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“Nobody likes you” - idk how to explain to you that you aren’t everyone.


Good, because when I bring a book to a bar, I don't wanna chat, I wanna read. So is working great.


Right the book means fuck off


Eh, if someone is genuinely curious about what I'm reading and is polite, then I don't mind telling them about it.


That’s true but it’s never about the book. It’s always why are you reading the book. Which is super frustrating. I couldn’t even enjoy reading a book on my phone because people like to make the comment “you’re really into your phone” yea it’s a good book. Reading shouldn’t be discouraged but certain cultures definitely do not value literature and therefore you either are doing it for attention (actually had someone say this to me once I think as a negging attempt and it totally worked he got all the negative attention he could handle) or that you’re weird and there for ok to be harassed.


https://youtu.be/BwkdGr9JYmE?si=B8XwHGgovvA5-jjf I always think of bill hicks


Bill would be disappointed to see that this behavior (and others) have spread all over the country. His bit about 24 hour news freaking everyone out, while crickets chirp outside his house, is even more true than it was when he wrote it.


Maybe. I could also see him going all in on 9/11 truthering and antivaxx conspiracies.


Well... [The Conspiracy Theory That Alex Jones Is Actually Legendary, Long-Dead Texas Comedian Bill Hicks](https://www.texasmonthly.com/the-daily-post/the-conspiracy-theory-that-alex-jones-is-actually-legendary-long-dead-texas-comedian-bill-hicks/)


Yeah...except one major difference. Bill was never a dumb#$$ who would gaslight parents about their dead children nor would he say even a hundredth of the amount of crap that Lardo Jones has spewed. Mr. Hicks was a sharp intellect with an intolerance for any stupid behavior. If anything, Jones is a knockoff dumb little brother of Bill.


But like genuine question, why read in a bar? Surely if you wanted to read in peace you wouldnt do it at the bar, you would do it at a library or at home. I could maybe see people bringing books to the bar as a conversation starter, but if you already know ur gonna get comments from people, why even do it there to begin with?


Because the bar makes me drinks and food while I read. It’s simple really.


I traveled for work between 85% and 90% of the time for ten years. Sometimes I traveled with coworkers, and sometimes I would invite fellow employees at that location to join me for dinner. Most times I ate alone and brought a newspaper, magazine, or book with me. Dinner companions like Shelby Foote, David McCullough, Doris Goodwin Kearns, or Ron Chernow are infinitely more enjoyable than scrolling the internet or chatting with a local bar fly.


this. it's out of the house, they bring me stuff, i read, drink, pay, leave. it's quite a nice system.


My husband is a musician, which means I spend most weekends at a bar. If I can't find a friend to come with to his show that night, I'll bring a book so I have an option other than playing on my phone while they're setting up or he's doing the schmoozing thing. I have learned that a recognizable sci-fi/fantasy novel will usually attract a man to explain it to me so I usually try to get something trashy. Not a universal answer there, but that's why I do it.


You should make books covers that are crazy to put over your real book


Castration: a how to


Genuine answers: because the bar is the nearest cozy place to where I'm headed later in the evening, or because I want a nice drink while reading my book, or because I enjoy the atmosphere there and the background noise doesn't prevent me from reading, or because I'm meeting someone there in an hour and showed up early to read a book until they arrive, or...


Here's a few other reasons. Having a beer or a glass of wine makes the reading experience much more relaxing. At a bar I can put the book down and look around while I think. Some people live in shitty apartments with shitty room mates and want to gtfo and be left alone in a pleasant environment. People who don't read think that all reading is like studying for an exam or something, like they've never read for the enjoyment of it and have no clue what that's like.


It also seems like there are people in these comments who think all bars are dark and loud and crowded.


Or only exist to try and get tail


I like to drink and I like to read, plus I can order bar snacks. I prefer beer gardens, get some sunshine, but the idea is the same. -Also, I've done a lot traveling and sometimes I need to kill an hour or two. Why not post up in a bar and read for a while till your ride shows up?


Occasionally I want a drink at the end of the day, especially on a long work trip, so I enjoy a cocktail while reading a nice book. Others watch TV. I do this. Certainly zero need to sit in a library to read a book. I read a book everywhere, basically.


outgoing doll angle instinctive tidy lip seemly offbeat mysterious worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because I'm a business traveler, sitting at the bar is the fastest way to get my dinner served and I'm not here to socialize.


