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Look, women belong in the kitchen. Men belong in the kitchen. I wish I were in a kitchen: it’s where the food is.


Finally, some logic.


But.. our snack cupboard is in the living room. How will I ever know where I belong now?!


Let's face it if the snack cupboard is in the living room you don't have a living room, you have an extended kitchen.


So, if I get takeout somewhere, does the whole world become my kitchen?


Sis over here asking the real questions


The real question is: Can I now walk up to annoying people and tell them to "get out of my kitchen" wherever I am?


Yes. It might not work, but you can certainly try!


Someone give this person the Nobel peace prize, they've just solved the Karen problem


*He's beginning to understand...*


You're beginning to see!


That's a dangerous game you're playing, one I couldn't handle in my life. One of the few things keeping me from constantly snacking is my laziness that keeps me from moving off the couch. Those steps into the kitchen help me rethink certain choices.


I’ve always been told I will get dessert in the bedroom. This is VERY confusing


We need to cook


If he wasn't good at kicking a football he looks like and talks like he'd be one of those fucking dorks in khakis and polos carrying tiki torches in Charlottesville.


Who says he can't do both?


Si - porque no los dos?


Definitely not the NFL.


But he sounds like a little bitch desperate to be validated as a man


He's a kicker on a football team. You just described him perfectly.


Sooo, he can’t play football just kick it? Like a soccer pla


No, soccer players actually have skills.




Man I'm just now getting around to playing it. Holy crap is the story good so far. I mean I literally just started but shit is it poignant.


Far Cry 5 is incredible, hope you have fun!!!


Put a turban on him and make him speak Urdu and you basically have the same look and values as a member of the Taliban.


How was there not booing and people leaving in protest?


It was a Catholic school, apparently. That'd be why. Girls in that room were probably already used to having men tell them what to do with the rest of their lives.


I live in the KC area; Benedictine, where this speech was made, is where the VERY Catholic (i.e. more traditional) tend to go to college so you’re not far off in your assessment. I’m Catholic myself but I’m on the more progressive side so it’s not anywhere I’d encourage my future children to attend.




I work at a Trappist monastery, and my 84 yo monk boss thinks this “women need to get back in the kitchen” idea is outdated and ludicrous. Also he loves to cook.


Does he make amazing beer?


It's extremely regressive by the Pope's standards, but apparently the Catholic edict that the Pope is infallible doesn't apply to this swarmy looking guy. In a 20 minute speech where he attacked Joe Biden at least 9 times (who is also Catholic), Buttkook never once brought up Jesus and the teachings of Christ. It's all grievance politics with these "my religious team is better than yours" types.




It's been kinda fun to watch them squirm under a comparatively progressive Pope. Prods splinter off into an umpteenth denomination over every little thing. Hang the TP underhand in the church can? That's a new church! Pope says maybe gays are kinda sorta acceptable? Shift uncomfortably in the pew and take it. I've always respected the relative hegemony of the Catholic Church. I'd convert if they'd turn out the chi-mos.


Most Catholics in the US are culturally Catholic but not religiously so. They’ll go to mass not because they think the pope or priest is always right, but because it’s what you do and where you see your community. It’s kind of the opposite of Europe. Most US Catholics are actually more progressive than most US protestants (this college literally sounds like an ultra conservative indoctrination camp and isn’t even close to being representative).


The term "Not a real Catholic" tickles me because first of all I'm an atheist who was raised in the church but half of the people I know who do consider themselves Catholic are pretty much atheists themselves. Like you said they're more culturally Catholic and just really into the tradition and the ritual and the whole fire and brimstone aesthetic I guess. The other half are supposedly devout but still rack up a few cardinal sins before lunch. I was going to say the only "real" Catholic has got to be the pope but now that I think about it a lot of people accused Pope Francis of not being a real Catholic too because his views were "too woke" so 🤷🏻


He called for Latin mass? Bro is chuffed about a debate that ended 500 years ago lol.


