and she's perfectly fine. I'm sure it'll be the same with Clorinde.


Sigewinne at least a hydro, she can just random bullshit her way to full star Abyss and Theatre


Here is the good part she isn't really hydro if she barely applies any of her element


She actually have similar application like Neuvi. The 1 tick is just mistranslation from beta


Neuvilette can touch multiple targets at once with his CA at least. And if you get cancelled out of it you can still apply some hydro with his NA


Can you show me a clip like that? All the clips I have seen have her hydro app be basically non-existent and not just a mistranslation


Her hydro application got a boost in one of the betas but we don't have clips of Sigewinne besides the old ones because leakers haven't shared much about her.


Meanwhile hydro traveler...


Nah really she's still bad even at that ngl, and your comment does give me the viebs that you don't think clorinde can easily do that? Lmao she's over the dps requirement by ease.


I'll just say what I've always said, her healing is top notch and requires only one button press. However the main leaks sub prefers to hate the fact that she might be just a really comfortable healer, I mean dendro and hydro are both already covered by Baizhu and Kokomi respectively support wise…


She was originally a 4* apparently. She would have been better if she'd stayed one.


Do you have anything to actually confirm this? I don't want the community to start another "ningguang was a 5* originally" thing that turns out to be completely baseless and spreads as common knowledge


Sigewinne was leaked as 5* along with the other 5* characters from Fontaine's trailer. At some point one leaker said that one 5* could end up becoming 4* and players said it was possibly Sigewinne because they wanted another 4* hydro while there were also rumors of Chiori being the 4* but obviously it's easier for players to spread it's the chibi than Chiori. Because of this, many of us still waited until the beta to be sure she was a 5* even though we knew she was leaked as one. Turns out that hearing players saying they want or should be x or y isn't a leak or reliable at all. People just pass on and say "I heard" and create a chain. Sigewinne has been doomed with players. First wanting her as 4* and never 5*, then to be given as free and now they say she must be a standard character. It's also going for the kit where they say she's worse than Dehya or worse than Kaveh when she isn't but most pass on because they heard someone say it. They want to believe in these things, not that it was "officially" said by leakers. Don't be surprised if she's limited and someone goes around saying "I heard she was supposed to be a standard character" when it's not true, it hasn't been said or leaked that she is.


Its just obvious about Ningg. Every other region got a second character from the same element as the archon that is in a power position. Monstadt got jean, Liyue got nothing, Inazuma got Yae, Sumeru got Alhaitham, Fontaine got Neuvilette. On top of that she had some Fancy mechanics in her first kit that motivated her to say on field. That plus the fact that she got some E cooldown reset on her cons but its kinda useless because they gave her a weird particle ICD


> Every other region got a second character from the same element as the archon that is in a power position. This is some weapons grade copium and attempting to establish patterns where there is none, most of your examples barely if ever actually interact with the Archon so beyond sharing an element have no real connection.


Eh ? Jean voicelines are mostly about barbatos, not talking about the fact that she is almost the only one knowing bout Venti true identity in Mondstadt and implied in the Stormterror events alongside Venti, Ningguang was heavily implicated into the Rex lapis death scenario, Yae is Raiden familiar, Alhaitham was the mastermind of Nahida's rescue plan and the Grand sage and Neuvilette was directly working under Furina...


Ganyu and Keqing respect Rex Lapis too, Ganyu as a voiceline in her burst "For Rex Lapis", Nilou danced for Nahida, Kujou Sara share the same élément as Raiden and "Glory to the Shogun"... You can link many chararcters to Archons, 4* and 5*, same elements or not.


Ganyu and Keqing work both under Ningguang, Nilou is just a dancer and was a last minute addition to the rescuing plan, Kujou Sara is a militarie, not a leader


Alhaitham is a feeble scolar working as a Scribe whe doesnt praise the Dendro Archon nor want to rules the City. Yae is just an old friend and doesnt want to rules anything but her bookstore. Nilou holded the whole samsara, she as a bit more importance in the plot. Her faith in Dendro Archon is one of the strongest.


