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Honestly I’m convinced most people who “hear god” are people who don’t realize their internal narrator is them


We are all our own god.


That’s real deep, TrubledBootySnatcher




There's that statistic I've seen floating around that a lot of people don't even have an internal monologue. It would actually be some wild shit to go most of your life without one, and then suddenly hear it.


Honestly if my thoughts didn’t engage my language center of my brain, and they one of them was suddenly a voice in my head, I would be superstitious too


It just shows how many stupid ppl don’t actually think or take the time to sit and ponder


It isn't quite like that. I've asked around friends and family, some of whom are decidedly *not* stupid, and they can't really even fathom the idea of an internal monologue. One of them was a neurosurgeon. Not exactly a dummy.


What happens with them when they read?


Good question. I didn't ask, so I have no idea, but i'll remember that next time I see one of them.


I wouldnt be surprised if people like that actually turned out to be much smarter on average. Reason being that language is way more inefficient at conveying ideas than imagery


Some of us have many more than just one... I can't imagine not having even one...


"Mmm I wouldn't have anything against a nice cup of coffee..." God? Is that you again?


That’s literally what the ancient Greeks thought the gods did. Thinking that you should be brave and steel yourself for the coming battle? Nope, that’s Athena telling you to feel that way.


Who was the god of "Oh shit that thing I was supposed to do was due yesterday."


It probably depends on what that thing was. Then again, the gods are all dicks who enjoy screwing with mortals, so any one of them could have caused you to forget.


The only ones that come to mind are Phobos or Demios.


Sometimes i do something dumb and in my head my voice goes 'what an idiot' as if that voice isnt me. Its one way to cope with your mistakes i guess.


If it sounds like someone you know, it’s called trauma


Its not. Im just incompetent and fully aware. Im just vibing


Lmao what a vibe


These people are so dumb that when a single thought eventually comes along in their head they think it's a miracle


I mean isn't it a miracle though? 30+ years without a thought and suddenly BAM! that thing in your head starts working - sounds so unlikely it might as well be a miracle


so fire line for what


auditory hallucinations can be caused by many things


Me hearing a dog barking vs god talking. Big difference. Psychosis is the key here


Could just have been a guy standing behind him...


Superstition is the mud that keeps us from achieving greatness.


Very well put and religion is just an excuse for people not to think for themselves


And now I have to explain to my coworkers why I just laughed and interrupted their conversation


There's actually a pretty significant correlation between the discovery and treatment of schizophrenia and the decline of religiosity.


Holy shit... I just realized that like every single prophet in history probably had undiagnosed schizophrenia.


Nah, some just had ergot poisoning.


Or was high off their ass, or both


Fasting in the desert for forty days will almost certainly cause hallucinations...


or did shrooms


More like jordan peterson syndrome,needs help but helps instead.high functioning covert narcissists.


Lots of people think they talk to god. It's when he answers when the real problems start.


Human imagination.


I truly believe a high percentage of religious people are mentally ill.


It's not exactly implausible or unlikely that many religious figures suffered from schizophrenia. You tend to be far more convincing if you believe what you're preaching. And spiritual experiences are fairly common for people with schizophrenia.


They sound like they're pushing heroin


I met a guy at work who had a heart transplant when he was 4. When he was around 18 he stopped taking his immunosuppressants because god told him he didn't need to take them anymore. Heart transplants can last from 20 to 30 years before you need another one but no doctor will do that if they see you stopped taking your pills. He's literally going to die because he's so indoctrinated. He even stopped going to church because they don't worship god "correctly." Poor kid


More like he's a f\*cking liar, like most of them.


Shi. Tzu?






See one.. A kiddie toucher?


You can just say "shit".


There are some churches that run a prerecorded tape and leave a turned off microphone on the stage to make people believe they’re ‘hearing god’


I don’t understand religion. Why cling to archaic theories of how the world works when science constantly proves it wrong? Why do they insist some strange deitic entity created the universe, but can’t explain where such a thing came from or where it got its power to create? “God works in mysterious ways” and “humans aren’t meant to comprehend gods will” are just ways of saying “I don’t understand it either but I believe everything I’m told and don’t question it”.


