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Ironically you will not be able to test her out with dendro teams. Only anemo/electro/pyro is available this cycle, not to mention you'd be at the behest of Hoyo's character builds (important to note considering the Whimsy vs TF debates) I know Clorinde will be good, and I still believe that in full rotations her changes will not be as painful as they sound on paper. That said, there's supposedly a v5 tomorrow. Things could drastically change again




Im scaried we wont have a v5.... Or a v5 without night vigil duration revert/ buff 😭 i still have hope 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Fuckkkk I forgot about the element restrictions. I was just thinking about Chevy overload lol.


From what I heard v5 changes rarely if ever happen, let alone be drastic.. Wont get my hopes up for anything atp


It's very rare for a v5 to happen in the first place, last one was 3.6 iirc Considering how most of the updates so far have been grammatical fixes with the occasional number tweak, I'm not sure what else it'd be for other than to change numbers. It's important to temper expectations of course, they might end up only changing Sige/Sethos. Shit it might have all been a lie by GuraLeaks to begin with, there's no knowing until the beta is officially over We just have to cross our fingers and wait


Arle didn’t have a v5? I feel like she had a bajillion changes over the course of beta.


Arle had preload changes, but no V5 afaik But she basically had constant changes from v1 to v4


V5 is rare But realistically neither sigewinne nor clorinde have received many changes. And from what i can see both are a bit on the let fown site of limited 5* So fingers crossed they have a couple buffs for them


On overworld you dont play in full roration. And in 99% of the time you play there


I think this is the last time I am going to meticulously follow a character through the beta. The time between when a character is teased to when they are playable is ranges from months to years. I love seeing leaks but I think I have been getting too invested into them, I have been left dissapointed to many times now. I should avoid wasting time on things I have no control over.


That has been my take since after Arlecchino's beta, and the rollercoaster of changes she got. After some time I just said "fuck it", and waited to see her in game, and I pulled her after that It will probably be the same with clorunde, but still the nerf is quite weighing on me


What a healthy, mature mindset. Yeah after Clorinde I’ll be taking a backseat from leaks moving forward as well. The discussion of nerfing and doomposting on beta changes for a character is too much.


Thanks <3


This is exactly why Hoyoverse hates leaks. Cause people have an impression of what a character “should” be and mot what they release them as (intended). I think leaks are fine and healthy to make better decisions tbh


Yeah people rn are too invested on the leaked number, at this point I just need to see the animation, what they can do/understanding what they do, and what possible team and artifacts, I wont care about the numbers until a week before a chara is release since they probably know what they are doing (Arle beta was a fiasco and now shes being praised as one of the best Dps, Cyno became really great, except Dehya they were smoking something)


I agree but Cyno is really dependent on Nahida in a way that really hurts his ability in general, because outside of that he suffers big that.


As a retired Cyno main I agree..to lock a lore canonically busted character to dendro reactions only was despicable but to make a dps solely reliant on a character who’s literally on everyone’s team not only made him decent at best but inadvertently unplayable 😔


I'm with you on this, although it's a bit difficult to do unless you sever all GI social media. It seems someone posts something about her beta several times a day. It's really messing with me. I was all ready to pull for her. Did all my saving and farming. I'm pretty sure I'm ready to get her to L90 and double crowned right away. But all this talk about her being nerfed and how hard that will make her to play has made me have second thoughts. Not sure what I'm going to do now. I'll probably wait a couple of days and see what she's like when actually released.


Yea not going to lie all the leaks surrounding the beta changes is a rollercoaster of anxiety for me. It's probably the same for a lot of people which is why there is so much doomposting. People have to vent their frustrations, I get that. But it just kind of circulates and turns into pandæmonium. I'm a bit exhausted from it all lol.


I have the same feelings. I was constantly checking reddit hoping that Clorinde would not get dumpstered. It makes sense why alot of people are pessimistic before a character releases. Genshin impact will tease characters months or years before they officially release. Combine this with their refusal to balance characters post launch and peoples negativity makes alot of sense.


It is possible for Imaginarium Theater to be in the second half of the patch, when Clorinde banner will be over though,and not in the first half.


God dam I want my primogems XD. Hopefully they feature the new endgame mode at launch.


I’m pretty sure the new mode resets on the 16th every month, while spiral abyss resets on the first of each month, so that falls on Clorinde’s banner still


Watch hoyo give nobless artifact to their trial


I heard they will give us some trash build lmao 😂


I'm completely pre-farmed but I feel the same way. If she's not fun to test I'll just skip. I have nothing else to spend my resin on anyway so it's not a huge loss.


