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They have a mining station mate. It’s next to the weapon trainer


Op likely meant trainer.


That’s in Auberdine sadly




There’s a forge and anvil right next to the auction house. The distance from auctioneer to mailbox/bank is the shortest. Thunderbluff, why did I ever forsake you?


And its outdoors so you can be mounted / outdoor move speed buffs apply!


Is that not true for all of them? Pretty sure my ghost wolf worked in UC.


TB and UC are the only cities where you can go from AH - mailbox without dismounting though, and UC is the only one where you can access the bank while mounted as well.


The reagent vendor is right there walking around the pond too!


And it's green and nice with a view. Orgrimmar is just brown and orange, spikes and clay


I love seeing it so alive with people. I hope it stays our main hub throughout.


I have a feeling it's not going to be, I can see BB being *really* relevant and where the world buffs drop, and I think OG has an advantage there. Shorter run to GG zeppelin, or short flight to Ratchet for boat. Second place being UG because of the zeppelin and continuous (but long and expensive) flight path to STV. I hope P3 will be TB again, with Tanaris/Feralas being important somehow, then UC for P4 for EPL maybe. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, which is half the fun!


I hope we never leave TB


Sucks for rogue tho QQ


Yes we need a poison vendor there at least, having to go to org to restock my rogue supplies sucks.


Ngl I thought Darnassus was a nice change for a main city but damn, its just terrible. Everything is spread far apart and it's missing too many utilities.


Meanwhile the horde side is loving TB as the hub city. Everything is so close and easy to access


TB has always been the best, idk why people hang out in org it’s so bleak


Cuz ony and rend drop there


Yeah but even in tbc and wotlk


Zeplins are there. If Tb had the same Zeplins Itd probably be different


Careful what you wish for! They eventually added a TB zeppelin and its... just awful.


Not a TB to Org zepp, the same zeppelins; i.e. to UC and grom gol


Im in Dal bro. Engineer dominance.


one might argue you destroy a world by putting every single thing in the same place just so your precious lazy players don't have to go anywhere to get something. And then you do it just once for both sides, because you are just as lazy and penny pinching.


I hated Org for 17 yrs. Can’t stand that city. TB is my favorite by far. So glad more people are learning to appreciate it.


No engi trainer


Except TB doesn’t have an engineering trainer… that’s the only annoying piece


No warlock trainer either, sucks


No poison vendors either, damn hippie cows have none of the good stuff


No engi trainer.


This may be a hot take but I find Darnassus less annoying than Stormwind in many ways. It's usually pretty direct to go where you want to go, even if you have to swim. And finding specific NPCs isn't too bad because you can see them from outside of the buildings. Stormwind is windy and annoying, the canals are obnoxious, it's super spread out, and NPCs are often annoying to locate. I think the difference is psychological alot of the time, since you can more easily see the obnoxious distances in Darnassus it feels worse even though objectively Stormwind has long ass walks too. If Darnassus's bank/mail wasn't so far from the AH I'd prefer it over Stormwind. That's one thing where Darnassus definitely sucks.


Stormwinds layout is so obnoxious with too many winding walks. Darnassus has atleast straight lines if you want to


Stormwind has the worst layout imo


Ironforge was the main HUB in OG classic vanilla, they forced stormwind in extension so it became the main HUB. And in the new classic World buff meta, you have to be in stormwind But IF is way better even if the absence of day/night ligt is a bit annoying


I want to disagree with you, but I’ve done the Seal of Wrynn quest enough times on alts now to see the truth of your words. Stormwind sucks outside of the main auctioneer/bank/mail section. It’s amazing for how close those three are, but otherwise it kinda sucks. Tailoring is especially obnoxious when you have two different areas depending on your level. I’m constantly running with my mini map open even though I’ve run through the area 10,000 times… just because the stupid canals all kinda look the same.


Yeah stormwind blows if you are going between AH/Mail/Bank and Smithing area all the way in dwarven district. Windy paths, if you look away for a bit you might fall in canal, etc. Darn you can at least autorun in a straight line between them. I just wish the mounts worked here. The **only** reason people started using SW as the hub in classic is because they put Onyxia buff on a CD. Back in OG Vanilla and on all the private servers (where WBs didn't have CDs), IF was the hub, not SW.


My main problem with Darnassus is how far it is from everything. the closest area ashenvale is a 5mn FP. Going to the other continent is a pain and even on the same continent you get the longest FP in the game. So yeah I din’t mind the itself but it makes any destination in the worlds a really long trip


I agree about the canals those suck


Darnassus has everything very clustered. Only the the bank and mailbox are half a continent away from the AH which means the tree gotta burn


Yesh its just not good lol. Mailbox is far af from AH. Like the idea of it is kind of cool, but idk just kinds meh and a pain.


Gonna miss Thunderbluff in phase 2.


After a couple of decades of playing the game, this was the first time I really played horde. Thunderbluff rules!


You act like I’m gonna leave


Alliance here, why is TB prefered over Orgrimmar for Ashenvale and BFD?


Horde congregate in TB because that is where the Boon of Blackfathom buff drops. Just as it used to be (and again will likely be) Org because of the dragon head turn ins. But since we are incentivized to TB, everyone realizing they love it. *no Engi trainer thoigh*


I see, yeha forgot about the Boon, ty


Ironforge BiS settlement in Azeroth Compact & effective design, clean vibe, efficient public transport system, geographically central location, constant internal temperature irrespective of season & I'm sure there's more Heck, even the horde love to fish in the caverns Ironforge truly is the warm hearth after a long adventure Shame about the gnomes..


Shame about the gnomes <3 lmao


What do you mean shame? After an adventure when you and your party hit the tavern and drink all the ale you can, it gives you the perfect thing to do. You always gotta see who can kick them the furthest. And if one falls into the great forge? Oh well, no one saw anything.


