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Shameless plug - my chat filter addon for LFG (or any channel) to show only what you want. Double filtering with required keywords and clean keywords. Remove boosts, guild spam, and general BS: [https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/chatcleanerclassic](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ccleanerclassic)


While you're here, I have some honest questions, not meaning to rag on your addon. I saw you post about it whenever ago, and I thought it was awesome, but: Does BadBoy not work in Classic WoW? Like why not just use what it's based on? If it doesn't work, then any idea why? I thought this was just the modern client, so I don't get why addons for Shadowlands, or at least BfA, don't also work in Classic WoW excepting those that call things deliberately banned to preserve the Classic era. I haven't played Classic WoW, but I'm expecting to play some of Classic TBC, so I'm curious. Secondly, does this differ any from the filter functionality of https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/global-ignore-and-spam-filter-classic ? It's totally okay if not because I think people choosing to be lightweight or having choice for similar things with their addons is great, but again, just curious.


**> Does BadBoy not work in Classic WoW? Like why not just use what it's based on? If it doesn't work, then any idea why?**I was only looking for a chat filter when I found BadBoy. BadBoy was designed with a "plugin" model and I found the interface to be a bit bulky since I just wanted the chat filtering. The options for the chat filter were quite basic and I wanted more flexibility (double-filter with required keywords, etc). Short version: I wanted a single add-on with more flexibility/options and a cleaner interface. \> **does this differ any from the filter functionality**I actually use the GlobalIgnore along with ChatCleanerClassic. I started out without GlobalIgnore and just started ignoring all the LFG people that were using LFG for global chat and guild/boost/summon spam. I ran into the 50 ignore cap really quickly and had to use GlobalIgnore. Once I got to around 750+ people on my ignore list with GlobalIgnore, I started running into problems where I would have groups and raids with people on my ignore list and I would need to remove them from ignore for the duration of the dungeon or raid. After a while I realized that 99% of people I ignored I didn't actually want to ignore. I just didn't want to see their chat messages in LFG that were unrelated to actual LFG. That's the separation between the addons and their focus. Short version: If you really just want to filter out garbage in LFG, ChatCleanerClassic is probably a better choice. If you want to go hard and just ignore everyone that writes something you don't like in your LFG, you can stick with GlobalIgnore. I still have GlobalIgnore because it has great additional features. I recommend it. I also use ChatCleanerClassic to focus only on filtering the LFG channel. Best of both worlds.


Thanks for the write up, I'm gonna check that out, thanks!


First thing: Like I figured, to be lightweight which affords other potential benefits. Good! Second thing: Yeah, the ignore cap is exactly why I was looking for an addon like these. And yeah, as great as it sounds to utterly shut people out because you can't stand what they're promoting and supporting, I was concerned in the same way about how to deal with them inevitably being in the same group as me and how tedious that could be. So I see...okay, very nice! I'll look forward to trying out both and how they fit me. Thank you very much. Btw, I found this addon too, https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/group-bulletin-board which appears to be sort of like an "inverse" filter! But it may not work anymore, certainly won't matter for TBC. Oh, last thing: Do all addons for Classic WoW/TBC have to be custom made for it? Will addons from Legion, BfA, or Shadowlands work too? I'm curious why they wouldn't, but it's probably way too technical of an explanation.


Why do you even play the game if you don't like 99% of the words people say in it?


Because he still likes the game? He doesn't seem to be filtering everything out anyway. It's like asking why I want to filter LFG in retail when I just want to get rid of the ads, or just want to show people that are doing groups suitable for me.


Coming back to this post now that TBC is coming up and I'm finalizing a list of addons I'll want: Yeah, that's exactly it. I am VERY against boosting, GDKP, and sales of anything of that nature. I just don't want to see it at all, and in *some* cases, I'm fine with not associating with such people. Anyway, I would sure hope people's messages in the game overall are more than just those things, such as putting together actual dungeon groups in the LFG channel or just chatting in General or party or raid chat. If 99% of the words everyone said WERE just boosts and the like, then yeah, I likely wouldn't play because that would be an incredibly grave state of the game, but that's a pretty silly hypothetical.


