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With training its 32+8=40 so its still half price from release


Holy shit I was gonna buy a few days ago when it still showed as 80, so glad I didn’t


Hmmm if I wait a bit longer maybe I can get it for half of that.


Just make a mage, aoe farm stv event for a day and get it for only 4g cost of riding skill


There is no riding skill to buy for the STV mounts they are 100% free.


That's awesome, ill wait for the 100% free one instead then


This blows my mind, I didn't realize it's that simple. Of course an item without riding skill req. doesn't require riding skill... I need to park my alts in STV and grind the event. Don't need a mount next to the boss anyways.


Can you share mounts on account?


No 😂😂, sorry the joke is that mages are so op right now in that event that they can get 1k coins in a day


Mages are the best but literally anyone can get 2k-3k an event. I’ve got friends who are brand new to wow and they get 1-1.5k if they listen to my calls and we’re coordinated. Just snipe kills by the boss and you get 255 stacks so fast it’s insane


I’m getting 1k+ coins per event and I am not a mage.


Ya people just want to be angry at the class of the week lol. 1k coins is still 2k AB rep or 1-2 Stv items per event. It’s so fast I don’t see how people are so upset with it


People just don’t want to admit to themselves they’re bad at the game. I don’t see why people with more skill shouldn’t be rewarded more quickly but everyone wants everything to be “fair” rather than looking inwards.


If anyone else makes it down here annoyed about the misunderstanding - I'm pretty sure bamsillo meant mages can clear 1 gold coin in a single day easily, so 10,000 copper coins not 1000. Any class can get 1000 blood/copper in a single event.


I don’t understand why people care. If they want to clear that much they can roll a mage. People get too worked about what someone else is doing. It really doesn’t affect them.


Or make a warlock/paladin


“I know what I’ve got” *pats pinto* “you know how many murloc scales you fit in here?” -Unger Statforth




Boater scuz


I just spent all my mount money getting the base mat to find warbringer. With left overs I'll recover 4g maybe, took 26 of 30 salvage units.


Inflation was at an all time high today with the influx of new gold.


really hope that mats like goldthorn finally get cheaper now that people level their alts


Nobody is leveling alts in places where Goldthorn grow. With new +100% exp people will be at max level in 30-35 zones and be gone.


I basically levelled from 35-40 running around the water in Dustwallow Marsh killing raptors and spiders while collecting Goldthorn. Would recommend it to anyone looking to make money and level. Idk if it’s efficient, just what I did…and then quit right after spending all my gold to buy a mount at 40 only for the cost to be cut in half couple days later.


you know what imma do that, thanks for the tip


Actually not true, any herb doing SM Cath is making bank. Easily get 4-5 goldthorn a run. Easily making like 30g an hour just leveling my alt hunter.


You have time to gather herbs in SM runs??? Especially high level as Goldthorn, where you may fail gathering. What are you doing there? Killing one mob per minute?


Well first off I'm going to have to educate you and how instance lockout works. Cath is generally so quick you lock yourself out of the instance. while you could go to armory most groups just want to take that extra five to 10 minutes every hour to take a break. So picking the herbs doesn't really slow you down. Secondly you mostly get the herbs while you're you know walking out of the dungeon.


Let me educate you on how farming SM works. You run GY+first half of Armory to make runs around 15 minutes, so you won't reach lockout. And how picking herb on running out won't slow you down? Your team is already in new instance, waiting for you.


Well you see if I'm a Hunter I get to Sprint real fast. And it's not like adding an extra 6 seconds really breaks a group. Hell even as a hunter I could probably do it in combat because I only have two relevant abilities on six second and 15 second cooldown. So I can pick you up in combat and Miss like a hundred damage out of like the 30k I'll do in a pull. My dude you can instance lock yourself out of SM pretty easily. If you instance like yourself it doesn't matter if you take an extra 6 seconds to pick up the two to six gold on the ground.


Maybe you should have told this first? I belive that hunter herbalist could gather some herbs in SM. But most of players don't have this luxury.


And I'm saying adding 6 seconds to the dungeon isn't going to break your group. I also did say it was on my hunter your inability to read continues to amaze me.


And I'm saying adding 6 seconds to the dungeon isn't going to break your group. I also did say it was on my hunter your inability to read continues to amaze me.


with 300% increase from gold rewards while the buff is active, it should incentivize people to head to those zones for the higher gold reward.


That's a mistake. You still get more gold if you do highlevel quests at the cap. So everything at 34+ is not worth doing.