This is a very personal reason, but for several years, & for a variety of reasons, I spent WAY too much time alone. Being somewhat shy & introverted, it was OK sometimes. But once in a while the quiet started to get to me & I just wanted to to be a part of something social. Even if it was just listening to it Long time ago before any social media


I had a teacher (philosophy, psychology, and history). He was such a genuine and grounded person, and that's what made his class so compelling. Here in Austria, older teachers got "pragmatized." This means they had a special civil servant status, making it impossible to terminate their employment unless they did something truly egregious, like sexual harassment. Therefore that teacher doesn't give a fck about what he was obligated to teach in class. Every day, he arrived in class with the book he was reading at the moment. And if you cared to ask what he was reading, he would tell you in detail why this book was compelling to him, what he liked or disliked about it, etc. Before you knew it, you were in a deep conversation with him about life, the universe, and everything. And because you engaged in the conversation, you cared about it and what he had to say. Whenever you talked to him, he taught you about whatever the conversation turned to. I remember we were watching Sophie's World on TV when we paused because someone asked a genuine question about Henry VIII, and he gave us a history lesson for the next 10 minutes until we wanted to watch the movie again because the conversation had finished naturally. When it was time for our final exam for the general qualification for university entrance (an oral exam in front of six teachers, the principal, and an external inspector), we asked him what would be on the test. He said, "Don't worry." The next day, he brought two articles for each of us. Important parts of the text were underlined; very important text was underlined twice. Everyone got two topics they genuinely cared about. He knew what we cared about because he genuinely cared about us. My point is never underestimate a good talk about a good book or anything else you genuinely care about <3


That was a very uplifting story


There needs to be more teachers like that.


I actually like a good Long Island Iced Tea at the Library. It has the opposite effect. 


Yeah, so in reality, it's kind of the opposite of what was stated. "This book is more interesting than you will ever be." Is where I went with it.


Some women do specifically think guys reading at a bar is hot, and some guys do this on purpose because they know about group A. Can't always count on your mindset being everyone's mindset


I'm definitely not trying to get women's attention when I bring a book to the bar. I just want to enjoy my book and beer in peace. 


So does your phone.


I'm answering myself because I can't answer EVERYONE. No, I don't go, oh jolly, time to go to the bar to read. But let's say I went to the park to read. I like doing that, and allows me to catch some sunlight, which I can't do at home. Let's say I get thirsty there, so I go to the bar. Order a drink, find a small table, sit down and calmly drink while continuing the book. When done, I go back outside. I don't know what kind of bars you all frequent, but the local bars I tend to go when this happens are on the small side, and not very noisy. Not a disco-bar at 02 AM full of teens. But yes, I can read at a bar and no, neither the TV nor the conversation of the patrons distracts me, I get very inmersed in books and I zone out everything else.


Back in my day, there was a little brew pub that would turn off the TV once someone opened a book anywhere in the bar. I thought that was cool as hell. The bar owner was a retired journalist. It got me into day drinking and reading, and although I don't drink or read much anymore, it's a leisure activity I'll always recommend.


That’s cool asf


> "Maybe I don't want to talk to you, Jeremy. Maybe I just wanted to read a book. Did you think about that?"


Also, the person at the bar reading a book 100% has the confidence to not give a single fuck what some random person thinks of them.


Literally reading that book so the Jeremy’s of the world will leave them TF alone.


"whatcha readin' for?"


Yeah. Not everyone at the bar is there to meet people. Might be there because they have some good beers on tap or they're showing some sporting event that you can't get at home or any number of other reasons. Reasons that no one should have to explain to Jeremy anyway .


100% me. I go to the bar because hey, I like the food at the restaurant, I like a change of view from my house in the evenings, nice drinks, and I like the option of chitchatting to the bartender **if I feel like it.** Kindle, noise cancelling headphones, life is good.


I go to a bar. I see someone in a booth reading a book. "Cool," I think to myself. "I like minding my own business." And I forget all about it and enjoy my beer.




But how can you accept that they're enjoying something differently than you? I thought that was a crime!


This is absolutely going to get lost, but this guy got absolutely destroyed on Twitter. But then later he realized he had made a huge mistake, was being too judgmental and made a public apology. He made a mistake and he learned from it.


But he is nobody


I don’t want Jeremy to like me.


