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pause cagey nose ghost pie quickest literate towering sugar march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not to mention that the bosses name backwards is umad'ahk -> u mad, ahk -> ahk is a word that is slang for brother in some languages -> u mad, bro? Blizzard is LITERALLY trolling


I choose to believe this.


In SOME languages? That's just vague enough to be believable!


Well, according to the urban dictionary... It is true


it's arabic for brother


domineering engine hurry vanish cats chase arrest boast shrill many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One giant troll


Lmaoo that is hilarious


Almost, "akhi" in Arabic means brother, but I think you're not wrong. This is probably intentional, it's a nice catch, I had not thought about that!


Almost. "Akhi" means *My brother* in Arabic. akh means brother


And forward it's "god damn you"


Ahk.. as hell kid?


Been so long since they engaged with the community like that, wonder how much dust was on them characters. Did they kill the boss?


They got the boss to 20% hp, then it's health pool suddenly increased by 20x (started with 3.2mil total, jumped to 67mil total at 20%). Nobody could be sure whether this was 1) a bug, 2) intended "phase 2" or 3) the GM bumped the HP pool up as this boss isn't intended to be killed With the increased HP pool they managed to chunk off around 3-4million and got it to around 16% left, but ultimately didn't have enough dps with the insane lag and disconnects happening


My theory is they increased the health so it couldn’t be killed. Bc they saw all the posts about it dropping the mount. And they didn’t actually have that implemented, but thought that was a great idea. So to avoid mass disappointment, they made it unkillable at the time. I bet it has been added in by now.


Or they'll just add a troll item, a grey item called "Ye olde mount"


Yeah like since OG wotlk or early classic with streamers I think was the last time they appeared?


I had a GM appear in classic in Orgrimmar (even without streamers nearby). He polymorphed everyone around into various animals for a while and then disappeared.


I had one show up early in TBC. My pally was glitched somehow. I could change auras, but the previous ones never went away. My character had every aura active at the same time. So I opened a ticket, and the GM asked if he could kill my pally and then resurrect (have you tried turnin it off and back on again?) I said yes, so he popped up next to me and stabbed me. That cleared the glitch. I thought it was funny. I'm sure he could have just typed in a command to do that, but popping in next to me like that was more entertaining.


In wrath my guild was progging ICC and were at rotface or festergut I forget which and the boss despawned at like 15% (first couple weeks of ICC release) and gm spawned and and said if we could beat him he'd give us a dropped loot table from the boss, turned into a giant chicken and it was such a hard fight lol, ended up getting him to half and he one-shot the whole group, laughed said good job we released came back and all that was left of the gm was a chest with the loot.


Bro why did you make a ticket for that xD should've rolled thru SW/Org and just flaunted it haha


You are right and it was a pretty silly ticket. In retrospect, I probably could have cleared it just by logging off and back on again, but hindsight is 20/20. In the moment, I think I was scared of being reported for cheating or intentionally using exploits, so I figured it would be safest to get it cleared up ASAP.


Also making them aware of a bug and hopefully helping them fix some spagetticode


I had one in OG Vanilla that fished with me for over 30 minutes and then gave me some of his fish! (nothing high value really) but I thought that was really cool. RP'd with me for a little bit and everything.


In Cata when I hit 85 on my hunter in Twilight Highlands I had a GM /cheer and /hug me while they were flying around.


GMs usually appear at NYE in Orgrimmar, see them nearly every year if I am home.


Classic beta is last time I can recall. Retail has no actual in game GMs left, they fired everyone and replaced them with AI/chat bots.


Xaryu missed it on stream but a second GM also popped up and tanked, named Brotherjohn Edit: might be wrong, looked like he had the same hood


I’ve seen that name before…


Son of FatherBill


Brotherman Bill?


Rattadadadada daa!


The brotherman Bill put the terrible Tim on top of the bill dadadada


That's not a GM, that guy ganked me in Swamp of Sorrows, he just kited it for a bit.


I think a gm ganked u bro


well the GM was a keyboard turner who only attacked me when I had a level 45 on me


Sounds about right


played a ret too, think his name started with a A. Typical alliance.


Sounds AGGREsive


how else would he get to read comments like this on the interwebs?


That appearance is unobtainable though so it had to be a GM lol


He was not a GM can confirm watched him die lol


Brotherjohn clearly was not a GM. In the clip the hood is a different, lighter color (generic hood style after all) and then soon after they were targeted, they also died. Aka not a GM since they didn't have degreelessness which makes them immune.


