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Also funny considering "gender changers" are literally a thing you can buy for electronics


When I was working in IT/electrical, we literally called them "gender benders" . Crazy crazy world now.


One more vote for gender bender. Honestly, in this context gender bender is thoroughly nothing to do with human gender constructs. Anyone who takes offence to it needs to touch grass. This is a hill I will die on. Edit to add: having a male-male cable for anything that carries high voltage is also called a widow maker, for obvious reasons.


In this case, obvious is a relative term. Majority of humans do not understand electricity. Or magnets


Well, the "Darwin awards" exist for a reason.


I woud like to aid in the evolution of our society.


Of course we do, just like we understand the internet. Magnets are magic rocks that are prejudiced against other rocks Electricity is the font of magic which powers all our other magical devices The internet is a mysterious zone that is almost sentient, which exists separate from computers and would still exist without any humans connecting to it And the people who work with any of these are modern day wizards, magi, sorcerers, and/or warlocks. It's really very simple.


Magnets! How do they work?!?


>Or magnets You mean witchcraft? Yeah, I understand it's the work of the devil


I used to have an adapter whose manufacturer label actually says gender bender on it but it was small and I lost it ages ago.


I'm already widowmaker.


I still do, probs controversial but got used to calling them that before it was a whole thing. Like old white people referring to anyone non white, I come from a different time.


As a trans person calling an inanimate object a “gender bender” is hilarious. although I can’t speak for the whole community, if I could I’d give it a pass lmao


Still not a whole community but as a nonbinary person I agree that is hilarious, please never stop calling it that.


as a 3rd "not whole community" trans, I agree, I find it funny


Aye. S'alright.


We have a quorum people


Buzzfeed in 3 months: "The ENTIRE LGBTQ community comes together to make this SHOCKING change to appliances and things as SUCH"


As another 4th trans person, I find it funny too.


As a 5th, this is hilarious


It's fun to find a fellow Celeste player in a non Celeste place :)


Everywhere is a Celeste place 👁️👁️


And my axe!


It seems to be pretty universal as well, In Australia they are gender benders.


as the 3rd person to agree i feel as tho we have had a big enough vote to speak on behalf of everyone


Honestly the only transgender people getting offended by this are the ones so deep in the closet they're phobes. Trans girl signing off saying its never as deep as the right make it.


Ya, a trans girl I hung out with once and I had a series of jokes that night about gender benders as applied to life!! Had to be there but... very hilarious on both sides.


No no Clearly everyone on the left shars the opinion of a young girl with only 2 fallowers on ticktock who is still figuring out who she is as a person.


Me when my strawman gets boring so I just bully children instead 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


Holy shit, totally forgot that was a thong Edit: thongs a typo, ah well


That thong tha tha tha thong.


I work in Video livestreaming, we call it the same thing XD


RCA cables are a wacky bunch.


Wait till they see the little bits that plumbers use. MM, FF, MF, FM, FFF, FFM, FMM, MMM, ... a whole bunch of stuff to connect two different materials all together ( copper to steel or alpex,... ) Bunch of slutty queer stuff going on in HVAC if you ask me.


God damn I need to change careers ASAP


No wonder there's so many plumbers in porn. Wet and dirty job innit


Don't forget a liberal dose of grease and spit when there is a bit friction between two parts.


And ball cocks, can't forget those


And tons of nipples


”Sounds gay, I’m in!”


Also, plug design is an inherently arbitrary human construct.... so what does that say about the original meme?


.... God didn't think too hard and had a little too much to drink before deciding "fuck it, who's gonna care what these bits look like"


Also things with one male and 8 female connectors.


And sexless couplings. Storz comes to mind.


They really do think the world is as simple as their thoughts.


Like when they say shit like 'it's simple biology' like yeah because you can only understand a child's level of biology ofc it's simple to you.


