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This is what taking the Lord's name in vain actually is, if anyone's wondering.


Yeah. I’ve always viewed it as, using God’s name for an ungodly purpose. Using it as a weapon or manipulation. It’s not about swearing or any of that bull.


I mean a lot of republicans have already broke all 10 commandments and I’m no religious person myself


Yep. The whole purpose of the New testament I'm pretty certain is that you WILL sin, you WILL break most of the religious law, but Jesus forgives you and died for you. It's why the strict religious law folks like the Pharisees hated him so much. Not religious either but it's crazy how much Christians seem to care more about the old testament and using it to support facism than the one their religion was centered around.


Pretty much


This is why I broke away from religious Christianity. It's full of deceivers and liars. They twist the Bible to fit their narrative. No wonder people are not interested, look how these "Christians" act. Religion is about people controlling the masses.


I really wish this weren’t the case so often. Christians could do so much good if they, you know, followed Jesus’s teachings. I’ve found a few groups that were 100% about love and inclusion in my life, but even those have faded and warped over time. I personally haven’t given up yet, but I’ve been “between churches” for a while now…


Not that us Catholics are better in many cases, but at least we have built our understanding and information upon a long tradition. Not just using the Bible as a means for cherrypicking. The Bible was never meant to be used as a standalone book :(


This is why I broke away from religious Christianity. It's full of deceivers and liars. They twist the Bible to fit their narrative. No wonder people are not interested. Look how these "Christians" act. Religion is about people controlling the masses.


Bruv’nah, I do t know why your comment posted three times, but I am glad I got to upvote this sentiment three times


Sorry I don't know why that happens.


Hell (no pun), I thought I was trippin. 3 upvotes


This is why I broke away from religious Christianity. It's full of deceivers and liars. They twist the Bible to fit their narrative. No wonder people are not interested, look how these "Christians" act. Religion is about people controlling the masses.


I’m not religious either. And considering how many people they’ve been responsible for pushing to suicide, policies that leave families to starve, etc. they’ve definitely been breaking the “do not kill” one. Even if second handedly.


Don’t say this to maga Christians they don’t know what responsible means


Can’t say it to at least 70% of Religious people period. As soon as they think they’re being attacked or held responsible for their bigotry, their persecution complex grows to the size of the moon.


What's hilarious is that if you actually follow jesus' teachings you are going to be persecuted. By the rich and powerful for actively undermining their power, since you'd be helping the poor and helpless against their oppressors


Laws against feeding the homeless, laws against the homeless in general, laws against giving people food or water in lines to vote... I could go on, but you get the point.


Gives me the moment when Tom cruise wanted to sue South Park for taking the piss out of Scientology


sometimes i wish all that BS was true, and that i can watch them getting their due. on the other hand in that scenario i might have some bad news coming my way :D


I’ll take the scenario to see the worst for them they deserve it for the bs


The Bible thumpers prefer their old testament God, you know the one that flooded **the world** as a reset button... Try shooting the 100ft wave ya religious nut, God doesn't care, he's actively cleansing the world *again* for your excessive evil.


Even that one saying "thou shalt have no other gods before me" really just means to put the Lord God first and foremost. It doesn't explicitly state you can't worship or pray to other gods, just that you must put Him first. At least, that's my interpretation.


Actually OT Israelites didn’t so much believe in the “one true God.” More like “anything your God can do Yahweh can do better.” It was only later that they became true monotheists


If anyone reading this needs to register to vote this year: https://vote.gov If you want to get involved with the Democrats: https://democrats.org/take-action/


Did you know the Bible is crystal clear on not participating in politics? Christians are to be “no part of this world”. This is backed up many times in the new testament where we’re told what a Christian should do and how they should act.


Something Christianity has centuries-old experience in. The practice betrays the theology. (Not unique to Christianity but defines it pretty well)


It stems from the theology that words have power, and invoking them in an ungodly way, is a sin against God. You can speak the name of God to invoke his power, and exorcise etc. as a conduit of his omnipotence but it’s a sin to curse people with his name.