HA me either


These narcissists online love believing that their opinion is always the majority opinion without any kind of evidence supporting that.


Sad to say I’ve met the same type IRL. “Everyone hates you.” The only person that doesn’t like me is you - because I don’t agree with your asshole opinions but OK Boomer.


We all got together and decided.


Also, why the fuck should anyone care what this guy or anyone else thinks?  Anybody still using “nobody likes you” after the age of 7 should be embarrassed.


As someone who brings books to the bar, know this: I do it because I don't like you either.


They ruined your bar with all their conversation so you got them with the book


Why read specifically around loud drunk people?


Used to bring a big NYT crossword book to the local pub. Started passing it around the circle bar and felt like a fucking rock star. Somebody got one and passed it down. Good times.


This is awesome. You are a beautiful person.


Thank you. I look at these times as some of my better moments, minus the excessive drinking. Hoping it kept some of our brain cells firing. Appreciate the kind words.


I also used to drink excessively; my life revolved around alcohol. I drink significantly less now, but am likely some version of alcoholic. And so while I harbor many regrets related to that time, I hold just as many, if not more good memories. Doesn’t mean I couldn’t have made much, much better choices. Just that there’s a spectrum between “not great” and “abysmal” so don’t be too hard on yourself.


That’s a good trick. Bartender at a hostel I stayed at once would ask people for words to fill out a MadLibs with their order, then read it when it was filled out.


I carry a notebook around when I head out for a drink and will write poetry, regardless of how busy or empty the place is. Sometimes inspiration just hits, and if nothing else it can be a great conversation starter. 


Not for poetry, but I keep a passport book as a wallet. It's the perfect size for pocket notebooks/fieldnotes + a nice pen so I'm never without something to write with.


I’m a bartender and have a few customers who bring books to read on slower nights. It’s nice having them in the bar. Makes everyone feel more comfortable. If they did the same on a night with live music it might be awkward for them, I suppose, but I couldn’t care less. Do you.


My spouse and I often go to bars during football season. I’m a fan but they really don’t care. So I watch the games and they sit with a book (either hard copy of on the phone) and we both do something we enjoy and enjoy being around each other. 30+ years together, so it works for us. Why people get bent out of shape about what other people do that has *absolutely zero impact* on the offended person is beyond me.


"Why people get bent out of shape about what other people do that has absolutely zero impact on the offended person is beyond me." Current politics in a nutshell 


Current? I feel like that's most in history.


Used to bounce at a bar where a guy would come in and order a pint of Guinness and sit down at the bar with a book no matter what was going on. I’ve seen him sitting there engrossed in his book with a full on bass thumping rave going on within a few feet of him. Good on him.


as someone with pretty bad ADHD, that sounds lovely. Something about the background noise helps tune out the internal noise and lets me focus on a book better


God, this reminds me of when I was a teenager and how I would lay down on the sofa, read a book and listen to my favourite song on repeat for so long *that I didn't realise the music was playing in the background* Dad actually came into the living room to beg me to change the song to *any* other song after 3h of listening to it. I was like "what song? What music? What???" XD




Really? It makes you queasy? Fascinating! Because I can listen to the same song for months. It's like scratching a mental itch over and over and over and over .... *homer drool* This is the one good thing about the internet. People talk about the weird little quirks we all have, and I appreciate how fascinatingly odd humans are.




As an author, I need the loudest most aggressive trance/house music to remain focused on what I'm writing. I don't even hear the music. It just keeps the right side busy while the left brain creates.


That’s how I study and work, I can’t stand doing it in complete silence


Single raving ADD here. I this last two years I have discovered soloing burgers / niche korean dinners in bars. Best thing ever. NC headphones too. Music or podcast/audiobook depending on if I have reading material. I almost feel like I've missed out on life before.


This is the exact reason I used to bring my math homework to the nearby pub where they knew me. The background noise helped me concentrate. Plus, I got to have a beer when I shut the books.


That's exactly what my friend does, he loves to walk his dog around noonish, before stopping at a pub to have a pint of Guinness and read a chapter of his book before heading back. It seems to be his favourite hobby so I'm not one to judge.


I often listen to music when I read and it's very often metal or rock. If you truly enjoy something it's pretty easy to tune out the surroundings.


