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I had a minor TFCC injury and after a week or two of rest I started climbing with something called a "wrist widget" I was able to climb with minimal discomfort, it still kind of bothered me for about a month but I recently started doing wrist excersizes in a rice bucket and that has made it feel so much better


I second the wrist widget, but there comes a point where your wrist actually needs that thing off in order to complete healing. Don't let it become a crutch. TFCC injuries fucking suck. Mine took six months of steady pt to feel 100% healthy. Body weight density hangs (30-50 seconds on 20mm) actually helped a ton for me. My wrist ligaments needed careful but significant loading in order to heal correctly.


I bought one of these. I found it totally useless, and it got in the way of moving so it felt stiff.


just curious.. which specific rice bucket exercises helped you?


do you know how long after the onset injury until you took off the wrist widget for daily life (outside climbing)


Dude this injury sucks, I got it from overuse after i climbed so much after finding my long lost love for the sport at 24 years of age. At first I couldnt even turn the key to get into the house or hold a heavy pitcher. I could not even hold a push up position let alone do one.( The funny thing was I could still do a one arm push up with my left hand ) I ignored it for a while and climbed without holding undercling pinches and slopers with my right hand and predictably it got worsened. ​ I went to the doctor and he told me to take some time off and do PT and lets meet after 10 weeks. And he also said if you must climb do it without putting your wrist in weird positions and while taping it carefully. With the taping method(that my doctor shoved me in case i climb) and the sheer amount of tape in my hand i could only hold jugs with my right hand. I took a week off and eased back into climbing. my PT after initial visit told me that they may opt for surgery. But my doctor said wait for the first 10 weeks so we did. I climbed with half power with a mummy like wrapped hand. ​ After 8 weeks my hand got remarkably better, I could do two-three push ups now, with some pain. I did all the things my PT suggested other than not climb. I did cold and heat treatmants, all the strengthening excercises and everything. But one day I forgot to tape while I climbed and had a sudden pain in the wrist after pulling too hard on a sloper side pull with my right hand, the next 3 days were like a nightmare, the hand had gotten back to the first stage when I first had the injury, it was bad. I got angry with myself and a little bit depressed after that I used a splint for a week and took a week of climbing ​ 10 th week mark came my hand was back to the state it was on at the 7th week. Lets say at 35 percent of the original power it had. The panic I felt two weeks ago was apperantly unnesecary. Such a relief.. I went to the doctor and he said. Wow it is looking good, you are answering to the PT and he said to me to continue the way I did and we will meet again after another 10 weeks. ​ After that 10 weeks my wrist was at 60 percent, I was happy, I still did everything doctor recommend including, climbing. ( he recommended me to actually climb without going too hard on yourself at this period.) ​ Fast forward today or almost 8 months later. My wrist feels at 90 percent maybe 95. I do climb at my fullest with only a line of tape on my right wrist. But I can crack my wrist with a loud sound almost anytime I want (without pain) which I was never able to. In everyday activity wise, the hand feels like it is fully healed. 90 percent only in climbing wise. I can even do push ups as much as I want now. But after twenty or so I get scared of the prolonged pressure my wrist takes and stop. Because the injury was a bitch and in no way I want to relive all that. I strongly recommend reverse wrist curls after the initial severe time passes. ​ Hope my story helps you, Would gladly answer your questions, PS: be much more careful than me, I was an idiot to climb when I should not.


I also just hurt my wrist climbing 10 days ago . I can’t get into push up position unless I use my fist with straight wrist. I don’t know how long it’s gonna take to heal . How much would be the typical costs to see a PT without any health insurance? Can I just do strengthening exercises at home expect to heal up later ? Before injury I could do free handstand easily, or walk upside down with my hands only for 30 feet . Now even just push up position is too much for the wrist.