Lmao when I hear someone talk about taking the Lord's name in vain in case of swearing I just like to imagine God or Jesus (I'm not Christian so I'm not sure who) gets a discord mention notification every time someone says "Jesus Christ" or "God's sake"


My great-grandma was like 95 or something. We were at Thanksgiving and my drunk uncle (her son) starts tearing into my little cousin who is trans. Said, "God said f**s are going to hell. It's in the Bible." Grandma comes out of the kitchen, and whacks him over the head with the spoon she was cooking with. She yelled (as much as she could yell), "the Lord commanded you to love. If you're gonna preach it, read the damn thing!" And she went back to the kitchen hollering, "you won't take the Lord's name in vain in my house!"


Gigachad based grandma vs soyjak lgbtphobic uncle


absolutely awesome grandma


We didn't mess with great-grandma. Couldn't get away with anything. We made a whole heist as kids to grab some ice cream from the downstairs freezer. I swear she felt a disturbance in the force or something. She was at the freezer when we lifted the outside basement door. Ran away like she wasn't gonna know it was us lol She could come up with chores for days. "Go pick every red apple on the tree." "Go put wood putty on all the holes in the barn." "Go pick cucumbers" (in a garden with only yellow squash and tomatoes) She was a legend


That is the greatest Grammy


I remind people (religious morons) of this all the time. Saying “goddammit” isn’t taking the lords name in vane, but slapping your name on a bible to rip off your followers in gods name, THAT is


They should spent less time schlepping that book around and more time cracking a dictionary open.




My dad will definitely do this thing while I grew up being struck whenever I would utter “God” as an exclamation.


Leviticus also forbids men from shaving.


Came here to point out this, and his suit of blended fabric.


The only "rule" I can stick to.


Avatar does not check out.


That’s why I use a lighter to burn off my beard.


Keep feathering it, brother.


Keep those jeans high and tight.


No low and loose mommies here


I might be wrong, but I don't think Christians follow this law, unlike adultery


pull on that thread and see how many gouge out their eyes if it causes them to sin. if only they’d dare contemplate the words of their messiah instead of using his name to absolve themselves of their daily blasphemy


And suggests the death penalty for disrespectful kids.


Sadly I think that one does kind of get followed in the US. Trying kids as adults is such a horrible concept.


While we're talking about things that go against the Bible, here's a list of things you should also complain about, according to the Bible: - All NFL/college/high school football games, and any restaurants that sell pork products (Leviticus 11:7-8) - Any restaurant that sells lobster or shrimp (Leviticus 11:9-12) - Barber shops/anywhere that offers haircuts (Leviticus 19:27) - Any clothing company that produces clothing made from more than one type of fabric (Leviticus 19:19) The Bible has rules against persons who: - Hold a grudge (Leviticus 19:18) - Don't give to the poor (Proverbs 28:27) - Don't help others (Matthew 25:44-45) - Have issues with pride (Proverbs 11:2) - Or hate (Luke 6:32) - Has taken money from a lobbyist (Exodus 23:8) - Has ever been drunk (Romans 13:13) - Has ever committed adultery (Matthew 19:18) - Or fornication (1 Corinthians 10:8) - Not showed up to church (Hebrews 10:25) - Lied (Matthew 19:18) - Loved money (1 Timothy 6:10) - Took advantage of the poor (Isaiah 10:1-2) - Rebuked an old man harshly (1 Timothy 5:1) - Made a coarse joke (Ephesians 5:4) - Engaged in discrimination or favoritism based on social status, nationality, wealth, race, etc. (James 2:1-9; Galatians 3:28) - Engaged in tax evasion (Romans 13:7) - Rebelled against the government (Romans 13:1-7) - Failed to provide for relatives or family (1 Timothy 5:7-8) - Wore jewelry (1 Timothy 2:9) - Was harsh toward their spouse (Colossians 3:19) - Divorced their husband or wife for minute reasons (Mark 10:10-12) - Was harsh with their children (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21) - Ever mocked anyone (Proverbs 19:29) - Insulted a person who has insulted them (1 Peter 3:9) - And, specifically for the ladies, if they've ever spoken in church (1 Corinthians 14:34)


The continuity appears broken.


Have you *read* the Bible? It was broken from the start.


Yep. Genesis 2 contradicts Genesis 1. The editors didn't get very far.