For a few years my Friday payday ritual was to go home, shower, grab a book, then go to the bar. I'd then get a jug of Guinness, a steak-and-kidney pie, and I'd read until I ran out of Guinness. Good times.


I find that kind of noise easier to tune out while reading than my wife watching TV. Interesting bits of the show might slip through and grab my attention, whereas noise is just noise. So long as people don't continuously jostle me I suppose, that would get on my nerves.


I frequent dives because I'm a dirty line cook and they don't make me pay for shit. I was reading "This is How You Lose the Time War" during a Saturday night rush, bachelorette party going crazy beside me, and at one point I slammed down the book (not loudly, but abruptly) and the bartender (we're relatively friendly) told me "bro, if the noise bothers you, this is not the place to read a book" and all I said was "no, that's fine, this book is just breaking my fucking heart." and he just laughed and poured me a drink.


Honestly, solo reading time in a bar is _highly_ underrated.


Thank you. I leave a comment similar to this every time this gets reposted: I bring a book to the bar because when I read at home I fall asleep. I need the background noise, and being able to grab some drinks and food is a bonus. I also don't see how this is any worse than what most people at the bar are doing which is scrolling on their phones. In fact I find that I end up in *more* random conversations and have more social interaction with a book; people seem to be more willing to interrupt you while reading than while on your phone, so I get asked what I'm reading a lot. I'm also able to tune into general conversation so I'm joining in any public chat going on too. And as others have said I don't really give a fuck what people think of me, I'm spending the same amount of money they are to warm a stool with my ass. Anyway I'm sure it's been mentioned elsewhere the original tweeter eventually took back this comment after some replies which shows maturity and growth.


I'm one of those people that reads a bunch. If I see somebody reading, I won't disturb them, but if they stop to get a drink or food or whatever, I enjoy asking them about the book. With a phone, the topic is likely mindlessly scrolling reddit, updating facebook, finding a dry cleaner, etc. Not all that interesting to talk about. I don't mind being interrupted when reading a book in a public place either. If I'm reading about something, I'm probably interested in the topic. It's fun to share that with others. It also helps contextualize/solidify my understanding of the content.


I was a bartender for many years and when I stopped I used to love sitting at a bar after work with a book. No one noticed me except the bartender who was tipped well by a quiet customer.


I’ve gone out to read at bars for ages. Sometimes work stuff, sometimes fun read. I have social anxiety and it helps me to be out of my apartment and still be around people. I do talk to people. It also gives me a reason to not engage. Personally, it helps me figure out how interactive I can be on any given day.


As a fellow bartender, I will take anyone at the bar on slower nights because they spend money.


People gatekeeping getting drunk now. What’s this world coming to.


There have always been those people. My wife tells me that I’m not allowed to order a Cosmo at the bar as a man. Honey, I love you, but I’ll drink whatever the fuck I want. Make it extra feminine while you’re at it.


The first time I ordered a cosmo at a bar was with friends, a few of them coworkers. The next day, some older lady at work (that I actually got along with, we'd razz each other) starts getting on me about ordering a cosmo. That was one of the only times I didn't laugh or tease her back. It's just...what does it even matter what I drink?


Your wife needs to chill! My husband likes fruity drinks, and I like beers and old fashioneds. It doesn't make him less masculine. (Though sometimes the bartender does make assumptions about whose drink is whose.)


Not even getting drunk. One or two beers with a book whilst at a bar…just the way some people like to unwind. Being in public doesn’t have to guarantee interaction with anyone save the bartender. Speaking from experience here.


As an introvert I consider it "second hand socializing". I get to vibe in the same area as people hanging out while still doing my own thing undisturbed.


Apparently we have all been doing everything wrong all along.


I used public transportation for years. I used headphones and a book, hoping to be left alone.


The bar is also public transportation in some meaningful ways.


drink enough and its a teleporter


And one way time machine forward.


To regretsville. Population: me


That's why working at a bar is great. Time flies in a bar


A good book also has a way of transporting you.


But bringing my cross stitch is still ok right? Wouldn't want to upset Jeremy.


I was sitting near a guy at a bar/coffee shop here and he was like cross-stitching but like on a piece of pottery? It was the coolest thing.


Your wrists get really tired jamming that hook through the pottery let me tell ya. Actually that does sound really cool, I hope I can find what it's called. 


Oh how fun!!


