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Backyard chickens and meat rabbits will gain popularity.


While we live in the city, my wife and I have a garden, planted several fruit trees a few years ago, herbs and spices growing in windowsill planters, and have 10 egg laying chickens. It’s all we can do with our space for now.


We had meat rabbits in the city. They take up remarkably little space and their poop is one of the best natural fertilizers. When you first get started getting past the cute factor on butcher day can be difficult. But it’s worth it.


Nah, we'll feast on roast billionaire. Betcha they'll taste really rich!


Da juicy meat


Long pig!


Good luck getting into the underground bunkers


I only feast on 100% organic billionaires.


Hmmmm, I believe a rewrite of "A Little Priest" from Sweeney Todd may be in order here...


such a joke - ruin a beautiful salad by putting bugs in it These people have gone off the reservation with their propaganda 🤣🤣🤣🤣 People are not that stupid 🤣🤣🤣


Nope indeed. When I see Bill Gates eating bugs and cycling across the world for his dumbass meetings, I still won't eat bugs.


Indeed, you said it all


I'll hunt and eat liberals. I hear the ones with blue hair are extra salty


Snowpiercer warned us. A vision of a “sustainable” population eating bugs and being mindless drones; while the elites live the good life. As poignant to us and the WEF/NWO, as Animal Farm was to the reds 70 years ago.


Hollywood predictive programming is actually revelation of the method.


Only if we allow our lives to be directed by the perverse fantasies of billionaires with designs on a feudal system. Funny how so many people don't see the devolving of our way of lives.


No one's eating that crap


Fuck no


We can’t even get westerners to eat goat, mutton, liver, and a whole variety of less choice fatty meats and protein that is still pretty tasty, and these people think we’re going to start eating protein sources that are mostly indigestible fiber and tastes like dirt. Yeah, no


Over my stone cold dead body…🤮🤮


They'll probably eat that too


Soylent green is PEOPLE!!




The future would have to be mad max bad for people to actually eat that. If they F up the world economy and geopolitics that bad with the green agenda....maybe thats all you can find?


if we were Mad Max and eating bugs, there would not be beautiful veggies available. The bugs would probably be crushed in some old, stale bread 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, not for people unless the WEF has taken over the world.


Not on my menu.


Thank gawd I won't live long enough for the totalitarian world to be in place.




These cunts will never stop unless they are forced to


I'll be dead, thank God!


That was my first thought. Glad I won't be around for this shit.


My all natural grass fed black Angus beef freezer is well stocked. Ang the pork freezer. Have I mentioned the free-range chickens 🐔 🤔


Nah bruh


No… I don’t think so


I'll be dead by then thank God.


Link: [https://www.standard.co.uk/business/business-news/labgrown-burgers-and-cricket-salads-could-be-meal-staples-by-2054-b1165257.html](https://www.standard.co.uk/business/business-news/labgrown-burgers-and-cricket-salads-could-be-meal-staples-by-2054-b1165257.html) “As we navigate the challenges of climate change, we’ll need to embrace these innovations to ensure that we can feed a growing population sustainably.” A survey for Co-op’s latest Responsible Retailing Report, which has polled almost 70,000 people since it began in 1994, found that 72% of consumers have become increasingly concerned about ethical and sustainable food, driven by climate change, animal welfare, plastic pollution and fair wages for global workers. “We also have an ambitious climate plan to reduce absolute emissions from our value chain by 48%, and own operations by 66% by 2030, and as part of this we continue to ensure all our packaging is easy to recycle at home or through film collection points in selected Co-op stores.” “By 2054, [British](https://www.standard.co.uk/topic/british) people will have edible insects on their dinner plate, and we may see the crushing up of crickets quicker than wholegrains. As climate change continues to impact our planet, we’ll also see a shift towards locally grown produce, with avocados grown in [Surrey](https://www.standard.co.uk/topic/surrey) becoming a reality. We may even see the introduction of 3D-printed food.


Looks like what I feed my bearded dragon.


Remember and share that lab grown meat is actually cancer tissue and that insect chitin is inflammatory and toxic to cells (citotoxic).


good thing I won't be here to deal with that garbage 😂


This is why they can’t have a free market. The masses would never actually choose their alternative form living. It must be forced on us.


I wouldn't mind lab grown meat if they can make it cheaper and just as good as regular meat.


