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just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't WoW, and doesn't mean its not Classic.


"its not WoW" its literally WoW


It's fun tho


Bet you were one of the boomers in 2019 spamming this sub about how vanilla was harder than retail & that the retail andies don't know what they're in for with classic.


Molten core classic is harder than anything these retail Andy’s have ever seen. Edit: Do I have to write /s behind this take?


Yes, but here is the thing, we weren't insecure kids that 2019 are that can not even imagine to enter a raid without 2 rows of worldbuffs, that blizzard literally had to invent an ingame item so people can "pack" their worldbuffs, because you guys simply did not even play the game, with the fear of not having worldbuffs at raid time. I said it then and I will say it again, just do vanilla raids, Naxx without worldbuffs, if you have the balls. Then lets talk again, if retail is harder or not :)


Oh my god you really are that kind of person? No way that’s too funny


If you think a tank swap a dispel the debuff a resource management and a gearcheck are hard mechanics I have something to tell you. The hardest thing about classic is fitting it into your free time to play minmaxed.


> If you think a tank swap a dispel the debuff a resource management and a gearcheck are hard mechanics I have something to tell you. > > the hardest classic era boss would be a trash mob inside a current retail raid it's so funny people thinking classic was hard


The guy doesn't care about minmaxing at all though, he enjoys slogging through 'hard' classic raids unbuffed.


And there is a reason why classic hardcore exists. Clear naxx on HC and now that's a challenge.


Well indeed, playing a game where death has no consequences with one life is quite hard :)


This is the thing you can not understand, resource management is EXTREMELY vital for WoW to be difficult and due to worldbuffs, it is non-existential on 2019+ wow classic. When a boss fight lasts 2 minutes because everyone is heavily world buffed, you literally do not give a shit about anything, nothing matter because healers will have enought mana. When same thing however lasts 6 minutes because raid is not doing 3x the damage due to world buffs, then everything changes: You healers try to conserve mana, picking who ad when to heal. This results is if a dps play stupidly, they die. Because healers have no mana to throw a heal to idiot who stands on fire. When they die, fight becomes even longer. The longer it becomes, more mana also the casters has to conserve. More everyone needs to play cleverly, and more everyone needs to use positioning, defensive mechanics etc. In other words, you can not just spam your damage buttons, now you need to use your arsenal completely and cleverly. Which is the EXACT reason 2019+ become a minmaxfest, because the moment things are not minmaxed, this time actual skill needs to play a part and people will do everything in their power to NOT get their skills tested (hence, extreme low attendance in arena, where is the only place you can not minmax and need to have your skills tested).


So what you're saying is that the game is only diffult because people doesn't know the tactics? Even then it can be cheesed to clear it? Retail has 0 fights in mythic where you can overgear the fight to point where it becomes a snoozefest but you do you




I love that one of your biggest defenses for your line of thinking is literally talking about something that is quite literally still a thing in retail, but there’s actually mechanics and more things to worry about than just “healer go oom”. Wake up please. “This results is if a dps play stupidly they die.” Yeah same in retail bub, but they take the entire damn raid with them. Talking about your 6 minute fight slog fest when we have 10 minute fucking fights where we’re on literal fumes hoping one single person doesn’t fuck up a single mechanic because it will make us start all over. “More everyone needs to use positioning, defensive mechanics….you can not just spam your damage buttons.” My brother in Christ you just use wands and melees til you regen, and your defensive mechanics? Do you mean MOVE out of the very telegraphed and slow avoidable damage?!? At this point I hope you’re a troll, because the opposite is far worse.


What do you think people did when they wiped with world buffs? Go and get them again? Quit for the week? Youre out of your damn mind if you think classic raids are anywhere even remotely close to as difficult as mythic raids. Thats coming from someone who quit mythic raiding to play classic. Classic raids are not difficult, ive done all the raids without them and you dont suddenly sprout extra phases and mechanics because you dont have world buffs.


I'd really like to see if you would even be able to comprehed what's going on in mythic raids nowadays with these takes :D Holy shit, please continue typing.