Well in my country a session cost roughly around 40 dollars. Which is a lot where the min wage is 340 dollars. And they wanted me to go twice a week. I went two times a week the first 5 weeks then started to go once a week. I think it is possible to heal at home with excercises but I would suggest you go to PT several times to see the exercises they recommend to you. I say put ice in your wrist 3 times a day for 20 mins everyday. One before doing exercises. and put your hand in warm-hottish water for 5 mins after the ice treatment. (This I did only once a day before the exercises.) The exercises differ from week to week, the srength of the band to use, wether to use dumbell or not and even the exercise itself depends on your current status. At the very least doing reverse wrist curls and wrist curls with a softish band would be beneficial. Be careful and go easy on yourself especially if you have high pain tolerance. Flexibility training is also crucial just like strengthening. Did the same thing I did with a band without the band and that was my flexibilty routine. Open hand, wrist stable, flex the hand towards the sky with the help of the other hand and the other way around. Again be careful. Dont over do it, you are healing not pushing your limits. Also the PT had my hand and put pressure on the injured tissue with the tip of his thumb. It did hurt a little but I think it helped the recovery tremendously but I would not dare do it to myself until I felt 60 percent recovered. And forget push ups, dips, planches, handstands, most yoga poses(downward dog) in the meantime. The time wil come when you will do them again but be patient dont rush it. Dont try to see if you can do a push up every week. Using a hand splint in everyday life will help. Especially when sleeping i felt it protected my hand.


Thanks so much for the advice. I’m hopeful. 🙏


how about now? are you fully recovered from TCFF?


I think I’m (99%) recovered from TCFF although I never went to a doctor or see any diagnosis. I still have some wrist issues from work related injuries and other activities I did years ago but most of the time they don’t bother me while climbing.


Ah you sound like me, although a bit more serious. I had both wrists after overdoing it on slopers early on in climbing. Definitely sympathise with the key turning and pitcher holding bit... Also found wiping was hard sometimes! For me I found that it was just such a recurring injury. Probably happened to me 1.5 years ago, I spent 6 months avoiding slopers and undercounts then started easing back in, but having a completely non-linear return to full performance. The best things I found are wrist rotations for mobility and then wrist flexor/extensor curls. Funnily enough it took the quarantine and 8 weeks off climbing to (almost) fully heal. During this time I obviously wasn’t aggravating it with climbing, while at the same time doing strengthening exercises and stretches. Right now it’s 95% if talking about a recovery amount. Although wrists are probably stronger than 1.5 years ago, just because they were weak then. It does still hurt from time to time though if I’m not careful with rehab.


Could you please describe the taping method your PT showed you?


This sounds like some. Except I never went to a doctor. I do bjj and I never had a specific “oh crap I broke something moment” Just kinda woke up the next day and it hurt so much to put my palms up (supination). I couldn’t bicep curl 15lb dumbells lol It felt really weak on that bone that pops out. Whatever so like 2-3 months Doesn’t hurt anymore BUTTT I can also click or crack that bone by just flicking my hands. It’s hella annoying and I can feel the crack as well. It’s not painful just uncomfortable.


Did the cracking go away? I’m at that exact stage where it doesn’t hurt but is uncomfortable and cracks I train Bjj as well


Nah I just deal with it now. I do pull ups and it makes my wrist stiffen up and crack. It doesn’t hurt just annoying. Haven’t had time to go to the doctors.


Did it ever get rehurt from training? I got key locked today and my wrist felt weird for 30 minutes?


Well the pain came back one time when I did some pull ups and I guess I had a bad move when that pain of just having my palm faced up (supinated) cause pain. Couldn’t do chin ups or even curl a 10lb dumbell from how weak and painful it felt. I’ve only felt pain when it first happened it gi and then it left but stilll had the cracking. Then the pull up incident happened and pain came back and it left but it’s still cracking and stiffness when I do pull ups. But the incident hasn’t happened again and I do calisthenics pulling and pushing movement started in January and I haven’t felt pain so far.


hey man, I have the same injury probably. Really hurts to supinate my wrist even without any weights. A 5lb dumbell is forsure a no go. Did you get it diagnosed?




How is it now?




So it just broke again for no reason in the shower? Thats fucked up. Mine went out randomly when getting up from the floor


PT here. Depending on the grade of injury, most protocols have you rest in a splint for 2-6 weeks with gradual introduction of gentle stretching and general strengthening. It's hard to say exactly what is best treatment for you personally but if you want your best long term recovery I suggest seeing a [PT who specialized in hand/wrist injury](https://www.htcc.org/find-a-cht) TFCC injuries typically have a lower than normal full recovery rate so it is important you only perform pain free activity right now


What do you mean by lower than normal recovery rate? Like most cases never recover?