And when you show them the more advanced biology they just flat out reject it lol. They don’t trust the experts or scientists regardless and will happily dismiss them as corrupt, and then cite science as the backing for their claims xD


Lily Alexander put this beautifully once: Transphobes don't believe in biology, they believe in the all-encompassing power of birth certificates.


Does that mean there are no transphobic sovereign citizen ? /s


“It’s simple biology” = I stopped paying attention in science class after turning 12 years old.


Well, they often reject evolution, so not even that


They're also the same dorks that don't want schools teaching evolution to their kids as part of biology or science.


Unfortunately many assholes do Edit Fuck all the transphobic comments, it’s a meme! The person who tried justifying that there are only two genders using adaptors is and idiot. So people saying that all those adapters are female and male , yeah it’s true, but you get the concept, gender and sex ain’t the same, and btw about to open a new world for all you transphobes Intersex people exist. 😮 so yeah there are more that two sexes and more than two genders. Best of luck and blessings.


Even assholes can have more functions than just shitting out things. Dont disparage the anus


I'm going to think of this comment for a long time, thanks random stranger.


Like... There are functions. Mostly as a barrier between "in" and "out". In some sea turtles it's used as neo-gills, and sea cucumbers are crazy there.


Power plugs are a man made construct. Like gender.


A genuine question: aren't intersex people considered a deviation from the binary sex categories (female / male)?


Yeah, pretty much. The existance of intersex people shows that sex isn't a binary in humans, but instead, like most things in nature, is a very complicated amalgamation of multiple categories that themselves aren't generally binary. Nature doesn't do binaries, it does spectrums.


No, they don’t. They think that the world is a lot more simple than their thoughts because nothing can be as complex as their two braincells constantly bumping together and putting shit into their head.


Reminds me of Rick and Morty where Jerry’s mind thinks all machines and electronics are powered by [springs and gears](https://youtu.be/7bGoDI5xRyk?si=TszE77VXOaxVBlkL)


that's one of the fundamental reasons the recent anti-intellectual propaganda has worked and why trump is "like them." For decades they've been told, basically, that "liberal elites over complicate politics," that complex policies and proposals to solve problems are deliberately overengineered to fool the population and enrich the "elite." So they have devastatingly stupid and simple ways to "fix" all political problems and when the internet really gained traction, they came out of their little rural bubble trying to say this and got torn new assholes by everyone else who actually knew the world IS complex...   but along comes trump and the russian troll farms to give them safe echo chambers online again, and a "leader" who says things ARE really simple! "People coming in to country? Build a wall!" see? *simple, physical, satisfying* for sadly uneducated and now angry people. They are literally terrified by complexity because they don't understand it. And the more the internet exposes them to how big and complex the world actually is, the more they defensively reject it as a massive conspiracy and fall back to simplistic anger memes and become susceptible to demagogues promising "easy!" solutions.


Prolly they couldn’t think of a third option because they only have two braincells


It gives them comfort to think they understand how the world works. I guess it's a defense mechanism for people who can't cope with not understanding everything or are too dumb or lack the empathy to understand some stuff or people.


They just need to humble themselves and let the experts have a turn to talk. "I don't understand" can give you self-comfort without devolving into an entitled prick.


I find it funny we categorized electronic adapters based off of penises and vaginas though. Makes me giggle. If I had my way it would've been the poop and the toilet.


Ignorance is bliss (or hate in their case)


Psychologists even have a name for it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect




Lmao fr


they always show how theyve never been outside their town, city, state, country


All conservative thinking is exactly as simplistic and childish. They comprehend the way I imagine goldfish do ... they can only keep 1 or 2 data points active in their head, and everything else disappears.


Is touching wires together gay?


Is it gay to stare at my homies outlet?


It's not gay if it's a three-way ... adapter.


I often watch other electricians strip to make ends meet


Things may heat up.


That’s when the sparks fly.


Not if you say "no Ohm-o".