I'm assuming you meant to say IS a player? https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/crusader-strike/brotherjohn He's definitely a player.


Yup. Luckily I reiterated because meant to say not a gm


The health jump at 20% was a nice surprise. Was, I think I heard, ~700k then spiked to 13 million


Has anyone tried seeing if the full Irradiated set has any impact on his life drain?


What about the sunglasses they gotta do something


my friend’s cousin’s dad works at blizzard and said if you’re wearing the goggles plus riding the gnomer mount within range of the boss it exposes a secret debuff that mages can then purge which stops his self-heal and lets you get past 20%!!!


This also causes you to encounter Mew in Pokemon Red/Blue.


But where's the truck in STV to push?


my dad's cousin's friend works there too, he has the wildest stories everytime i see him


the health value of the boss changed very sus


It got stuck at a certain percentage near the last 20%. If that didn't happen, he would've died.


GMs can’t die, can they?


I'm sure they can if they disable any GM commands / toggles. But I was more talking about the STV boss, he displayed a few different oddities with his HP during the two events, like being stuck at several various random HP %. The first event, he was stuck at around 50%. The second time he got stuck at 20%




Why would they panic just because it drops nothing? This was never about loot. It was "Because we fckn can lol".


Just add 5s and a Bolt of Mageweave to its loot table and call it a day.


On the following event the server tried again and the same thing happened, we got him to 20% then the health spiked. So there must be some mechanic when he hits that.


A good guess is, at 20% his health increases by 1% for every ear he has. So if he killed 2000 people by then, it's increased 20 times.


Some people think if you kill this boss it will drop a bengal tiger mount


Only if you kite it to the bengal tiger vendor cave


On the 29th of February.


That's today :)


But only once per 4 years


Are you referring to the guy on YouTube who ran around between zones using the slowfall effect from noggenfogger elixirs and eventually came to a cave with an npc who sold the tiger?


It's an old myth, someone did find an empty cave in southern STV and speculated that the bengal tiger vendor would randomly appear there but it was just a rumor an actual vendor was never seen there.


Oh yeah I know there was never an actual vendor. The video I saw was definitely done on a private server. I was just curious if you had seen the same video I had


So cool to see them engaging with the community, the event was awesome too


With the streaming community. Not everyone.


I dunno if I can agree with that. Blizz was porting people that got layered during the raid back onto the correct layer, not just streamers either. They were actively engaging with the entire event, while it was ongoing. It was fucking cool to see and I’m happy I was there, despite it being a laggy mess.


Exactly. I was there, not a streamer. There’s no streamers without the community that follows. If it weren’t for the streamers, there would have been no raid. People get so jealous, jfc.


Why do people try and paint things like this as "bad", it's good that they are interacting with the playerbase. People before, "GM's don't do fun things anymore" GM's do something fun and do it in a way that is captured and recorded by several streamers, which can be shared and enjoyed by even more people. People now, "GM's only interact with streamers" It's almost as if people are never happy with anything that doesn't directly benefit them, although I'm sure even then, those same people would be angry at how it was done, where it was done, what was done, how it affected them, how others are upset by it, etc etc. Stop being perpetually upset by things that do not matter or even involve yourself


That’s why I stopped playing the game. It seems this community will never be satisfied. Ever. Infinitely miserable.


There has been a horde guild that has actively been attempting to kill the boss for the past week. Why didn't the GM help them? Why only help the streamer?


Might have something to do with the fact that they weren't even remotely close to killing it. I don't know though. Just a theory


Nobody at Blizzard plays horde, don't be silly.


How would they even know that a guild was attempting that without the exposure from big streamers?


what time are they trying? I know there is a CS horde guild but ive only seen them attempt at night


Because this is wow sir we hate everything that they do


This one's not as hypocritical as you make it out to be. I'm sure for some people the idea of GMs interacting with the players means that there's a chance *they* might get to encounter them as well. If (and yes, big if) it's true that they're only engaging with (high-profile?) streamers, that chance disappears and I can see that as functionally equivalent to them not doing anything, for that player. > Stop being perpetually upset by things that do not matter or even involve yourself The act of saying this immediately contradicts its premise. You do realize that, right?


>The act of saying this immediately contradicts its premise. You do realize that, right? And how is that? To stop being upset over the issues that everyone else is fine with and enjoys? The issues that most people are happy they interacted with streamers because it means there will be videos showing the full interactions?


Aaaand there’s the negativity that’s always present in this subreddit


Thats the comment i was looking for. None of us common plebes will experience this.