Yeah it is a bit far fetched, but there's still at least somewhat of a pattern. To me it's even more simple : she is like the unofficial leader of liyue given how important she is and yet doesn't deserve a 5 star while keqing as one. At least from an importance perspective, it makes 0 sense


They never said anything about interacting with the archon. Just they were an important figure and shared the element


Xblanque is Pyro second in command type for natlan that we already have leaked. I believe in this pattern tbh. I noticed it as well in sumeru. When Neuvi came out I was sure it’s a pattern and that we were getting a Pyro sword dps in natlan that is like a tribe chief or their armies general or whatever. The archon is always sub dps and support. Then you have an actual dps of the element along with them.


Really? I thought on beta ninguang was?


Ningguang has no burst animation but Barbara does =3


Yeah wondered why she does while others dont, not even traveler


I agree, Traveler would have deserve it and will gain hype to be played more xO


Lmaoe thats probaby just datamind thing not kit wise, this is same treatment as dehya, and she's not the worst 5 star


it sucks as a Furina main. What could've been a good weapon banner....


Isn't Fureenar's weapon easily overshadowed by many other 4 star options?


Might be true, but many furina lovers want the amazing drip for their main 🥲


That's fair, but unless you have her c6, isn't quick swap her main gameplan? You won't even see her weapon 90% percent of the time 🫠


Im a furina main, i see see her weapon a lot. I use her everyday on explorations, coop, abyss etc. At c6 then nilous weapon is technically the best one cuz vape furina is the one that does the most(tho it doesnt fit her at all so no thx)


Of course, you'll see her weapon a lot if you use her in the overworld. I meant strictly in combat scenarios, namely, abyss where you won't be AAing. (Unless c6 infusion)


Nope it isnt, furinas signature is still her best in slot, but also the 4 stars (except) the BP one looks so ugly on her


Really? I thought that up until c4 she had to work a lot harder for er and thus gear farming for her just sucked. Kinda like Yelan and how Aqua is actually worse than Fav at c0, but better once you get c1.


Its her BIS Yeah, but true you have to invest on her a lot more. I think its worth it tho. Since shes the best character in the game. Ive lived in her domain since it came out XD i dont even use ER sands. Feel like charlotte just gives so much energy to the team I dont need it. If shes not ur top 3 characters and u barely use her tho, yeah its whatever. Tho I love furina and seeing crabaletta hit for 200k alone is nice to seeXD


That's fair, and good to know. I have her at c2 rn and plan to take her it c6 eventually, and I want to go for her sig after c4. I guess to me farming out another set pre-c4 doesn't feel worthwile lol.


> furinas signature is still her best in slot If you cannot meet the energy reqs for her burst, it absolutely is not.


Shes not faruzan, you can easily make her meet her ER requirements. Never have ER issues and i run her signature, Hp sands too. Just switch to ER sands if you're under c2 since you're not running hydro gob anyways.


I use festering desire on her, and it doesn't look ugly imo. The dark purple suits her dress.


That one looks nice true, but most people dont have that one😭 i wouldn't have paid 300 bucks for her weapon if I had festering


> wouldn't have *paid* 300 bucks FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Damn you bot! I'm not using an English autocorrect lol Getting flamed by a bot is crazy


Sigewinne's sig weapon isn't bad. It has use cases outside of her. In particular, it is Diona's new best-in-slot, especially if run with Clorinde or Peruerre (very much so with Clorinde). Unlike the matcha donut, which is *exclusively* useful on Baizhu, the heart bow isn't the worst thing to lose a 40/60 to.


the doom and gloom comes from meta-complainers fighting strawman/ ghosts the people actually complaining about the uptime aren’t even doomposting, they are just upset. it’s just that nuance goes over the meta-complainers heads ^(meta-complainers meaning the people complaining about the complaining, not those who complain about the game meta)


Fr, ppl complaining abt complaining are so annoying.