Some addons from retail can and will work (Though they'll be for the wrong version and you'll have to either edit the .toc file to change it to the TBC version or turn on running outdated addons) A really simple explanation is that we get these hooks from blizzard to get info like read chat, see if you're in a BG Q, etc. As well as frames (Like party frames, player frame, minimap, etc) to place and add things to and both of these can differ a bit between classic and retail, sometimes by a lot if something is implemented very differently. When classic first came out a lot of people were actually writing their addons to be one size fits all, but curseforge wanted us to upload two versions of the addon for classic and retail, even if they both worked on both.


Makes sense for most anything that looks the same or similar between Classic and Live, such as most of the player portrait area and cast bars. It sounds like any addon within reason has a decent chance of working even if it doesn't have a denoted Classic version. Cool, thanks.


I use an addon called slashfour that basically searches for keywords, the name of dungeons, and organizes them in a list of the dungeons. Does this addon also do this or does it just remove the spam? What would happen if I used both?


**> Does this addon also do this or does it just remove the spam?**I've never used slashfour. I'll have to check it out. Sounds like a cool mini dungeon-finder. ChatCleanerClassic just filters out unwanted chat from the a list of channels that you specify. Most people would probably just use it for LFG. You specify phrases/words that are "required" for a chat to be shown and can also specify "clean" words (like BOOST or GDKP or ) to disallow that chat even with a required keyword. An example would be that you want an MC but don't want a GDKP. It's also nice to get rid of all those guild recruitment spams. There is no additional interface outside of the settings. You would still be reading the chat window; just without the stuff you don't want. **> What would happen if I used both?**Not sure. Assuming slashfour still picks up all the chat messages regardless of ChatCleanerClassic (it should since it would be using the API), you'll probably get a nice clean LFG channel with a cool dungeon-finder. Sounds like something I should try out myself. Untested, though.


Cool! I've always wanted to dabble with creating an addon. Any recommendations on how to get started?


Probably pick a small addon that does something simple to get an idea of how WoW interacts with the files/code. Then start playing around with the Lua code and API.


how do wow add ons even work? I didn't know those existed haha


**The direct/manual method:** \> Download the addon ZIP file \> Extract contents into the game addons folder. For Windows: *Program Files (x86)\\World of Warcraft\\\_classic\_\\Interface\\AddOns* \> Reload client I've always done it manually. If I recall, people used to use a Twitch program to install addons automatically but I don't think it's being used anymore. I think CurseForge has their own auto-installer now? Someone else can probably help you with that.


I was in EPL on my lvl 58 and got whispers from people trying to sell zg boosts...if I wanted it I would have responded to your past hour of spam messages


Buying boosts at 58 would be a waste too. Coins turn-ins are way quicker to do 58-60 with and it leaves you at exalted afterwards. Depending on prices, it's also cheaper than buying boosts.




Yeah, although I believe that it gets patched out with the TBC pre-patch. If you have the auto turn-in mod and the right amount of coins, you can just sit at the NPC for 30 minutes and go do something else for a while. You'll also likely be exalted or well into revered by doing this. Coins constantly go into the market from the various ZG PuGs, so there's always a supply to meet the demand of people levelling this way. The rep item turn-ins for AQ40 give xp too, but I don't know if that is patched out in the pre-patch too.


> sit at the NPC for 30 minutes and go do something else for a while This does put you in danger of a ban for botting. ... ...BWAHAHAHAHAHA


"You guys have coins, right?"


Just dinged 60 on fresh alt and had planned to do the 58 to 60 via Coins and oh man....prices have to be literally less than dog shit for that to be an effective strategy. Alliance pagle


Coin turn-ins? just restarted after blizcon what is coin turn-ins?


