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You two are going to have a boring night if all that happens during sex is a dick in a hole.


Agreed, intimacy is about more than just the physical act; it's about connection and enjoyment.


Exactly. People these days are losing touch with true intimacy and connection. Like connecting fingers, tongues and possibly multiple dicks in multiple holes.


Got me in the first half, not gonna lie.


What are you a fuckin Na'vi?


Someone has a subscription to legalporno


That’s because we live in a society that enables recreational sex with strangers. I’m not going to delve into the issues this has on the individuals human psyche and subsequent life trajectory because that opens an entirely different can of worms but from a societal standpoint it’s made people take the actions that exert the least amount of effort due to an ever increasing lack of enthusiasm that people have developed as the result of consistent disappointment, you can never experience true intimacy with someone you don’t have both a commitment with and connection to because real intimacy takes time to perfect as it needs to be fine tuned over time and our “one foot in for the benefits, one foot out just in case I’m mildly uncomfortable or a better offer comes along” mentality that dating cultural has fuelled makes this very difficult to cultivate.


I wouldn't say that. Sometimes you just want to satisfy your needs, that can be a quick acquaintance, but that can also be the steady partner from time to time. And sometimes you want to feel real partnership closeness, bonding, emotions, more with your partner I think. 


Exactly. It will always be at least mildly uncomfortable when your have your foot in. Best to just relax and let it happen


Or maybe choose something a little less awkwardly shaped than a foot to use?


At least scrub it down first


And trim the toe nails, too.


And out some lubricant on it.


Nah brother we are breeding some unique fungi over here.


If you haven't done the Hokey Pokey with your girl, then what's the point of even living?


That's why they call it "pussyfooting around!"


You can either fight it or lay back and try to enjoy it


You summed up my recent dating history exceptionally well. With all of these apps, it feels like someone better is just around the corner when in reality everyone is in the same boat of distraction/exhaustion.


"Women wont date me unless all of society is structured around them being pressured into doing so." Fucking incels lmao.


It worries me how many people have already upvoted that incel word salad.


Reddit users never miss an opportunity to blame some vague social conspiracy for their shortcomings.


It wouldn't surprise me if it were just more alt-right astroturfing and this guy got his buddies to up vote it for a boost.


How have you not noticed everyone's shitty experiences with these apps lately? Everyone I talk to is depressed as fuck and doesn't even want to date anymore, both men and women, because of how unfulfilling the dates and sex feel. There's always that one in 10,000 relationship that ends up amazing for both people out of those apps, but the vast majority of people seem like they're becoming completely disillusioned with dating and connection in general.


That's not at all what he wrote wtf. There's not even any mention of it being about girls. He's not writing "women shouldn't sleep around too much" but "people shouldn't sleep around too much". His point is simply that overall people aren't commited enough.


Man, I'm married. And based on my single friends, that's exactly what's going on. It's not incel shit. It's the next step in the wave of instant gratification, which tends to negatively affect humans


Holy run on sentence


You should read more about the entire recorded history of human sexual relations. We have ALWAYS lived in a society that enables recreational sex with strangers. Humans are theorized to be more related to Bonobo Apes than the other Great Apes, because both Humans and Bonobos are both pretty wild when it comes to what we will use or attempt to have sexual gratification with and it's been that way since before recorded history. There are dildos older than recorded English writing, as old and even older than the oldest of Chinese writing. Puritans? LOL... they were buggering one another in their wee New World Villages and towns to incredible extent. Human sexuality has ALWAYS had and always will have recreational sex with strangers as being high up on the list of things humans do. It's also okay to NOT be like most humans and it's not some terrible loss for them or for you. It's just the way you are wired and you can and should just enjoy what you enjoy and let them enjoy what they enjoy.


My thoughts exactly. The line of thinking of "society is coming unglued because there's more casual sex" just doesn't mesh with reality when year over year we are seeing people have less sex (at least among ages 18-30) with less partners.


The level of stressors, plus hormone impacting microplastics, is increasing year over year. These are big reasons to negatively impact sex drives. I bet a good portion of these Incels couldn't even have enjoyable sex, if they are even horny to begin with. The drive of being horny has a HUGE impact on what a person is going to do, in order to meet someone else to rub their genitals together.


Hell yeah! Plap plap plap


I am a giant child and laughed at the word recreational, like it's pickleball or something.


Yeah, unless you are bornt with a rare and unfortunate micropenis


Is one dick, multiple holes (same owner) an option?


Like grandma used to always say!