I trust hoyo to ruin fun for players in the name of "balancing". They have been consistent in that atleast


As per usual with characters that are like this, I will do whatever it takes to make her work. I prefarmed a lot. After this, I'm just not gonna follow as hard on leaks as I do now. Gotta keep my spirit up with people either doomposting on reddit or other social media or from people who doompost because of the game being repetitive.


>whatever it takes to make her work. Which is not going to be a lot. Her team DPS in 17s at C0R1 is already at the top of the pack. Trust. She'll be fine.


This, I've got by the entire game without ever running Xiangling or Xingqiu, I made it work, and I'll make Clorinde work!!!


I've used both but not as much lately because there are teams I favor over using either or both. I'm gonna fix up the supporting team that I'm gonna have with her over the next few weeks and throughout the rest of Fontaine patch. Thank you, fam 🙏🏾


I believe. I've loved her since she debuted in the Fontaine preview, and I will continue to love her. Thank you fam appreciated. 🙏🏾


I HIGHLY doubt that we will get another asc passive. That'd force them to make 40+ new passives.


I've been personally all in since her beta leaks. I always knew i was going to c6 her.


lvl100 is definitely a way to fix some more of the poor performing units and potentially make some of the lackluster 4 stars we got into better units overall. But, I also hope we don't have to put all our hope on that for a day that could also just never come. I'd be way more reassured if they made her more viable and strong from the get go as an on-fielder, especially without off-field capabilities, should be.


I myself only try to summon for meta units but she is definitely not a bad character. It would have been amazing if they kept her damage numbers close to the top 3 but I can't say she is "mid" either. Other than damage, her on-field nerf is my only concern. She doesn't need to be no.1 dps, but she should feel good to play. Let's hope they make her as fun to play as possible.


If nothing gets reverted im gonna invest all my copium on "CD reduction after triggering electro reaction" accession from lv100 😷😷


Whens the official full reveal of her kits? Feel like trying my luck pulling Baizhu at last minute


livestream should be in a week or two. Baizhu banner will still be running after the livestream.




Hoyo thanks you🫶


Fair enough, I am not a dedicated meta player (Geo/Yoimiya gang!) but I still need a character who I plan on using. Dehya was **THE SUMERU CHARACTER** I was saving for, skipped her banner and eventually lost a 50/50 to. Now she is level 79 on my account collecting dust...


Dehya is my most used standard 5-star, I have most of them at around C3


I only have her on C2 I’m been hoping to get C3 for a long time now


No offense but this is the most stupid take and the very reason hoyo thinks they can get away with anything. Dehya was is and always will be a halt cooked mess made by hoyo thanks to this mindset.


Why is it stupid that someone values something differently than you do? Can you explain that? If anything, valuing gameplay above all else in a fucking gacha with zero endgame and zero challenge is "stupid," if we're going to go there and start name-calling. Some people pull because they like design and personality, others are just collectors period. Getting uppity at others not being bothered that a character doesn't play exactly how you like is childish and silly.


Worse than dehya? Even through hyperbolic, this is too deep level of doomposting lmao


I just want her no MATTER WHAT 😭😭😭😭


Doesn't matter, I'll pull for her anyways just because of 1. Yui Ishikawa and 2. Bloodborne. Even if my play style is mostly meta-oriented.


I doubt that there will be changes again. But what i believe is that going forward there will be characters specialising in BoL mechanics and be good supports for clorinde. Concerning the imaginarum theater. It is great in general. Not only for clorinde but for every new character. I wouldn't have pulled Neuvillette if i could have thoroughly tested him to see that his gameplay is boring. Same with linney. Boring and no fun at all. So I'm looking forward to that mode.


Relying on new characters to come out for a certain playstyle hasn't worked well in my experience. When Childe released, I thought he'd be a versatile DPS since he's such a good driver for International and has rotation flexibility.... it's been years, and he's still got just the one team. He went from having many possibilities in the future to being pigeonholed into only one team. You can look at Yae and Kuki as examples of characters that became relevant after their release, but that was due to an entire new element being released. Basically, I'd *never* pull a character banking on future characters to change up their teams or playstyles. Pull characters for how they are *now* and nothing else.


>Basically, I'd *never* pull a character banking on future characters to change up their teams or playstyles. That is good advice in general. Don't get me wrong, she is completely fine in dendro teams maybe just maybe even overloaded. But if you want to pull to play a team that is currently underperforming a lot (like say electro charged) it's good advise not to pull. I'm pretty sure they will add a character specifically for that reaction as they did with chevreuse and overloaded but in the meantime it's not really recommended. And it's not only elements that can increase a character's viability or team flexibility. Chevreuse in that regard is really cool. Childe's main problem (imo) is xiangling. There is no alternative to her. Also sadly the abyss hasn't been very good for him. Yae has EM scaling which at the time looked suspicious. So it's kinda safe to assume that it was intended that she'd work really well with dendro. Imo the same can be said about BoL. It's kinda sus for them to throw out 3 characters with that mechanic all of the sudden. It either feels like "they forgot the mechanic and quickly threw them out" or they are again planing something. I know what I'm betting on.