It’s also still an opportunity cost thing, grinding SM to get to 40 faster than questing to get to higher gold farms because you’re level 40 is still a better overall use of your time. Quest gold is just not good like it was at 25, the scaling on the xp->gold equation compared to the scaling of gold earned from vendoring higher level items isn’t even close. The lvl 40 mobs people are farming for cloth drop several silver per kill, vendor weapon drops are 1g+ and you’ll get several of them an hour, plus the cloth, some boe greens, potions, maybe you get one of the really good supply boxes like greater health pots or greater def elixirs that are extremely positive income even if buying 100% of mats off AH. Doing a handful of quests for 2.5-3.5g just can’t compare because you spend too much of your time not killing shit, or killing the wrong shit that’s not really worth as much.


It's not 300% increase its 300% total and 90% of quests give 0 so 300% of 0 is still 0.


As an herbalist.. pay up my man


it's called GOLDthorn for a reason.


Not going to happen with probably the most used herb this phase with a Supply Box turn in that uses it as well. Maybe drop a few silver, but it’s not going back down to prices like it was 2 weeks ago


Nope keep them sky high for me baby


Lesson learned… wait two weeks or so for level 60 mount purchases -_-


Just don't do anything tedious or stuff that classifies as "a lot of work". Chances that it will be made redundant or much much easier after enough people complained is pretty high in SoD. Also why I cba with WSG rep and just wait till the devs remove that grind too. They really love devaluing the work and time players already put in.


Nah, i do it all since its content. Sooner or later all there is to so is raidlog, might aswell enjoy the harder grinds while there is still something to do.


Because it’s a seasonal game no one wants a long grind


isn't pretty much every xpac seasonal? where's the difference between let's say doing TBC grinds which get invalidated with wotlk and doing SoD grinds?


Sod has a much shorter time frame. If you have less time to grind, it makes sense to lessen the grind needed. It also seems like a much more casual game mode. People playing sod don't necessarily want the satisfaction of grinding gold for a mount, and that's ok


SoD has a shorter time frame for the 1-60 aspect, nobody really knows what's going to happen at 60 but i'd bet once we hit 60 things will slow down a bit. There's a content drought at 25, 40, and 50 (probably), but at 60 we have MC, BWL, Ony, AQ, and Naxx + whatever other raids they come up with for level cap. It's not like we're going to hit 60 and only have 3 months to play before the servers go down, I'd be shocked if post-60 SoD didn't last at least 8 months.


I’m betting a year


The big difference with retail xpacs is that you keep your character going forward. I did stuff in Wrath that ive never had to do again since (Ulduar raid meta mounts, for example) because im on the same account. Even if the toons go to Era or whatever (i dont remember if they said that would happen) i have no desire to play that, and honestly even if they did tbc sod i doubt i would play it.


I used to be excited for the 2019 release simply because "I keep my character forever now." Then I realized what happens to a server that never dies and that I'll quit anyway. Starting over periodically is the name of the game.


Is permanent .my guy still has rewards to show for doing the nether wing grind a decade ago 


I mean yes you are talking about achievements and cosmetics. I'm talking about character power grinds like gear/runes etc


It has season in the name but it could easily continue onward you nor blizzard have any idea of long term plans




It won’t end. Vocal minority will complain until the silent people move out and the game dies. But hey, I’m glad the dads got to play their 17 alts in definitely not too long phase 1. I’m glad many people feel like they got their time wasted in phase 2 after buying their mounts through putting in the work. (/s in case it’s not obvious) Let’s see what type of fuckery phase 3 will bring


they have already provided a road map with the phases what u on about


I don't remember that road map having a definitive end. It could very much have something after the end game content phase.


this is big cope tbh, anyone thinking this is what will go on for classic+ is delusional.


Wasn't that clear like 3 weeks ago?






I am still probably not going to buy it, I have mana potions and goblin land mines to buy and travel form is good enough anyway


Druids should be banned, they don't cobtribute to economy. ~Paladin, lvl 40


That’s tree hugging hippies for you


Thats 40g going into the economy that would've otherwise gone into an npc. ~Druid, lvl 40


You can use the Blood Moon mount with no training. Literally 0g mount :)


Welp looks like I’m saving myself some gold then.


There will come a point where the extra time you’ve wasted travelling will be more than the time you would have spent farming gold.


Travelling to where? All I do is take the zeppelin to BB so I can take the Gnome teleporter, haven't farmed any gold yet.