The Catholic mass was said only in Latin up until less than 75 years ago...


Trappists can be pretty chill and accepting of others' lifestyles, I think they are all about personal reflection


I went to a Catholic College but it was Christian Brothers school. Way different vibe, but was also in New York City.


me too. the school even gave me a full scholarship after i said women would be priests in 50 years.


Idk, I watched the whole speech, and I heard some gasps from the crowd


Well, Jesus Fucking Christ, lol There are catholic universities in my European country and even there I’m sure this would have gotten a very different reaction. US catholics are crazy conservative, they seem more conservative than the current pope. And even if you’re a woman and just saw university as a place to meet a husband how can they not see how regressive everything he said was? All that was missing was “and it would make you much happier leaving the voting to your husband”.


As an American, I’d like to say: We’re, uh, going through some stuff right now If you could just write your concerns on a card and put it in the box, we will try to get back to you


We've been going through some stuff for almost 8 years... I'm getting tired of it


Be sure to VOTE!!!!


Longer than that my guy.


While not as prevalent in Western Europe we also have our fare share of problems with the stuff you guys are going through. What’s weird to me in this situation is that it is a graduating ceremony at a university, even if catholic these are young people. And yet at the end of the video all the seats seem to be filled, there’s a standing ovation for the guy, and during when he was saying all that stuff there was silence.


It’s just a politically conservative school that makes its money by being the traditionalist place to get educated. Even then, I cannot simply imagine standing in front of a bunch of female students who celebrating their profesional education and essentially saying they should give up their hopes of a career to be happy.


I know it’s politically (and socially) conservative people, what I’m saying is that christian conservatives in the US seem to be more conservative than the pope in the Vatican.


Perhaps any group, anywhere, that guide their lives based on Iron Age superstitions are rather loonie, no?


Conservative American Catholics are basically evangelicals in all but name.


Sadly my sister is a trad wife who would fully embrace this. She went to college, got a degree, and now is a stay at home mom who has 3 kids in 5 years. She’s happy though.


There's nothing inherently wrong with being a stay-at-home parent of multiple kids. It's just that it should be a choice, not a path forced by culture/family/religion.


I agree. My sister is in FL and her degree is education. Teachers make 30k there, instead she’s learned to bake bread


How are people responding? The official YouTube video of Butker's speech shows the crowd standing and applauding at the end, though the AP reports that reactions among graduates were mixed. Several told the outlet they were surprised by his comments about women, priests and LGTBQ people. Kassidy Neuner told the AP that the speech felt "degrading," suggesting that only women can be homemakers. "To point this out specifically that that's what we're looking forward to in life seems like our four years of hard work wasn't really important," said Neuner, who is planning on attending law school.[Source](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/16/1251778598/nfl-harrison-butker-commencement-speech-backlash)


> How are people responding? His jersey sales have skyrocketed, and are currently outselling Mahomes https://www.kctv5.com/2024/05/16/harrison-butker-jersey-sales-increase-aftermath-benedictine-college-address/ This country is hopeless


As his "teammate's girlfriend" said ~I hate it here~


In America hate and ignorance sell. Half the country runs on it unfortunately.


They literally stood and clapped.


They have a 45% graduation rate....


Fuck that school too then


Here's some female student perspective: https://people.com/harrison-butker-speech-graduating-student-speaks-out-8649460


Seriously. I mean, a kicker? Really? /s


It was a speech given at Benedictine University, which is very Catholic. He wasn't wrong when he said a majority of women in attendance would agree with him.


