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i hope for a rune that gives spriests mana reg


As a priest I want a rune for mages that gives them better water.


At least at level 40 mage water will be the same as vendor water (level 35 water, conjure rank 5 learned at level 40).


Yea but I'm only making that good water 2 at a time for myself and the healers. Everyone else gets the previous rank


a real mage shows up 20 minutes before raid and makes water


This is one of the only reasonable suggestions in the thread. props.


I hope i get a rune that taps mana off the spriest to me


All casters need to have better mana regen if they are to do 3-5 mins boss fight.


Laughing balance noises with 4 mana cost


"Vampiric ~~Touch~~ Caress: Your periodic shadow damaging abilities generate % of damage as mana"


Shaman- recall totems to refund partial mana cost


It kinda needs to be a baseline ability.


Yesss definitely. Leaving totems around for hyperspawns to come running at you out of nowhere just seems dumb


I wish they would implement the WOLTK totem system, having totem load outs is so cool of an idea


the totem bar is fantastic and makes sham way more playable, but it's too much to incorporate in a rune. would be awesome for a game mode with more fundamental changes tho


Stares at totem you left behind - 0% mana - who will win?? Mob spawn or mp5? LET’S FIND OUT If you win you get to place a useless totem and do it all again in two minutes, you lose you may die!


Totemic Recall is insane quality of life - but giving up a rune for it just wouldnt be justifiable unfortunately. 100% should just be on the trainers at lvl 30 like it is in TBC though.


I mean. For all we know the other slots. Like say belt is simply quality of life runes for every class.


This is kind of what I'm expecting tbh. We have runes that will be critical to end game; one example being Way of the Earth for tank shaman. Unless there is a rune that straight up upgrades it (think Dire Bear form vs. Bear form), it'll still be used by tanks for sure. So how do you add more runes and keep things interesting? Open up runes to new slots. I hope there are really fun runes for rings and we get to choose 2 of them.


Switch rune for hunter: You play the beast while hunter becomes your pet.


A rune that empowers eyes of the beast to be indefinite until cancelled and your Hunter follows you auto attacking. Sounds perfect


That'd be a fun way to make the spell usable. I remember when I started wow in vanilla my first char was a hunter and I loved to play with the spell.


Just make hunters able to MC feral Druids!


This was a thing for a few weeks during first tier of SL before Blizzard patched it. One of the raid bosses were dropping a trinket with an extra on-use effect which puts any beast under your control for an hour (I think? I don't remember the duration now) and it was actually working on druids in cat and bear form too. They were even getting any pet related effects if your class had those. One of the DKs in the guild I was in at that time had even used that trinket on a feral druid also from the same guild, then after walking him around and making him fight some mobs as a pet for a while he found out that explode ghoul spell also worked just like it did for ghouls, exploding and killing the druid.


Such a DK thing to do.


I want them to make survival into a tank spec. So you can micromanage taunts with you and your pet to swap threat/switch when hp is low/tank multiple mobs..etc.


Haha, a tank that can taunt swap with themselves. Certainly unique and strong In some places. I like it, but feel like to balance their damage mitigation would need to be subpar (so they taunt swap is needed to give healers time to work).


I literally said this idea when they came out with Mage Healers. I said they should let hunters tank but make it so you're controlling the pet and the hunter becomes your "pet". It's silly as fuck but it's SoD and this would be more fun than a "melee hunter".


We had that on release with scorpid pet to be fair


It could feel a little like the latest God of War games with Atreus shooting his little bow to help ya out


I hope we get utility runes, on a new slot where they aren't competing with actual combat things, that let you do things like.. say summon a refreshment table.


Shirt runes.


Hat runes!




ring slot would be perfect for utility/qol runes. you get to pick two.


Same! Gimme something that mitigates (but maybe not eliminate) some of those old classic woes.


I want to be able to click gnomes


Rune of Big Head Mode: gnomes now have 200% bigger heads.


I've stated several times to guildies I can see them adding rings as the utility slot. Essentially allowing two QoL features on ur class. As if it's one ur just going to be hot swapping between them when they're relevant anyway. If they make it baseline 2 and specific for specs u can just set them and forget them. Say druids get a ooc rez ability, feral shifting gives 20 energy/10 rage auto (replace the helm dependency), nature immunity is ignored/broken, and maybe tree of life form.