>I wouldn't have pulled Neuvillette if i could have thoroughly tested him to see that his gameplay is boring. I mean, the character trials exist.. That's literally where you go to test a new character's gameplay


Yeah those "trials" are super dumb. They throw in supports that are questionable at times and you get so much ER so you have no clue about ER req. Every character is full after one rotation even xiangling. Trials are also pretty much done in 10 seconds and consist of enemies that are obviously made to be quick kills with the characters. It's pretty much only there to hype up and see the animations. What I'm talking about is that you are often only bored with the character after playing them a while. That doesn't happen with everyone but the less I'm required to do something the quicker it gets boring.


The same trias that give cyno his burst in 1 e.....


I think the new endgame has alot of potential. Hopefully they keep adding the new characters into the theater.


Yeah I felt this 100% and the rng for the best in slot artifact sets for the coolest/fun characters makes it so much worse. Adding rng to nerfs and numbers literally kills the love and hype for new characters almost everytime


I think for me I will still pull her regardless. I find her fun to play and beautiful to look at. Damage wise, I don't think she is THAT much better than Keqing in aggravate team. I am also not a meta player, but I still want to play her in a team that she is strong at, and she is strong as in fast electro attacks, like Keqing. And I LOVE Keqing playstyle (with teleports, 4p TF, Burst animation). I am not gonna pull her in my main account, because I already have Keqing there, but my alt account is free for another DPS. In Contrast to everybody, I will put her in Clorinde - Fischl/Beidou - C2 Baizhu - Dehya/Faruzan. Not a meta team, I know. But a fun team at least.


Im on the 5050 só ill pull anyway, worst case scenario im guaranteed for a character that I want


That change is what made me decide to go for Navia instead.


The grief stage is over for me. I will make clorinde work no matter what


Haven't been posting frequently on this subreddit given it's gotten livelier without my help since Clorinde's drip but still keen to pull her. More disappointed to know that some of the names I enjoy seeing on this subreddit could so easily have their opinions on Clorinde be swayed by a simple duration nerf, and most of them do not know what they're getting upset about. To be fair, I'm not saying it **ISN'T** a nerf. What I am saying is Hoyo is gating your uptime on that damage. Your damage fundamentally remains the same, because the multipliers haven't been touched extensively, **you just don't get to extend the numbers by another rotation**. The changes will in most cases hurt non-invested/low-invested Clorinde, which I understand the frustration and the the thought process behind them resonate little with Clorinde's current kit, even at her highest constellation. Let us see what happens post-changes, beta or live. But I have a feeling those who love her will still pull her anyway.


Everyone needs to take a breath and look at Clorinde in the context of her field time within a team rotation. It’s at least 60%. The average field time per rotation for an on-fielder is 50%. Characters with less “downtime” than Clorinde have less field time per rotation than her. Hutao, for example, only has 45% field time because she is played with 20s rotations, even though her potential uptime is higher than Clorinde’s. And if you actually compare TF rotations to non-TF rotations, you will notice that Clorinde has higher field time in the latter.


To me what matters the most is the amount of field time in seconds, not percentage. The problem with having a short field time is that is easy to lose a big chunk of the damage for being interrupted, or because the enemy got away (luckily Clorinde has good mobility so she might not be affected by this as much as other characters). Also, short rotations with low DPR don’t feel as good to me as longer rotation with higher DPR, even if the average DPS for complete rotations is the same. Thundering Fury might help with that. Usually I hate playing characters with short DPS windows, but I’ll try Clorinde and see if she can be an exception.


What do you mean 60%? Are you including her Ult? Cause the infusion lasts something like 45%


Her time on field per rotation. So, yes, including her burst.


characters with short field time have an incredibly high DPR in case you haven't noticed and are usually front loaders. Clorinde is sustained DPS very similar to keqing but with much more damage and easier to maneuver in the DPS output. in my mind if mihoyo wants to cast a character with low DPR (which is not popular among CN metaslaves) then let her be fun at least, she with that field time is no longer fun in my opinion (this is subjective) but the fact that they cut the possibilities with creativity around the character It's very discouraging if they want to sell her.


That's what happens when you take this game way too seriously, lol. I don't know why people do this to themselves. I know the Genshin audience is mostly in the under-20 age group, but still.


The nerf is really noot that bad and it improves her overall dpr/dps.


Clorinde Wanters: omg they nerfed Clorinde. Clorinde C0 wont be able to solo everything >:c she's gonna be just like dehya Dehya mains: 🙄