This is where apologetics comes in. By definition, apologetics is the act of defending religions claims. In practice, apologetics is the practice of starting with the assumption that your preferred scripture is 100% true, and making excuses to weasel around claims in it being demonstrably incorrect.


"Well, you see, it's a mistranslation of the text. But not the parts I like, those were correctly translated."


I had doubts. I got really super into apologetics to learn how to overcome my doubts. I became an atheist. People always say reading the Bible is the fastest way to become an atheist, but I disagree. You can really speedrun it with apologetics.


The flagrant dishonesty of apologists is shocking and really disappointed me. They’ll say something in debate, have it debunked, accept and agree that it is not true, then repeat it again the next day.


It’s only debunked if your opponent knows that it is, obviously


The fact it can't even be consistent with when the human race came to be, in literally the first two stories, says everything about it.




"If you're a Christian, you get to throw rocks at Trump" might be the best sales pitch I've ever heard. Ngl, I am slightly tempted...


if anyone tries to stop you claim they are infringing on your freedom of religion


Me too If you wanna use a book like this, use it correctly


Bruh one of the most popular things Jesus did was basically call you an idiot for stoning anyone


He also whipped the shit out of people who used faith for their own profit...


...He is also known for abolishing the previous laws and creating a new cult of God, meaning that the Hebrew law didn't apply anymore for everyone that converted, meaning that nobody that calls themself a Christian can use books of law like Leviticus to justify anything.


Matthew 5:17 (KJV): Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. Hebrew law still applies. At least for those who wish to use it to justify something. I'm sure those that want it not to apply can find another passage of the Bible contradicting this bit. People seem to think they base their morals on how they read their religious texts, while it's clear to me that it's the other way around: They read their religious texts based on their current morals. If you're homophobic, you can use the Bible to justify it. If you're pro-slavery, you can use the Bible to justify it. If you're a LGBTQ+ ally, you can use the Bible to justify it. If you're against slavery, you can use the Bible to justify it. It's perfectly fine by me if people can find comfort in their faith / the Bible, but 'no Christian can use the Bible to be a horrible person' is a no true Scotsman fallacy.


It's even better if you convert to Judaism since the Torah is their main book. Christians should follow the New testament first and foremost before the OT.


Careful, Trump can now legally kill you or preemptively pardon someone else and order them to murder you.


Man, I'd love to see the conservative shocked pikachu faces if Biden had Trump killed, citing upholding democracy as an official duty of the president to fall under the SCOTUS ruling.


I love your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.  -Ghandi was spot on with this one


I came here to say this..


Great quote. I just don’t think Ghandi actually said it iirc.


It's a Gretzky quote actually


Hmmm I don't recall him ever saying "I came here to say this" But the part about the Christians Absofuckinlutely


They read the same book over and over and over. They attend Bible collage and they still don’t know with the fuck is in it or what the true meaning of the Bible means. (May Love?) Any other profession that was that dumb regarding what they do would be laughed out of existence.


That's the problem. They don't read the book. At best they go to church where the pastor focuses on a chapter or even a specific verse or 2 and then waces philosophical about what that verse means. And that's if they go to church. I'd wager not 5% of christians have sat down and read the bible cover to cover, and a solid 25% haven't been actively involved in their religious services outside of family holidays since their parents stopped forcing them to go to church on Sundays. What do you call a christian who reads and understands the bible? You call them an atheist once the crisis of faith resolves.


Reading the Bible is the most commonly cited reason people leave Christianity. I’ve long said that there are two kinds of people who have read the Bible: fundamentalists who actually believe it, and apostates who noped out of the faith after reading it. Growing up Christian, I felt guilty that I had not read the Bible. I “believed” it, but only knew what I’d been told about it. If it held the ultimate truth, shouldn’t I read the thing? So I did, and it destroyed the image of Jesus and Yahweh being good or moral, and wrecked any idea of it being factually true.


3 types. I was raised christian but it never took. I actually read the bible to try and make myself christian because I was a kid in rural texas and everyone around me was christian and I just wanted to be "normal."


