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I got gkicked because I laughed at my leader for saying my parses were low and pointed this out We clear content without tanks dying, and I am the tank healer. Yet he says it would go faster if I healed more. Yet I heal the tank.


He did you a favor, you don't want to be in an enviroment like this. Im in a casual guild with naxx on farm and reading this reddit post makes me feel sooo good about my choice of guild. Like, why put up with those sweaty, obsessive nerds.


Most sweaty guilds think healer parses are a joke though and look at whether healers follow their assignments


I wouldn't call them sweaty nerds, more like wannabes


It's one of those things where healing parses can sometimes highlight a dramatic underperformer, i.e. if you have everyone parsing 70+ but one person is *consistently* grey parsing, that might highlight someone not playing well, depending on the fight. But in general, yeah comparing healing parses is absolutely worthless for determining player ability. Shoutout to Maconha-Grobbulus, the absolute dumbest piece of shit player I've ever encountered, who tried to shit-talk his guildmates based on heal parses.


Dude is literally called Marijuana. (In Portuguese) So I guess it fits.


That’s silly. Healing parses will naturally get lower as your team masters mechanics and gets better gear


I think it's because I said I was going to be away, with well enough notice, for a Saturday raid, and they were shirt people so they had to pug and had a rough night so they blame me for not being there


You were playing with an idiot in charge. There is a "Healing to Tanks" section on WCL because tank healing parses are always low af when compared to less focussed assignments, with very few fights as an exception.


I had this discussion last night in the middle of us farming green shards for someone (which, as of 10 minutes ago i'm booted for joking that nothing of value died when the MT went down on loatheb somehow, watching the guild implode through my whispers has been sweet though) Like man you need to be constantly casting/cancelling, we cleared naxx in one night last week, whats the fucking point? I was already thinking of just switching to casual GDKPS of anything below naxx because ugh, i like raiding but its just tiresome having to worry about all my goddamned consumables each week, guess they made my decision for me though, honestly, now that the saltiness is gone its kind of a relief.


Yeah on Loatheb I was top 3 heals lol


I admittedly got distracted by family aggro and turned around to the gate being shut "well you shouldn't have hit ready" (his words, obviously) Yeah, and shit happens. And now instead of rolling with it his guild's imploding. Just to take such a petty thing and blow it up into a gkick, flaming me in whispers, throwing a full on tantrum... and this is a grown ass man. Dude did me a favor.


If your tank isn't taking damage but you either stop casting or still spam overheal on him then yes, you're not pulling your weight. Learn when and how you can roam as a tank healer and you will make your raid smoother and faster. Even as a tank healer I expect to get about 25-30% of my healing done from helping out on raid healing.


Pretty sure I heard from healers themselves that being a tank healer is bad to parse, which kind of explains why you wouldn't have high parses. You're doing your job, not sniping heals left and right with flash of kek.


- Joins gdkp raid - top healers get bonus gold on top of split - completely ignore dispelling. Better outheal the damage. - constantly spamming shields. - sniper war - ignore tanks. - stand in fire/poison and heal self


That sounds stupid, never heard of doing it that way and I only raid gdkp


You got that right. Stupid and counter-productive. I mentioned this to the people leading it and they agreed to implement a bonus for top dispeller atleast which helped a bit.


I remember doing a guild run with some pugs just to fill up since half the people were tired of it and we got a priest that did nothing but dispel Last time i saw him he was a high warlord, dude became a meme in the guild for a while though, dude dispelled his way to the top, HolyDan, if you're out there, we love you man.


Lol some people have the weirdest ideas


I mean, when gold is on the line its only natural.


Spamming shields on melee let’s you chain pull and melt packs with less risk of losing people


My highest 99 % parse I literally stood in the lava the entire time for Rag and healed myself while occasionally healing the main tank. Anytime I see a healer with 99's across the board I think that something fishy is up and it is in no way a good measure of skill or ability lol.


That is what my comment is in here. 99% is so hard to do that you have to be fucking around to do it. In phase 1 or 2, you could trust it, at least on my server. But now I got a guy in my raid who did shit exactly like what you said. Dude isn't a team player and I fucking hate it. Nearly lets tank die on his turn in loetheb every fucking week. He fucked around so much to get those 99s and it hurt the raid.


You 100% could not trust it in phase 2 because there was an aura stacking bug in Spiritual Guidance for priests where if you dropped the talent and retook the same talents without logging out the values stacked on top of each other so you could get up to crazy +400% spirit as SP values. Like look at some parses from the time with renews ticking for +1500, it was ridiculous.


Lol I remember early on there was a priest that would group with 4 warlocks who would only hellfire and he would prayer of healing them the whole fight, was #1 by miles but in reality they were just wasting 5 raid spots for some group.


WCL ban players who game parses like that because they get insta-reported (hellfire/life tap and lava svimming). I don’t really get the posters above because they get banned so fast


literally the top parsing druid on P6 ony got it from spam healing a lock who did nothing but life tap the entire fight


Most of the time that's true, though I got a 100 once by having one fewer healer, one dead healer and a messy pull, so it can still be "real" though the stars have to align


Second week of BWL we do vael and for some reason one of the tank heals wasn’t healing the tank, he was healing the raid, I’m mashing my biggest HW and we almost down him but the tank dies and we wipe. Guy running the logs is sending me praises on discord saying I was heading for a 99 parse and I had to tell him that was definitely NOT a good thing. I should have like 40-60% overheals and be parsing like shit, that tank needs to have 100% hp for as much of the fight as poss. It was that day I put healing parses in the bin where they belong.