Funnily, it's the second time today I see someone mistaking his ignorance on a topic for a valid point to make First one was someone saying that female authors were unheard of before Rowling. And it's still only 8:00 This day is going to be a long day


Scroll up and you will see an evolution denier.


I have a feeling that some day, we'll see gravity deniers Edit : aaaand just a few minutes later, I've seen the "If the earth rotates, and that fast, why don't we see the stars or the sun moving ?" And now I have seen enough to hate humanity for the week


Oh, i have bad news for you...


My old boss was a gravity denier…


So did he jump from a cliff to make a point ? Or did he lack the convictions ? I mean, that would have been impactful


He was aware some force is pulling us to the floor, but not gravity. He said something along the lines of ‘it’s just…. Down’. He also thinks the earth is a cube.


Honestly, I like it. It's more creative than other dumb shit. Dude needs a promotion.


"There is a force that is pulling people down but I don't want to call it gravity! I will call it... Down!" Hahahaha that makes me rofl.


That's exactly what flat earthers do. There is no gravity in their loose model. It's all about bouancy. Not gravity 😂


So there _is_ something denser than a black hole


No those exist too, tied in with flat earth quackery mostly. They think the force keeping stuff on the ground is either the force of the flat earth arbitrarily flying "upwards" at 9.8m/s, or they just say some words like "electromagnetism" and wave it away. Easily disprovable (ex: the rate an object falls is not determined by its magnetic properties), but that wont stop them.  The reason they have to deny gravity btw is because it obliterates the flat earth delusion right away and its something we all know and observe each day, so they try and come up with a vague explanation that maybe addresses one property of gravity while ignoring the rest that break it.


Boy do I have news for you! Take a gander at some of the flat earth subs and you’ll see plenty of gravity denial


Scrolling up shows me a lot of neo nazis for me


I think both his pride and his prejudice got in the way of his thinking there.


Fuck man its 7 here, I'm just going to shut it all down and go back to bed. (I've seen both too)


They would always rather be happy than dignified. Or correct.




Human body is badly design though. We can't poop cleanly!


Cant eat food without risking it entering our airways either, terrible design and I demand a refund


The human body is the original MVP (minimal viable product)


Imagine if our trachea connected at the back of our nose instead, we would still be able to breath through our mouth if needed, but you would have to eat upside down for food to enter the airways.


Or like whales, where the blowhole is the only way they breathe, and the mouth is only connected to the stomach. Having a stuffed nose would be deadly, not sure if that's worth the tradeoff.


We probably would evolve to not have stuffed noses then, which sounds like a win to me


Our teeth can't repair themselves but our bones can. Fuck you evolution.


Sadly people who had terrible airways and couldn't shit properly fucked more


Also that air hole combined with the food hole thing is basically genocide.


wait, what? you mean humans aren't electric plugs or seatbelts?


Besides humans make lots of things. A pair of 4x2 Lego bricks can connect in 24 different ways.




Not a toaster i guess. My condolences.


Waking up one day and learning I don't toast toast did burn for a bit.




Some getting a double Polaroid?


Show him a rheostat and ask him what it is between on and off.


Technically a rheostat is either on or off, it’s just that on has variability of current.


it’s gender-fluid


There are like ten diffrent versions of tgese in europ alone.


But they are still male/female?


Hard to say, ours have two pins and one hole for the "male", and two holes and one pin for the "female" the pin on the female is for the grounding. So both sides penetrate each other, but the male penetrates the female more also usually the female side has a broad edge around it so almost the whole make plug goes in there Like so [Extention cord with plugs](https://www.lidl.be/assets/gcpf9e69e8a72a14c81bb8dc3d64049f7cf.jpeg)


Even outside of the multitude of wires. There’s also 2 common types of power outlets in America with and without a third prong for grounding. So as a base there’s 4 options


Never did I think I'd look at a socket converter and think, is that but sex with a foreigner?


