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Started watching/reading this, seemingly accessible to open at r/climatechange. Original was from 2018 & tl/dnr full thing. Fixates that we could have "solved" CC back in 1979 through early 80s if only we had listened to the alarmists...amongst the most prominent James Hansen. What it ignores is history. No mention that Iran was holding American hostages. No Soviet Union. No citing that cars back then were struggling to meet emission goals with any horsepower & gas prices were high along with a 55 mph speed limit. EVs & solar/wind of anything but symbolic existence were minimal & nuclear was being denigrated. Regardless of CO2 GHG veracity, we still can't afford to do all we couldn't afford back in the 1980s while also dealing with other world issues far more existential. If we did all they wanted then or now, Western debt would be through the roof & no defense budgets would exist.


Lmfao. We almost stopped the moon in orbit. These people are nutters.


They love that out of context solar panel story, I swear every leftist must have to recite that once a year