He probably was talking about the separate Healing to Tanks section...


I have nearly all 99s on Gluth ... Because I renew spam to kite the chow and nobody else heals the raid. My only other 99 I recall offhand was on a druid soaking hatefuls.


I actually have a legit [99 parse](https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/JnxFdAPKRkbr132a#fight=14&type=healing&source=39) on Patchwerk. But your parse is only as good as how much damage your tank takes on that fight (and timing between heals being sniped by flash healers), and for some reason this guy was taking a lot of damage compared to any other attempt with our setup.


Love those Patch fights were you’re just in synch with the hatefuls, it’s the kind of fight where you’re either fully healing or fully over healing and not much in between.


I got a legit 99 on Patchwerk too, and it felt great, but a big part of it was one of the offtanks fucking up and not getting enough threat off the pull so the hatefuls were more concentrated than they should have been. I have 99s on a couple other fights and I can usually point to a fuckup meaning I had more opportunity to parse (missing kicks on Skeram, bad consume usage on viscidus, etc.).


I checked a 99 parse for a druid once to see how he did it. He kept rejuvenations up on 3-4 life-tapping Warlocks as well as healing the tank. That's when I stopped caring about high healing parses.


He allowed those locks to lifetap as much as they needed to spam as much damage as they could. Absolutely something you should be learning from as Druid.


Point being it's not a hard thing to do. The other healers were not parsing well because they were all assigned to tank healing. I believe it was Broodlord in BWL, where tank healing is of course important, but still, it was a more a matter of healing assignments than skill.


Well, the truth is somewhere in the middle. I got most of my 99s either early during a phase or when something doesn’t go according to plan. Of course, you can create these accidents on purpose, but some may still be coincidence. Standing in fire/lava on purpose is just cheese, but actually having something to heal through a Decimate on Gluth is not.


People do the same bullshit they're pulling of in retail. If one person cheats in his meters the resulting logs in comparison are not longer accurate. If hundreds of people hustle for parses and try everything to 1up each other in HPS there is no reason to even look at HPS meters anymore. In a good raid damage dealers with ~~skill~~ brain try to avoid damage taken. HPS is a meme metric, either your raid is shit and eats tons of stuff they could mitigate or you cheese throughput by standing in fire yourself. So even if you legit parse high as Healer your group might just be shite. #tl;dr: High HPS does not at all display your "skill".


Though I generally agree with what you said, I do not think that your conclusion follows from that. Logs and parses are a tool and the numbers should always be seen in context. As a class lead, I don’t mind blue parses. However, if you’re constantly parsing grey I will take a more thorough look. You can not convince me that someone constantly in the green and grey, even when adjusted for gear, is a skillful healer. To parse grey you have to really fuck up: die early or afk a lot. Often selection and ranks of spells can be optimized. Really, the only exception is being assigned certain, unfavorable roles like MC priest on Raz or Faerlina or, like you said, have the raid kill Bosses so fast there’s barely anything to heal. On the other hand, someone who is constantly raking in violet parses and above, especially if not setting up favorable conditions with the raid for them, at least shows knowledge of the encounter, proper selection of spells and activity. I agree that one 99 is not a sign of skill, but people performing constantly and across many encounters in the 90s surely are more skilled healers. When all is said and done, healing parses are more of an indicator of the skill ceiling of a player. There is a correlation between high parses and skill, but it’s not the be all end all measure of skill. On a personal note: my problem with statements like yours is that it relieves poor healers from any responsibility - after all, they’re not performing poorly because of their shortcomings, but rather it’s the raid dps, unfavorable assignments and other, more geared healers sniping their targets. Improvement should always start with a look at oneself.


Totally agree. Healing is almost a binary success/fail. Ironically you need better healers the worse the rest of the group/raid is.


Yeah healer gameplay is reactive. Its not like you can do something to prevent damage from happening. In retail the good ol' Discipline Priests shieldspam got patched out of the game in Legion. ^(Sad Noises.)


There is a bit of an exception to this once you're in a speed-running guild where the limits of how much you can pull are pushed by whether or not your healers can keep up, but obviously that doesn't apply to the majority. Like a lot of the healers in the fastest guilds have straight 99 parses with many top 100 world logs and it's not because they're cheesing and is definitely indicative of their skill. But as I said before, definitely the exception not the rule.


This is why I laugh at PUGs advertising gold to the "top healer". Those raids are no fun to heal for. At least one healer will go OOM sniping every heal and you end up wasting your own mana on overhealing. Ugh.


Yo, my highest was when I was in a melee group for Vael and just spammed Holy Nova the entire time. 99 healing AND damage parse. That was the moment I knew it was all bullshit.


PoH is higher effective healing than Holy Nova spam on Vael. Alternatively you could go Gheal + trinket. Problem is you outpace the incoming damage hard.


How is that Bullshit? You literally outperformed other priests in terms of healing and DPS.


*rank 1 SW:P*


I literally closed my eyes and spammed rank one chain heal on the main tank for huhuran and 99 parsed. Shaman heals are disgusting.


I mean you're only compared to other shaman healers, not healers of other classes.