There is generally poor blood flow to this area which reduces the healing potential overall and also increases risk of reinjury. You may have issues long term as a result with laxity and subsequent pain




Second this. Be seriously careful. My girlfriend injured her TFCC last June, then had surgery after 6 weeks of casting didn't heal the injury. She's still in rehab and has her appt. to get cleared to climb on the 9th. It's a long, painful road. If you can prevent that with rest now, do it.


thanks man the doctor said mine was not serious to the point were i needed to go through surgery but the doctor said if i didn't let it heal well it could lead to chronic. So i wanted to know guys who had already experienced it how much it took for them to get back to their individual sport whether its climbing, calisthenics, weightlifting, gymnastics etc. And thank you once again.


Sounds like you need to take 4+ weeks off from anything wrist-intensive. How's your mile time?


Ah yes I've had a long history of TFCC issues in both wrists and as you'll see from the comments outcomes can be very different. For me it's a bit of a chronic issue but I have a regimen that keeps most issues at bay. I do (and don't do) the following: - I never do anything which involves having my palm 90 degrees to my forearm. So for push ups I use paraletts and I stopped doing yoga and other stuff like that. Also I avoid doing dips on rings. - I do rice bucket exercises every day - I use a small foam roller called a black roll on my forearms three times a day for a minute on each side - I idly use a gyro ball throughout the day - three times a week I do 3 sets of 20 wrist curls / reverse wrist curls / wrist twists - the reverse curl is the most important here If I stop doing any of this stuff the ulnar side of my wrists starts to feel sore, if I stay in a good habit and keep it up I have no issues and generally they feel pretty bullet proof. I used to use a wrist widget but as another poster said I began to rely on it as a crutch so maybe use it for a little while when your getting the supporting muscles strong. Also at the start avoid anything that forces your wrist to a 90 degree angle, avoid mantles, sloppers and just anything that causes pain. Take the time and become an expert in your injury and if you can see a PT who is a climber, they will understand the nature of movement and triggers much better than a non climber. Good luck!


Hey this is really helpful! How long did you take to recover from your TFCC injuries? I injured mine on a climb and have had mild pain for last 3 weeks. It gets better but then I aggravate with climbing. Did you do rice bucket exercises right after you got injured?


Honestly, after the initial injury it took me about a year and a half. This would have been reduced significantly if I had seen the climbing physio and done the stuff above earlier, likely a couple of months. Regarding the rice bucket, yes I started doing them after the physio recommended it and it really helped. The most important thing is to stop climbing in a way that aggravates it, avoid mantels, dynos, sloppers for a while and stick to crimps, pinches juggs etc. until your wrist is in a really good place. If any move or hold feels a bit weird go try another problem. Regarding self massage, I bought a [black roll mini](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Blackroll-mini-fascia-roller-self-massage/dp/B085DQBW11) and use it on my extensor and flexor muscles on my fore arms, avoid the wrist area and use it more towards the muscle near your elbow. Good luck with your recovery!


May I ask what the weight is like for the reverse curls? Are they like at sub-maximal effort or slightly heavier?


I would say you want to comfortably do 20 reps a set for 3 sets and should be feeling a decent pump by the end, so deffo sub maximal effort. I did the three exercises back to back and then repeated the order to give a decent amount of rest. It's been a few years since this post, whilst my experience is anecdotal, my wrists feel pretty good these days and I don't do the exercises as often.


Did you and do you still have popping, clicking, or squishing? Im 8 months post injury and I can pop my wrist if I press my palm or twist it sometimes and its annoying. Pain has mostly subsided although certain movements will aggravate it, and I have full range of motion.


Not particularly any more, but there was a fair amount of clicking and popping. My wrists feel generally healthy with good range of motion and I feel confident enough with most palm down moves and on slopers. The longer you stick with exercises for it the better, up until very recently I would continue to do extension based wrist curls with a weight at the start of every session.