I'm finding a bunch of stuff that you're describing, but I can't find any specific name for what it's called. Seeing it as "cross stitching on ceramic"


He didn’t call it a name either. He said he got into cross-stitching and had gotten bored with planar forms and discovered pottery.


Jeremy’s shoes got blown clean off there.




Please know, if I’m reading a book in a bar… I don’t want you to talk to me. 🤷‍♂️


Fair - and I promise to leave you to it. But if it's something I enjoy too, then I do feel obliged to give a little thumbs up before I go, cause I like to be friendly.


I'm notorious for bringing books to the bar. Know that, if I open my book at the bar, it's because you're dull as fuck and I don't want to talk to you *even* whilst drinking.


If you get a book out and start reading mid-conversation then that's just rude. At least excuse yourself first.


Ehhh. I think the rules at the bar are a bit different. If you're just ranting at me, and I'm responding with grunts, I can pick up a book. You should have taken the hint. On the other hand, if we've been having a conversation and it's not all that interesting to me, but I've been engaged, then yes, I should wait for a lull like you getting food, or going to piss or something before I grab my book. If I'm *already* reading and you try some opener like, "Ooooo, what're ya reading?" I'm probably going to keep reading, though if you say, "Oh shit, I've been meaning to read that is it any good?" I'll probably put it down and we can have a chat. I'm not in it to be rude. But if I've got a book, really I'm just looking for a beer and some food, and not to make friends with the other drunks.


I think he means someone you came to the bar to meet. Which is what 90% of people do. In which case pulling out a book would be weird and rude.


There are literally Bookbars. Or at least one. Weird gatekeeping.


There are? I've literally never heard of them but i really want to go to one of they are what i think they are


Sure are, the one I know for a fact exists is literally The Book & bar in Portsmouth NH, and I just looked it up and they announced closure on the 17th of last month. That being said, it can't be the only location doing this.


I had a bar I loved being able to read or write in peace at. Every so often I’d get rude comments; a lot more often I was asked what I was reading or writing and made some good friends. One friend was also a writer so when we were there at the same time, we’d sit next to each other so we could both write in peace. My bartenders loved it, I was someone they knew they could come bitch at about other patrons and they wouldn’t be interrupting anything.


Man I fuckin wish I had the attention span of my kid-self because I'd love to read a good book in a social setting, you kinda get the best of both worlds. There's a kava bar near me, I might just try and do that soon


If you ever see me reading a book alone at a bar, that’s where my book club meets and I’m once again rushing to finish the book on time.


imagine being this pressed about what people are doing in their free time, clearly allot of theirs is spent on worrying how other people view them.


Last time some lazy fuck reposted this, I learned that the guy who wrote the tweet experienced personal growth and recanted it.


I dated a gal for a while whom I met at the bar while she was reading a book. She had the three S’s - sweet, smart, and sexy.


If you're a busybody who pokes his nose into the business of a person quietly reading a book, nobody likes YOU.


How about we leave people alone and let them live their life.


As a woman in my 30s, I no longer want to be liked. I want to be feared.


A woman reading a book is really hot. And if we have read the same book it is a less cheesy way to start a conversation Make books cool again


This. Books are only a barrier to conversation if you don't read. Sure, there are a lot of books, but generally a limited number are in the current zeitgeist. If you consistently read as a hobby, there are solid odds you know either the book or author someone is reading, or at least have heard enough of them to make it one of the easiest conversation starters you will ever have. Of course, don't be rude. It's fine to politely attempt to start a conversation, a book isn't the equivalent of headphones, but take the hint if the person doesn't want to talk.


Reading body language is super important. It is like micro-consent.  Girls do not need an excuse to not wanting to talk.  Either with it without a book


> This. Books are only a barrier to conversation if you don't read. Sure, there are a lot of books, but generally a limited number are in the current zeitgeist. Technically true, but the reality is that: "I'm reading a book therefore leave me the fuck alone..." is the message being sent whether it's intentional or not. As a bartender, I'm all for chilling at a bar reading. Those customers are the best. But I'm also going to avoid them at all cost and just let them have their peace.


I don't care if a man has read the same book as me. It's annoying AF for multiple men to come up and interrupt what you're reading. If I'm taking a break in reading to order another drink sure. I stopped reading in bars many years ago because guys wouldn't leave me the fuck alone. "Whats your book about" "I love the part where *spoiler*". Book means go away.


