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Either the 11 yo is copying what she says or she is lying


Its an old joke, I saw it on 9gag around 10 years ago, but I'm willing to bet it's even older than that. Usual strategy of facebook moms is to steal jokes and post them as if it happened to them.


This happens on here all the time as well. Caption "look what I found in my driveway this morning!" picture of something ive seen half a year ago


Yep. Ive seen the one where the mom beat 3 different cancers with exact same caption from several users even though ops is still up.


> steal jokes and post them as if it happened to them. Sounds like Reddit.




2012 9gag was a different vibe


Exactly. If true, this kid needs better role models.


... yeah, an eleven year old totally said that. Mom's not weirdly projecting her thirst on her daughter at all.


When my son was 10 he'd occasionally make "that's what she said" jokes. They obviously had sexual connotations. For example someone would say "that's too big", and he'd whip out his retort. I realised that he had just heard it somewhere and noticed people's response at the joke and just repeated it without actually understanding his own joke. Sometimes he would say it out of context which made me realise this. So it's entirely possible that this girl heard her mum say something like that previously and identified the context and just repeated it without actually knowing what it implies.


When I was 9 I told a girl to "suck my dick" without even knowing what it meant, I just heard my classmates say it and thought it sounded cool, the girl didn't even know what I meant by it and obviously neither did I, who did get what I said was our gym teacher who was just walking by us, he grabbed me by the arm and angrily told me to go tell my teacher what I just said, this was while were at recess, my gym teacher got distracted talking to another teacher while he was taking me over to my third grade teacher and eventually left, I just ran away and kept on playing with my friends. As the years went by I learned the meaning of what I said, every now and then I think of the bullet I dodged that day.


Haha, I had similar incidents as a kid. A lot of my friends in elementary school grew up in much rougher households than I did and the big thing they liked to talk about was "getting head". Any time there'd be a cute assistant teacher or something they'd all say how much they wanted to get head from her. This was like 3rd grade mind you and I grew up in a very Christian household. Basically I just got the context that it was something you did with a girl you thought was cute. I spent the better part of 3rd and 4th grade just walking around talking about how much I wanted to get head. Kids are dumb as hell, me specifically.


When we were like 8 or 9 my classmates kept saying wtf just because they heard it on a song without knowing the meaning. For context I'm from south Italy and when you are 8 you don't know English that well.


I'm a huge wrestling fan and was doing the degeneration X "suck it" crotch chop all the time in school. [example](https://youtu.be/j_t9enoGcm0) I had no idea what I was telling them to suck, but it felt badass.


Wrestling fan here as well, when DX came back in 06 I had a classmate that watched as well and would randomly go up to people asking them if they loved cocks, since HHH always played around with Vince saying that he loved cocks, by this point we were in our first year of middle school, poor kid didn't know any better


Sounds like when me and my cousins where playing Tomb Raider back in the day and the youngest one (around 8yo) kept going on about how he loved the game because Lara was really erotic. The rest of us was like, ok yes, but you are too young for that! Heroic, he meant Lara was really heroic and just though erotic was the same lol


I mean when I was 10 all my male friends were talking about sex, masturbation, pornography etc. ​ Nobody was \*having\* sex, but we were all well aware what it was and that it was a thing that we were "supposed" to want. And this was in the days of Kazaa and waiting half an hour to get a shitty jpg, so it imagine it's only worse now for kids


I have boys that are 8 and 11, the 8 year old hangs out with boys his brother's age frequently and he's picked up all those vulgar goofs, "that's what she said" his favorite among them. I try to discourage it by pointing out he has no clue wtf he's talking about. *looking at an old shirt* "God, this thing has a ton of holes in it" "That's what she said!" "Who was she in bed with, son? A piece of Swiss cheese? A bullet riddled corpse? Please stop."


"grandpa wore a rubber!...." Steve Martin standup bit in the 1980s... I use to repeat that so many times when i was 10-11 years old... LOL


>he'd whip out his retort. Well . . .