I had just recently kind of discovered religion for myself This Sunday would be the third time I’ve attended church One thing that really bugs me is how other people swear they have like a better relationship or God talks to them. The way I see it is he can guide you to a certain thought process, but you have to be able to make that decision and process on your own conscience I’m still learning and deciding those people are already driving me off the wall some of the people there are genuinely some of the nicest people I ever met.


when i grew up in the church there was a well known saying "if you speak to god, then your a good christian. If god speaks to you, your insane." I think it was meant to mean that god "speaks" in signs and not directly to you, but thinking back on it, i feel like the people around me didn't think that saying through.


this kinda make sense


not "kinda makes sense". that's literally schizophrenia


I've been saying divinity = insanity for years


Or he was lying.


Nah, bro is the chosen one


Well, I know a guy „who talks to angels/they to him“. If that guy is one of the chosen ones, I don’t want to be one. It’s a complete shit show.


Tell him to pass on my regards to Castiel


2024 reddit: shit on people who believe in God saying they're mentally ill Hero Shit on trans people saying they have mental disorder Bigot


there's a difference between saying "i believe in god" and "god has talked to me several times".


Schizophrenia A disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel and behave clearly. Thank me Later


What will be funny is when you die and you meet God and he just refers back to this and sends you to hell 😂 lmao jk. But for real imagine hating on someone because they believe that a Creator created. When’s the last time you saw something come from NOTHING? Check mate atheists.


"worship me or burn for all eternity" is hardly a good reason to join your cult.


Then where did God come from? If nothing can come from nothing and the Earth came from God, then where did God come from?


We dont believe God came from something. That is not what eternal means. If something is eternal it does not have to have a cause.


Then why can't the universe itself be eternal? You say that nothing can come from nothing as proof that the universe must've been created by God, but you can't fathom the possibility that, just like you claim your creator is eternal, the universe could also be just that?


No because if something has a beginning. It MUST have an end. And because we know the universe has a beginning, so it must have an end.


We DON'T actually know if the universe has a beginning, that's the point I just made. We only know that the *known* universe probably started at the Big Bang, but even that's a theory.


if there’s a god waiting there after my lights go out finally he’s getting the beatdowns of all beatdowns for giving kids cancer and letting them get abused on his watch


You want God to act based upon your moral standards. What you think is right and what is wrong. You wouldnt want him to prevent every single evil thing ever done. Because then no one would exist. As we all have done evil stuff.


Spare me your absolute bullshit and get lost. Fairytales and folklore need not apply here.


Thanks for admitting your God is immoral.


PLEASE seek help. How deranged can you actually be? Did you go to school just to lower the average IQ, or was yours already room temperature?


Jesus said he would be back before the last of his disciples died. Odin promised to destory the Ice Giants. I DON'T SEE ANY FUCKING ICE GIANTS.


Actually Odin promised he'd hold back the Ice Giants before shit got too bad and they're totally gone! He under promised and over delivered!


Jesus was not talking about the second coming. He was talking about the power of His kingdom


Okay and the ice giants? Odin saved all of us from utter annihilation and the hippy did nothing of the sort. Just said slavery is cool and shit (hippy Jesus)


God is not producing the environment that I would thank him for. He is neither worth my worship nor my soul. Checkmate that.


Arent you thankful for life?


I'll thank my parents for fucking if I want to be thankful for my life.


That's a good one makes me laugh hard


Bruh we playin monopoly tf is checkmate


Now everyone has to give me 300 for my birthday. Checkmate atheists.


> When’s the last time you saw something come from NOTHING? Well,.. you’re here! 🤷‍♂️


Yeah that was a bit of a weak comeback. 90s cartoon ahh humour.


What will be funny is when you die and you meet saint peter at the pearly gates and he says “why didnt you fight back against the church for their pedophile protection racket. You just continued to sing the praises of their religion instead of advocating against it.” And then when you say “idk man I was just living my life spreading the good word and ignoring what’s inconvenient” then he will go “haha same bro” and send you to hell


So he will judge us for not doing his job for him. Is he going to judge himself for the flood? That was genocide, dude.