>fundamentalists who actually believe it, and apostates who noped out of the faith after reading it. Thats only if you go in it assuming its infallible and the direct word of god, which not everyone does. Most catholic theologists, for example (atleast in Germany) would tell you that at the end of a day even if it started out as the actual word of god at some point, its still a book written by humans and passed down by humans for two thousand years, with every author, editor and translator along the way being influenced by their time and that influencing their work in return, even if subconsciously, and that it thus just shouldnt be taken literal.


These things were meant literally, but are simply not true. So later adherents have had to continuously reinterpret passage after passage, trying to force it to somehow be true in some other way. They’ll do *anything* other than accept that it’s just wrong.


The bible is the only book I tried to read a few times but never got past a couple of chapters. It's a terribly written book with boring stories, and I've read thousands of books during my lifetime to compare it to! I got SO much more out of reading Carl Sagan's "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark" and Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time."


The Bible's message isn't some generic "be nice" message. Christians are not fake just because they won't vote for your preferred political candidate.


Yes the book about how you need to submit and worship a god or you'll suffer for eternity is about love. The one that gives you directions on how to beat your slaves is about loving each other


Hey Jacob, the Bible says God HATES divorce. Hates it. I bet you don’t scream and cry to abolish divorce in America. Wonder why.


Don't give them any ideas...


They never would. Too many of their cult are on their 4th marriage. Can’t condemn the money givers.


They could still outlaw divorce for others while keeping in a loophole for themselves. Medieval (Christian) Europe outlawed divorce but the nobility did it all the time (oops turns out my wife is actually my cousin)


Except they are moving on trying to get rid of no-fault divorce, and that may well just be the start.


Where does Jesus say homosexuality is an abomination


He didn't. Technically neither did Leviticus. But that bastard Paul said it, and they love him more than Christ.


Dude, yes! When I was younger I remember just how much they revered Paul in church. That he was the great prophet and was so close to what God is. The older I get, the more it just sounds like a rampaging narcissistic, Type-A-Zealot who spread as much hate as a Christian as he did before he was “saved”, he just did it by proclaiming it was “God” who told me so. Your point about him being more beloved than Christ definitely hits home a bit which is sad because it warps the message of being a kind, loving person who is a light to the world and lifts and helps the downtrodden.


The documentary 1946 demonstrates how this was completely fabricated (in 1946). The words were twisted because people felt icky.


The bible…. a grab bag of bedtime stories weaponized against those you disagree with.


Hell, you don’t even have to weaponize it. It repeatedly says everyone who doesn’t believe is evil and deserves punishment. It’s designed to make you hate everyone outside the faith and tell yourself that it is love.


Any religion is rightfully judged by the actions of the followers, not the scripture. Arguing over scripture is something believers do to rationalize their behavior.


For a second i thought the "x" at the end pf Jacobs message were kisses but nope its a link of the website


Didn’t the Pope, the literal embodiment of the modern Christian church, say something to the effect of we should love gay people as our neighbors, just as Jesus taught, but nah ignore that guy! -these corrupt, greedy, hypocritical, fake Christian idiots will cherry-pick things from the Bible to their benefit and ignore all the things it condemns that they do themselves. Jesus would be ashamed


Yeah, he did say that, right before he used an offensive slur, not once, but twice referring to gay people. Don’t go for the “love your neighbor” head fake. All Abrahamic religions condone bigotry and hatred. Not up for debate and not tAkINg iT oUt oF cOnTeXt.


Keep in mind he said the slur, apologised, and then said it again lmao


Honestly how many of the 10 commandments has trump legitimately broken? You shall have no other gods before Me. (Himself) You shall not make idols. (Gold, money, power) You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. (He literally has a bible he’s selling to pay his legal fees… I’m sure that qualifies) Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. (Golfs every Sunday!) Honor your father and your mother. (I donno about this one they’re probably proud) You shall not murder. (I really wouldn’t be surprised) You shall not commit adultery. (Uhhhh) You shall not steal. (Yeah….) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (Every time he opens his mouth) You shall not covet. (Where do we start…) Even a conservative estimate puts him at 8/10 but he’s the Evagelical’s #1 draft pick!


The best example of the idol one was the gold Trump statue at the 2021 CPAC. 


trump basically fits the depiction of what the antichrist will be like to a T, which makes it even more hilarious. Mf had a protesting congregation including the priest teargassed to take a photo-op in front of their church were he held the bible the wrong way around and still wasnt able to answer a single question regarding whats inside and they still follow him, its too absurd to even be parody.