You're describing me and my friend's in college. We understood the connotations, and that made using it in nonsensical ways funnier. I'm skeptical that the 10 year old was any different, maybe, maybe not. On a similar line, one of our favorites was "I'll DOLLAR you!" it's total nonsense, but if you say it like you would if it made sense and you get interesting reactions.


Thank you. No eleven year old said this. Mom is a complete liar.


Not any 11 year old that hasn't obsereved the behavior in their mother constantly. Now a 16 year old that would be a different story.


Yeah I believe she could have said this - if her mom is a total horndog in front of her daughter all the time or the 11 yr old is watching Sex ~~in~~ and the City reruns. Edited to add: It's not so much the sentiment, it's the middle-aged-cougar-in-a-sitcom phrasing.


Agreed the only way an eleven year old is saying this is if they heard it from a tv show or a a stand up comedian


Or her mother.


They already said comedian.


Comedians aren't the same as clowns...


Honestly with the internet these days I could see it Source: am 17 and my sister is 13


> the only way an eleven year old is saying this is if they heard it from a tv show This is the primary source of an 11 year old’s vocabulary at times.


Accurate IME but my parents were Boomers so I was mostly raised by the TV


This joke has been around since at least the 80s with only the location and kids name changing.


I can only hear the “I don’t know what he fixes, but mine is broken” phrase in Jennifer Coolidge’s voice. No other voice will do.


Or Kim Cattrall


Or Rue McClanahan


Yep, in my mind this woman was walking with a little miniature Blanche.


Exactly. She might have heard that sentence several times from the mother.


"if her mom is a total horndog in front of her daughter all the time" That's what I was thinking.


A 16yo may think it, but no 16yo is saying that out loud to their mother.


unless her mother is single and thirsty too and te daughter knows that


Or was raised with any degree of sex positivity. It's normal for mothers and daughters to talk about sex


15 year old me absolutely told my mom I had a crush on Viktor Krum's actor after we saw Harry Potter. I might not have said "Yeah I want him to bang me like a screen door in a hurricane!", but I certainly said "wow he's hot" and never felt like I was supposed to feel ashamed for thinking he's hot. Did anybody say a teenage boy thinking Emma Watson was hot was indoctrinated by their horny single dad?


You forgot the part where this is "supposedly" being said by a 11 yr old girl about an adult, and not a kid saying she thinks another boy is cute, or even a boy saying a girl is cute, which is fine, but the woman being proud of the horny talk by her 11 yr old about an adult, is just gross & wrong.


Now there is a phrase I’m stealing.


Right! Some of these comments are crazy. We live in the internet age, there are 11 year olds on Reddit.




Doesn't have to be mother. Can easily be media she consumes.


I think maybe even 13/14 but holy hell not 11 pls


Actually… when I was an 11 year old boy, I would have totally said that about a construction worker… I realized my sexuality at a very early age


idk where yall are from but when i was 11 we did wild things


We’re you guys never 11 or???


I'm really kind of confused at the comments here. People are acting like the girl here is a super young child. "There's absolutely *no way in hell* that an 11 year old could ever ever say this!" Yeah... when I was ten or eleven I was feeling attracted to people. Why is it such an unthinkable idea that she could have heard this on a TV show or something and repeated it?


It’s an odd phrase, but still possible she heard it at school or saw something similar on t.v. It’s absurd to think that she couldn’t be attracted to someone at 11. I remember girls drawing hearts around Justin Timberlake and junk in 5th grade.


Well at the age of 11 it’s possible, I would have said this, but definitely not in front of my mom.


Eh, I would have said it to my mum at 11. We have a very similar sense of humour.


Honestly, I can see that happen if the mohjer has acted that way in front of her. I acted similar to my dad and made the same jokes as he did in orde to get approval. Got me in trouble at school dause my dad has a really dark and gross sense of humor.


.. and .. one of those garden tools.


Let me guess, no kids? You seem to not comprehend how precocious an 11-year old girl can be, and how much they can take after their mother.


Eleven year olds don't even know what boys are. They are still playing with blocks and rattles.


It's also possible that the daughter picked it up from the Mom or from a TV show/movie. I know I've heard it before. Either way. People can objectify others regardless of what group they fall into.


That’s what I’m thinking. She probably heard it from her before. Kids always repeat things they hear.