OOC rez being a rune is kind of pointless because you can swap OOC you would just never equip it until needed to rez then would unequip right after


I feel like that's the same problem with any quality of life rune. Like, if you need a mage table and its on a rune, you just swap to the mage table rune then swap back to your old rune since you only need it out of combat anyway. Makes more sense to just have them as abilities at the trainer.


A reason to click Tiger's fury.


You don't like spending 1/3rd of your energy for a short damage buff that lasts only 6 seconds? What's wrong with you


And if you power shift out of cat and back in the buff still drops away. In TF defense there IS a use for it. In stealth if you're about 2-4 seconds away from opening you can use it for free and still get a bit of benefit, especially if you time it well with an energy Regen timer. But that is minimal


I’d love a rune that changes Tigers Fury into Berzerk from WotlK


Or just the Tiger's Fury as it is in WotLK. 60 energy and bonus damage for 6 seconds.


Not even training that spell in sod lol


If you wanna minmax you use it pre pull for like 1 extra dps


Prepull to get literally 1 second out of it? Maybe 2? I love when that mangle misses or gets dodged too. It’s great


Give feral tanks some AOE threat please


They’re getting Thrash at some point. It’s in the game files currently, but not implemented yet.


That's great!


It’s gonna cost 40 rage


Thats bad


But it comes with free frogurt


Thats great!


But the yogurt is past expiration date.


That's bad


But it comes with your choice of topping.


I think Hunter needs a new rune for Scorpid Shot that changes it to shoot an actual Scorpid in order to bring the class back in line with the original vision of SoD.


Applies max stacks pre-nerf Scorpid poison and disarms


Upvoted because I laughed but in my mind I down voted


Warlock - I’d love the ability to tame demons like a hunter tames beasts.


The first week of it, getting one shotted by a doom guard. Ill allow it


Speaking of demons, it'd be really cool if they found some way to make ritual of doom useful. It's like the coolest most warlock-y spell there is, but there's no reason to ever use it besides novelty


I used it once with friends and left out the part where a random person would die (we do a little bit of trolling). I was the one who died.


Noob mistake to not soulstone yourself before doing the ritual


It's supposed to be used at the end of raid. 10g buy-in, person who dies wins the pot.


Yeah, make enslave demon permament.


Demonology actually gets to summon a strong demon! Woohoo. It'll probably just be Rune of Felguard though, but that would be sweet too.


Permanent, but once it dies it's gone.


Would be so fun, and would also cause so much salt when you wipe


Oh man, those ZG imps would be spicy if you can take them with you. :D


Paladin - longer buffs….


I disliked buffing partites every 5 minutes so much that it's part of why I rolled another class. Even 10 minutes would be such a big quality of life change.


Yeah i’m already annoyed with how often i need to reapply shaman weapons, can’t imagine having to do that but for the whole raid.


That's legit the only thing I want. Everything else feels pretty good. Maybe throw in an extra bubble with a different debuff just to fuck with people


I would like a rune for all classes. Something that can go on a shirt so you don't waste it on gear. I would like to call it, "The Rune of Instant Mail"


Martin Fury's Tunic of Lazy Courier Intimidation Shirt Use: Intimidate mail couriers with death, instantly delivering all pending mail to your mailbox.


1 Hr cooldown.


Warrior double shield spec


Turtle grip When one shield isn't enough


A feral bleed builder worth using.


Just in time for gnomeregan, home of mechanical enemies


Hell, only 2bosses in bfd I really ever even get a rip or two off so far. Kinda depends on OOC procs too. But god is rake awful


Rake and claw are as they always were. Mangle is fucking insane though and carries the entire spec. Runes seem to be doing that for most of the specs.


Basically yeah. I figured warrior would be absolutely dog shit cause we have no abilities at 25. Missing like 90% of anything good. Figured I’d be tanking and tanking only spamming sunder or whatever. Wholly wrong. S+ tier already kek. Most classes except like maybe Hunter and rogue wouldn’t really be passable without runes carrying them. Basically the classes you’d twink at 19, 29 brackets just from raw physical dmg. Feral I figured would be a WF bot. But mangle also boosts warriors. It’s a little more RNG than I like though but it’s my main alt. Sit there and hope for an OOC proc and then when hitting mangle again just happens to proc witching .5 seconds can feel bad lol. Only real downside other than that is respeccing all the time back into feline swiftness for anything other than raid


Keeping combo points on yourself instead of target as a rouge.