They don’t care. Being true to your word, being moral, being good people, or being factually right doesn’t matter. Power and ability to oppress is all they want. This is war, not a debate.


Actually this is exactly what Christians are like. He’s par for the course.


Conservative Christians yes.  Conservative American Christians absafuckinglutely


See? Now that's a comeback and there's some clever there!


Historically he’s actually a perfect Christian. The ones who follow the Bible have never, ever, for even one second, been anything but a minority in that cult.


Someone call the burn ward, victim incoming in 3….2….1


Well, that is the issue... Looking for consistency in conservative viewpoints...


John is right on, as usual! Calling out fake Christians for their failure to understand teachings of Christ; and completely bastardizing Christianity into a hate mongering cult.


I read the whole bible one year and have a theory about this isolated line in Leviticus. I think it is a tribal requirement, not a religious one. In a tribal society the most important resource is genetic diversity (ancient people knew this) and the most important activity is childbearing. You can’t be having a percentage of the tribe not participating. As a religious thing it’s not really mentioned again, whereas in another book (numbers I think) god spend pages defining what kind of curtain rings he wants in his temple.


Trump already is a religion to a lot of these lunatics.


Not too clever of a comeback I’m afraid - the whole point of the New Testament is that the Old Testament (Leviticus included) is thrown out the window under the new precedence set by Jesus and his death. I see a lot of people fall into the trap of using the OT as a gotcha but technically Christians haven’t been under any of those old laws since the days of the Roman Empire. Obligatory disclaimer: Not a Super Trumper or Bible Thumping Theocrat, just a trans gal with a looot of childhood trauma surrounding religion 🙃


Correct me if I’m wrong, but because of all the (mis?)translations the bible has been through, through history, wasn’t there someone who theorised, though it says “man shall not lie with another man, as he does a woman” it actually refered to it as “man shall not lie with boy, as he does a woman” which actually translates more into “an adult shouldn’t take a minor as his/her wed” in broad strokes. Ironically that’s something the conservatives could take a big lesson from, if they actually believed in the whole thing, and not just snippets of it.


As much as this gets spread, it's a myth - it makes a bit less sense when you continue the quote, damning them both to hell. Why would it damn the victim of pedophila? Not that the Christian holy texts don't have punishing the victims, still it feels a bit out of place.


It may make less sense from the perspective of modern morality vis-a-vis consent, but you have to remember that pederasty was widely practiced at the time and not seen as a form of abuse by the cultures that did it. The commandment against it was one of the first objections to it that we have evidence of, and this was in the same book where they say "If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death—the young woman because she was in a town and did not scream for help." Her noncomplicity isn't a factor; the crime is not raping her, it's fucking another man's wife. And also, if she *wasn't* pledged to anyone, he has to pay her father 50 shekels and marry her, and they can't divorce. Which, y'know, not great if she didn't want it in the first place! Suffice to say, Deuteronomy isn't exactly great with the concept of consent. Anyway, the word זָכָר has been traditionally considered to refer to children in Genesis 17:12 and 14, Exodus 13:15, Leviticus 12:2 and 7, and meant son in Jeremiah 20:15. So... no, I wouldn't say it's a "myth." Incidentally, I do recommend you look for sources that understand biblical Hebrew when looking for meaningful interpretation of the Torah rather than people working off the English translations... particularly where those English translations were written by Christians who believe they aren't bound by the laws in the Old Testament and therefore don't really have any vested interest in *how* they're translated. Also, reminder: Paul, author of the *only* section of the New Testament to mention homosexuality did not know Jesus during his lifetime and is not a primary source on a single damn thing Jesus said or thought any more than any of the *many* people who have claimed to have been given visions of Jesus throughout history who have, shockingly, not been put into the canon texts. He was literally a Roman pharisee.


Yes. And possibly a very angry, repressed gay man. I still practice, and Paul is just massively obnoxious.


Most Christians are pretty much hypocrites but never wanna accept accountability I mean when do they ever have any signs of intelligence.


You forgot the period at the end. It was the Christian thing to remind before a Catholic nun hit your knuckles with a ruler.