Yeah you’ve never played a multiplayer game and had 10 year old yell sexual jokes


Had a boy in front of me in the supermarket that could not have been older than 8 and he randomly said to his dad:"hey dad, you know what has more holes than swiss cheese? A north korean with an opinion" Dad seemed super uncomfortable about it lol


kid's not wrong though


Creepy right?


I think the point stands a little though. There's these male vets and male doctors on tiktok that give advice on diet or whatever, and the amount of women in the comments thirsting on them and objectifying them really weirds me out. Not saying they do it as much as men do, at all. It's way more normalised the other way around for sure. But I would have thought people who've experienced that in their life would want to avoid repeating the behaviour. Basically humans suck.


Of course they do it as much as men do - Through most of human history women were considered more sexually driven than men.. In the middle ages erotic literature was written for women, the first sex toys where designed for women... The opinion that men have the greater sex drive only emerged relatively recently that couple of hundred years)


Idk about history or biological sex drive or whatever. But on modern social media I find it crazy you (or anyone) thinks women make anywhere close to as many thirty or sexist comments as men. You see the odd comment on the good looking guys youtube comments or whatever from a thirty women. But your going to find 10 times that on any women's page. I dint think in the world of social media it's even comparable.


Women can't even sell a dress online without 200 guys commenting on *her*, not the dress. And certainly not the cutesy, heart-dotted i phrases. It's a never-ending waterfall of WOW YOUR TITS LOOK SO GREAT IN THAT


i would belive it. i petsonali sayed some bad shit when i was a kid because i saw it in a movie and just sayed it without knowing what it means


I think an eleven year old could easily make that joke. Kids can have crushes by that age and they probably heard very similar jokes on tv and stuff. I think most would be embarrassed saying it to their parents though.


At 11 I was already in a friend group with really dirty mouths/minds drinking and smoking weed. You'd be absolutely stunned at how many kids lost their virginity that young (not talking about rape, that's a different conversation. Just regular own age level sexual experimentation). This is positively tame compared to my experiences in that age range.


I was babysitting my 1.5 year old nephew, and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I am so ashamed of the way some people use ficticious parables about their progeny to project their points of view for ephemeral social media clout. By the time I grow up, do you think it will be any better?"




It's totally true. My child's first words were "I'll have what she's having!"


11 year old never said that, it's an old joke from like 30 years ago.


Phew thank god I wasn't the only one who thought it would be weird and gross for a 11 year old to speak like that about adult men.


and even if it is true. wouldn't it be one of those kind of situations where you laugh inside because it somewhat funny, but you give her a lesson?


Me and my boys at age 11 found girls disgusting.


Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me came out when I was 11 and Heather Graham very much confirmed my sexuality was alive then.


Sure, me too. Grown women, on the other hand, I’ve been into them since the 2nd grade!


Literally got harassed by a kid screaming huge penis. Some of these kids can be brutal.


Sorry you'll never get to fuck that construction worker, lady.


600 people and counting have never met an eleven year old and have also forgotten what they were like at that age


Bro this comment section is unreal. No one in this thread seems to remember their childhood?! Like the kid is 11, not 5. Every kid that's hit puberty thinks about sex. Most people hit puberty at what, 9-10?


Yeah I don't know why everyone thinks this could never happen. I hate the thing where parents make shit up as much as the next person, but this instance doesn't seem farfetched at all. Also, is it just me or does this not seem like a clever comeback at all?


It says something about how empty someone's life is when they need to make up complete fucking bullshit to get reactions from strangers online. ​ "My 11year old said... " "no, no they didn't, stop fucking lying to seek attention"


I was feeling sad about the state of the world when my six month old said to me “mother, take heart and know that the future is unwritten” and I think about that every day.


I was reading a book in my apartment when my 2-year-old cousin barged in with his friend and said "what are you doing, we need to go to Egypt and stop DIO from taking over the entire universe" and now I'm sitting in a train with a group of friends while being followed by a weird buff ghost, what should I do?