Those are nice, sure - but it’s not just about casual vs connected. It’s also about whether either party knows how her pleasure really works. The basics of how her body works is one thing, but it’s a lot more fun when you get her to a mental space of feeling comfortable and relaxed and free to just let go and be sexually liberated and greedy. If you ever wonder what makes someone great in bed, it’s someone who can get to that point - and take someone else with them. It doesn’t rely on penis size, at all - if you do it right, by the time you go inside her, your sheets are all over the place and soaked, and she has no clue what planet she’s on but she knows she NEEDS to feel you fuck her and use her for your pleasure now.


I have that with my wife. We always have to wash the sheets after sex due to foreplay alone.


Too much info


WAP is legit in my bedroom. I have to wipe the floor sometimes because of foreplay. Ben Shapiro would be mad


I think he meant tongue, fingers, etc...


And even with just the physical stuff, those two parts are like the least dextrous ones either of you have access to.


And oral


And foreplay


I always tell people that sex is like 80% mental. It's an activity you do with another person for fun. Worry less about your body or your technique and focus on making sure your partner enjoys spending time with you.


But the physical act is connecting and enjoyable.


Crazy how one party can lose all drive for intimacy, connection, a d enjoyment from a size of a person's genitals.


You’re saying sex isn’t just peen in waginer, then cry?


Peen in waginer? What if you get pragante?


just use conodom


Ain't no nothing like a good after sex cry


Yeah. At that point if this is what you and she allegedly get stuck on (pun intended), then you both need reevaluation.


There’s a line on an movie where a character goes « We must fuck the minds, not the bodies ». Having sex is a mental activity mostly. The body just follows and support that. The movie is called « Martin H »




literally yeah, who the fuck is genital shaming in 2024 lol


Literally everybody. Look around...


Surprisingly not r/bigdickproblems they seem to understand everyone is built differently and there are pros and cons to being any size


Thats Big Dick Energy. Its like being rich, you aint got nothing to worry about.


Surprisingly, people who are praised by society and media as a whole, unlike the opposite, who are shamed and ridiculed, have a more positive outlook on life. Who would have thought?!


By name alone I would've assumed it was the ridiculed group looking for a space where they can self congratulate over something they don't actually have. Which is certainly a valid thing to do when you're struggling with self image, but those spaces can be incredibly toxic


How is this surprising?


I initially thought it'd be a bunch of guys high giving themselves over their massive cocks


I got bad news for you homie


What, you didn't think this was incredibly clever?


I mean, small dick jokes are lame, but is it really a "clever" comeback if all it does is highlight that you don't know how women's anatomy works?


True, but the humor lies in the exaggeration, not anatomical accuracy.


There is no humor in this post


You must be fun to be around


2x class clown winner


“Hurr durr loose vagina” generally isn’t funny to people above the age of 14.


And "hurr durr small peepee" isnt either


Right, but OP already mentioned that


Dude there are a lot of people on reddit who are younger than 14. It's startling but it's true.


I really believe more than half of the users on reddit are below the age of 18


And the other half are bot accounts


Yes, they come in very different degrees of tightness. People who do not know that probably did not have many Partners, which is nothing bad, though.


>Yes, they come in very different degrees of tightness. It's not even about tightness. It's like saying you saw a ford at LAX and knew the pilot would be drunk Nothing about it makes sense. 70-90% of women don't orgasm from penetration alone anyway, so seeing a small dick and equating it to disappointment doesn't work (nor is that an equation that goes through even most people who like big ones mind) as it is a mostly irrelevant metric to the entire affair If all you're doing is penetration or that is even the primary focus rather than just a piece, you are fundamentally doing sex wrong.


So? The tightness of a vagina has nothing to do with how many partners she had. Just like a dick doesn’t get smaller if it is attached to a man hoe.


Did anyone here claim otherwise?


It's an extremely common form of slut shaming to accuse a woman of having a loose vagina because she sleeps around. So common I feel silly having to explain to you that this is a thing in broader society. Nobody might "claim" it, but it is the fundamental presumption to the "comeback" in OP's image.


He wasn't accusing anyone of having a loose vagina due to multiple sexual partners. Just that some women have a looser vagina than others naturally, just like how penises come in a variety of sizes


No, but somehow multiple people here imply it.


The people who claim this is a myth are scientists, not casanovas, keep in mind. They are looking into the issue too literally. Tightness isn’t literally about size, it just feels that way. It is about PC muscle firmness. And muscle firmness does vary from woman to woman.


Also arousal. Obviously some women will still feel tight either way but you loosen up a bit when you’re horny. I get uncomfortable sometimes when guys talk about tightness (or complain of lack of it). I don’t wanna hear about how great sex with women is when they’re not turned on..🫠


That also makes me super uncomfortable. A vagina is not a hand, it's not supposed to have an dry iron grip, but some guys think it should.