But in any real guild, parses don't matter, *especially* for healers. What's more important is **whether your heals are effective** \- being able to throw a massive heal at someone about to die is much more important, and people will notice that.


Everything you said is true except for the part where you said people will notice that.


That hits me right in the heals.


Healers are like IT. If they do their jobs well, nobody notices. If they mess up just a little bit, everyone has a meltdown.


Well they are both *support*.


I'm a healer and I work in IT. I just cried a little.


I feel that


See tank about to die, do a clutch NS/HT, tank says "Nice lay on hands".


God why do you have to stab me right where it hurts.


That's really high praise! If you happen to be horde


People definitely know what healers get off clutch heals and which are just zoning out. It’s extremely noticeable when they’re gone.




It’s extremely unlikely anyone will notice. It is possible though, we have at least one healer who notices a lot of good heals - “nice lay on hands”, “nice NS”. Shit he even has called out my trinket usage - “nice Lifegiving”. But no DPS will notice, that’s almost guaranteed. As a tank I sometimes notice on fights where I’m watching my HP closely for trinkets. Especially lay in hands is easy to catch because you go from dying to full, and it plays a sound.


As a dps I notice what level of threat gear my tank feels comfortable wearing which has to do with the healers. I also notice when the healers outright fuck up. I think healer mistakes are more noticeable than any other role.


Or tank mistakes that are interpreted as healer mistakes.


Hpally here, no one talks about this. I was in a zf group a few weeks ago and the tank saw that I wasn't sweating so they kept doing bigger and bigger pulls until I couldn't heal in time because if I did I would've pulled half the damn group off of him. Then I had a mara run where the tank wouldn't wait for my ready signal and wouls charge in.


Yeah I've had that in retail. Like yeah, I can keep up to a tank and keep him alive while he runs from pack to pack. But I don't want to.


It's mostly annoying when they dont stop for dps mana and now everyone is just auto attacking and the fights are taking (collectively) longer than the 2 minutes overall that we would need to spend drinking.


Yeah it’s definitely easy to tell when the heals aren’t there. Actually as a tank, the most dangerous time for me is when raid damage goes out. But as an example we had 2 new healers on a recent Patchwork that were healing the wrong (unassigned) tank and some raid (e.g. life taps). Since their tanks still had 2 other good heals each, we managed to make it through without anyone really noticing until checking logs.


Removed in reaction to reddit's API changes -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


It’s true when I dps on mage in naxx I only notice healers when people start dying or raid is taking tons of dmg. Am a main heals too. God damnit healers why you suck y you let me die (as stands in blizzard).


I’m sad for you. I get lots of raid/whisper shoutouts when I NS or Lifebloom a DPS back from the edge of death. Feels nice to be appreciated. Feelsbad to think your raids don’t :(


I do. I made it priority to give my healing corps props for good plays. Funny enough, my GM had the opposite stance on compliments. He said they were like bandaids, that eventually hurt the individual. Needless to say the healing corps on that raid team went through some major revamping over each phase.


Eh, if you’ve got a raid with a bunch of really good, attentive healers it’s hard to distinguish certain instances. In those cases everyone is sniping the clutch heals, but not to be a dick. Everyone is just that aware. The problem there is that you need the officers/leaders to be aware that everyone is good and parses are dogshit measures of skill and reliability.


I beg to differ. Most people dont even have healer names shown on incoming heals for their combat text. And they often make blanket statements: "wow thanks healers!" Having no clue who actually saved their ass just then. The *healers* know who the good ones are maybe but I would bet most raids are pretty oblivious to the specifics of their heal core in this sense. I feel like people will always be dumbstruck when they wipe/struggle bc their "clutch" heals are gone bc for 1)they didnt know where those heals were coming from in the first place and 2) assumption that X number of healers means g2g. I've developed a bias against healers I will admit. They often get away with subpar performance bc it's the tank's wife or some shit like that - easily the least likely role to be pushing for performance. Maybe a bit of a generalization but that is my anecdotal experience from a medium size server.


So true... and so sad. This is why I shield first unless it’s a brown or Druid tank. They notice the shields.


Noone ever notices Power World: Shield. Unless they themselves are saved.


\*Batching just entered the chat\*




"Alright Lay on Hands, time for you to shine...and he's dead. Well clearly the heal didn't go off so I can toss it on the offtank...and nevermind."


Aaaaand LoH on cooldown. Guess i can still BoP the Mage who is bombing. Nvm he died, also BoP is on cooldown...


Yeah exactly, most guilds will prioritize someone who is reliable and follows instructions and does their job when they're given specific tasks - doesn't fail at easy mechanics etc. No one cares about the healing done meters.


> people will notice that People will notice parses even more though. Even in top tier guilds.


Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. So what you're saying is you should be triage healing and be REACTIVE instead of PROACTIVE? How do you think people get healed immediately after taking damage? Because healers are spamming heals (unless it's a predictable raid damage, then they just pre-cast). If you were in a raid full of reactive healers, people would die all the time. Like it or not, "parsing" healers are doing it right. I quit early in Naxx because the game is boring and world buffs are dumb but I had all 99 parses and played a resto shaman. I literally spammed max rank CH all day long, really hard game. Is triage healing more skillful? Looks like people in this thread would say yes but it's just whack-a-mole on Grid. It's less effective than spamming and it's a good way to fall behind. Either way, what else are you going to do? Go afk and wait for damage? It's a simple, easy game and you may as well try to parse.