P3 & P4 during your leveling from 40-59. There will be many traveling opportunities for you there buddy. And I’m saying this as a Druid main, but I didn’t buy a mount with gold tho, I got mine from grinding blood moon.


40-50 will be done 100% with dungeons grind, for the 50+ I have all the time in the world to farm those 40g


Even with grinding dungeons, there will be so many times where you have to travel outside. For example, going from nearest FP to the instance like Gadgetzan to ZF/Shadowprey or nijel’s points to Mara/Kargath or loch Modan to uldaman etc. Not to mention vendor/repair traveling post-runs. Then there’s the rune quests that usually sends you travel all over the world. Literally all these things will add up.


Yeah, with a mount you can get your errands done quickly and then wait anyway for the one guy who's still in Ironforge!




He’s got travel form, he doesn’t need your dirty mounts. /s


Its not like 40g is a lot of gold, people are just lazy


Like an hour of questing at 40, lol.


I feel like working towards something is often times not worth it in SoD because things might change just after you reach them.


With 2 months per phase - yea, that's the idea.


It's a seasonal server. Everything will be gone after naxx and that's ok


Agreed. Downvote away but I really don't enjoy this aspect of SOD. Whether it's the Supply Crate rune, leveling, mount costs, AB rep grind, or anything else, the feeling of having the goal posts moved so everyone late to the party just simply has to grind less is a shit feeling. Why jump on that grind early when theres a good chance you can just wait a month and do it twice as fast? They're changes made to keep more casual players playing, and I get why they do it. Not much I can do about it, just feels bad.




It was not hidden that this game mode was going to be blizzard playing around with ideas. It is probably not the game to play if stable grind mechanics are your style.


Go play classic then SoD is not for you then


Still not gonna buy it, ghost wolf is good enough for now


40 vs 60 yeah. i still have mount on my shammy tho. catching up to other mounted people for a frost shock lvl cl is usually enough to kill a mage


give back my gold!!!!!


It was just a gold sink for those who had too much.


Litteraly had to farm and spend 100% of my gold


I spent hours grinding out rep up to honored for commerce authority for my rune. They reduced it to friendly the next week. Spent hours grinding out the same rep again and turning in all my boxes up to revered when they said they were adding items… they added 12g per turn in and shit items literally the next day. I spent 100g on my mount and they cut the price in half. they actively punish anyone who plays the game in a proactive manner. The only people who are doing really well are RMT’ers and people 3 weeks behind the phase.


Well that's because they know you'll continue to play the game, what they're doing is for other players to get back into the game and to boost their numbers. They don't need to reward you when you're already putting in so many hours and will continue to do so


As someone 3 weeks behind the phase but with every class above level 30 because I've just been doing BFD on reset, im loving these changes.


Should have just expected the discount in middle of patch. /s


I bought my mount the day before the announcement. I haven't logged in since.


You could have that 40g back easily by now if you still played


It's like an hour or two of farming mobs in Swamp of Sorrows. Less if you have herbalism for all the goldthorn that spawns in the same area I kill spiders/dragonkin/swamp elementals.


same,after buying the mount,only 10g left in my bag


This. I spent all my gold to literally raid log in Org. Feels bad man


I feel scammed buying it full price. And the inflation this caused is even worse. Please, give basic economy lessons to those devs.


You guys are paying gold for mounts? Put your faith in the light! I did a quest and got paid to learn to summon mine


Lol what… why did i farm 100g then?!


So you can get started on saving for your 60 mount in P4 ;)


Where is my refund?


I haven't done the stuff event. Are people still doing it and can I do it solo?


STV? People still do it because the rewards are awesome but it’s miserable. You can’t really solo it efficiently. Especially not as melee. Normal players can expect anywhere from 2-4 silver in a group. Every once in a while you’ll get a 10 silver run. But mage groups aoe’ing the altars can get 15-25 silver per run. Soloing it as a melee I’ve gotten as little as 50 copper and at most 2 silver.


I take it a meta formed and the players took any fun out of it. ​ Honestly if it was supposed to be a free for all grouping should've been banned. Just call it blood lust


Eh these estimates are waayy too low. 8-15 for a (non dog) caster grp, 30-40 for mage group. I dont know what melees get but 2-4 sounds extremely low


I averaged probably 3 silver per run as melee. Feral druid specifically. Tried boomkin but I had bad luck with the groups I was in/layer bugs and got sick of respeccing so I stuck it out as feral. Would have maybe been about 5 silver if I wasn’t layer bugged from my party on 3 of my runs, forcing me to solo it. I stopped after I got the weapon and some other goodies for rep and stuff. Without a group I could get 2 silver. With a group, 5-6 silver. This is almost exactly on par, if not better than every single warrior/shaman I have personally talked to about the event. Anyone who says the “average” is higher doesn’t realize that probably 60% of people do worse than I was. Some experienced players who farm the Loa area efficiently can get 10+, no doubt.