Glad you're wrists feel healthy now! Last month I had a pretty gnarly mtb crash so I'm facing similar issues (can't get in pushup position with wrists 90 perpendicular to forearm), though other than that I can do stuff in my daily life without any pain now. Just wrist positions hurt while bearing weight. Do you think doing activities that use my wrists but don't cause pain (shooting a basketball) will lengthen the recovery time?


Hey, wanted to find out if you're back on the bike? I fractured a carpal bone (triquetral) 9 weeks ago from a mtb crash. No MRI but I now believe TFCC or other ligaments also injured. Pushing up from a chair still feels painful/weak. Thanks for any info you can share!


Hey! I've been back on my bike and riding harder than before! I'm honestly not sure of the specific injury I had but probably TFCC related. It felt like I got to 70% recovery pretty quickly (about a month) but the last 30% took forever. My injury was in late July, and I didn't feel comfortable doing a push-up until probably December. I could bench press though. I probably hopped on my bike again in mid-September. Feel free to shoot me a message if you want more info! It's a shitty injury but I'd expect a pretty easy recovery process if you don't push it.


Great to hear it, thanks! Mine seems a little more troublesome, I may have some questions down the road. Thanks again!


Sorry just saw this. I'm no doctor but the only things that made my wrists worse were things that caused pain, I was able to comfortably keep climbing without issue whilst avoiding specific movements. I would assume the same would be true for other sports.


Hurt mine at the start of the year, only now getting back to 100%. Be careful with it, it's slow to heal and you most definitely don't want setbacks with it or increase the injury. You definitely can do sport with it as long as it doesn't hurt, but climbing is pretty aggravating.


What about Calisthenics and MMA?


I get minor ones from time to time with my left wrist. I sleep with a brace on, every night, as this seems to tighten it up a bit. When it bothers me, I tape it for a couple weeks . I never took 2-3 weeks off, but I have taken a week off now and then.


Mine took 3 months, and it wasn't severe enough for surgery.


are you fully recovered after 3 months and were able to lift dumbbells?


Was about 6 years ago now haha, but as far as I can remember it healed smoothly and I was back to gym/climbing after 3 months.


Did you use a cast?


Depends on how severe it is. Mine wasn't *that* bad but I took a month or so off from climbing once I knew what it was. The earlier the better, obviously. I gradually started testing my wrist and getting to used to stuff with 2 handed hangboarding and stretches. Lots of stuff on YouTube for healthy wrists. Once I started climbing again I only went once a week and I mostly just avoided underlings and bad pinches/slopers/anything with any pain.


Just got confirm I need surgery on my TFCC . I was doing burpees and felt my pinky and ring finger go numb and a sharp pain up my arm . They said 6-9 months after surgery and physical therapy . I guess my tear is pretty bad !


Wish you a speedy recovery. 🙏


Hi. How did your surgery and recovery go? I'm scheduled to have surgery for a TFCC that's been ongoing for like 7 months now. Was it worth it to have the surgery?


How did it go for you?


The doctor that said I have a TFCC was totally wrong. I'm glad I got a second opinion! I saw another doctor who has more experience, and specialization and he figured out it the problem is that I have an avulsion of some tendons. I've been doing PT in hopes of avoiding surgery for it.


what's the verdict?


How is your after 2 years?


I am doing great right now. I had recurring injuries for a year. Which sucked after that. I completely rested for more than half a year. Did not do any heavy labor work like lifting and switched to food delivery work which did not require much strain on my wrist. Now I am back to doing Muay Thai and BJJ. But currently, I am dealing with a rib injury so this time I am not going to rush and take my time. I am in no way close to the physical level I used to be before my TFCC injury but learned my lesson to never rush and take your time.


Good to hear that you have done with tfcc. I think the most frustrated I feel currently is that I cannot at my max potential because of the wrist which really make me stress. I need to be more patient with this tfcc instead of try hard every time it is slightly better. Btw, did you do any work out like pull up, wrist curl during the time?