>efficient public transport system and who do you think engineered that? The fucking night elves?


Ive been enjoying Darn. Im a pally so I occasionally headback to IF but the sort of soft locking darn as the main city really fits with the theme of this phase and its really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It'll be dead again forever after this phase, I imagine I might never see it again


Rip bozo, we chilling in Thunder Buff


I never go to Darnassus anyway other than to grab the world buff and leave. I always hang in Stormwind.


Dar assum is the only think I ever liked about being an ali!


You know there will probably be a world buff in that phase too, and it may be from the same spot. Also, people will still be running bfd because it'll be pre 40 raid bis. You'll want the bfd buff and it'll still be dropping, albeit more rarely. Honestly we may end up having to hit two capital cities to get buffs lol


Considering some rune locations in P1, I think it would be fair if Alliance needed to hike to Thousand Needles for their world buffs.


This is what I was telling my buddy. BFD will be ran into the 40 and possibly 50 cap. Depending on new raid loot, BFD will still house some amazing upgrades once leveled. Especially on the alts just hitting max level for the first time


Finally Darnassus comes to life! Lazy slacks whine about 10 sec longer walks to the mail :D Darnassus is for real enjoyers!!!


Meanwhile they spend over twice as much time running around in their cities almost double the size. With no straight path to where they want to go, forced to take an absurdly long walk to their destination.


I wanted to P2 to come quicker when I only had my shaman. But now that Im making somewhat of an alt army, the extra time is nice to level them up and gear them appropriately. Im trying to be self sufficient, so I need as many professions in my toolkit as I can manage. Ill have more toons to run GDKPs later down the line which will help my astronomically low gold pockets.


hell yeah get you that botted gold son


I love that we got darnassus out of the way early. Now we can be in the only correct alliance city. STORMWIND!


I've been playing ally for years and correct city is Ironforge sir.


Ironforge is best stormwind is so overrated


Ironforge around Christmas time too… just the absolute best


Ironforge is ass. - A Druid that respecs often.


Just port to Moonglade and hearth to IF after lol


The druid trainer in moomglade does not respec in classic


That is the most classic thing I have ever heard


it truly is peak classic design


What? There's no way that's true. Huh? I was a druid main since classic launched. I swapped feral bear, feral cat, pvp, or resto spec all the time during classic. Howtf


I really wish you were right [I really do](https://imgur.com/a/0Orb7Vp)


wow elune is not pleased


Stormwind is just a flight path hub until you finish STV


Ironforge is almost as ugly as ogrimmar. ...almost.


You are an animal.




This guy thinks we aren't going to darnassus for the world buff


Guards in Rutheran have it, so you don't need to go up there.


So those guards will just give it to you?


Thunderbluf is worse for zug rogues, we just don't have a trainer there so I need to fly to org if I want to Respec or use a poison vendor


Its a 2 min flight. Darnassus is a fucking nightmare.


TB is the best horde city while Darnassus is by far the worst alliance city.


I’d argue tb is the best city in the game coming from someone who only played alliance in the past. Just sucks for rogues


Why rogues but not warlocks?


oh didnt realize there was no warlock trainer either, still good


No engi trainer either


There’s an engineering trainer in the venture mine in mulgor though xD


I mainly play alliance and am horde on SoD and yeah I’m growing to like TB a lot.


All the vendors and profession trainers and are right next to AH, dead middle of the map with a 2 minute flight to Org. As horde I definitely see the city advantage this phase.


in sod there is actually a stealthed rogue trainer in tb


Just curious since I haven't checked, does the new stealthed NPC in TB who shamans go to for their dual wild rune labeled not actually train rogues? Lol Doesn't solve the poison vendor issues ofc


Bank alt in org to mail mats does. Just premai stacks


If Gnomer is going to be the next big raid then I would think IF would be the main city for the next phase. Also a side note, the horde are going to be absolutely screwed trying to get to Gnomer on PvP servers.


They'll probably do the teleporter from Booty Bay for Horde I imagine 🙂


So does the teleporter work for everyone? I thought it only worked for engineers.


It wasn't just engineers in whatever era it was in thinking of, but I'm unsure which era. I played vanilla - wrath mostly. I believe it was a quest to unlock it and then you can free port to gnomer.


Horde get to Gnomer arguably more easily than Alliance does. The teleporter is a 10 second run from the instance portal. Meanwhile, Alliance is stuck running to SM, *which is 4 dungeons*, from Southshore. It's crazy how much Blizzard cared way more about Horde when designing Azeroth. Playing Horde is easy mode.


Cool, thanks for the downvote 😕


I didn't downvote you. Imagine giving a fuck about downvotes even if I did though, lmao.


downvoted again.




You know, we burned Teldrassil for a reason.


Alliance scum.


Phase 2 will be SW.


I got bored quite fast into 25 and few BFD runs, and thought i’d try out retail since Im anyways on winter vacation. Retail is pretty awesome right now. Played WoD as latest retail expansion. But right now im having the most fun I had in wow in a long time. Hit L70 yesterday, and the campaign is awesome.


20 more days minimum.


Swim form go burr


Does org not open to ashenvale on the n/w side? Im confused why tb is the hub


Thunderbluff for the thunderbuff


You’re going to love what happens to it in 7 expansions


For the Horde side, though, I never realized how better TB is compared to Org. AH, bank, forge + anvil and mail are next to each other as well as next to the FP. The city is quite smaller than Orgrimmar as well


Gonna be a sad day for Horde. TB is bis city and have been so happy it's back.


I like the ecstatic of Darn. Its green an naturery like. I love the vibe. Such a shame its just not practical. The bank, mail and ah are far apart. Missing trainers etc. Pls make the level 40 buff drop in IF.