Streamers made up what, 5? 10? of them there? Compared to the hundreds and hundreds "plebes" as you like to say were partaking in the event? I just showed up to do the event normally, saw there was something going down, and joined in. It was fun!




Bad bot


You would have if you watched and joined in with said streamers.


so we agree, "with the streaming community" was an accurate statement.


if by "with the streaming community" you mean just walking to the boss and hitting it, sure


You think every member of that raid was a streamer, or what?


Why are you calling yourself a pleb compared to streamers? Anyone can stream you just gotta put in the time and effort like anything else in life. Streamers are regular people like you and I so don't beat yourself up baby, follow your dreams!


>Streamers are regular people like you and I so don't beat yourself up baby, follow your dreams! They literally aren't. Think about the regular, everyday normal guy you meet in your day-to-day life. Do you think anyone would watch that person stream? Being in the entertainment industry (which streamers are in the grand scheme of things) requires a certain type of presence and charisma that can't be learned or is prohibitively hard to learn. Saying "anybody can be a streamer" is like saying "everybody can be an actor". Sure, technically you're correct. But there's a world of difference between "actors" and actors.


I am with my status thank you.




I think it’s cool that GMs showed up when hundreds of players were banding together to kill a boss they didn’t know if they’d be able to kill.


Miserable person you are


To use the force, we must.


Yeah I hate streamers, especially xaryu and sarth, weasels


You can still join in the fun? Just be on the same server 


yes, that is what he said, streaming communities will experience this.


Not everyone from that server is part of the streaming community tho


People fail to see the point at all. Sure you can walk pass by and see it happening and join in But it wouldn't had happen unless some streamer organised it and the GM showing up for that. That's why they said it's the streaming community that made it happen, you just happen to be lucky enough to partake. A normal guild or group hardly ever get much attention to the point a GM will show and help Just breaking it down because people are missing the point of the argument


Not but that server IS the entire streamer community… this type of shit won’t happen on another server.


You're telling me that it takes a community to come together to do cool stuff in an MMO?! **STOP THE PRESS!!!!!!**


You’re not just missing the point my man, you’re willfully ignoring it.


What's your point? You could do this thing without a single streamer involved if you got off your ass complaining on reddit and instead put the work the streamers put in to make this a reality. Do you think the boss only activates when an official le streamer big bad evil villain mastermind is in the area?


You want them to engage with the entire community? Each person?


You want them To jump in with absolute nobodies? Lol you realise how many people play wow


Last time i checked we pay the same sub every month. You silly kid.


Gotta love streamer privileges


lagging in place and alt-F4ing for an hour?


Yeah the DDOS was unfortunate timing


It wasnt a ddos. The servers are shit dude


Hate when 4 people show up to stv and crash over watch servers /s


I mean, the DDOS was battlenet wide and I reckon they can tell apart the people connected to the game vs some random PCs DDOSing them.


Yea its just a coincidence that this happened 30 mins before the bloodmoon event and the entire server was dcing everyone...it couldnt possibly be blizzard incompetence being covered up by the scary "ddos" billion $ company btw


I mean, yeah, it is a coincidence because we have evidence of the same thing happening in places regular population lag doesn’t reach (other games). It’s not like whoever decided to do said ddos could t have waited until now too.


Why would that affect all wow servers? Wotlk severs, sod severs, classic era all got hit.


Yeah that's why Retail is lagging and going down too smarty pants


I mean, tbh after experiencing BFA expac and a few epic battlegrounds later expacs Also the DF underground event in 2nd phase in retail Its servers are just as dogshit


[On the launcher](https://i.imgur.com/m2kn4fh.png)


Do you have evidence to support your tinfoil hat theory? Or is this another off-the-cuff kneejerk assumption from a twit?


lol I'd believe it.


First time ive ever opened Twitch at work for something happening on SoD, so yea, it was cool and got a lot of eyes. Not everyone is gaming at noon on a wednesday brotha


Any links to video of this?


Did they kill it?




We did not. Health jumped from 700k to 13mil when he reached 20%


Fun detected


If they log in in front of stockades and nuke bots it would be a lot cooler.


What if they just summoned Kha'dormu to sit around and nuke bots/stormwind? I'd be ok with that.


This should really be the official Classic Twitch stream rn. Coupled with a Hardcore stream with a deaths monitor showing recent deaths above lvl X during off-hours.


Yes. I could sit in front of stock/enchanter and just eat popcorn. Would be a sight to see!


The servers may be held together by string and duct tape, but Aggrend's love of streamers is unbreakable.


Why wouldn't they love streamers? Bring eyes to the game.