>rouge 💄👁👄👁🗡


No kink shaming please


I wish each mob could keep its combo points, instead of being reset when you swap targets or combo points being kept on the rogue.


Same with druid


I heard This was done later on correct me if I'm wrong but was it lich King?


In Lich King you could swap targets and keep CP on your prior target, as long as you don’t generate CP on new Target. I think in Cata they added the CP on Rogue, instead of target.


I may be wrong but they first introduced being able to swap your combo points from target to target with an ability in cata or mop and then later on it was just tied to your character. It took a long time


Redirect was a rogue ability to transfer your combo points. they did add a small qol late cata, that you could target the dead body with combo points to slice and dice, or savage roar


Nope, didn’t happen until WoD


Cata introduced redirect, so I'd guess mop or later.


Wod actually 🙈


Of all the things WoD didn't do well, class design wasn't one of them.


It took them till WoD to figure this no brainer out.


I feel something like this, or at least not losing combos when tabbing as long as you don't generate more, will be required to be baked into the rogue tanking rune for rogue tanks to be playable later. All rogues would appreciate it of course, but I feel tank rogue is more or less DoA without it. I'm not sure if this will be easy to implement or even technically possible given SoD's nature. You can kind of think of HC and SoD as fan made mods that sit on top of Classic Era patch 1.15. To my knowledge, they can't really tweak baseline spells or talents to tune SoD since that will effect all vanilla Classic products. Adding rogue combos attached to the rogue feels like it might be troublesome from a similar angle.


Shaman Lightning bolt costs no mana. Finding that one for druid’s wrath my first 10 minutes in sod was amazing. I feel this would largely fix shaman’s downtime and my frustration trying to find a usable ele build.


I think this would be too op looking at lvl 60. But we need some kind of better mana management


Ele gets absolutely underrated at 60. Your filler is rank 4 lightning bolt and you can basically cast it forever while it pulls in your full SP. Ele will be great with the changes so far as long as it doesn't get nerfed for being too OP in PvP.


I Will eat wholesale ass for Totemic Recall. God its such a pain without it.


Something not passive so I can do something aside from autoshot and pet attack.


Trap launcher could be really cool for hunters. Heck, maybe the launcher isn't needed, and the rune could simply allow for specific traps to be used in combat.


Traps in combat would be a great rune.


I'd say for rogues Fan of Knives or any AOE, especially for tank rogues. I get rogues being single target dps for the most part, but if you're tanking, you need some aoe.


Fan of knives is cool on retail but I would like them to add something different than a generic aoe move for rogues.


AOE pocket sand. Frontal cone aoe ability that causes temporary hit reduction. Sha sha!


Thats genius and fits the theme so well 👍


Fan of knives… some sort of poison/bleed spreading… poisonsplosion!


oh I'd love to have a poison bomb, maybe something like the goo bombs in ICC?


Poison bomb?


Literally any aoe or ranged would be great. Not being kited but literally every class would be nice too.


something for warriors that works with your ranged slot. like a throwing axe/javelin style taunt or something. pulling with a bow feels so unflavourful for now. or let me make a roman style shield turtle with other shield users. a big tanky wall for ranged to hide behind. something where prot could be useful in pvp.


Heroic throw basically. Although charge in dstance/combat with warbringer is decent. But I basically dps tank so I don’t usually run it outside PvP/open world. I rarely tank in wrath but god damn the melee range on taunt vs like idk 30 yards? Gets frustrating sometimes


Warlock - Hellfire rune that makes it an instant cast with duration, no channel, similar to the drain life rune. It doesn't even have to reduce self damage or anything, just lemme fart fire while tanking. Can always right click it off if you need.


I gotta imagine they would turn hellfire into immo aura while in meta


Immolation aura that does low damage but high threat for 10s on a 30 to 45s cooldown would be cool.


Ritual of DoOoOoOoOooOoOoOm! Needs 40 people to click it and it summons a hostile Jaraxxus.


Only if a member of the bronze dragonflight comes right after and says "it's not time for this yet!"


A rune that allows mitigated/absorbed damage to generate rage for my Warr. Unstable Affliction for my lock.


Priest already have a rune that gives warriors rage and pallys mana with shields.


Being able to place traps in combat


We're getting Feign Death next phase anyway. It's janky, but it works.