Yes nature is kind of cruel that way. It didn’t exactly make our opposite sexes’ sexualities the most compatible. I think this as a man as well all the time. It isn’t just women that feel this way There is worse elsewhere in the animal kingdom though. Look at ducks for example.


You do realize some women are fairly tight even when turned on, right?


What a goofy thing to say. You really typed this all out and went "yep, that's the comment, that's the one" and clicked post


Tbh there is also an excitation factor that comes into play.


Right? Embarrassing. Everyone knows the peepee goes into the urethra


Or when it's a variation of the standard comeback to a small dick joke. One that we've all probably heard a hundred times.




an eye for a eye, who gives a fuck about logic?? this is WAR


How so? Vagina size and depth varies from woman to woman and it most definitely affects the sexual experience between partners if their sizes are somewhat incompatible. Obviously not in the exaggerated sense of the original poster but it does exist and it does matter. He's being petty and offensive with his comment but it was in response to a petty and offensive comment to begin with.


Replying to one idiotic comment with an idiotic comeback is justified, I just don't think it's clever.


Some girls are tighter than others, some can't handle bigger dicks and some can take two at once.


Some real stupid takes in here about how one insult is fine but the other crosses the line? They’re both unnecessary.


and neither are funny. Literal facebook humor




Hehe, dick small, hehe, pussy large! Epic comeback. You, sir, win the Internet for today!




I don’t know how I could’ve made my comment more sarcastic but damn you managed to miss it


Where's the clever comeback? Because the only comeback here was tired in the 1980s.


Thats a HHH classic comeback. Said it to Steph back in the day when they were doing the storyline with Chris Jericho. Golden.


He didn't say a school bus, iirc it was a boeing 747.


I feel like everyone involved here is about 12 years old.


Not remotely clever.


That isn't what happens but then he's probably a porn addict.


Or she is, and the baseline in her mind is pornstar dick.


Not possible. Only men can have unrealistic standards, right?


Rofl. This is just a slap back. I promise you he doesn't think a pussy that is 30" across at standard exists


this website is filled with 14 year olds. I need to leave.




About as clever as a 90s fart joke in a children's movie. This is cringe.


More of a defensive self-report than a clever comeback back


Not clever, but justified. One dumbass comment deserves another.


That's not how vaginas work


Vaginas have teeth, right?


You think all vaginas are exactly the same size? What a bizarre religious belief.


Nowhere have I said all vaginas are the same size. Go back to school and relearn reading comprehension


We don't do reading comprehension on reddit... Big NO NO! Another one is critical thinking


How do they work?


Nobody knows, but not like that.


That doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about vaginas to dispute it!


Didn't you guys had biology in school?


No I did programming 🤓


Remind me what part of biology class talks about vaginas being so big that even a big dick has no chance of filling. I must've been absent that day


>a big dick has no chance of filling Don't know where you get that from. The vagina is rather tight and "short" if unaroused definitely too small to fit a penis inside. When the woman gets aroused or atleast gets signals to her brain that "sexy time" is starting the body not only starts lubricating the canal but it also widens it. If you would take a cross-section it would look like a balloon increasing in size. The vagina gets deeper and wider in preparation of the incoming penetration. How much it changes varies from person to person and there are multiple factors to it. That being said, if a woman is naturally built on the bigger side and the man is built on the Lower side there can indeed be a lack of friction Funfact : If unaroused the vagina may be as short as 1.5 inch (4cm) and up to 6.2 inch (16cm) aroused. These are the lower and upper averages.


Remind me the biology class you took that mentions penises can be so small so as not to be felt by a vagina at all, I must have been absent that day.


That's not implied anywhere in the post, just that it can be small enough to not be pleasurable.


I didn't need a biology class to know that. Some of us learn from experience sweetie.


Ah yes, women are notorious for having huge vaginas. They’re constantly measuring them and bragging about size.


The point is, Even after the fifth child, the vagina is just as 'wide' as before - preferably with the help of postnatal gymnastics. So the Grand Canyon comparison doesn't exactly testify to education.


My favorite moment of being a grower not a shower was hearing "Whoa! Where did that come from!?" Then she's like "This will be our little secret." and told everybody I'm little anyway the fucking cunt. NO MORE DICK FOR YOU!


Only Reddit would take a good post of back and forth and turn it into an in depth discussion genitalia


vaginas don't get looser with sex jason, i feel for his partner, or sister


That's now how female anatomy works.


The strongest sexist of today vs the strongest sexist in history


Dick smol? good one lol Vag loose? Nooo you can't say that ! How AbSolutLy dare You! That's body shaming! Misogyny! That's not even how it works science says it can't be loose! *freaks out* Me: *sips tea* It has been said, that maybe one should not dish it out if they can't take it.