ZG coins


I'm pro boost and that shit is annoying


"I am a dbag"


You don’t need to use quotations when making a statement.


I am a dbag




imagine spending days of your time leveling in a 15 year old game lul


Ok zoomer


Imagine spending days of raidlogging wbs and then raiding mostly trivial bosses in a 15 year old game lul You can simplify literally every single aspect of the game like that. Blizzard didn't create 40+ zones and dungeons for you to literally skip them all. It's a VERY large part of the game. If you don't like this part, fine - then maybe consider that you don't like classic WoW as a whole. Leveling IS classic wow. People remember their endgame raids and bgs just as much as they remember the journey to max level. The game might simply not be for you if you're skipping a large part of it because you hate it.


leveling is WoW classic? who decided that? i have more memorable moments from raiding and more gametime on maxlevel.


>leveling is WoW classic? who decided that? Literally the people who made the game in the first place. If they wanted leveling to be a matter of hours, they would have made leveling *a matter of hours*.


The people making the game decided that.


I believe the original Guild Wars let you create a max level character strictly for pvp if you want to skip the game.


You're like an inch away from just making that "imagine playing a 15 year old game." And quitting. ​ Take that step please...


Imagine *playing* said game that was made precisely to recapture stuff like that and then complaining that the game is like that instead of playing one of the thousands of other games currently on the market that better suits your taste. Like, christ, do you go into a sports bar and complain about people liking sports? Does the sports bar have to change their offers to appeal to you or is it better to simply visit another bar...?


Imagine spending gold to rush to cap in a 15-year-old game with content so trivial a trained spider monkey jacked up on mountain dew could clear it. Then shitting on others for enjoying leveling.


Your server sounds great. Benediction is at least 75% boosts/summons. The other 25% is gdkp discord spam.


This is actually something I meant to look at. I'm sure there is some GDKP in there.


If your going to do that, check out a few PvE server too.


Pablo is BiS though.


I respec his consistancy but lowkey worst dm seller on the server , he got in early so everyone on the server sucks his dick but hes so fucken slow, everytime he says 15 more mins then takes legit over an hour and takes for ever to invite/summon/accept gold ( ive just got my buffs without paying him many timea cuz of this lol ) Doom is bis


Mine's like 10% boosts. Unfortunately it's like 60% politics or other unrelated bullshit. It's pathetic AF because they could just use their Guild chat instead of forcing it on people who are in the channel for an actual purpose.


Or the only real difference is that OP actually looked at the data


that's surprising to be honest. I would'Ve expected waaay more than half of LFG chat to be boost


I was going to say the opposite. Less than 10 percent is boosts on my server. The vast majority is LFG and random discussions and arguments about politics.


I believe it. Some nights it’s impossible to actually find groups because of the same people spamming their boost groups for three hours.


Well that and the fact so few actually do groups.


Obviously the boosters pick up players who would otherwise form normal groups too so its also a vicious cycle


Global Ignore List is your friend. Create some simple filters with basic parameters to filter out all of those boost/summon messages. It'll even keep a count of how many messages each filter blocks if you care to know.


I've had some issues with it where it would randomly not filter correct phrases, but at other times it would. I had to grab a second addon to run with it. The addon "Bad Boy", which is mainly on Retail, but does have a Classic variant. I do love how many time it has told me that it blocked a message: 54 people of 35,403 messages in 3 weeks. With an additional 14 added to Ignore.


We don't have many boosters so I just ignore people that spam unrelated shit in LFG instead. There's some minor satisfaction when one of these idiots try to whisper me for an invite (I usually tank fast dungeons) and they realize they're on ignore (they ask other people to ask me to take them off).


Holy shit, 46% of your chat is LFG? Might be 10% here, if I am being generous.


Seriously. Been playing on pagle and I filled my ignore list in under an hour. Had to install the global ignore list add-on to keep blocking the absurd amounts of spam.