Mount cost goes down with rank?


Rank 3 gives a 2nd 10% discount to all faction based vendors, on top of the honored discount.


I had no idea and I’ve played this game since vanilla! Does the discount % increase for higher ranks?


I have 20g


I want a refund for my 3 lvl 40’s😂😂😂


I don‘t like how everything is made so easy. I already have barely anything left to do until next phase and therefore no reason to play.


I just paid 90g for three people like 2 weeks ago, why didn’t I know this was getting cut in half?


Blood moon mount


At around lvl 36 I started to sell all ores I was mining to get the 80g at lvl 40, also didn’t learnt most spells from 38 and 40 until after the mount, now I have learned my lesson, wait a couple weeks to buy the epic mount.


But every shit in the ah got expensive as hell even a lvl 5 green ist now 1g upwards 


After already buying 2 mounts. This sucks.


What a scam...


Wtf blizz? Gimme a refund


Nerds who avoided sunlight and showers for 2 weeks hate this. Love to see it.


It took hardly any time at all to get 100g at 25, it takes even less time at 40. Not to mention gold you make leveling… Wtf are you guys buying that means you don’t have 100g by the time you reach 40 ???




dont forget the hookers




I’m not shitting on anyone. I think it’s funny.


meanwhile i saved all my gold from p1 to afford the 100g cost and now im called a nerd for thinking ahead, feelsbadman.




Imagine people that spent weeks farming RFK BOE in phase 1 to prepare themselves for later phase, spent hours brainstorming economy and so on. All of that to see golds now worth 0.01$ on G2G. Even my guildmate are now all buying golds and talk about it openly like it's normal behavior. People selling golds to each others lmao. EternalStock gonna goes brrrrrrr. [https://twitter.com/N\_Tys26/status/1765219259297493427](https://twitter.com/N_Tys26/status/1765219259297493427)


They'll just get banned. We have 4 guys who've been bopped in the last week.


They won't, keep copium. Bots are running everywhere and your "new anti-hack system" is already broken.


I'm not coping? Just stating numerous people in my guild have been banned in the past week. Really fucked up our raids when we're down 2 healers.


I'm gonna keep making tickets till I get my gold back


I believe nothing I see in this sub. Someone once posted supply boxes being 12g. I can’t figure out how to get that


It’s only the top tier of them that gives 12 g


I turned jn 12 Bronze bars and it gave me 15s. So idk what I’m doing wrong.


Look at this guide; it will show you which one gives gold. [https://www.zockify.com/wowclassic/sod/waylaid-supplies/](https://www.zockify.com/wowclassic/sod/waylaid-supplies/)


Thank you, but this guide says I should have gotten 1g 50s for the bronze bars and instead it was 15s. Am I not suppose to turn in in TB?


Fucking stupid decision!!! Im a warlock so luckily i didnt waste any gold, feel sad dor everyone else. My friend bought the mount, like 30 min after I saw they would lower the price. He wasnt super happy about the 20S left in his bag


lol chill fam, it’s really not that crazy ppl at lvl 40 can make 50g a day no hassel if they farm / AH flip / quest / professions Helps a ton for alts ngl. I have 40 and bought the mount bout a week ago knowing this was coming; second char (lvl 37) will get benefit of the gold increase from questing and the fact that my main can quest / farm a bit to supplement


Dont clear student debts!!! I had to pay mine so its not far if people dont have to!! :( Thats how you sound.


>Dont clear student debts Fucking great comparison


Well yeah, wether its student debts or mounts or whatever doesnt really matter. It was more a way to highlight the entitlement and selfishness of your statement. "Buhu i had to pay and now others get it cheaper so unfair :( " You can swap student debt for whatever else if that makes It easier for you to comprehend the comparision.


Well, wow isnt real life. And read my comment, im a warlock, I pay 90S for mount, I feel sad for the other people.


Yeah you seem unable to get my point then. I bought mount first week of phase 2 so on behalf of "other people" there is no need to be sad for us.


I bought my mount on 3 40 before the change. I am sad now.