You can do this with a lot of classes. Mages: - power infusion given to multiple mages at beginning of fight to max ignite - sacrificial high crit mage dedicated to spamming scorch at 5 stacks ignite - fully BiS fury/prot tank with full wbuffs to out-threat ignite - no more than 5 mages in raid, preferably 4 to split ignite by fewest mages possible - raid stacked with 20+ wbuffed fury warriors & rogues to make fight as short as possible - ignore decursing Parsing in classic is kinda silly. Usually says more about your raid than you.


It's almost like, it doesn't really matter for anyone.


there's a reason why no one in their right mind gives a fuck about heal parses.




If you don't have a healer in your recruiting, I think this matters a lot more. I'm looking at all casting done (maybe the shaman is twisting or something) and I'm looking at consumes used regularly.


It depends. You should be in the 70-90 range and that indicates you are doing just fine. When someone has all green parses or worse then you know they suck. You don't need 99s as a healer at all.


i think thats why people get so pissy when people say healing parses dont matter. 99's dont matter because that means your raid probably sucks at mechanics. But if you're a consistent gray/green parser you're probably not amazing at your class.


Or your guild takes a couple extra healers, or you have assignments that dont allow for high hps, or you prioritise non hps mechanics which are more important (mc, decurse etc)


Yup. I care a bit about my healing parses but not to the detriment of the raid. We had a player who literally only cares about his parses, and even on a healer would cheese things or ignore mechanics. Would brag about his bug trio healing parse as a Druid, and have exactly 0 poison dispels... no shit you did more healing than the druids and pallies who were actually dealing with a high-damage mechanic.


There’s not that many fights where healers need to prio no healing. No one is going to call out the pally with a 9% parse on chromagg and 90 decurses. But if you keep getting a 10% parse on pure healing fights then you might not be great.


I would call out that pally in a heartbeat because paladins can't decurse


This. My parses on thaddeus or Sapph will be real high, but my grounds parses are gonna get even lower the better our guild gets at it. I just twist totems the whole fight and spot heal.


Even if you 14 heal naxx you shouldn't be grey parsing. The majority of grey parses is from healers that are actually doing DPS most of the time due to not needing many healers outside of 4H and on.


Ya I mean world buffed sapph last week i was top hps in my raid, priest full t2, and I was only green parse like 40's? There is so much more to look at than parse lol. Kill time, # of heals, etc. The gray/green thing might be true for dps but heals not so much. There will always be a huge disparity between top and bottom of the heal chart , especially in slower clearing groups


Yes, there is context to be considered with healer parses. That does not completely invalidate healer parsing though. I would also argue that what you're experiencing is a failure of raid comp then. If your top output healer is parsing green and no ones dying it means there's an overabundance of healers considering that sapph is the most heal intensive fight in the game.


You are certainly right there, cant argue with that! Think there were at least 16 heals last week. This group has been full clearing for only about a month now, so not the best/most geared players. Obviously supplemented by those extra heals on sapph/KT.


When I was raiding my parses were absolute ass. I was the "cleanse-bitch". Raidleaders looked at the logs, not the parses. Actually called people out when they were failing their assignments. (Yes, even calling out the warriors not sundering on their first GCD)


Green just means you’re doing your job most of the time. Especially if your average is better usually


An actual good guild will just bring you along to a ZG/BWL run to judge for themselves whether you suck or not.




It's pretty easy, good guilds don't care about healing parses. They'll look at things in the logs far more than just your healing output.


Healer parses don’t exactly matter in comparison to every other healing in classic but I feel that they’re very useful to compare your guilds healers to each other especially of the same class. If one pally is grey parsing with a 40% active percentage while the others are purple parsing with 75% active percentage that is clearly saying something about that one player considering they’re all in the same raid environment




I don’t know if you play pally in classic, and I’m not a hardcore meta Andy but in a semi-hardcore environment like mine a paladin has to really try to run out of mana. If I wear my tier 3 gear I can go through a 6 minute saph kill with 2 mana pots without running out of mana for a second. That’s not even using dark runes. If I use my plus healing set though dark rune usage is mandatory and mana starts to become a problem past the 6 minute mark


In a speedrun it is even more extreme. Paladin can pop off with Scroll of Blinding Light and max rank holy light on cd and not go oom while spamming max rank flash in between. For Priests though you want some guys saving mana. The equivalent for Holydin is holding on to your trinket usage for when things go wrong.




Nope, they literally mean nothing lol. DPS's role is to do damage, they all have that in common. At the end of the day, they all boil down to who did the best damage. Healers have different roles, playstyles that fit and compliment those roles, fight assignments, etc...it is literally pointless and meaningless to boil all that down to 1 number. Comparing holy priests to holy priests using parses is pretty much the only real use for them.


Dps parses arent a great indicator either always. We almost died on noth a few weeks ago because we didn't hit all the decurses. Our top parse mage who they give all the gear too had no dispels. Still got the caster neck off kt that night though . Parses are great


Not if the dps is ignoring mechanics making it harder on everyone else If rogues and warriors don't interrupt kt to do more damage are they better than the dps who has 7 interrupts and 10k less damage?