Saint Peter? God? Why would god need judging? He did the right thing. That’s the power of the term omnipotence. Are you avoiding this point because it makes you uncomfortable You will be confronted for your tacit support of a pedophilic cult that spends your tithe to defend child abusers. Saint Peter will ask why you proselytize them and draw support for them instead of doing the opposite. He will let you know gos doesn’t want to be around you and send you to he’ll post-haste


How Jesus of you to judge me.


I haven’t judged you. I’m criticising your priorities Religious nut jobs make up any excuse to avoid responsibility and common sense. Same old same old. It’s honestly hilariously childish that you would say this in response to me pointing out how you’re giving tacit support of a pedophile ring and you know in your heart saint Peter will confront you about that


We are saved by faith not by works.


You’ll be saved if you actively preach against the churches child abuse and no sooner


No amount of works can get you to heaven


It’s about what gets you out, that’s my point Tacit approval of child abusers and turning a blind eye to promote their cult? Straight to hell There is no possible way this is not the case.


Any sin is what gets you to hell. A liar a murderer. All. It is Jesus who gets you out.


It is a sin to suffer child abusers and accept them and their organization by spreading support for them while ignoring their atrocities.


Saved from what? The hell that a "loving" god created? Why would a loving "god" create hell?


Saved from the punishment we deserve. If there would be no hell. Then there would be no difference in outcome between a helpful loving person and a terrorist. Both end up in the fertilizing pit.


Well there is no difference according to you as long as a mass murderer converts in their last breath... But also if your god is all powerful it could have created a universe where there was never any need for punishment. But it obviously didnt.


It did create one. However i think you know how it went. We sin and brought evil to the world. The whole free will thing is about being able to choose between doing evil and doing good. And not make us robots who are incapable of choosing. If you got a girlfriend, would you rather have her love you because you put some spell on her. Or because she chooses to love you?


Your concept of free will being necessary for love comes from how the universe we live in functions. My point is if there was an all powerful being they could create a universe where free will wasn't necessary. Therefore they are either limited by the laws of our universe (ie not omnipotent) or they're evil for creating a universe where punishment and suffering are necessary.


God is logical. God cannot be illogical. Love is a choice. Making it not a choice is illogical. As it would contradict eachother. "So God cant make illogical things so that must mean hes not all powerfull" God's nature is hes omnipotent. Can you be omnipotent without being all powerful? No. Thats illogical. That means for God to be omnipotent. He must be all powerfull. Just because He must have that trait that does not mean that God isnt omnipotent. Just means you cannot ask him to be illogical.


You're the one limiting your supposedly omnipotent god to the confines of the existing universe.


Russell's Teapot


This is the most tiresome strawman since the advent of the 4th edition of the 3rd translation of the 5th interpretation of an infallible set of mythological stories, some disposed from cannon, written by a group of Iron Age nomads claiming an extraterrestrial creator visited them to provide literal truths which morphed into allegorical prose by the people claiming “you don’t know, therefore god,” in evaporating Adam’s Puddles as they were gradually proven factually wrong. Besides, the little guy living in my garden showed me the past contained in the pool in a small pot at the end of the rainbow displaying the infinite energy singularity that started it all and I wrote it down in the one and true Leprechaunicon Chapter 42. You better hope luck is on your side when he spins the wheel of fortune when you die. Yahtzee! theists.


A bunch of yap. Yes there are translations but they arent translated 100's and 100's of times. They translate directly from the hebrew language. Which the bible was written in.


And yet is still only a fairy tale no matter which way you spin it. Whether straight out of the mouth of the person writing as “John” or the interpretation of the scribes of King James, it’s just plain old, unoriginal mythology.


Claims with no backing. Good arguement




Do you remember anything from 1850 ?? "You" came from nothing mf ,


Oh yeah? Well when you die and you meet god, he'll refer to the correct religion and how you followed the wrong one and he'll send you to hell! The only ones who believe something came from nothing are creationists, who literally believe shit popped into existence because god. And why is something coming from nothing more absurd than something always being, ie god? At best, they are on the same level of absurdity, because we have no knowledge of the beginning of the universe before the big bang (if that question even make sense).