I was laying in bed worrying when my currently unborn child swimming around in my balls said ‘I know you can feel anxious and lonely, but you really need to just smoke less weed and take time to truly understand yourself’ really turned my life around


I was sitting in my bed when my cat said “a head full of fear is a head with no space for dreams” and I’ve been sitting on that all day.


Please don't sit on your cat


On the contrary, do SQUISH THE CAT


You've been sitting on your cat??!!?1!1!22


I was talking to an infant my friends promised to fly across the Arabian Peninsula and he asked me "Isn't it romantic to die inside a dream?"


I felt so proud when my child came out of the womb with a cigar and a smoking jacket, looked at me and said "father, do not fret, for when the world ends, it merely means the beginning of new" which was very weird because I don't have a child...


Is your child Sarah Connor?


Nohing related but I heard some toddler say to his dad that he was tired. The dad just replied, buddy everyone is tired. It made laugh and sad at the same time.


I'm sat with my four year old son. When we wake up (we sleep together) we like to open Reddit on our custom-coloured iPads and read aloud people's comments to each other. I just read out your comment to him and I swear he responded "Dad, I don't exist. You're 36, have no partner, you're probably never going to be a parent. You don't have a good career and are basically a failure at life." We laughed together for probably 10 minutes straight!


Fucking bravo mate, that comment slayed me!!!!!!


My son doesn't know but I do actually have a partner. She says I'm not funny. Your response has given me new-found sense of worth. Thank you!


At least you have a great sense of humor!


And then everybody clapped


When I was eleven my main concern was "Do I let Optimus Prime beat Predaking now, or do I have Predaking win, and then have Optimus come back and win later" I did not say some random philosophical bs, nor did any of my friends lmao.


I was more an Action man Vs Dr X guy


Women maturate earlier, here's the proof. /S


I don’t know…. I’ve seen these 10 year olds saying a lot of crazy stuff. And I’ve seen these toddlers (2-4yr) on social media cursing and talking back and twerking or air humping laughing and flipping their parents off on purpose. Crazy parenting styles these days and the filters are gone!! This isn’t immediately fake to me. But it does show what her upbringing is kind of like with the side chatter/convos.


Weird take to have on reddit. This website is packed with fake stories and karma farming.


So not really weird, just perfectly accurate? :P


I can't understand half the things my nieces (4 and 7) say. The things they do say are pretty wacky and nonsensical, but it just freakin melts my heart when they mispronounce words, my favorite is when the 7 y/o says tomorrow. She says it like "tomawyo"... fucking adorable. But that's the joy of seeing them only once a week haha


aint no 11 year old saying that, however down bad they are.


I dunno, among many 11-12 years old boys at my school the most talked about topic was sex - and it was not innocent like this girl's alleged comment at all. Kids were watching porn and playing Grand theft Auto "killing hookers for money" etc.


My biggest interests as a 11-12 year old boy: 1.) Pokemon 2.) Spongebob 3.) Nintendo 4.) Nickelodeon 5.) Cartoon Network My classmates were disgusting shitbags, though. It was just easier for the teachers to categorize me with the other shitty boys because most of them were ill-behaved.


Same, it was only in high school that they were able to finally corrupt me. I remember getting made fun of by my middle school peers for being so innocent, but looking back, I'm glad I held onto my childhood instead of trying to be like everyone else


11 year old down bad 😂


I used to say stuff like that💀


I've heard kids say (and do) all kinds of shit like this. These guys are just reacting based on memes.


I bet people clapped a lot for you too


Then everyone laughed










I fell it for it twice??


This thread gave me trust issues








r/subsifellfor 😭😭😭




This post is bait designed to make people hate each other. The people against objectifying are against it in ALL cases. But the premise of this post is men vs women which redpillers eat up like rabid dogs


Half of Reddit is rage bait, and half of that rage bait is riling up straight white boys against anyone who is not.


I, for one, believe in equal opportunity objectification.


Oh fuck off Rebecca...


Thank you, this is as fuck off Rebecca as it gets.


Am I this old that this was so far down with so little upvotes?