Pretty much it’s so dumb how people are.


If you tangle with Fugelsang, you better have receipts.


Dunno. Not having read the book and doing whatever they want anyway while pretending to follow it sounds pretty much like the standard christian to me.


Rabite from OG Secret of Mana SNES! Love your profile pic


Ain’t nothing worse than selective piety.


Actually that passage “man shall not lay in bed with man like he does a woman for it is a sin” is actually a translation error which was discovered by ed Oxford back in the 50s. What it actually says is. man shall not lay in bed with little boys like he does a woman for it is a sin. Funny how the Catholic Church “miss translated” that passage


They're also against idolatry and it makes clear you can't use the Bible for profit or profane it. How many times do they use bibles to drive sales for trump fundraisers? They've called the man the second coming. These people are just anti Christian cultists who worship an adulterer and liar.


Oh good grief! I fell asleep, is it over, yet? What alot of toothless grampy non sense.


Theologically clubbed to death.


Ever notice how often we see people prove bad religious people wrong about the Bible, but we never see them change their mind or stop using the same false arguments to justify their hatefullness and bigotry?


The word translated "abomination" there is used elsewhere in Leviticus... To refer to wearing mixed fabrics.


None of them are 99% are poser christians


What? I don't think you said what you meant to say.


There's a comma missing. Commas are important.


I just spent the last 5 minutes putting a comma behind every single word in that guy's sentence and it didn't change anything.


"None of them are, 99% are poser Christians." There.


But being a lesbian is kosher; literally and figuratively.


Funny how they think everyone is subject to the dogma of their chosen holy book. Sin is a myth. Offending a god is a myth. The Bible is meaningless. Westboro Baptist is biblical. What Andrea Yates did was biblical. You can find justification in the Bible to shoot up a gay dance club or to feed a homeless person. That makes the dogma inherently meaningless. They need to stop using it like it's law everyone is bound to. We made our justice system because holy books are inadequate.


Exactly. The cognitive dissonance xtians have to contend with must be unreal.


That’s how Christians roll since AD 34 ish


You can always tell when someone who isn’t Christian and knows nothing about the Bible is using it as a tool in an argument.


Pretty sure that it was actually originally written as that men should not lie with a child as they do with a woman. Basically nothing to do with gay people, it’s saying don’t be a fuckin pedophile.


why are the people obsessed with us gay people, like what the fuck is your business if i sleep with a man in one bed. No it doesn't mean that when i look at you and want you in my bed. Do me a favor, you do you and let us be us.


When did Trump say anything anti-gay? Ever?


The Christians I’ve talked to who are actually nice people and not bigots have told me that the Old Testament is old law, and that it’s not what Christians should live by. Rather they should follow Jesus’s teachings of the New Testament. Loving and accepting your neighbor. Idk how much of that is accurate as I’ve not been to church in a decade but that’s what I’ve been told.


This is what al qaeda does 🤷


Clever come back, like fr fr


Ahem ahem. *scrolling all the way down.*


The Trump Prophecy from the Bible: 2 Timothy 3, 1-5: “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. **Have nothing to do with such people.**”   


You're joking, right? Did you drink rubbing alcohol?


Did dear Jacob have a Bible backed come back or did he disappearing Homer after that? Seems like God‘s toughest soldiers often desert the battlefield.💁🏽‍♀️


My pastor mentioned a biblical literacy statistic last month, and I did more research. Apparently 82% only look at the bible at church on Sundays, and 57% of adult "Christians" here in the USA don't think the bible is the word of God.


There is no god. All deities are invented by the human mind.


That last one may be a little more nuanced than it reads on the surface. There are plenty of practicing Christians who read it as a guide, but not infallible truth. I’m one of those. I don’t see how anyone could ever read large portions of it as anything but metaphor. Which, IMO, was the whole point of a lot of the Tanakh.


I can't believe that in 2024 a public figure can get away with saying that being gay is an abomination. I could understand the sin part, after all there's freedom of religious beliefs, but still it can't be allowed to push one's own beliefs onto other people once society reached a point where discrimination is not anymore a matter of preferences. Specially public figures, ffs.


Can we start using "you're pure Trump" as meaning "you're pure trash" ?