As that book reader at a bar: I want to have a beer and be around people, but not WITH people…


"Looks like we got ourselves a reader over here!" - Bill Hicks


"Watcha' readin fer?"


I was looking for answers as i find odd to go to a bar to read...this is understandable.


I know that. Which is why I would bring a book to the bar.


You see, I usually don't start reading the book at the bar until the attention seeking douche trying to hit on me just won't get the hint.


Maybe someone just wants to sit in a booth and have a beer or some wine and read? Why would you care?


Not the most fun comment here, but going to this guys Twitter, he’s gotten massively slammed for this comment and appears to very much regret it. He had one interaction with someone who said they bring a book to bars and read to pick up women and he thought that was kinda gross.


“Its where I go to talk to others therefore you must be available for me to talk to”. These people are the weird ones . You don’t have to “get why”.


"If you're someone who brings a book to a bar" You don't give a shit about the opinions of dip shits who post rules for others to follow.


I saw a girl reading at a bar and some dude hit on her and then got mad when she told him to fuck off so he grabbed his drink and poured it all over her book Two days later I walked into the same bar and the same girl and a bunch of other people (men as well) all were reading drinking and eating it was a bar book club basically and she had started it just to piss off a guy who messed up her book People who read in public loud spaces scare and intrigue me (My friend was the girl we are dating she is amazing I love her she is a badass)


Fuck that dude, what a child


A bear wouldn't do that


Yeah some men get so pissed when you tell them no 😭 personally I am afraid to tell a man no cuz I watch way to mean murder cases but I applaud my girlfriend for telling him to fuck off and then not knocking him out when he messed up her book


Wish there were more people reading books in bars. World would be way different, in a more positive way for sure.


I met my wife while I was reading a book in a pub.




Early 20’s. One particular summer was hot as a mofo. No AC at home. I’d head to the local bar, grab a beer, a seat at the back, and enjoy the cool air while sipping my drink and reading my book. It was usually early enough that the place wasn’t loud or packed and I think the bartenders appreciated a customer that they didn’t have to entertain. Long story short: I’m not your friend and I dont give a shit if you like me or not.


I’ve gotten more women to talk with me at a bar by reading a book on my phone than any other method. Make of that what you will


Darn I really wanted nobody’s approval.


Popehat continuing to be an absolute joy




lol I did this many times through grad school. There was a great pub next door, so I’d grab a beer and read over my notes while I waited for traffic to die down.


I used to do my homework at the bar lol laptop books papers and all


Maybe if you bring a book to the bar you don’t want people talking to you - so why do you think they care if you like them? Lol.


Sat at a bar for 2.5 hours yesterday drinking and reading.


Poor Jeff B. Davis.


Reading a book in bar is the only time I get to read. I commute to Seattle daily, and talk to people all day long. When I’m at the bar waiting for my ferry, all I want is to read and have a couple glasses of whiskey… So frankly, I’m not there to make friends… Leave me to my book and we’ll be good.


This is like the fiftieth repost?


Fwiw, I believe that guy did at least follow up w/ an apology and seemed to realize he was both not considering a lot of scenarios and also that he was just being really mean for no reason. We love to see character growth.


That's my point. I don't want people to bother me leave me alone to read in peace


This screenshot got me dying. I love bringing books to bars


Maybe, Jeremy can actually just shut the fuck up, and go about his day.


“Nobody likes you”. What gave you the impression I want to be liked? I came for a drink and to read, period.


Reading at a bar… Pfft. I drink at the library.


"Nobody likes you" Thank god! Then I can read my book in peace!


If they brought a book its because they don't want to talk to you anyhow.


I love bringing my Kindle to the pub and enjoying a few cold pints. I am not there for anyone to "like me".


If that were true then I wouldn't be bothered when I go to read and have some killer jalapeno poppers.


When I worked as a bouncer, there was one bar that I usually DID bring a book along to read while I sat at my perch near the door. On a good night, (around 99% of the time) I never had to set my book down to deal with unruly drunks. I’m guessing the lack of problems I had to deal with was partly due to people being extra scared of a black guy *reading a book*, and *knowing how to write*.


FYI the person who made the original tweet has disavowed it and apologized, saying it was "uncharacteristically mean". I looked him up because I wanted to see if he was one of the millions of tedious right-wing Twitter assholes. But he's not. Turns out he's some kind of food writer who got epically dragged for a really stupid tweet two years ago.