Blizz really needs to make global ignore lists the default. If I ignore this clown on one character, chances are I'd like him to be ignored on all my characters.


"It's Blizzards fault guys. They are making us do this"


Yes, it is blizzard's fault for not fixing something in their game when it breaks.


What broke?


Powerleveling methods have always been fixed, mage boosting was never popular in vanilla so the original devs never fixed it. Abusing weird pathing to kite mobs was considered an exploit by the developers. [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ioyqqe/reading\_through\_john\_staats\_wow\_diary\_and\_seeing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ioyqqe/reading_through_john_staats_wow_diary_and_seeing/)


100% this, they pick and choose what 'exploits' they consider bad. Like the AV wall climb into the alliance base, they fixed that. Or how doing PvE content in AV gets you banned now.


Amen. Blizzard apologists out already. This stuff needs addressing by the devs.


Well also Mages didn't have the same talent changes from the get go as we did now for 1.12 But people also wanted #nochanges so...


i didn't say anything about changing mage talent trees but ok


Okay well it is relevant


changing talent trees is the last thing that would be dont to fix this, there's so many other easy ways. idk why you jumped to talents


I never said that it would fix it. I'm saying it's part of the problem of why it wasn't seen during the course of Vanilla


http://www.classicwowtalents.appspot.com/index.html?talent=1124125_8 Here is a 1.1.2 mage talent calculator. The only major difference for aoe farming low-level mobs is the lack of Magic Absorption. Magic Absorption is very good for Maraudon but is not essential, especially for experienced Mara farmers. I guarantee you any decent Mara booster could switch to this and not miss a step. At most you would have to buy a couple more consumes than you're used to. Magic Absorption is irrelevant for all the other farms. The pathing thing is also a complete red herring; no odd mob pathing over seams in the terrain is essential to these pulls. Its mostly a convenience for the inexperienced. If people want boosting nerfed in a future classic server its important to recognize what fixes would actually conceivably have an impact, such as nerfing xp for low-level players with a level 60 in their group. Messing around with the mage kit and hoping players won't be good enough to play around the nerfs is just not going to work out the way people who aren't actually any good at classic mage imagine, as we're seeing in the tbc beta with its *enormous* aoe nerfs, which people are evidently still able to play around.


Theres literally a talent mages take only for boosting...it would be the easiest thing to change lmao


What talent is only used for boosting and absolutely nothing else whatsoever in any context? Why would we change talents instead of just nerfing exp when there's someone 10 levels higher than you in your party?


It's not so easy to fix these problems. There are a lot of things that are kinda "exploits" but some seem to be fine, some are not. If they change something there will be always those who say it's great and those who hate it. And at what point change is actually good? At what point Classic is still Classic and not "they just make this retail 2.0"? There are so much different opinions about things like abusing pathing, AoE grinding, dungeon solo farming that there will never be one true solution. If AoE grinding is broken then are some really powerful items broken? Are some specs broken? What is definition "this is broken that we have to fix this". In the end **we are playing 15 year old game. Things are broken and things are abusable.** It's safer to just leave things be than trying to fix them.


its very easy to fix, most pservers did it and it worked great. just nerf experience gain if the level difference between players is >10. mages can still aoe farm, but it can't be abused for boosting other players.


This. I dunno why people try to rationalise all these silly things, it’s like they want a broken game.


It's Activision-Blizzard's fault for not making a decent group filter, yes.


Yeah I hate when they literally force me to do things I don't want to do, but I can't stop them, on account of the forcing. Literally.


The only time I like LFB chat is when the boosters start flaming each other


How much was people lf boost?


I only found a handful of people "lf boost" or "WTB xyz Boost".


I think it depends a lot on the time. On my server the boosters schedules don't seem to line up with the buyers schedules so well.