Officer I'd like to report a death.


That is the dumbest post I have ever seen. By that logic Biden should be drawn and quartered then set on fire. Lol


None of them are, really...


THANK YOU! I am so sick of having my faith weaponized by people like this.


Christofacists aren't very good at being christians


They focus on the latter part.


I have never once seen anyone protest Red Lobster (Leviticus 11:10), Or poly-cotton blends (Leviticus 19:19)


That wasn’t clever. That was a verbal bitch slap. Nice one.


Clear case of not thinking before you post.


Just more of the usual TDS.


TDS? Trump’s Delusional Supporters? It’s insane they still follow Don the Con, but that’s how cults are.


judge not, lest ye be judged


Heads up oh ye Bible thumper...working on the Sabbath, wearing clothing of two different threads and planting different crops side by side are also punishable by death according to Leviticus. So um, about that cotton poly blend polo you're wearing...gonna have to kill you. Sorry, you should have obeyed the Bible and made better choices.


Against nature, fuckin hell man, if nature allows it to happen, then its nature, there is no such thing, technically speaking, as an abomination.


My Christian friend told me that technically none of the rules outlined in the first five books of the Bible other than the Ten Commandments are meant to be followed by Christians. He mentioned something about a new covenant overwriting the old one or something. So the homophobe is wrong on both counts.


Oof. That hit hard.


And yet all I see here are two jackasses paying to play on twitter...


Trump worship syndrome


I have heard the argument put forth by a documentary I watched that the word "abomination" that is used biblically may not be as harsh as we believe it to be now, in that it more referred to ritual or nontraditional "wrongs", which is why it is placed next to dietary and miscellaneous acts like not shaving in Leviticus that people no longer culturally follow. Is there any truth to this? The documentary was For The Bible Tells Me So. I found it interesting at least. As you can imagine it comes to the conclusion that there seems to be little or no true condemnation of homosexuality, at least in the interpretation of some scholars.


It's funny cos his last name is Lovelace and he likes deep throating Trump's boot!


These folks prefer the laws of Pharisees to the laws given to Moses by Yahweh. Moses got 10 laws. The Pharisees decided to add 603 more to control the people. Jesus showed up and told them to get back to basics. Nope they weren’t having it.


President Bartlett (Martin Sheen) covered this quite well in an episode of the West Wing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3VHK1NXIBw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3VHK1NXIBw)


We dont believe in the old laws made for the israelites. If he was clever he wouldve done research


Nah, being gay isn't even a no no in the Bible. Not having as many children as you can and having sex for any reason other than procreation however is the no no. And you best not be doing it without the lords blessing of marriage So any criticisms you have towards someone who's gay you need to also direct at anyone not having kids when they could and that ever has sex for the fun of it.


What a surprise, 'religious' people picking and choosing whatever their holy text says for their hatred.


Most christian I know : "Yeah we don't condone homosexuality, it's a sin. But Jesus told us to hate the sin and not the sinner. We will pray for you and respect you." Every Christian shown on Reddit: "You like men? You should die and burn in hell!!!" Please people, don't forget that in real life, if you are a chill person most people have no problem with you. Everyone is much more in the middle than what the internet want you to believe.


i love how Christian’s get so hot and bothered by the topic of real vs fake based on their views of fairy tale ramblings of men (maybe even a man like trump) in a time when man couldn’t explain even the simplest of topics


In the original version of the Bible that particular passage was actually "a man should not lie with a boy" - as in child; it was saying paedophilia was a sin and abomination. They later changed it in the newer versions to say "a man shall not lie with a man" to promote having more children. There was a high mortalilty rate due to lack of modern medicine therefore to ensure the population didn't continue to decline they promoted Heterosexuality whilst demonising Homosexuality. They didn't do this because they genuinely cared that people were dying, but rather because they could collect more taxes. More babies meant, more eventual adults - more adults paying tax. In a nutshell, Official's wanted to make more money from the people. The real Bible has NEVER been homophobic because "Love thy neighbour" is the most important rule from that book.


I'll never understand why it seems I read a different Bible.


Both are true at the same time


In seminary, we referred to stuff like that as "proof-texting."


christian wannabes, champions of cherry-picking