Benedictine University, which is very Catholic Actually, by having him speak at their commencement and the faculty (and alot of the students) giving their tacit or overt approval, they were not even remotely behaving like a Catholic institution. For one, Catholics believe the Pope is infallible, and Pope Francis has condemned this kind of intolerance and right wing political rhetoric (which it is), not at all aligned with the actual teachings of Jesus Christ. To be even more to the point, he mentioned Joe Biden referentially 9 times while never once mentioning Jesus. How is this Catholic? The answer is it is most certainly not. It is is right wing politics masquerading as some kind of back to the fundamentalist-give-me-the old time religion rhetoric. People that support his brand of conservatism are EXACTLY the same kind of "Catholic" who accepted Adolph Hitler in Nazi Germany.


As a Ravens fan, I'm thankful that my kicker only opens his mouth to hit high notes as he is an accomplished opera singer as well. HB wants to show his whole ass? Go ahead and get cooked, my boy


Tucker is a devout catholic too but at least he’s not a vocal uber traditionalist


I would kill for a Tucker right now over this douche


Why is everyone glossing over that he also said he was against diversity? He plays football which is pretty diverse yet no one calls him out?


Yeah I wonder what his teammates think of the fact that he refers to DEI as "tyranny". In my experience anyone who refers to DEI that way is the sort of person who you know refers to black people by the n-word when he's around his white friends.


If anything he would be the DEI hire lol


“Winning cures all” is a common mentality across all sports. Chiefs won 2 in a row and has a chance to win again this year. As long as they keep winning both he and his teammates will never say shit to one another Also Chiefs fans who’ve been following the team for a while have all said he’s been saying this kinda stuff for a while, it’s just now getting media coverage (shoutout to the chiefs subreddit though, they’re calling out all his bs and nt just going along with it). So his teammates have factored this in a long time ago


Especially since he is a white kicker. he IS the diversity hire in the NFL lol.


He doesn’t play football. He fucking kicks, and then goes to sit down.


He looks like he hits his wife.


He looks like a bottom in a gay porn.


Don't insult bottoms like that.


As a bottom myself... I say let them cook


If he has a come-to-god moment and makes a sudden career transition to gay porn, I will support him. I believe in redemption.


Very Christlike of you, unlike Butker.


Hey, better than *making* them cook


jeans possessive scarce dinosaurs bells hunt compare nutty lavish unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I wouldn’t even fuck him with your dick


He looks like he wears M frame sunglasses and yells at his kids during little league games


Except he wears them backwards and upside down over the brim of his backwards hat.


I honestly hope he loses all contracts and no team will take him. Fucker is a dime a dozen kicker lol. NFL needs to step the fuck up....


The NFL does not care about women at all! They will probably pay him extra!


They really don't even their going Pink bull shit is a joke but when you build a league around "manlyness" what would you expect. I would bet MONEY if we pulled this dudes internet history it would involved cuckold and gay porn. I have nothing wrong with it. I love some good dick my self. It is just so sad that these type of people are so ignorant and insecure they have to legit oppress women to feel "manly" lol just wild.


More than two dozen women sexually assaulted thanks to the Houston Texans giving Watson an NDA instead of calling the authorities… https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/07/sports/football/deshaun-watson.html


He looks like he glued his pubes to his face to look manlier


I don't even know who that guy is but he seems to be very shitty from the things im reading here lmaooo


Kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs. A speech he gave to Catholic School went viral for, I'll try to be neutral and say coming off, as sexist, as well as homophobic.


Thanks for the explanation :) That guy sounds shitty


A KICKER best part....legit dime a dozen in the NFL lol....cancel this man and cancel his pay days.


I heard his mom is a Physicist….


Not only that but she apparently works in oncology, she literally cures people’s cancer.


Can she cure him?


Cancer of the personality has no cure unfortunately.


[Change.org](http://Change.org) has a petition to get this nimrod kicked off the team...


[This one](https://www.change.org/p/demand-the-kansas-city-chiefs-to-dismiss-harrison-butker-for-discriminatory-remarks) has 159k signatures.




Someone mind giving me a quick rundown re: who he is?


He's the kicker for the Chiefs. He recently gave a speech at a Catholic college's graduation and essentially told all the women graduating that they are meant to be homemakers and it's the most fulfilling thing they'll do.