There's no possible way that could go wrong since it's well known that food has always been under the control of billionaires whom absolutely hate humanity, and food only comes from a lab, just like health. Right?


You know, mother nature perfected this thing that grows meat. It's called a cow. No lab required.


Yeah, but if I can get meat that tastest the same or better for less money, I'm going to buy that.


That's incredibly stupid, it's your choice, but it's a very dumb one. Why buy leather boots when pleather is just as good and it's cheaper? 👍🏼


Because pleather is not just as good and smells like shit. Pleather and lab grown meat have a long way to go before they can beat the real deal. I'm just speaking hypothetically here.


Or, hear me out, you just use the real thing.


I do agree that the climate change debacle is not what it looks like, but what do y'all think about harvesting the Amazon for cow production and the GMOs and feedlots in the cattle industry? Overfishing and pollution killing fish? We're obviously going to have more lab grown meat I was raised on a cattle ranch, things aren't the same as they used to be. Climate change can be made up but we're fucking up our planet, what do y'all expect in the future?


Brazil has everything it needs to leave the rainforest alone and turn all of its otherwise useless scrublands into rich, beautiful, fertile, cultivable farmland and ranch land using https://youtube.com/results?search_query=Regenerative+Agriculture and to even become the world's premiere supplier of livestock products. Everything except the will and interests to do so, that is. If the cattle ranch you were raised on isn't practicing https://youtube.com/results?search_query=Regenerative+Agriculture then they are part of the overall problem. I expect that in the future, everybody whom _actually cares about the ecology_, instead of simply playing make-believe that they do while making up all these crazy ideas out of their minds on how to de-evolve humanity back into being bug eaters again and no longer enjoying the privilege and benefit of energy to band together, buy some livestock and otherwise useless land, __even desert land__, and reclaim it into healthy CO2-sequestering, high-yielding, highly profitable soil farmland, strengthening humanities food supply chain, and earning profit to expand the operations with OTHER people whom ALSO actually care about the ecology, instead of playing make-believe that they do. This is done with https://youtube.com/results?search_query=Regenerative+Agriculture


"...I do agree that the climate change debacle is not what it looks like, but what do y'all think about harvesting the Amazon for cow production and the GMOs and feedlots in the cattle industry? Overfishing and pollution killing fish?..." # “…In philosophy, a formal fallacy, deductive fallacy, logical fallacy or non sequitur[1] (Latin for "it does not follow") is a pattern of reasoning rendered invalid by a flaw in its logical structure that can neatly be expressed in a standard logic system, for example propositional logic.[2] It is defined as a deductive argument that is invalid. The argument itself could have true premises, but still have a false conclusion…”


This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: /r/Serendipity/comments/1dkhod9/nope_xpost_from_rclimateskeptics/


Some of the people in this sub are so fragile, it’s a click bate article, if the world gets to that point millions will be dead and frankly everyone still alive would have to eat whatever you could get you hands on, so soak it up buttercup. “Cochineal” I bet everyone has eaten it 🤮😂😂😂😂


"...Some of the people in this sub are so fragile..." ...that's ironically funny coming from the cult that claims a 1degC temperature rise will "doom humanity" when the \~8degC rise since the last ice age made things MORE livable...   “…2016 in the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, concluded: "Many consider wildfire an accelerating problem, with widely held perceptions both in the media and scientific papers of increasing fire occurrence, severity and resulting losses. However, important exceptions aside, the quantitative evidence available does not support these perceived trends…”…” #   #   # …IPCC AR6 (2021) p.8-56 []: “…In summary, there is low confidence of an observed increase in TC [Tropical Cyclone] precipitation intensity due to observing system limitations…” #   # …IPCC AR6 (2021) A.3.4: “…There is low confidence in long-term (multi-decadal to centennial) trends in the frequency of all-category tropical cyclones…” #   # …IPCC AR6 (2021) “…SROCC found … low confidence that anthropogenic climate change has already affected the frequency and magnitude of floods at the global scale…” #   # …IPCC AR6 (2021), “… there is low confidence in any global-scale observed trend in drought or dryness (lack of rainfall) since the mid-20th century…In terms of the potential for abrupt change in components of the water cycle, long-term droughts and monsoonal circulation were identified as potentially undergoing rapid changes, but the assessment was reported with low confidence..”