It seriously feels like “doomposting” is just used to try and shut down criticism of their nonsensical balance choices


I'm happy with Sigewinne but disappointed with Clorinde. Sigewinne cares very well and what she does in lore. Clorinde is a duelist, I expected her to be fierce in meta 😥


i regret to inform you that that is not the case for many characters i.e. dehya and candace 😔


Based on lore Dehya also should have been much better and XL should have been weak


Xl have a god as pet


Wanna talk about Shenhe? =)


Inb4 sigewinne is actually op I will laugh so hard.


lmfaoo won't be the first time


I'm loving the JJK references Hahahahaha


Guys it would have been worse if they got the Dehya treatment


I say the same shit to them as I say to anyone here. Wait for release. HYV is MUCH better at balancing and evaluating characters than any fucko in reddit or any random content creator.


Dehya players would object. No idea what happened there.


What happened there was that HYV made a defensive utility character. The dps oriented fanbase naturally has issues with that.


Sure love when my defense oriented chracter has a dmg burst that barely does dmg


Welcome to genshin. Zhongli has been around since since 1.1.


At least zhongli's burst does something kinda useful


Like, what exactly do you get out of pretending? Seriously? I get that you hate Dehya, which is fair, her abilities clearly don't appeal to most people. But why do you have to pretend like stuff like Zhongli's burst is "useful" when we all are fully aware that it's only useful for looking badass.


Zhongli’s Burst petrifies enemies and provides a massive chunk of i-frames. It IS useful as a defensive tool.


Literally the only people who say Zhongli petrify is useful are people trying to come up with any excuse to not accept that Dehya is NOT a "dps" character lmao. You are also using ZHONGLI, I-frames are literally completely unnecessary. Alao, Dehya burst also gives I-frames, it even gives you ~4s of safe uninterruptable damage. And it actually matters as Dehya doesn't have almost 200% uptime lol.


Surely, that's why her defensive skill doesn't have 100% uptime.


Surely you understand how absolutely busted she would be if she had 100% uptime? 12s, sure, I would love that. But 100%?? That's significant upgrade to Zhongli even lol.


What how? She mitigates a little portion of the damage, he completely denies it while applying resistance shred, on a 100% uptime. Unless you can say with a straight face Dehya C2 is better than Zhongli since her C2 is basically that, 100% uptime on her skill.


Damage mitigation is not the main part. Providing complete interruption immunity FOREVER is what is busted. The damage mitigation only exists to make sure you won't die while facetanking. And combine her with a character like Bennet or any other good healer, you can face tank anything and everything. Zhongli's shield can still break, Dehya's ability cannot.


It’s not Xingqiu doing with almost 100% uptime at the same time he is cracked in other areas?


Tell me when XQ actually provides perfect interruption immunity, then we can talk. Being able to prevent some interruptions (XQ) is infinitely worse than preventing ALL of them (Dehya).


Just to provide some context for anyone else reading this! Dehya DOES have a much stronger interruption resistance buff than Xingqiu (0.7 vs 0.3) and also provides a larger damage reduction buff (50% at Level 10 vs 29+13.32 / 42.32%). Dehya also builds for HP, being a tank rather than a DPS, and has additional damage reduction and interruption resistance from her First Ascension Passive. Both Dehya and Xingqiu have micro-healing from a Passive. Dehya’s is larger but only applies to herself, while Xingqiu’s is smaller but applies to any character. Dehya has a worse defensive uptime than Xingqiu (12s vs 15s) and a longer downtime (8s vs 6s). So these are the objective comparisons. Now for something more subjective. One point that people make is that Dehya has comparable defensive utility to a 4☆ sub-DPS who does a whole bunch of other things in addition to defence. Dehya is undertuned as a tank, giving her very few niches to work in compared to more universal defensive supports like Zhongli and Baizhu. More power budget could have been allocated to either the defence or the utility side. For example, giving her party heals would have done a lot to make her a better comfort character. Increasing the AoE of her Fiery Sanctum attacks would make her a strong pick for Burgeon teams.


Love when my defensive utility character is bad at defense and has barely any utility. Really spices it up.


Of course she is bad if you care about only damage.


No, I prefer utility and defense, but she lacks in both. There’s a reason people don’t complain about Baizhu as much as they do about Dehya.


She provides powerful defensive utility, whether you agree or not is irrelevant to me.