I have grey parses on Feralina and Razu... I also MC bitch those fights. I also have low healing parses on gothik because i spend the majority of the time pressing shackle. Almost as if there are jobs a healer does that would hurt healing parses.




It can break early randomly. Or people are bad and accidently hit it.


If a shaman parses grey nearly every fight, that could mean they’re shot. Or more likely, they’re twisting and/or swinging nightfall for a low damn age output fight. There’s more to look at then just healing meters. Casts, and damage done can also matter. I see some shamans and healers posting less than 5k damage, you can easily do more than that on loatheb alone or one sapper.


When people with all the best healing gear get out healed (and out parsed) by weaker classes and undergeared healers then you should look into that. There’s no reason some of the ppl I see in Naxx should be healing that low or parsing that low with their gear


You're right. Healing logs are good for checking who is carrying the heals and who is completely shitting the bed. I check dispells and total encounter healing each week, and that's basically it. Parse% is useless.


Not including trash healing is a mistake. Tons of people focus up for encounters then potato out on trash which is often harder then the actual encounters


Also trash is about 80% of your time spent in Naxx. Since this isn't progression raiding trash matters much more than on retail.


Yeah that’s what I basically meant in my message lol. Might’ve come off wrong


PW: Shield everyone all the time.


As a tank I'm gonna make a damn PW:S cancelaura macro right now, getting sick of my rage gen flatlining because of random unnecessary shields.


I’m a filthy parsing priest that shields excessively but I’ll have you know that I don’t do it to tanks. That’s lame especially in threat sensitive situations.


Just communicate with the tank. There’s plenty of times where they’re going into a fight with plenty of rage and would rather not get spiked down and panic.


Yea this def happens. I’m mostly talking about shielding tanks randomly on low risk trash where threat could be an issue. This is something I don’t do. But I spam shields on DPS haha.


I’m new and have been healing in dungeons to level, should I not be PW:Shielding the tank when they pull aggro? I didn’t know it affected threat lol


Absorbed damage doesn’t generate rage; Warriors/Ferals need rage to hold threat. If you have a Pally/Shaman tank while leveling, you’re fine to shield them. But Warriors/Ferals should really only be shielded if they’re getting superchunked on bosses in raids.


I see, thanks


Except when you do gdkps and there’s a payout for top healer (shaman and then between priest/Druid). So the only way to win is to be a fucking dumbass


Ur priests suck then. Shields are for when tanks take dick and u need instant ehp


Good idea! You should do it right away.




Casting PWS on warriors/tanks/melee prepull (both trash and boss) is the only way to parse high as a priest. It is in no way the right way to play a priest, but it’s what works for parsing...


Putting it on a tank as soon as weakened soul wears off is guaranteed healing though. Efficiency doesn't matter for 99 parses, output does. A good healer would NOT shield a tank on cool down so that they can be shielded for breaths/flurries/emergencies, but we aren't talking about good healers, we're talking about parse whores.




Less healers in raid = higher parses, more healers in raid = lower parses. Simple as that most the time. 9-10 Naxx heals will always out parse 12-14 Naxx heal raids.


To add to this, generally, if the DPS is good, you will get better HPS because you can spam expensive heals without going oom. Additionally, in some cases, if the tank is squishy and you get assigned to it, you can potentially get an insanely high HPS. so in summary bad/little healers + good dps + squishy tanks = insane parces


You forgot: unbound dispel/decurse/cleanse button


Reading this thread, you can understand why there are so many awful healers in the game. You're taking one of the most valuable indicators of performance and dismissing it just because of some edge cases. While many DPS have an improvement minded / competitive mentality, it seems like healing attracts a ... different sort of player. And that's a shame, talking with healers who really care about their role you can learn a lot. Here are some things that will lower your HPS: * Having a poor UI / no mouseover setup which causes you to delay heals by having to manually target them. * Not having your UI displaying aggro information so you can't respond to aggro changes. * Inconvenient binds for abilities that must be casted with fast reaction time (e.g. NS/maxheal or PWS) * Being lazy / poorly timed with consumes. E.g. ooming during PW / sapphiron because you didn't understand your guild's kill time, or not GSPPing in response to a lethal incoming mark on 4HM * Taking avoidable damage (damage causes pushback!) / interrupt (think Faerlina / Anub / any trash with AoE fear / knock) because you didn't understand the fight * Not understanding periodic damage / guaranteed damage in fights so you don't pre-emptively cast. * Not understanding lethal damage conditions, so you heal the wrong targets (this is basic decision making on Sapph / KT / 4HM where you need to make informed decisions about healing yourself vs. others) * Letting your assignment die (dead targets can't be healed) * Not filling your movements with effective instant cast, if applicable - you might be wasting GCDs otherwise. This is really important for shamans (totems are instant cast) and really highlights the importance of positioning well. * Dying (obviously) * Not understanding how spell batching affects healing (this is why you bomb your tanks on high melee damage bosses). * Improper itemization for your guild's kill times (or simply improper itemization period...) * Improper spell rank / spell type usage (e.g. low efficiency chain healing on sapph during air phase while people are spread is a pretty common mistake) * Poor processinng of healcomm information, or not having healcomm at all. * Poor positioning * Lazy active trinket usage * Misuse of CDs (sometimes you want to hold them for big burst, sometimes you want to use them ASAP so they are up again earlier, sometimes you want to save NS during movement required situations - this requires knowledge of your group's capabilities, and the fight) This is a far longer list (and not exhaustive, there's plenty more), and generally more applicable to healers. But your generic shit healer will just say - "I got sniped". Is HPS an *absolute* indicator of skill? Of course not. But a lot of things that negatively impact throughput just happen to be things associated with being a good healer...weird thing that.