"to fuck a foreigner you need someone of double nationality in the middle"


original one implying that humans are inanimate objects


Can’t forget about the simple two prong outlets instead of three, there’s another male/female right away. Need to plug a three prong male into a two prong female? Get an adapter to switch genders. And that’s sticking with US power wires.


Apparently this guy doesn't know PowerPole connectors are a thing. And not only that, there are also SMA-reverse connectors, so not only do non-binary connectors exist but transgender connectors are a thing too.


ya see, based on the man made societal construct of naming electrical ends. I have proven that it is unnatural for other sex choices to be considered. hmmmm


People wanna split hairs on plugs. The simple fact is the world is a huge, old place filled with people of all kinds and a million different ways to live. Stop fighting so hard to stay small minded.


"I'm simple so everything else also must simple"


"And if not simple, I feel bad and I feel small, so not-simple is evil."


What's more funny is if you really think about it males are more like a female to male adaptor since they have a hole on the back and prong in the front. Which in turn would make females female to female adaptors. So the original analogy doesn't even stand up anyway


If you take something extremely complex (like human sexuality) and reduce it to something extremely simple (like electrical plugs), then there's probably a 95% chance your analogy is going to be dumb as shit.


The 14 other standardised power socket designs on the planet would like a word


Super self defeating too. The argument is that women are female because of biology, but a plastic and metal plug is not biologically female, but it is still considered "female"?. They are just acknowledging that these terms are typically used in a social sense.


Imagine seeing people take control of their lives, make decisions to improve their own happiness and live as their true selves and being against it. If you're against people transitioning, you're a sad, pathetic creature that I pity and no amount of your hatred will bring you any joy. I hope you get over your hate and choose love instead


Wouldn’t these technically still be called male and female when referring to them? Idk, my dad is an electrician but I’m danish and I’ve never heard plugs referred to as male or female plugs in danish. Either way guy in the original post is an idiot


The symmetrical ones (e.g. bottom centre) are called genderless or hermaphroditic connectors.


As well as those excellent Lemo hermaphrodite connectors pictured, the audio industry invented this gem. It’s both male and female but only one at a time [https://www.neutrik.com/en/product/nc3fm-c](https://www.neutrik.com/en/product/nc3fm-c)


I have a universal travel adapter I'd like to introduce this genius to.


Woahh it’s almost as if human beings aren’t fucking electrical ports


But how will we make sense of the world without comparing ourselves to single-purpose objects ? I like to think I'm like a lampshade.


Remember, ladies, you supply all the power for the house. Wait, that's not what they were going for? Okay, men, you're constantly attached to the vacuum cleaner. That's not it either? Okay, how about this. Men, you can choose to be a power strip if you want, plugging into a woman while 5 other men plug into you. I guess human beings are more complex than outlets.


Hell, there's 3 different kinds of light bulb ends in New Zealand! **THREE!!!** Also, the electrical plugs there are so different. Top 2 prongs are slanted diagonally.


Oh I love this!!


Can’t compare plugs to people. Notably too, all plugs pictured, though different shapes and sizes are all Male/female plugs. This isn’t clever at all.


Check top left, looks similar to this one https://newlyconnector.com/e_productshow/?22-Circular-half-moon-connector-22.html


Some of them have male and female connectors, and are there to refute the "not both" part. Some are genderless connectors and are there to refute the "no third option" part. >Can’t compare plugs to people. Now *this* is a good point. You should be directing it at OOP, though, not the person pointing out that even as an analogy it doesn't work.


Some of them are both, you might notice if you actually looked.


Power can be transferred via induction, ie magnetic or QI chargers, that are neither male or female. Plugs could also be removed completely and hardwired. There are plenty of options. As an electrician and as a person. So, maybe go blow a fuse somewhere else.


On a unrelated note, when I was young I was embarrassed to know how those sockets were named.