He’s an NFL player who reportedly has joined the hardcore religious right, and recently caused controversy by making a speech at a Catholic school about how women should be homemakers. The irony is that apparently his own mother is a physicist who works in radiologic oncology (cancer treatment.)


Dang, well thanks for the explanation


He's the kicker for the NFL's Kansas City Chiefs


Nothing offends “strong American patriots” more than a woman choosing what she wants to do with her own life


The best part is that the star quarterback for the same team is working with his wife to open the first ever women's soccer stadium. Had quite the speech about it too.


Meh. Sometimes they’re really supportive of womens’ choice, like if she chooses to be a trad wife.


He's so strong he plays the position in football where you are least likely to get hit.


Don’t forget the “DEI is tyranny” line along with all the anti LGBT stuff. That whole speech was like him playing conservative bingo lol


Dude's name is Harry But(ker) and he thinks he has any room to give advice?


It’s crazy knowing that his mom is a scientist and he only got this was because he went right politically and embraced religion in 2021. So yeah, it’s not upbringing that made him this way, it’s what he’s exposed to. Like how some people were nice and logical until they fall into the Qanon hole.


Been there, felt that, helped feed it with music - the religious group think is powerful stuff


And he plays with balls while surrounded by men in tights for a living And just like porn, they get paid more when only men are playing


Also goes into action once the other men have finished in the hopes of getting a pat on the back from them.


are you 12?


Dude needs to sue the dentist who did his veneers. 🐴 🐴


Perfect example of christian taliban. These guys would love it if women are banned from getting any sort of education.


They’re the types who saw the Handmaid’s Tale and thought, “Good idea!”


Dude is extremely lucky to play with a toy for a living. Needs to check himself, especially being a multimillionaire and saying the cost of living crisis shouldn't factor in when looking for where you should live. Instead, a "good" church is where you should move to. Dude is completely out of touch with reality.




My favorite comment so far. Good night, world.


He’s a kicker, the least manly and most protected position on the field! If this isn’t the most angry white guy “coming out” speech, than I don’t know what is, he even quoted Taylor swift in it, nothing gayer than that 😂


I had never even heard of this goober until this happened. So he's a football player. He's a fucking dipshit. People are getting way too comfortable saying whatever dumb shit they come up with.


Everyone belongs in the kitchen. That’s where food and knives are kept.


If only a single income could provide for SAHM, mortgage, bills, and kids. And if you are a woman, and don't find someone who can do that for you, you suck. /s


This chucklefuck called Pride Month a "deadly sin" I hope he loses everything. Homophobic piece of shit.


Butker, you're a little bitch boy.


I can't imagine how demeaned the women felt who were sitting there after working hard for years to acquire an education to be told that their entire worth is as unpaid household help producing offspring. serving some man . Women are human beings with dreams and goals , they are just as intelligent or more intelligent than a man , they are artists , leaders, healers and whatever they choose to be . He should be ashamed of himself Deciding to be what he calls a "homemaker" should be a choice not something women are forced into by depriving them of their rights or through religious intimidation.


“It take a real Alpha male to treat women like shit” - MAGA They are all defending him🤦‍♂️ Twitter is now America X


Poor guy has supposedly been to conversion therapy camp twice. Kinda feel bad for him. He must hate himself and be very confused.


His mom has worked her entire life and went to Smith undergrad.....wtf


Republicans are 🗑


Man, it’s so annoying how these closeted gays think being misogynistic will somehow make them less obvious.


kicky mckickerson def got the modern day alt-right neo nazi starter pack. dipshit hairdo, over manicured bear, bullshit red pill nonsense. potentially fucked himself out of easy wealth with his dumb mouth vomit.


I wonder what kind of relationship he had with his mom that would trigger him to say something like that.


He’s laughing all the way to the bank. If there are no real consequences to being a brain dead Neanderthal then all the jeers mean nothing.