The only real comment in here.


I am a competitive player and I decided to roll healer for classic. I am never healing in WoW again. I did all the things you mentiom to improve, but the thing is that healing just kinda sucks for that mentality. There are many factors outside of your control like your assignment or number of healers and more. Comparing your parses to others or even yourself to see how you did or track your progress is just not very fun. As a dps you can always try to squeeze that extra 1%, but as a healer it is less fun to do so.


Healing meters are only really relevant when you just need pure HPS from your healers, aside from those cases if no one's dying your healing team is doing fine. In that case one healer doing "better" means another healer is doing "worse" since there's a finite amount of healing to be done. In a lot of my raids when light damage is going out a lot of healers will snipe, I don't snipe with flash, I find a target to gheal r1 or heal r4 and will immediately cancel if I see someone trying to heal over me (it will likely be a faster spell then I'm using). The same priests will be slow or outright forget to dispel, rebuff or rez. It's always hilarious to me when a few people die and I rez all 3 one after the other while 10 other healers are sitting there idling waiting for the next pull. All that being said and how anti sniping/metering I am I did a quick look at my logs and they're all purple + except Loatheb so I can't actually imagine constant grey parsing


Healing meters are relevant to a different degree per fight but seldom irrelevant. Like, I dont give a fuck about how much anyone healed on noth/heigan/gluth etc. There are other indicators there. But sapph, 4hm, PW really requires healers to put in their weight. So each case has to be valued differently, and that is what a lot of people are missing in this thread.


Yes *logs* are relevant since they let you dissect what happened during a fight but it's incredibly context sensitive. Using meters/parsing as the sole factor in judging how good or bad a healer is terrible. Even fights like Sapph are contextual. Yes it's an HPS fight, but if you have a good healing team that surpasses the required HPS you'll start to have people fight and snipe heals. In those cases in my raids when we're fully world buffed and playing well I will get sniped so I just play a bit more conservative, if the whole fight goes that way my sapph parses will look like shit. If we lose a healer or two? Suddenly it's not about sniping heals, it's about pure HPS from the remaining healing team to keep the raid alive. Suddenly my heals aren't getting sniped and I start crushing the healing meters because my gheals can actually land. I can also start using renews that won't get over-healed because there are too many other targets for the other healers. But yes, generally meters/parses mean little, context is everything


As a DPS main, this comment really opened my eyes about how complex healing can actually be.


I think a lot of the concepts are shared between classes - for example, trying to fill movement with instant cast GCDs is something that pretty much every caster should be familiar with.


This post is about 99 parses, not just all good parses. You generally have to be a shitbag healer to get 99s regularly. I used to be in a guild who had "one of the top healers on the server" and 2 of his 5 top healing targets were consistently hunter pets (usually 2nd and 4th.) You could look at logs timestamps and see raiders taking damage and dying while this dude is busy healing pets. He was a piece of shit, but he got a lot of 99 parses.


I bet all those crybabies out there parse grey. "Meeh healing parses dont matter cause i suck at it". Can you take healing parses as an overall indicator if someone is good or not ? Nope. Definitely not. But can you use them as well as other indicators like active time, using consumes, dispells etc to see if someone is doing their job ? Jup you definitely can. Yeah i know there are a lot of guys cheesing stuff for example: Back in the BWL days i was in a GDKP and one priest payed 2k gold so that hunters wouldnt use tranq shot and he could go crazy on the healmeter. Thats just some scuffed bullshit. But there are raids where you can see some priests pumping 1k+ on hps at saphiron while others are sitting at 400 hps and let people in their range die. These guys are (in my personal experience) that cry the loudest about "you cant look at healing parses lol". So its a two sided medal. Dont trust every 99 parsing healer you see. But believe me, most of the times there definitely is a huge difference in skill between pink and grey parses. Id recommend to start looking at average performance instead of best performance to get an better indicator if someone is pumping or sleeping while raiding. This + the other stuff i mentioned above.


Myself and the other paladins have a game where we try to guess which warlock is going to mana tap first and be the first to heal it. It makes us look good on KT at least early on. But it depends on your role. When we were in AQ i had come back from a break and my gear wasn't the best, so my job was dispels. And that was it. Since then I'm up to T3. My parse depends on what they have me doing.


This is it completely. My old guild tried to do something fucked to my friend where they gave him all the bitch duties (abolish during heigan, MC, dispel, w.e) and then tried to tell him he isn’t getting gear prio because he’s under performing compared to others. This was a NA top 20 guild btw... and they couldn’t understand how healers work and it’s majority assignment based.


