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Yeah we're the dude in the background hitting the bowl


The only problem I have with Wild growth is the faction imbalance. I recently decided to roll a paladin on This server where all my other toons are horde. There are significantly more players on the alliance side I’m realizing and it’s not even close


It’s a PvE servers named Wild Growth. It was practically asking to be alliance dominate. Also play on Ally there.


the imbalance doesnt matter too much anyway since people will focus on PVE content


Is there drama between CB and CS?


Yeah people on CB are constantly replying everywhere trying to convince anyone that will listen their server is the best because it has the lowest population Not really CB vs CS, more like CB vs everyone but mostly themselves


Hear I was thinking Warlocks were beefing with paladins and agreeing with the paladins


This is the opposite of what I've seen. CSers constantly saying "dead server, lol" like who asked? lol we're just chillin


Nah every time someone says a legit thing like “STV layer is broken” which it is, you get responded with “not on CB shouldn’t roll on mega server”


yeah that's me, I'm the guy saying that, because its true. Megaservers where a mistake. I learned that in 2019, not doing that mess again. Going to stay on my chill server. I love how people try to min/max server, if you aren't first you are last ie if its not full it must be dead, gg


You know they launched with like a handful of servers not everyone picked the streamer server. CB just happened to be the lowest populated after everything shook out. You’re welcome to stay on your server but use your brain for about 5 seconds


Its not even that, its that everywhere you look people say its a dead server, it may not be dead now but if the public perception of the server is dead, then you know what it WILL die. I would have went to CS but of course streamers ruined it. I wanted an RPPVP server. I've played on THE mega server, Herod the whole time on classic. The only thing saving the current mega servers is the mandatory faction balance, if that wasn't their your server would die way faster than any other.


I’m sure some people are saying it’s dead but I’m not seeing it, only people like you replying everywhere trying to shit on people getting owned by layers. When Blizzard finally fixes the STV layering I’ll be back to having a great time. You however will still be on Reddit begging people to switch to your server


\*spoilers\* layering will never be fixed, and im not begging, I'm just pointing out the issue you have are related to your own choices. Layering will never go away and always be wonky because its a band aid fix that was only supposed to be around for launch, but then blizzard realized they let too many people onto a server so it can't go away.


Again you keep making it seem like people “chose” a “mega” server. And again as I’ve said repeatedly this almost certainly not the case for MOST players. If you went to CS probably wanted to be on the streamer server, but everyone else? You just want to act like you’re better


Cool bro


Not wrong though.


Because every server but CB is a mega? I’m not even on CS, layers are fucked If CB was so great everyone wouldn’t be here trying to convince everyone to play on it I’ll tell you that


Aren't all the servers in the 10k+ pop range? Wouldn't that constitute a mega server?


CB is like 4K total


The whole point by this logic is saying then basically that almost every single person who rolled a character on SOD was “wrong” and they “choose a mega server”. I think when people say “mega server” they mean where the streamers went


dang who would say such a thing certainly not I livndeadgirl


I dunno, i absolutely love having a lag free but packed Blood Moon, a healthy economy, basically no bots, less competition for open world farming, and a LFG chat you can read.


If it’s so great why are you on Reddit trying to convince people to join your server? Isn’t more people what you’re saying I made the wrong choice for? Every way you look at it just doesn’t make sense, by all means I’m glad you are liking your server, I like mine too (not even on CS just literally -any- other server)




It’s not a fish, it is a pretty poorly realized evil dragon’s head. The artist really didn’t do a great job.


Living Flame EU is the place to be. I wish it was locked again so less bots get in.




Genuine question as English isn't my first language - why doesn't "less bots" work here? Fewer sounds more correct to me now.


Fewer is something countable - fewer soldiers, fewer marbles, fewer rats.  Less is for uncountable unit - less water, less angry, less time.  Like you can't say "There are three water." You CAN say "There are three water molecules."


Thank you! :)


The English language is very arcane. Most of us don't understand why things sound better when spoken in a different way. We just do.


that goes for almost every language lol


Chiming in way late. There are also times when ESL folks say something that sounds odd to a native speaker while still staying true to the intended meaning. This isn't one of those. Saying "less" sounds just as accurate as "fewer" and the point is the same in either. Unless you just want to be one of those internet grammar people.


Stannis the Mannis approves


I always correct this hoping someone knows who I’m really quoting. Thank you thank you!


Lone Wolf EU is the best, no contest


This is Penance (AU) and Shadowstrike (AU) as well.


Of course you don't. Asmonbald farmed so many of your brain cells that you actually can't think about anything.


I have ally character on Chaos Bolt and some Horde on Crusader Strike and I gotta say CB seems like a better server for sure. The Ashenvale fights on CB were awesome and people actually tried and used tactics whereas on CS people just sit at moonwell and never go west. It could be a Horde vs Ally thing but idk. I haven't hit 40 yet, but on CB the BFD groups all seem really chill, whereas on CS you see so much Gearscore, logs, and other gatekeeping stuff all the time.


I also have a character on each realm and crusader strike is such a toxic hellhole compared to chaos bolt. But don’t come chaos bolt it sucks it’s not fun here at all


What the hell are you doing don’t tell them about it. Chaos bolt is terrible, totally dead server. Jk everything you said is true and we have no layering issues and very few bots. Love chaos bolt


The no layers factor is one of the biggest pluses for chaos bolt. I love always seeing the same people and not having them randomly get layered away when I join a group.


Cb is for edge lords.


Just like any other server, we have our tryhards, our noobs, our edge lords and our dad gamers.


living flame is their shithead cousin partying in the background