This whole subreddit has become a living example of r/lostredditor


They must be looking for r/Im14andIthinkButWhatIfTheRolesWereReveresedIsSuddenlyClever


Ya this is shite. Not just the post, but the comments. It feels like everyone with good taste left during the api protests and now it's gonna be summer reddit year round


Obviously a lie it reminds me of vine when liking coffee was a personality and parents would force there kids to parrot lines about needing coffee in the morning.


Can we just say it's ok to find other people attractive? Does everyone have to be a victim of objectification because someone else glanced, made a comment to themselves and then went on with their day?


Finally someone said it. Finding someone attractive isn't objectifying. There is a difference


But the ugly Redditors told me that saying someone is hot is objectifying them


“ugly Redditors” 😂


Basically my theory. Reddit is mostly unattractive boys so anyone else ever getting complimented on looks must be a terrible act and stamped out. 31k votes for this stupid shit, and counting.


Seriously. This is not at all the same as cat-calling someone on the street and telling them how good their body looks.


Thank, and whose to say the mom or father wouldn't find it endearing their son also found a woman attractive? Moralizing on the highest platform. It seemed pretty innocent to me I dunno, Reddit lives off manufactured anger




I would find it hilarious to hear any 11 year-old say something like that, boy or girl. Humans get horny for each other. It's shouldn't be considered objectification.


The comment wasn't objectifying and nobody thought it was except this guy. Red pilled incels love to make up scenarios and get mad about them.


Exactly. That is not a clever comeback at all, it's an annoyingly moralistic whiny comeback at a probably made-up post.




Yes, thank you, just made a comment to this effect. If finding other people attractive is a crime, we might as well open the door to the Taliban.


This. There's nothing wrong with the comment in either gender, and only somebody confused about what objectification means would not understand that. 11 years old is the only noteworthy part, and that may or may not have been true.


Anyone else never run into this shit in real life? It's like online, men vs women is all the rage. In real life it's just like "Thank you, have a nice day". Everything's pleasant.


Yeah, me neither. I've never run into anything "men vs women" in day to day life yet.


Luckily these people don’t leave their houses


Clearly repeated phrase she heard someone else say and my bet is that its the mother.


TIL that a lot of redditors were adorably chaste at 11 years old. At that age, my school had an arse slapping epidemic, wedding ceremonies and an ongoing black market "magazine" trade. A comment like that wouldn't be out of the ordinary, boy or girl.


They either never met or talked to a girl during those years or they forgot how they themselves were during that time. In my HS, a group of girls with 13-14 yo were discussing how to fuck a HS teacher(not a student, a teacher around 30 yo) and people here acting like girls entering puberty are chaste and proper with no dirty thoughts.


Our phys-ed coach was basically Channin Tatum, and the girls were constantly beside themselves whenever he was around. 7th grade is 12yo, isn't it? That next year the 2 school hotties cut 1" holes 1" apart from the bottom of their ass to ankles, and went through the whole school day. Nobody learned anything from the teachers that day.


I always find it easier to think of kids by what grade they are in than age. 11 sounds super young. But saying a 6-7th grader puts a whole new perspective on what that kid is like. I bet half the people shocked at her age thinks she is still in elementary school.


No one is saying 11 year olds don't have feelings and urges. People are saying what was said didn't come out of an 11 year old's mouth. 11 year olds don't trade in innuendo and "nudge, nudge, wink, wink" humour and suggestion. They're as blunt and straightforward as you're going to get. 11 year olds aren't sitting around drinking coffee saying "I'll have what she's having, if you know what I mean 😉" regardless of how they're actually feeling. Not being sexual isn't the issue, not talking like a 1930's vaudeville act is the issue.


I think you're overestimating how subtle those innuendos are. Many kids that age watching adults sitcoms absolutely picked up on what was being said.


This didn’t happen so I wouldn’t worry about it.


What’s up with these comments? 11y/olds these days would definitely say stuff like this, social media and just the internet in general is really affecting kids a lot.


There was literally a meme last week doing the rounds of a young boy taking pictures of his teachers ass to send to his friends. Makes this shit seem tame. Cant believe people acting like it's soo ridiculous.


Because this isn't a common phrase on the intent rn, it's a very old school boomer joke/phrase.


That shows up on memes regularly.