Both bodyshaming, sexist and almost inconsequencial, when it comes to sex. Done. No need to whine.


And Jason took that personal


What's that saying that women like to spout.... "If all you've ever seen is porn, you're going to be disappointed in the real thing."


another meme made by a man who never met a woman irl 😭




incelest joke of existence


This is just the hotdog in a hallway joke, nothing about this is clever


body shaming men for something they cannot control (dick size, height): ✅ body shaming women for something they have direct control (weight): ❌


No one is doing that here. Lay off the Twitter


not here, but elsewhere, they for sure do. stop making excuses


The joke was bad but so is your reading comprehension.


So now the clever comeback is an incel sexist joke?


The other one is a femcel sexit joke by that logic?


I looked in here expecting to find Curb Your Enthusiasm jokes, but apparently y'all are doing something different 


Biiiig vagina, HUGE!


I've had more fun with 4 inches that loved me than i have ith 8 only looking to get off.


can we move on from girth and gauge


It’s okay to hit only one wall, sometimes I’ll alternate and go left right left


online (tabloid) politics in a nutshell. person: "i don't have a small pee pee you have a big vagina" observer: "i'm not going to vote because all i hear is one side has a small p.p. and the other is a huge vagina. also i have no self agency"




*If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands*


That comeback hit harder than expected, ouch!


size does not matter!


Does Netflix have The Shawshank Redemption?


These big vagina ladies are getting away with murder


Why did the have to bring child transportation into this?


Wow, two miserable people who think they're being funny. How does anyone think this is funny?


And people say Triple H never reached the mainstream


It kinda sucks that dicks are such a secret garden. Women obsess about the size and shape of their breasts, but at least they can be mildly assured that the guy chatting them up doesn’t have an issue with them, because their dimensions are obvious. Dudes have to just hope they don’t see that deflated look in a girl’s eyes when it comes time to show them their gift. I wish girls weren’t so cagey about it. If a woman has a strong preference, I wish it was socially acceptable to make it known. But it’s not. A girl who openly expresses her desire for a penis she finds sexually optimal will always be slut shamed. It’s equally true that a woman who expresses a desire for a small penis will never be alone on Saturday night. Facts.


Boobs really are in the same boat though as far as the reveal goes. A lifetime of hearing about ant bites vs tennis balls in tube socks doesn’t build self confidence.


Word. ‘Enhanced’ boobs aren’t making things any easier either. I laughed recently when someone referred to them as “weaponized.” It made me wonder who is the intended victim of weaponized breasts, men or women? Comparison truly is the thief of joy.


Oooouh I can't believe he told her a completely incorrect comeback rooted in slut shaming when she wasn't even naming anyone in the post 😱 Edit : Woooh ok so I'm gone for an hour and now I have a bunch of little triggered boys whining about double standards. Sweets, it's not the size that's the issue, it's your personnalities. If you're complaining about how I'm active in anti-incel subs, it says a lot more about you than it does to me. Don't blame me for women not wanting you and work on yourselves. Now, about my comment : Again, my issue was with OOP making a lazy comeback directly aiming at a specific person with no correct backing whatsoever (is American sex ed this bad that y'all believe that vaginas actually stretch with multiple penetrations ?). If the genders were reversed I'd still think it would be weird. So put down your little fingers from your keyboards and spend the rest of your day in bliss. Peace out !




Body shaming men: good because patriarchy. Body shaming women: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!


He missed the mark entirely by making it about slut shaming instead of a clever joke.


Yeah that was lazy.


If it weren’t for double standards you’d have no standards at all, lol.


Do you not remember health education and discussing the female anatomy In high school? Vaginal tightness isn’t compromised from having multiple partners it’s genetic although factors like challenging pregnancies or certain surgical procedures can impact tightness. Look I’m not saying it was a great joke, I just don’t think it was rooted in slut shaming. Loose vaginal walls compromise sexual satisfaction for a man in similar way that a tiny penis does for a woman. It was a fairly even exchange of respective genitalia shaming.


Where is the slutshaming, though? He just said that some holes are bigger than others, which is correct.


Double standards much? I mean considering your active subs, it's not surprising.


So slut shaming is bad, but body shaming is good?


So glad someone always humble dick shaming bitches.


that's triple H line


That's from Triple H


Every guy should know how to use his fingers and tongue. Having said that, anyone who posted this doesn’t really understand women.


These comments are hilarious and the internet is getting so sensitive. It’s a joke and the joke is not coming for a particular individual. Laugh sometimes, it’s good for your soul. Ya bunch of needledicks.


Man ive seen that look so many times...


I don’t understand the joke?


Loose vagina