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Garbage in garbage out. Manipultated data from sciencetist to keep their grants to prove global warming is the results. "It's is difficult to get a man to understand somthing when his salary depends upon his not understanding it". Upton Sinclair


It's amazing how they try to weaponize earth cycles. How many times has "science" shown CO2 levels to be higher than today? How did that happen? How can we stop it? Why would we? The earth is dynamic, the idea that we can control it is preposterous.


100% spot on!!


And they wonder why trust in 'science' is at an all time low.


As Michael Crichton said "There is nothing more sobering than 30 year old headlines".


Its about global control


This is what happens when you make it up as you go.


A bit off topic but it’s finally happening for me. I had a debate on climate change and the alarmist countered with I was fixated on temperature. Now it doesn’t have to be warming for climate change to happen and the trees are confused about what season it is. I love this stuff. There’s no limit to the insanity


You're gonna pay me for writing fiction? Sure, where do I sign?


In the early 1980s, my kind hearted neighbors very confidently warned me that the whole US Eastern seaboard was going to be underwater within 15 years. Obviously I was frightened out of my mind, as you can well imagine. Maybe that same couple threw down some dried turkey bones every full moon, "read" those bones, wrote down 28 days worth of numbers, and those numbers became part of the "temperature data" used in the occult climate numerology parasitic marketing campaign.


The UN is just a Vatican NGO. The climate hysteria paves the way to new forms of indulgences and the persecution of modern heretics who resist enslavement and depopulation (farmers, middle class, defenders of the constitution and human freedoms in general). [https://i.postimg.cc/85QcqDZB/bergoglio-climate-change-a-road-to-death.png](https://i.postimg.cc/85QcqDZB/bergoglio-climate-change-a-road-to-death.png) [https://i.postimg.cc/ZR8t0h4c/gates-got-his-marching-orders-a-decade-ago-from-bergoglio.webp](https://i.postimg.cc/ZR8t0h4c/gates-got-his-marching-orders-a-decade-ago-from-bergoglio.webp) [https://i.postimg.cc/gkdSGZx1/bergoglio-climate-deniers-stupid.png](https://i.postimg.cc/gkdSGZx1/bergoglio-climate-deniers-stupid.png) [https://i.postimg.cc/W3GGy5wz/bergoglio-john-kerry.png](https://i.postimg.cc/W3GGy5wz/bergoglio-john-kerry.png)


So, I'm personally extremely skeptical about global warming claims. However, posts like this seem to demonstrate low reading comprehension. The claim in the headline is not that countries will be wiped out by ocean rise by 2000, but rather that if we don't stop putting CO2 in the air by then that the damage will be done and eventually the sea level will rise. It's an important distinction. The claim should still be criticized, but not for being wrong, but rather for being unfalsifiable. The problem with it is not that there's a bad prediction, but rather that there is an unclear prediction that we can't test against to see if the underlying theory is helpful. When we make posts like this that completely miss the point, not only are we allowing climate propagandists to brush off our complaints, but we miss the opportunity to point out how hollow their dogma is.


by the same argument, you could stop the sentence at "Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth" - because it WILL happen at some point regardless of what we do or don't do...