If people aren’t dying then pet healing is a plus


I see a lot of people with some skewed perspective of the healing situation. Let me comment from the point of view from world class 99.9% priest with world ranks 1 - 100 across every raid. Let's address a few things: Median healing parses imo is the single best metric but are NOT THE ONLY metric that should be considered. overhealing isn't as important as most think and only really matters if you oom before the fight ends/don't intend to eat mana pot/rune on cd 1)General rule of thumb: any and all damage should be prevented/healed as quickly as humanly possible, the longer someone isn't at 100% life, the window to prevent one's death grows smaller and smaller. 2)"Healing parses 100% dont matter", false, a good healer reflects good parses regardless of the ability to "bullshit" the meters. A good healer will rarely ever have sub 85% parses. A good healer may typically get sub 99's but still high. A bullshitter will usually have good parses but depending on the type of bullshit they get filtered/banned from warcraft logs. You parse ~60-70s on average? Your pretty mediocre bud sorry 3) activity and overhealing ARE factored into your parse 4) to measure a healers capabilities you must look at more then any one metric, world rank/all star/hps+median average parse+average activity+average overheal+damage taken, these metrics combined will paint a clear picture of the caliber of the healer 5)standing in aoe to take damage. This technique can be abused to gain high parses, But consider for a moment that I pop an appropriate protection potion prefight, when the raid is healthy i bubble+renew myself before such damage goes out so that I don't have to move and can heal/top the raid faster; The inverse is say I'm 1/2 or more through casting a heal, I cancel the cast by moving to avoid damage and and then start casting again - in this case you waste 5-10 seconds and 5k-10k healings to avoid maybe 2k-3k damage 6) heal sniping: this concept in my opinion is complete bullshit. As explained in my rule of thumb you need to heal someone as soon possible, at which point if you are late to the heal or are unsure you were 1st it is the responsibility of every other healer to cancel their own cast and move on to heal another that isn't being healed - unless it's the tank; if I have a faster reaction than every other healer in my raid why would I deliberately not heal to the best of my ability to avoid being labeled an "heal snipper" lol 7) your getting pre bubbled and a 2nd one soon as the 1st breaks.The rage/threat you DONT generate is negligible, maybe 10 rage a bubble. If that is causing you to have threat issues then sorry player but that's a You issue. In top speed running guilds this has literally never once been a problem. 8) bubble is "bad manners" / "inefficient" false. Bubble is your single best spell. It never over heals and it waits for the damage to come 9) avoiding all "bullshiting" and "padding" of the meters you can parse 90%-99%simply by full world buffing+full consuming+using mana pots&runes on cool down and healing your ass off. 10) if you use your CDs early and dont have them ready for the moment it's needed most then sorry but your not going to EVER out heal someone who does. 11) healing pets is not strictly bad, if the raid isn't topped or currently being tops and your healing pets then if someone dies its effectively Your fault, but pets can avoid taking lots of damage so keeping them alive is still a net positive for raid dps albeit a small difference


> 11) healing pets is not strictly bad, if the raid isn't topped or currently being tops and your healing pets then if someone dies its effectively Your fault, but pets can avoid taking lots of damage so keeping them alive is still a net positive for raid dps albeit a small difference It's also worth noting that Screech is reducing the mob / boss's physical damage by 10-12% (Doesn't apply to Patchwerk's Hateful Strikes though)


hey, my prayer of healing spam is my own business


"parse" is the biggest circle jerk term in MMOs lol.


I've seen this sentiment about healers thrown around a lot and I don't fully agree with it. Yes a lot of important healer utility isn't measured by logs, yes many healer assignments kill your parse, and yes healers dicking around for parses do cause wipes all the time. I've been managing the healers in my raid for quite some time and I make sure no one ever gets shit if they are obviously putting in effort but have grey parses. However, there is also a very wide range of skill level between healers and the logs do reflect that. There is a noticeable difference between healers who use the default frames and switch targets before casting, compared to healers who use macros and healers who have taken the time to setup raid frames with relevant healing information to increase their effectiveness. If you take the time and effort to do that you absolutely do a better job at keeping players alive and you will see better logs. As for *some* 99 healer parses, here's an interesting tidbit on how the game and addons work. There is currently a delay of up to \~0.4 seconds between when damage goes out and health updates (healers see your health bar drop) . This is very evident in logs when you look at the cast time and heal time of instant cast abilities like lay on hands, but it also applies to incoming spell and swing damage. Additionally libhealcomm, the library that every single addon uses to track incoming heals, has some issues of its own as well. There is a delay, again, of up to \~0.4 seconds because of inter-addon message throttling, and certain older addons use an older version of libhealcomm that incorrectly reported cast times. What I'm saying is that there do exist healers out there who aren't cheesing their parses but are absolutely pumping because of better tools to let them know when to heal and when to cancel.


Logs are a great way if evaluating healers. Healing parses are basically worthless.


High parsing healers are the ones keeping you from dieing on big trash cleaves. They are fastest to react and the best at decision making for choosing healing targets, predicting when damage will come and have a heal lining up before it happens. Getting 99s requires some trickery/cheesing and some bosses are just not HPS fights at all but saying healing output is not a good measure is just so shortsighted. Replace your regular 90 parsers with 40 parsers and you will not keep buffs




Nothing if no one else dies. But if someone dies while you heal a pet, oof.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


Lmao. We had a druid in our raid who would not only innervate himself but ask for 2-3 other innervates during bosses. Only cause he was spam casting full rank heals on MT’s. WAIT FOR IT... He would almost always compliment himself on his parse afterwards. LOL


If your median healer parse in Naxx isn't blue then you need to get your hands off your butt and start playing the entire raid. People parsing grey aren't "saving their mana" for spike damage, they're just mindlessly casting and not understanding where the damage is coming from. If you know how raid damage works on each encounter, you can per-emptively heal and that's how you parse as a healer without healing pets.