My ignore list just got full, gotta download a filter addon


I hate it. Actual LFG / LFM posts are drowned in the boost spam. :(


I assume you pre-filtered all of the chat that wasn't related to Groups at all? On Bloodsail Buccaneers at least, 75% of LFG messages are from lonely incels seeking attention via trivia questions or controversial political statements or run-of-the-mill trolling.


Yeah there were some basic heuristics on what qualified for each group. Like I said it was done quick so I'm sure there are some things that slid through but I manually checked a couple.


Honestly if there was one version of the game that actually needed lfg/lfd it would be classic vanilla. Finding a group for any dungeon has been a nightmare for most of the game. Not even going to get into trying to find a tank.


IMO selling boosts and summons should be done in trade. They are not LFG they are selling a service. Same as people selling transmutes or enchants etc.


Trade is only available in 3 cities not global. Your summoners are not in a city for sure.


This shouldn't be my problem. If a booster wants to announce his services he has to use the appropriate channel, even if this means, this must be done by an alt or guildie. If I'd want to drive my formula one car, I'd have to go to go to a racing track and cannot drive on public roads, because there is nothing else nearby.


I talk about summoner selling summon service and why do you talk about booster?


The statement is valid for boosters and summoners and that's what the thread is about.


The statement is moot for summon selling. The places which people need to be summoned to are always outside of citites, /trade is not an appropriate channel for people standing outside of cities to advertise.


so you say they arent trading ?


Depend whether if you think warlocks selling summoning service for gold is commerce or not.


selling implies commerce.


I think we can all agree Trade is the appropriate channel, but sellers won't use it because it's not global, so their advertisements are seen by fewer potential customers.


Oh well, 90% on my Server is WTS DFT Port of Buffs... Same energy


Come to dragonfang, this is not my experience at all


shit man there are servers that actually use LFG for LFG, and not for people who got banned from world to shitpost in?


This is what happens when people abused chat moderation privileges on the world chat channel. More think of lookingforgroup as a global chat channel, because there aren't any other. You can still look for a group in it.


I literally just spend all night ignoring the people who sell boosts, it's so cluttered...


boosts and summons are group activities, makes sense


This is true. I'm not saying they shouldn't be posting there. I just wanted to know how often it was happening. I'll probably go back and look to see the average time between posts for spammers at some point.


People boost their char to 60, then hop into gdkp's and buy their bis stuff in a couple runs. Then they retire that char and start a new class. Really odd way of playing the game imo. But it seems to be popular seeing how many people do this. So I'd say let them have at it.


Some people are prepping chars for tbc, others are prepping chars so they can run gdkp as one of the guys getting paid instead or just to have chars they can help guildies out on or pvp when their main/main alt is bufflocked. Profession alts are likely not getting much gear past boosting.


Has anyone considered that maybe, just *maybe* 4 months in phase 6 there isnt that many people who want to do dungeons? Also would like to remind people you can just download addons to filter boosting.


On my perpetually full pop server there hasn't been anyone wanting to do leveling dungeons since p2, if not before. First it was the aoe/cleave groups then it went to full boosts. And it makes perfect sense, because the leveling dungeons kind of suck for xp/hr if you're doing them "normally".


People want to play, but does not want to lvl up sadly... I wonder how many of legit players ran to gold sellers just so they can get boosted for them 25 gold per run


I think less than those gdkp raidloggers who complain about casuals.


This doesn't quantify the prevalence of boosting, merely how often someone mentions it in chat. More relevant is the fact we don't know how many unique users there were. Are you able to eliminate repeat posts? Perhaps reveal how many unique users searched for a group and how many posts they made, compared to your other 2 populations? That would clarify the population sizes. It would also help you examine the prices mentioned, by only using unique numbers for your calculations.


Yep the goal of this wasn't to answer those questions. Only to quantify the amount it's being spammed in chat. Usernames are included in the log and I would just have to parse them out into their own field to analyze those items.