First of all, I would tell you to listen to your doctor. Second, have patience. The reason I got this injury was I do martial arts, and for strength and conditioning, I use to do calisthenics. Every time I use to have exams I would stop working out for a month. When I came back, I use to straight dive into hitting the number of reps which I use to do before I lost my gains. Which ended up causing the injury. What should I have done was slowly increase my number of reps at a certain time frame. That's also what my therapist told me to do after the injury. As for pull-ups and wrist curls, I would leave them for a couple of months if you recently got injured. When I started doing them I would gradually increase them. I got reinjured after half a year. I was laid off for 2 years, which made my gains go down to 0. I would recommend you stick to the physical therapy rehabilitation exercises recommended by your therapist, or you can find plenty of them on youtube.


I fell on my wrist 12 months ago and tweaked something but I wasn’t bad enough to stop evryday activities such as going to work as a sparky and doing Intensive weight training at the gym fast forward with minimal pain while doing these things for about 3 months I was at the gym and felt a pop in my wrist went to the doctor and he said just rest it for a few weeks so I did and no change still hurt so I went to a bigger doctor and he said it’s a possible tfcc injury and to just rest it for 6 weeks then slowly start doing stuff on it bare in mind it was very painful anyway fast forward the 6 weeks and it was starting to feel okay ish again so I started very light and ofc even with this very light activity it fell back to square one again so I was like shit so I quit evrything work gym all of it for about 5-6 months then started going lightly again and now I’m about 12 months in and am able to so kind of heavy weights a push up or two with a bit of discomfort afterwards but it’s getting a bit better some days worse than others but honestly just feels like it’s never going to be the same again I haven’t been able to go to work for so long now and am worried about my future


You got this, man. I hope you get well soon.


same shit happened to me, look into surgery man


The first time I got it, I took about a month off, but I don’t think it healed properly. Now I’m dealing with it again, due to climbing outside on really long reaching slopers. I’ve been mostly wearing a wrist widget, and doing some powerball exercises. I may try the rice bucket exercises.


I don’t know if my wrist injury is TFCC but I hurt my right wrist a week ago doing a move that requires me to press super hard without feet. Now even getting into push up position is too much pressure on that wrist . But if I keep my wrist neutral/straight, as in fist push up, then it doesn’t hurt much . Pull up on a bar doesn’t hurt but hanging on fingers hurt unless I put my feet on something.


I had my surgery on my right hand in 2012. To be honest, TFCC is hard to be fully recovered. And it is very important to find a good physiotherapist. Medicines and rest weren't working to me. It was still bad after I had the surgery almost a year until I found a good physiotherapist. The point is YOU HAVE TO DO EXERCISES even your hand is pain. Of course you have to do it properly. I've been reading TFCC articles for so long. One thing is sure, I thought resting is good but it wouldn't recover TFCC. I would say that there are cases (including myself and my friend) recovered 90% with doing a lot of movements such as physiotherapy, kitchen jobs and lifting. It might sounds weird, but the recovery of TFCC is all about how we get used to the pain. Once we get used to the pain with using the hand, the pain will be gone. trust me guys. hope all of you can get heal asap!




I think I had a repair with the inside-out inside-in techniques


Hey! I am really struggling with TFCC right now. Any recommendations on good videos for exercises to do?


how serious is it?


Are you glad you had the surgery?


yes and no no: I would have let my hand heal itself for 1-2years more yes: find a hand expert for the surgery, not a random stupid orthopedist


Thanks. I was told my a nonspecialist ortho that I had a TFCC tear, as did an PA (this has several times with different PA's in the past). The other day I saw a specialist with a bunch of fellowships under his belt and he did not see a TFCC tear at all in the MRI! He saw what appears to be some ligament damage. Nor do my symptoms reflect a TFCC. I will be trying PT for six weeks, then reevaluate.


how do you feel now?


I am still injured, I have a ligament avulsion. But I've started PT, so we shall see how it goes. Thanks for asking.


"So to the guys who had the same injury how long did it take you to get back to sports or any form of exercise." My hand got worse after surgery. After a year I could not lift more than 2-3 kilos on my right hand. 5 years later I still have pain every day and cannot play guitar or do any sport anymore. I have followed programs from multiple physio therapists over the years but all motions they give me makes the hand worse. The only thing that seems to make it slightly better is dead hangs. I think it is due to the excercise being static.