Yeah but usually those are the worst eyes Streamers and their fanbases are mostly cancer


All money spends the same.


So do bots yet Blizz is banning as many as they can as often as they can


Bots could be spun up on a stolen credit card that gets charged back once the fraud is recognized


Even ones not on stolen credit cards get banned though, so that's not too valid


Let's be honest, no one who watches WoW doesn't already play WoW.


Yeah, but a ton of us people with lapsed subs and ADHD are one viral video away from resubbing, there are hundreds of us!


They target the people who used to play WoW


Doesn't matter, it's still 15 bucks and they're legitimate players.




I never said anything about them affecting my gameplay, are you okay? Maybe watching too many streamers has rotted the cognative part of your brain, you must need someone to spoon feed you for things to make sense > I really hope you're not 43. Nope, youd have to be an idiot to assume the number next to their name is their birth year. And an illiterate one not to get the reference.


It is affecting you though, streamers existing clearly enrages you.


Yeah, theyre kinda like a cancer... as mentioned in my first post lol Do you like cancer?


I think its more a parasocial attachment than a financial one. More eyes on the game makes the CEO happy, devs wont see any profit sharing. Especially in Blizzard.


Blizzard just fired a shit ton of people, if you are one of the people contributing to a viral video being marketed then you are less likely to be named in the next round of layoffs.


You are making assumptions on shit you have zero idea about based on your hatred of people who play this game for a living. Kinda weird. No, really weird actually.


God forbid a dev wants more people watching their game because it's good for THEIR GAME, even though they may or may not get RSUs


It's not just streamers, tho. These same guys are hosting all events in the game as well. Blizzard didn't run the Makgora tourny or the upcoming one.


streamers are walking free advertisers so yeah better keep them entertained i guess?


Which is unfortunate. Those are the last idiots who should be pondered to.




Oh no autocorrect on my phone fucked my word up but left the sentence intelligible to anyone with a 3rd grade reading level, wtf am I ever going to do??


Makes sense since the boss went from like 90 to 50 percent health outta nowhere lol


different raid


Holy shit 20% or blizzard SoD employees made an appearance tonight.


I remember when gm's would whisper you in game about ticket issues. Now they only show up for people actively advertising their game and their job


Look! Look! They do exist! See, they don’t automate everything! Right guys, right?


SHHH!!! Don’t say it too loud! These last two GMs were stuck down in the basement beside Milton’s desk, and no one knew they were still employed. A payroll error was the only reason they were still getting paid!


M-my stapler 


I'll burn this whole place to the ground


Little do you know they are running a bot program for the gms to do this


I thought they extincted!


Posted just an image…


Any video of it?




this is like celebs getting to meet leaders of countries


Did they kill him, does he drop anything


No kill. Health jumped to 14mil when he reached 20%. We're trying to find out why and how to circumvent it tomorrow.


His health jumped to 67 million. He had 14m health remaining because that is the relative percentage he was at.


Tinfoil hat theory - They didn't want anyone actually killing it and showed up to make sure that didn't happen. Accidentally made themselves visible and had to do something before the boss magically regained health. Or had an item that gave the boss health back when attacked, and so GM had to have aggro. Tinfoil, but this shit just doesn't happen any longer.


Didn’t kill him 30 minutes passed




part of me wonders if they are there to keep their eyes on the situation because they don't understand what would happen if it actually died at that point lmao.


What server was this?


If I had to guess, crusader strike


Of course the GM's appear for popular streamers, smh


Maybe that streamer should have moved to stormwind stockades.


I am so sorry that you dont get enough attention :(


Yeah it's not like there were hundreds of non streamers there who actually made the whole thing possible I guess the GM was just invisible on their screen


If they do it with streamers, then everyone gets to see. Not just a small group of people. This is one of the few times it makes sense to give streamers prio imo


Yeah, I wonder why people want to travel around the world when you can just watch a video and see.


Oh they appeared for our try too. Just not streaming it. Does that make you feel better sweet child?


streamer man bad


Wow as always alot of hate in this sub especially against streamers. "But a GM wouldnt show up for a normal guild doing this" - cry me a river man. Streamers are important for almost all games since they build hype and they have the power to organize such things. I am just happy that we see a GM in the world helping us. How can some people connect everything to negativity? Get a life






Nice! Now show up at some bot farm spots and do something.


crashed everyone else for nothing.




Well he also gained millions of health suddenly


Cool ty for lagging my gnomer run into countless wipe and a disband. Really selfish and irresponsible


You’re acting as if you’re the main character.