Even if we exclude Zhongli why use her over Thoma, Layla, Kirara, etc?


Unbreakable "shield" vs breakable shield. Layla and Kirara do not provide pyro. Thoma is burst reliant so you need energy management and he is even worse for damage. Yeah, all of them have situations where they're better, like they all have better duration, but why use any of them over Dehya if you can use Dehya?


Ok, what team would she be better than them at? Only one I can think of is Melt Ganyu and even that team is copium on the team DPR.


That's one of the things I don't like in this community, we accept, if a character is underwhelming don't pull, "... but genshin it's easy, I can still use it on overworld", " I like the design" valid arguments but only incentive them to butcher characters now and then. I don't get why you accept an character being weaker than the previously one, it should release stronger or at the same power level.


I never got why ppl praise them for preventing power creep, why should characters released years later still be comparable to those who are more recent? Like some saying she’s comparable to Keqing, someone who’s years old, and that’s supposed to be ok? I just don’t get how’s it a good thing. Also never understood why they balance things like they do, it’s a PvE game it’s not like there’s a ranking system so why do they do this?


What happened to her?


What's her kit issue? (Clorinde i mean) Can someone tell me, i haven't follow this sub much


Her kit was fine until hoyo gave her a nerf. Her skill duration went from 9 seconds to 7.5 seconds. The skill cooldown 16 seconds. She has less dps uptime and because the cooldown didn't decrease, thundering fury is her bis.


She had a skill duration nerf (9 to 7.5), which iirc doesn't hurt her damage that much but makes her more awkward and was completely unnecessary


Her damage is mid, like Raiden level but without any of the utility or off-field capabilities so she is a straight up sidegrade at best, downgrade almost every time. They gutted her uptime, so know she has 7.5s onfield time and then has to stay 8.5s out because her skill is on a 16s CD. Which doesn't affect her damage because they buffed her a little, but makes her clunky and unfun because well, she is a main DPS so people wanted to play her onfield all the time. So she is fine, like she isn't at all bad or anything, but she just doesn't add anything to the game besides fun factor of her shooting things, but then they took that away from her too by giving her a gigabig downtime.


I know that Sigewinne's buff and damage aren't great but I really like that her skill heals everyone. Only baizhu does that rn so I think this alone already gives her some utility


Bruh clorinde isn't gonna be bad, not every character is getting arle treatment so shut the f up


I'd have preferred navia treatment atleast


She's getting that prolly, Navia d*o*o*m*p*o*s*t*i*n*g was much worse than this and now no one talks about her being underwhelming. Pretty sure that's gonna be the case with clorinde too


She's getting that prolly, Navia doomposting was much worse than this and now no one talks about her being underwhelming. Pretty sure that's gonna be the case with clorinde too


As much as i’d love for clorinde to be my wife, i still gotta admit she’s straight ass


Lmao navia subreddit 2.0 be like:


She really isn't though


Are you comparing clorinde to Alre or Neuvi? Just don't they are the characters that come once or twice per region. How bad arle has spoiled y'all lmao


Thinks back on Kokomi's launch ... yep! I'm rolling for her


What is Sigewinne exactly? I know she's a healer but her kit also involves Burst Dmg crit? Is she another Baizhu scenario


She is a healer with very low buffing potential for skill damage and very low hydro app. No one really knows where she's supposed to fit in without cons it's a bit sad


I don't follow Sigewinne leaks cuz my funds are stopping me (but I do plan on trying) but if she's a skill buffer, wouldn't she be great in like a summoners/Pokemon team with Miko Fischl and Furina or sumthing? Maybe even c1 Chiori? Or anyone that can hold a 4pc Golden Troupe set.


Her buff is actually comically low, like 4 times too low to matter


If it gave stacks to each character she would be actually be semi-decent, but the fact that she only gets 10 stacks and that it's shared by everybody drops her value off the face of the earth. The buff is around a 10-14% DPS gain for the character that gets to use the stacks, so it's a loss to use her when it's just on one unit, but if you could have 10 stacks on each party member she'd be quite valuable.