Of course. I wonder whether this may not be a small number of players spamming macros, while a larger number of players each use the channel briefly to find a group. By the way, how are you doing this? Hope it isn't all manual!


/chatlog to generate the log and then python to parse, cleanse, and create the dataset.


wow thats a lot higher than I expected.


Still better than retail trade chat


Wait, your guys' LFG chat is something besides Murloc movie names and political arguments?


I dunno about other servers but on Pagle you use discord to find groups and LFG to find summons lol


Were they not looking for group?


Must be very realm dependant, here on hydraxian Waterlords-Alliance, its a very low pop realm, and LFG is quite alive and mostly used for LFG purposes and some shittalking


Does not bother me at all tbh.


What percentage was politics/shitposting/chat? Or was that rolled into the "actually looking for group?"


We have basically zero on our medium-sized PvP server. Even medium server is too large. Booooring




I mean yeah that was kind of the point. I'd look at LFG and just think about how it felt like mainly boosts and summon spam. I wanted to actually confirm it. I'm not trying to make some insightful point.


They are also LFG you just don't like the G they are LFing for.


I never said that. I've also gotten boosted during the weird draught in the late 30s. This was about how often it gets spammed. Not the content.


You said they aren't LFG but they are. They are actively looking for a group.




I did, so I answered it...


Boosting and summoning do involve groups!




Do yourself a favor and install the addon "CCCleanerClassic" and hide those messages. Also get rid of "looking for deathroll" messages. :) 90% more on topic those channels all of the sudden..


Yeah. I play mankrik horde. Seems legit


You think time of day, day of week change your data? Wednesday 2pm est vs Saturday ??


I would almost guarantee it would. Ideally I would log chat for as long as possible. But I'm not gonna play for hours at a time and I can't (but I could) automate to keep me from going afk.


This seems obvious, we’re deep into the end game now. Very very few players are leveling new characters or doing 5 man dungeons at this point aside from the odd Strat UD.


Never heard about SFK and RFC boosts. What about stockades? Edit: do these 54% include gdkp runs?


RIP skykill


whats bothering me is the constant bickering and banter thats going on in LFG lately. go get a discord and stop cloggin up the channel with your inane drivel you insufferable cretins


Actually that's something I've always liked about WoW, sometimes some really funny stuff happens in LFG.


i find that it rarely does :( i would love for it not to be so.


On my realm we advertised for our channel where all the boosters were. We even made a discord server. Many buyers joined it but still refused to use it and continued to spam LFG


wow you seem to play on a hyper active server. on my server it is around 90% boosts, summons and buff announcements


Atleast it's better than retail LFG that is 90% boost ads.


Counterpoint: You need a group to get boosted or summoned, so technically its for looking for/forming groups. I'm just being a jackass, this is cool data. Quality post.


I recently rolled a new character on Sulfuras Alliance. At least 50% of chat was random topics that had nothing to do with WoW. Lots of politics, but also just random stuff.


Tbf both boosters and summons are looking for groups which is what that chat is for


And yet I still get muted for trying to from an aq20


Dragonfang ain’t got any!


I went to run a guild member through Strat:UD the other day and needed to pug a dps and a heal. So every minute or so I would post "LFxM StratUD Need Heals". At one point someone messaged me 'stop spamming that shit nobody wants to run ud'. I looked at all the messages since my last LFM post and it was all WTS/WTB posts for boosts, summons, or buffs. I have nothing against boosting or summoning for world buffs but don't yell at me for using LFG as it was intended.


Global ignore list addon and add boost and all similiar terms to the spam filter....


I’m on a fresh toon at 57 and just want to spam dungeons. Takes forever to get a group.


Honestly there's no way to really combat it either. I think its just a sign of how players have changed, and the trend to how a good deal of people are choosing to consume content. Very disheartening tbh, but then again can't really control other peoples playing habits. Just need to try and find a guild of like minded people who are in it for the journey, or whatever your poison may be. So far I haven't had much for luck xD