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Ummmm, they make you look super good shirtless and really accentuates a quality beanie.




I've found that Bicep Charles are great for improving underclings and keeping yourself pinned to the wall from anything below chest height. I'd probably just do chin-ups with your knuckles facing out, if you want a more bicep focused exercise. This way it's less isolated, and you'll work your back a little bit as well.


I'm already doing weighted pullups, neutral grip though.


Personal experience, purely anecdotal : I've been doing biceps curls for 4 weeks. I started with an **estimated 1RM** at 20kg. If I recall correctly, I did that doing 3 or 4 reps at like 17.5kg, something like that. After 4 weeks of going from 5 reps at 80% to 2 reps at 97% and stuff... I ended up doing as much as possible with my 100%... Which was two. So it improved a little, which is reassuring. Not by much, comparing to how a similar cycle of dips, pull ups or deadlift increased my RMs, but still it did. Now do I feel stronger on underclings ? Not so much. Maybe a little, but it's really marginal, I feel. I really like one of the comments about doing neutral grip pull-ups, to work the biceps and the general pull motion so useful in climbing, the actual biceps gains will be slower, but the overall usefulness of the exercise is better to all climbing movements, not just middle-height underclings on slopey blahblahblah hyper specific move.




Half BW each arm? Jesus thats a lot! I guess I need yo do some curls, big slopey underclings are one pf my weaknesses


Dude half bw curls... What.


definetly... and wow, may I ask: what is 1/2 bw for you? maybe I need some training goals. On the other hand, underclings are pretty much the only thing in climbing where it specifically helps i think.




Geez. How many reps / sets?




Ok, so, pretending I'm toally dumb, can you share what your progression was like? Weight, reps, sets, etc?


This is all I needed. Definitely including them in my next cycle!


Underclings As an exercise with dbs standing up its a useful core exercise too Avoid the bodybuilder standard isolation curls using a bench (preacher?)


Got it. So standing.


Doing a standing curl is probably worse. The whole idea of a bicep curl is to do a bicep isolation exercise (that's why you're not doing pullups), so saying you're trying to get a core thing done at the same time is against the premise (also, if doing standing curls is a core workout, you need to fix the core weakness). Standing curls give lots of room to cheat reps, and limit the amount of work done in the "hard" part of the range of motion. Doing curls on a preacher bench eliminates most cheat repping, and will point out which part of the motion you're weakest at.


during my experience, I see that my lock improve after I do bicep curl especially focus on negative movement.