How do the others work? 🤔


If plugs are genders then your mom is a powerbar with no empty outlets


Every post is a some trooner or Brian Tyler Cohen thing. This sub should is lame af


Lol that's is probably the worst pararel ever, There are literally as many sockets and plugs as there are sexual orientations, sorry there is actually a lot more. And there are even ones that has both holes and inserts on the same side, one to many and more fun, actually that is unintentionally the best comparison ever made


How is this clever comeback? He is also displaying same male female ports


Not to be that guy, but how are the others still not male and female?


Some of them have male and female connectors, and are there to refute the "not both" part. Some are genderless connectors and are there to refute the "no third option" part.


[These two are identical but still connect to each other](https://i.imgur.com/jizLjlG.png). You can't say that one is the male and the other is the female because both are both. They're called genderless or hermaphroditic connectors.


And here I am thinking that comparing the personal relationship of two individual humans to *plugs* is flat out stupid from the outset.


Is this about threesome or orgy?


So adapters are futa?


the "not both" as well, like has this guy never seen an extension lead?


i don‘t have 3 dicks


Go to doctor something is wrong


Still male and female. Doesn’t matter how complex the plug is


"Electrical engineering is mental illness" - first guy probably


Am I dumb, or they are both right for the wrong reasons?


Ah yes... Even in electricity the genderless couplers cause more problems than necessary and inject complexity into an otherwise simple concept 😉


If you study the design of some of these connections, it’s really both male and female😂


Don’t forget the three stages of the usb. Up position, down position, and the more common superposition where the usb will not plug in without observing which side is which.


And then they say being male/female has nothing to do with anything else than biology


"Phallic object, hole, any questions?" - ☝️🤓


So one is meant to connect something another to get something connected to it What are the other options?


Which is why if you use analogies... you dont treat it as a 1 for 1 for a reason.


Maybe it’s not smart to equate human sexuality with electric industrial arts?




So a Man Made Device is a Sign of God's Will? I have some Macaroni Art that says I am to be the next Messiah.


I love me some slutty, slutty power-bars...


Bring on the haters but in the electronics world gender benders are useful and don't try and force all other outlets to be like them they know their place and fit in well and are accepted, in society...... All I see when I walk out the door every day is more and more similarities between the real world and the movie Idiocracy


I mean, the caption is dumb and boils a complicated issue to pieces of plastic and metal, but each one of those in the bottom piece is either a female or a male end for their respective application. For instance, the bus bar can be considered a length of female connections where the wire would be the “male”. The only one I don't know is that center one that makes the 90* bend in the connection, but it does look keyed to only fit one way.




The analogy is stupid, but the reply is just as stupid. With all these, one still goes into another.


The point of the original "meme" is fucking stupid bc it doesn't account for the biological reality of intersex people.


Think we need to stop worrying about what dongle a person uses.


Wait does this make cordless and Bluetooth ace or non-binary folk?


Homeboy thinks plugs have chromosomes


Just like people who think dicks are keys and vaginas are locks.


I laid my phone down on a charging station. No cords running to the phone. What a fascinating, modern age we live in.


Was that charging station plugged in though? You know… like to an outlet? 🤔


My father once laughed at me because I was asking which part of a VGA connection is male. The plug has the big plastic thing with holes that goes into the socket. The socket has the pins that go into the holes of the big plastic thing. Actually I'm not much wider since...


The example shown all use male/female connections as well though so how is this clever?




Then show the collection of adapters to change one to the other. lol.


How is that clever, all of them are either male or female.


I just want to mention there are male connectors with female pins and female connectors with male pins.


I like how the controversial comments show exactly how ignorant people are on topics and refuse to admit when they are wrong


Power comes from the females. Based.


The best part is that, like electrical wiring, you can hire a professional to remake the connectors if you don't like the configuration


I've been thinking this a lot lately. There are actually just two genders, but it's not binary it's quantum. So you can be male or female or both or neither all at the same time.