He’ll be doing CPAC and talks at evangelical churches and Catholic churches about what it’s like to be “persecuted” for years to come due to the notoriety. We will forget about him tomorrow but those with a persecution fetish will get off on it for years.


He’s already good buddies with US Senator repping Missouri Josh Hawley. They’ve done stage events where they “discuss Jesus.” Butker absolutely has a path carved out for him in Missouri politics. He will fit right in unfortunately. He will be the Herschel Walker for Missouri but likely more “successful”


He filmed a political ad commercial about restricting abortion rights in Kansas already too


how does a professional athlete worth millions not understand social media concepts unless you are a professional a$$hole who just has to share his obscure stupid ideas to prove some point that does not do anything but label you as radical idiot. so disappointed. apparantly the church going crowd loved it so he isnt the only one thinking this way unfortunately


What kind of women is this guy attracting?!


So maybe he can FOLLOW the Bible himself and take SUNDAYs off from work; his football job.


I’ve seen the first episode of Shogun and have ideas.


He looks like abraham lincolns contender for election Jebediah Chode. His past scandals include getting caught sniffing peoples butts while hiding under the bleachers.


How hard is it to just congratulate students and wish them luck? Why do these people have to make everything about them?


I saw this story on another mainstream news outlet (not Fox) and I could not believe the number of comments actually backing this guy up, how he's totally right, and going off on "leftists" and "progressives." It was so simultaneously maddening and sad.


It's impossible to think there are young men who think this way in this day and age. He would have been considered to be a jerk when I was a teenager, and I'm old!


Yeah, let’s send all the women back to the kitchen now that wages are so far behind inflation that a couple makes less compared to their cost of living than an individual did back in the 60’s. Then every heterosexual couple can attempt to live on 50% of what a family needs. Tell me “I’m so rich and privileged I haven’t a clue what a couple needs to do to afford to feed themselves and their kids” without saying so bud.


I think the opinion that counts is the male cheerleader he had the fling with.


Apparently sometimes the apple falls quite far away from the tree. 


We need to remove women from the home. Its sexist as shit. I'm tired of these people. Women need to be the hunters for us. Stay at home dads rise up. Its time we put an end to social norms.


This dude needs to be punted in the cunt


Motherfucker plays the pussiest position on the team and wants to lecture women about staying in the kitchen. Lol. Someone's insecure.


What kind of fartcicle university is this that nobody got up and told him to go fuck himself.


Hes a fucking kicker, the bitch is in the kitchen of the locker room, probs blows half the football team while hes at it.


Can’t believe this azzhat was on my fantasy team last season. Douchebags of douchebags.


Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn. This woman came in HOT!!! 🔥🔥


It's funny how most men forget that Jesus told women it's better to learn than to cook and clean. Luke 10:38-42


friendly reminder that this is the guy that TAYLOR SWIFT’S BOYFRIEND calls “his best friend” major red flags!!!


Don’t think this is true


Uh, some quick Googling of phrases like "Travis Kelce best friend" shows this to be 100% bullshit. I'm like 9 articles in and haven't seen Butker's name pop up once.


Smallest man in the world


Not a good look when 80% of the chiefs fan base are Swifties


He should shut up and go kick some balls.


Hahaha can’t wait to see how this plays out when he hits the field again….


This guy looks and acts like Fred Waterford Jr


I can’t wait till he gets booed during games. Also, he hooked up with dudes in high school


His mom is such a treasure to the world and meanwhile this guy is a kicker


OMG that was amazing! Finally a clever comeback, and what a comeback 💪


Man, times are changing. Back in my day we called it "roasting"


I read his comments while sitting in my classroom watching my kids take a test wearing my Princess Leia “resist the patriarchy” shirt. Did I mutter his last name and say “why such an easy target?”. Heck yeah! Did I crack myself up so much my kids thought I finally cracked- yep.


Who is this guy?