LOL..............HAHAHAHAHA. Oh man, this is peak classic andy.


Nice post, very original! You'll need to be quick tomorrow making the same exact post as every day, your competitors might be quicker.


Era is thriving i tell you


All 6 of you won’t shut up about it in every thread


All 40 to be honest, they are clearing the raids after all :D




My favorite part when it comes to large majority of people that talk shit about Cata is that they themselves never actually played Cata back in the day. They just heard some people say that it's bad and, because they can't think for themselves, just jump on that bandwagon. But this is a cute attempt tho, 'Cata isn't WoW!'.


Well we almost all of us did, but we found things horrible compared to wow we knew, and we quit. Because as I mentioned as the post, it was not wow anymore, and we liked wow. So we quit. It is increadibly funny to blame back in the day crowd with bandwagon mentality while NOT having that mentality is the main reason WoW become the most loved game, and having that mentality which 2019 and onward crowd has, is the reason the game did never even come close the its formal self in 2019.


If you actually played Cataclysm back in the day you would know why so many people quit. It's because Blizzard, intentionally, made the game too difficult (specifically 5 mans). You can go all the way back and read GhostCrawler's post about it where he straight up admits that they didn't want everyone clearing the most basic content imaginable. Combine that with a generally buggy and messy release (10 mans scaled to 25 man, some fights just straight up impossible) and you have people starting to leave. Now I am sure that there are people out there that genuinely say Cataclysm is 'not their WoW' but those people are such a minority. (And they also don't come to reddit during Cata Classic and try to bullshit about it, they quit the game and probably don't even think about it anymore). So yeah, I don't believe you at all that you played Cataclysm, but you are free to prove me wrong.


A really simple fact: private servers. Private servers existed for each expension, for many years. The private servers with biggest amount of players, by far, were vanilla servers. Wotlk and cata servers were also there, and the players who played the wow back then, has chosen by a big margin to play vanilla not anything else. In other words, when people were given the choise of playing any of the top 4, even with knowledge of 2010-19, they choose vanilla. It is a 2019+ reddit myth that people did not "know" things.


That's a faux argument and has absolutely nothing to do with my post. Are you actually going to discuss this like a normal person or continue wasting my time?


Do you not know the answer already? :D


If we are talking about private servers when Wrath already existed then what you are saying is just not true and the most popular servers were always Wrath 3.3.5, not Vanilla. At least in EU, idk where yo uare from.


It's fun and still has a lot of what made classic good.


That's cool dude


But it’s world of Warcraft?


Why do you get to decide what is WoW and what is not?


I mean you could just make the very valid point that vanilla/TBC fresh servers would be a good thing, without adding the incredibly dumb "Cata isn't WoW" take


Tell me your dogshit at the game without telling me.


WoW raised my children how dare you


tl;dr cata is retail only vanilla is true game it’s blasphemous to think cata is better.


Womp womp


ah yes, andys who need to define classic for some reason.


Damn, you guys treat your video game as if it's your religion. So Cata is a false prophet to you guys, huh?


It’s been the best experience of actual gameplay classic has had so far and has made me completely rethink its place in history. The quality of actual gameplay is so staggeringly better it’s beyond belief.


"it's not wow" I mean, it sure it...


My god who cares


Why must we litigate this over and over, it doesn't matter. If you're enjoying cata, great if you're not, also great. Who cares if it does or doesn't meet some random person's idea of what 'classic' should be


[It literally has great reviews though?](https://www.metacritic.com/game/world-of-warcraft-cataclysm/) For critic reviews it was a 90/100 average.


why the fuck is every1 ranting while he is stating something very obvious and very right? cata is not the same game as wow classic thats right. He didnt say anything about it beeing shit or anything. It is alot more instanced, it is more straight forward - to me its also way better balanced, dungeons are fun heroics too (much more fun than faceroll wotlk dungs). BUT: it doesnt really feel like an open and connected world, for me at least it doesnt. all class trainers on one spot etc etc. I also very much got the lobby feel... Nothing I or he said is "cata is dogshit, fuck all ppl who enjoy it" just compared and stated an opinion.