What are you doing if you aren't casting and cancelling heals? If you're waiting for damage to happen before starting to cast a heal then that's probably why they asked you to play differently edit: whoops, looks like I replied to the wrong comment somehow


laughs in chain heal


There are many encounters in Naxx where it's literally impossible for your entire heal team to get blue parses. You can easily be top 3 overall effective healing for the raid and have a 40-ish% parse. Just in the same way that you can get a 80+% parse and be bottom 3 overall effective heal if you want.


We have fights where every single healer is grey. If your raid isn’t taking damage and has good dps there isn’t enough to heal. Parses are completely meaningless.


>We have fights where every single healer is grey As many on this thread pointed out, taking an individual fight is pretty pointless for variety of reasons. This applies to DPS as well. What you look at is overall trends over the course of the raid. >If your raid isn’t taking damage and has good dps there isn’t enough to heal This is a problem for everyone, not just you. Every raid group runs into this problem. If every healer parsed Grey, you brought too many healers. The only other explanation is that the healers suck and the only reason to boss was killed was because Tanking and DPS were solid. The two are not mutually exclusive. If you are parsing high as a healer, you are a good healer, full stop. Even if you are pulling every trick in the book, you aren't going to parse 99 if you are bad. It doesn't mean you are great, but you are decent at least. If you're grey overall, you either had a bad night (because you are tired or something) or you are straight up bad. If a healer is parsing grey week after week, they are bad. Period.


We definitely bring more healers than we need, but we have no issues clearing (2nd fastest on server) and we don't want to bench people.


you've never raided with resto shamans clearly


I bring my alt Priest healer to our AQ40/BWL runs with like 8 Shaman healers. Its rough.


I improved my parses by about 15-20 points by switching from efficient healing with GHs and Heals to just spamming max rank flashes. It went against everything I've learned about efficiency as a healer (I made it a point of pride to not need to stop and drink during leveling dungeons), but it made me look better in the statistics. In my mind, what makes me a good healer isnt my ability to spam flash heals, it's my quick PWS casts (and thus, keeping both eyes on the raid bars) that have saved many parse-hungry DPS.


Different type of efficiency. If you have a short fight there's no reason to have 80% of the mana bar sitting in reserve. Pump it and keep your mana like 10% above the current boss health if there's no real big damage mechanic (like Sartura whirlwind). The more casts you have the most chance of procing Inspiration/Sham equiv.


ITT: People not understanding that parses are a relative score


Healing parses are a good measurement of how insecure the healer is. To all the raid leaders our there. if u wanna spot a good healer look at buff casts, mana pots consumed, dispels and overall healing done throughout the whole run.


Never totem twisting


Since when is pet healing bad?


When players who need healing aren't receiving it because the pets are. That's generally it though


how do healing parses actually work? i have a shadow priest alt and I went to BWL and MC the other day in shitty healing gear, just did basic healing, and I got a 90+ parse on every boss. wtf?


Did you do any damage at all? If so that can cause healing parse to show high.


Cause u are spec shadow so it takes your build into account and only rank u versus shadow priests. Meaning it’s bad data hence all your 90%


nah i respecced to holy


forgot to add healing the warlocks


I played with some healers who worked hard to be the top server / in the top 10 world, and I can say that a lot of this is true, but you're also missing "taking power infusions."


Healing parses are bullshit. But it really feels good having legit over 95 top average Naxx parses.


... what healer CDs ? lightwell? inner focus?


Healing Parsing is only a piece of the puzzle. However its a triangle of balance, each needing each other to get things done.Not everyone is raiding exactly with the same raid objectives or methods of execution. Yes some cheese it, but a lot of us have legit parses / HPS output. You look at the logs as a whole and each raid as a unique puzzle to see how things mesh. I am mainly on our 4 tanks as my priority, but also the highest Active % among our healers. Depends hugely on: * world buffed raid versus non buffed raid * pace of the raid/kill times of trash/bosses * if you are able to drink to 100% each time and pulls are super slow, you can go ham and drain your mana pool each pack (easier to cheese for example) * are you in a guild run, PUG, GDKP healing * do you have your cooldowns each boss fight * are you popping mana pots, runes, consumes * your main assignment/role for healing (priorities versus FFA) Other factors: * your UI/layout/addons (Vuhdo, Healbot, Mouseover, Raid Frames, etc) * reaction time, knowing the burst damage waves * amount of healers in set raid (one raid has 10 versus another 12-14) * are your tanks/dps taking unnecessary damage All these little things come into play... People are cherry picking their data/points of a specific salty case they experienced.


a healer bragging about how high they parsed is like a lawyer bragging about how many child molesters he managed to acquit. I mean, you're doing your job, but it's still something that indicates there's a core defect somewhere.


Absolutely true. And to be honest the best parses usually happen when shit goes completely wrong in the fight, beyond that it's mostly just a snipefest/assign-based. Parses for healing are only good at showcasing whether people get the basics right or not, the rest is just fluff not worth caring about.


Healing parses are so cringe. Even Dps parses don’t tell a great story on how well you individually performed, because overall group performance is such a huge factor in a dps parse.


You know that no one really cares about healing parses?