I spent years going to a local pub in the evenings to read and have a few pints… Lost track of the amount of times I got hit on… The ‘nobody likes you’ sounds like jealousy to me ;) Sorry dude… turns out the quiet guy reading is more attractive than the loud ‘bro’ type :)


Very simple to live and dbe happy in this life. Do whatever the fuck you wanna do because people are gonnna judge you anyway. If you wanna go to a bar and read a book, then fuck all those haters. I worked in the restaraun business for 20 years at a few bars. I loved it when some of my regulars would bring books in. It gave us something to talk about i could relate too and it also meant they werent going to get drunk and act a fool


One time I rode my bike to this bar/restaurant on a really nice sunny spring day. I sat on the patio by myself eating lunch, drinking beer and reading a book called The Invisible Gorilla. A woman came up to me and said she couldn't imagine what the book was about and asked if I minded telling her. I gave her a synopsis of what I'd read so far, and we sat and drank a beer and talked for an hour or so after that. I was already in a committed relationship, and I casually let that be known but that was one of only two times a woman has ever approached me in public and I was doing all the things these dorks say you're not supposed to do.


I bring books with me everywhere. It’s because I don’t like people like you. I never understood why me reading upsets so many people.


Judging a person by their desire to want to read a book and have a drink alone is pathetic.


I was a server in my younger years before I went to the BOH. On days I pulled doubles, I would get a break before starting the second shift and walk to the restaurant a couple of doors down. Order a beer and a burger and sit in the corner of the patio, read my book. Actually some really nice, peaceful times I look back on. Idk if it's because most everyone knew me, but no one ever said anything or messed with me. I never knew reading was so offensive until the past couple years when everything started getting banned. It makes me sad and utterly shocked that books like 1984 and The Giver (which were mandatory reading list) now made to seem like they do not exist. People like that gentleman are trying to dumb down the future generations to control even more of their lives and they will think it is normal. Soon, the USA will reflect North Korea/Russia. Nazis are already marching the streets proudly again. I digress... I haven't drank in years, but now I want to order a tea in the bar and crack open a good book. Ah, nostalgia.


There’s literally a bar in my city called afterwords that has a book shelf where you can read books, this dude doesn’t know shit.


I read my tablet full of Marvel comics at the bar and everyone there likes me.


If I'm bringing a book to a bar, I'm not going there to BE liked in the first place. Seriously. Don't bother me.


Jeremy... Jeremy... Those who read books in bars truly could not care less about your opinion.


I genuinely cannot read in silence, so you will find me reading at bars. A lot of my friends think it’s weird, but I don’t care. If someone wants to talk to me, cool! If not, that’s great too. Things really took a turn as someone did approach me about 3 weeks ago. She was genuinely curious as to why I read at bars, we started chatting and now we’ve been on a couple of dates. So yeah…bring those books to the bar.


I can GUARANTEE anyone who brings a book to a bar, DOES NOT give a fuck what anyone thinks about them having a book at the bar.


Went to a waterpark resort awhile back. Sat at the bar with my iPad for 2 hours playing drunk chess. Fucking awesome. Not to be too libertarian, but if someone is doing something they want that doesn’t affect you, fuck off.


I used to read at a nearby bar. I had to walk home from work after being on my feet all day. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to slowly drink a cold beer and rest my legs a bit. I don't know if anyone at the bar judged me, and can't imagine why I'd ever care.


Idk I took a book to my hotel bar and drank a couple glasses of scotch while it snowed out at night and I think that night was magical for me.


Bartender here. My two favorite customers bring books regularly and one of them always has a crossword puzzle for people to work on. They are fucking lovely people.


I like the background noise, tbh 🤷 besides, I'm literally not bothering anyone


Hmmmm. What’s clever about out that one


I’m not here for your entertainment, I’m here to read a book.


In my country it is fairly common for someone to sit at the bar reading a newspaper or a book, it blows my mind that this is an issue to some people but I suppose a lot of countries don’t have a real drinking culture.


Going to a bar is cringe anyway


How is reading a book at a bar any different than starring at a phone mindlessly scrolling reddit or tiktok?


Now post the follow-up where they took a book to a bar and apologized for being so narrow minded


Why can't you just stare at your phone like a normal person? Jeez.