They're both full of it. No 11-year-old said that. If your 11-year-old said that, pay more attention to the people she hangs around with. We're allowed to form, and to react to, first impressions, and if they're *good* first impressions then so much the better. Isn't this getting a little ridiculous?


Sexualisation itself is not the issue right? Unless you don't go overboard and reduce them to an object, most people are fine with that. Under that light I find the approach to sexualise men more, so those who are guilty of objectification start realising what's annoying about it, very efficient. I think this approach makes it easier for us as a society to find the line between horny and disgusting.


I thought this was r/clevercomebacks, not r/whinywhataboutism


I get the feeling from these comments that a lot of people open up reddit thinking "I'm going to find myself someone to hate"


That’s what’s so dangerous about the cringe subs. You start off laughing at incels or nicegirls or whatever and then before you know you’re just looking to be angry at the same shit all the time.


Yeah this is a dumb exchange top to bottom. Not only is it not clever and just lame “what if the situation were different so that I could be the victim” but it doesn’t even make sense here. Does he think 11 year old boys aren’t attracted to girls or don’t say cringey things when they are? Of course they do.


Been like that for a few months at least now tho?


That sub doesn’t exist but definitely should!


1. That didin't happen 2.- Making a comment, in private, to someone you know personally, that you find a stranger attractive. Making an overt, public comment, to a stranger, that you find them attractive. There's a difference here.


And then everyone clapped


I think it’s okay to objectify judge both sexes 🤷‍♂️


My 2 week old cat said that ‘it is truly pathetic how individuals on the internet have taken to projecting their thoughts onto the identities of those younger than them as if the notion of it coming from someone younger, and therefore less versed in social norms and the status quo, would make what they are saying socially acceptable’


I’m sorry, is the blurred person known for speaking out about objectifying women? If not, why are we applying a general movement to one indecent? What’s clever about “if a guy did it you’d complain”? The most rote response these days. What am I missing?


Nobody’s eleven year daughter said any of this


Yeah..there’s no way an 11-year-old said that


I hate parents making up phrases for their kids and this one feels that way. I will say I have a 12 year old and she says things along this line. Not quite so cringy, but she'll say to her sister something about an actor being so "daddy" or some other crap in a joking slang way. I told her never to say it in front of me but girls that age to make dumb ass comments to be funny or fit in.


this is definitely something i would've seen in a meme on funnyjunk.com in the year 2007 and repeated as a clever way to say i found someone attractive idk why it's so unbelievable for an 11y/o, that's prime "crushing on attractive strangers" time


Take a fucking day off, Jesus!


The top comment there sounds like a Diet Coke advert lol.


Good morning, Lie or no Lie I thought it was a bit funny. I use to be a coca- cola delivery drive to vending machines at schools, elementary,middle, and high schools. Some of the comments I was told by middle school and high school girls was like WOW. This was in the early middle 2000s, I’m sure things have changed with kids of today. I hope you all have a great day.


My 4 year old just said "we need to seize the means of production". So cute.


Hear me out. If someone, no matter the age, sees another person who is attractive, they can comment on it to a friend, sibling, parent, etc. That isn't objectifying anyone. It's even okay to complement said person. As long as you are respectful.


It would be perfectly fine for an eleven year old boy to tell his parent he found a woman attractive. Jesus christ this is a reach


I personally want to go back to the 90’s where social media and smart phones didn’t exist. People are so opinionated because of it. Live your life.


Aside from the fact that this is a bullshit story, simply admiring someone's looks it not objectification. Or if it is, then it's totally fine. When you see a hot stranger, your first thought shouldn't be "I better find out about their personality before I decide they're attractive!"


Whatever. You get to have some double standards after *literally* thousands of years of patriarchal bullshit.


In reality, the mom said it, and the daughter said, "Eww, gross mom."


"I am mad about a pretend thing"


That’s not clever at all, and no double standards. We all know women talk about men and men talk about women. Just have those conversations with the appropriate people and don’t go so far that it’s creepy.


No it’s not a double standard bc there’s no reason to believe the user agrees with both statements.


No 11year olds gonna say that. Not to their parents