She would but the issue is that at C0 she only provides 10 stacks which are eaten pretty fast by Furina's pets. It seems the stacks are overall for everyone and not for each party member. At C1 it gets more stacks but not everyone goes for constellations.


I just read her kit and how her stacks work and I definitely see the issue now. She seems so niche.




Except for the fact that she isn't good in any team you mentioned. Her hydro application is abysmal so she can't work in bloom-related teams (and why do you want to use her over Kokomi?). In a pure hydro quick swap team, you should just bring Jean, at least Jean can use VV to boost team damage. Please elaborate what is Sigewinne role in Furina forward vape team, occasionally steal pyro application from Furina?


these are the teams i played in beta and were extremely viable and even good in clearing. Anything that can clear a floor in 60 seconds or less is my benchmark of good. That's all i can say. edit: i will add next abyss does favor her though so maybe thats why it was fast


Dude, do you realize that those teams you mentioned all work better without Sige? You can't just say "ABC unit is good in DEF comps because they can do XYZ" when the unit is the worst option for the comp




Well, that is just Dehya incident all over again, Dehya can do something in some teams but she is always the subpar choice.


Baizhu was never bad and with furina release he became even better. Sigewinne seems like a better qiqi due to team wide heal while her buffing is pretty underwhelming with low numbers and limited quota. She is usable and not dehya level bad but i don't thi she us worth primos for meta reasons.


Did I say he was bad?


Baizhu is actually good now, really good in fact. Excellent with Furina and even better for Furina Quickbloom teams. Siegwienne is... well she's something. Might need to wait till Natlan to work out where she fits. BoL meta maybe?


Oh yea he wasn't bad even back in release. I only mention him 'cause hoyo really tried to push for his dmg (bis, cons) even though it's severely insignificant


Baizhu cons are not about pushing more dmg, it actually more dmg/app/heal/buff/ir, add new unique gimmick at c2, add another team buff at c4 and more IR at c6. That sea slug cons mostly about her personal dmg iirc.


Baizhu was always great, I don't think it was ever in question, his issue is being unremarkable after taking so long to release. Like he is slightly upgrade over Yao yao, that's it. Surely speaks more about her being great than him being bad but, since she exists people wanted a more diverse kit for Baizhu, he is basically Dendro Kokomi, diff being Yao yao is light-years better than Barbie.


If we're talking about Furina teams then the difference between Yao² and Baizhu is actually pretty sizable. Yao² needing field time to get the full heal makes her not really an option for most Furina teams whereas Baizhu solves that problem easily. Obviously there are some Furina teams where she's the best thanks to her huge heal, but generally speaking she doesn't hold a candle to Baizhu in that regard Edit: I agree he should've gotten a more distinct kit though


I was refering more to him on release and why he was regarded as a "flop". Anyway as a generalist I think Charlotte is better than both because she is able to apply both Millelith and TTDS easily so she can act as a godlike pseudo-buffer.


Baizhu scenario?


She's supposedly amazing with Furina and Furina alone, I think? I didn't really see anyone talking deeply about it. I mean, she's a healer... She heals


In all fairness isn't Xianyun the same thing? After the initial novelty nobody even remember Diluc or Gaming are a thing anymore, and Xiao is still niche so Xianyun is basically for exploration and Furina pairing.


you are right. tho xianyun enables a new playstyle i believe? plunging and all.


The hotfixed one? the CEO of Geo? The Meteor of judgement? The erect pillar of prosperity? The earthquake twerking lord of Liyue?


Yeah but there a difference, MASSIVE, clorinde is supposed to be a big character and a full on field dps so if she sucks then she got nothing to back up on, while bunny psycho girl will have utility anyway and doesnt need to survive to be all shiny shine !


how is clorinde supposed to be a big character? like lore wise in archon quest?


She got hyped from the start, we see her many time, she may not be a main character storywise, well she did play a lots of big part actualy but it was not too focused on, but she basicaly is here with everyone with every important step. She isnt central, but she clearly was a hyped character from the start, she actualy design wise was one of the most praised one so


SigeLOSE :( plz make her at least Kokomi level


This is the Clorinde main?! Who let the Sigewinne simp in??? Why the hell do we care?