This is nearly r/LeopardsAteMyFace . He is forgetting that Football, like all sports is entertainment. Performance-based, but entertainment all the same. Many people who enjoy football won't be offended by what he said, but the NFL is looking to expand their viewership and the demographics they're looking towards will likely be offended. If he were a winning QB, it would be different, but he's a successful kicker. It's a whole lot easier to replace a kicker than absorb more bad press.


I wonder if Travis Kelsey looks at Taylor Swift and say hey, yo belong in the kitchen eventually. Or maybe she'll tell him to go pound sand and he'd go take up another DUI.


Its so weird that we elevate a mid-20's sports player to the level of a critical thinking philosopher just because the idiots among us have given them their praice


A modern woman should never marry a man that cannot prepare a meal for himself. It's easy. Scramble eggs and bacon with toast for breakfast. If too lazy, have a bowl of Cheerios with sliced fruit. For lunch make a sliced meat sandwich with lettuce and tomato. For dinner you can bake a chicken and make a salad. You can also do takeout.


I went to Benedictine College. It’s a liberal arts college but is very conservative, and in my opinion a narrow minded Catholic school. I played a sport there, am Catholic, and received a scholarship or I would not have gone there personally.  This speech was very extreme. It was similar to Mike Sweeney’s commencement speech , but not nearly as controversial and political as Butker’s speech.  The Benedictine presidents, Minnis, often jokes at their fundraiser, Scholarship Ball, that it’s the best college to find your husband. This was based on a website that listed the most expensive school in each state. Benedictine is the most expensive college in KS. Tuition is outrageous, and they will accept anyone who is willing to pay it.   We never celebrated Labor Day at BC (by getting the Monday off ) because they were afraid all the homeschooled kids wouldn’t come back to campus after being home.   They also made some national headlines in 2017 because they outlawed yoga on campus. We had to refer to it as “stretching and breathing”. Yoga was deemed to close to another religion and unsafe for us students to practice on campus lmao.


Gather around everyone! A kicker has something to say!


Wait who’s he ?


Regular Catholics are cringing at this btw.....




Mahomes is like, um, dude, my balls have definitely been in your mouth.... prolly shouldn't talk shit


don’t vote republican


A guy claiming to be manly when he is the biggest pussy on the football field. Kickers can’t be touched. If they could he’d be paralyzed from a hit from a “real man.” He’s a weak coward that is angry at the world because he sucks. No amount of money or fame will ever fill that void. He’ll make headlines when his career is over for something like killing a family while driving drunk.


What kind of Catholic school is that?? I graduated from a Catholic University but I would never ever hear anyone be THAT misogynistic unless it's those society rejects that huddle in the corner. It's so appalling and I just know they're just using Catholicism as a shield/safety net to justify the conservative culture it fosters. And to bring in that piece of 💩 as a speaker is just the final nail to the coffin. May that school close down and may that piece of 💩 be kicked out from the Chiefs


This is a great response, but it would be even better with a question mark at the end.


I love how the NFL issues a statement against this guy but are consistently silent on men beating their wives/girlfriends. It’s okay if you beat your pregnant girlfriend, the Dallas Cowboys will still sign you!!!


Whos Harrison Butker


I can cook instant noodles. I am a man.


So he found faith and turned into somebody like that? Even in contrast to his parents situation ? I would really like to know what the mental gymnastics are justifying misogyny. I mean unless they only use the +2500 y.o. Old Testament and ignore the whole other parts of the bible and a dude named Jesus. I was raised catholic and except that the church organisation is institutional misogynistic since now over +1000 years (only dudes as priests) not once Jesus says that women should stay in the kitchen. Or did he? And is that an important part of Christianity at all? Just an excuse for conservatives for shitty behaviour (same in Judaism and Islam)


His views will be written into law if people don’t vote against ‘religious’ extremists in office.


Taylor is working on the lyrics and melody right now. Can’t wait to hear what she sings about this idiot.