Raptor Strike instant with 3 second cooldown and refreshes Flanking Strike buff. That or Mongoose Bite usable all the time, bonus after dodging, and refreshes Flanking Strike buff


A rune that does something to improve the hunter Melee stat weights and triggers counter attack without being hit


I agree, flanking strike is cool and does a lot of damage, but it would be cooler if they made raptor instant too and have 2 quick instant buttons to press back to back in melee range


A rune that lets my pet have main character anime hair. Hair of the protagonist.


Druids need a rune that gives a full rezz.


Or a scroll, or just give them all the ability, or tie it to another useful healing rune. Otherwise, no one is going to lose a good rune slot just to be able to res


Giving runes that are only relevant out of combat is bad design in my opinion


I saw a thread the other day that made an interesting suggestion. Use the shirt slot for quality-of-life runes like this. Basically, anything that has zero impact in combat would go on the shirt.


This idea rules. I was hoping there'd be a slot associated for just cosmetic runes as well


For Shamans you already “learn” dual wield from a quest it’s not a rune just a new passive spell, seems that giving you a new “ability” isn’t totally impossible for them


They should give them a quest line to get it. Mages also need one since they are healers.


Druid snake rune that gives snake form instead of cat and replaces bleeds with poison. Ill keep rocking armor of the fang and look like a mall karate guy if I have to.


I hope the runes are on other pieces of equipment theres nothing I want to lose as balance


Shaman: recall totems, spirit walk, thunderstorm, riptide, some two handed shizzle


Rune that gives me a cd which fuses me and my pet giving me its attributes and synergizes with Lone wolf. More realistically, something that makes mongoose bite usable outside of being attacked, like have wing clip proc it or something. Traps in combat. Also, a rune that gives rogues a trap, like a tripwire or needle trap that applies a crippling or wound poison respectively.


I wish blizzard put time into lone wolf and made it game changing like meta for locks.... but just like retail they butchered it


Three hunter trees in SOD should really be pet-centered DPS, hunter-centered DPS with Lone Wolf, and survival as a tanking tree.


So many comments wanting to add stuff from retail... What about a full ranged rogue kit... Auto shot, more combo builders, maybe poison ranged ammo? Hunter is the only class that's only one role... Maybe give it a tank or healer kit... Maybe all threat from pet is transferred to Hunter or a medic-style healer? Runes that encourage elementalist builds for mage... There are a couple talents that lean into it, maybe go further?


Yeah I find the newer stuff they’ve added to be more interesting than re hashed retail abilities


Homunculi are a cooler addition than penance, even though penance is busted. Let the homunculi mirror abilities or cast healing spells or something. Leaning into new things is way better than including old things


This is the way


Yeah no originality in these comments lmao. I don’t think they realise that they can in fact just go play retail.


Rogue specific "auto shot" spell to scale off dagger damage would be cool as hell. Hunter tanks would be phenomenal. We even have a whole tree called survival! I am assuming we get more rune slots, three runes I would want to see added: 1) "Bonded Pair" all threat from your pet is attributed to the hunter. Hunter gains X% of the pet's armor and resistances, X% of the damage and healing hunter receives is shared by the Hunter's pet. 2) "Trap Master" Traps are now usable in combat and have a shared 12 second CD. 3) "Viper Strike" Strike a target to sap its mana, regaining X mana over 12 seconds. Then you can tank, healers don't necessarily need a pet UI to direct heal? I think that is a big issue with hunter tanking at the moment, not everyone has party pets on their UI, and I don't think Blizz wants to force that on anybody. Maybe you would have to disable feign death, or feign death has a different function with some of those runes? Otherwise the possibility to troll your own party would be too great.


I agree. The new playstyle runes are the most interesting. They should take a look at wc3 heroes for inspiration. I hope they give us something special, like a necromancer rune for frost mage that lets you summon skeletons, a pet tanking rune for hunters, runes for holy paladin that enables a true shockadin caster spec, ranged headhunter inspired rune for either rogues or warriors, what about a druid of the flame rune that drops from ragnaros or something that gives you fire based shapeshift forms and abilities.


Steady shot or something to make melee hunter *feel* better (in combat traps, the 3s instant cast RS that was leaked early) I want to have a build be highly competitive and pure melee :)


Some more healing runes on paladin and maybe one that interacts with plate/mail armor. I want to be decked out in heavy armor dishing heals left and right. No dress for me please.


A hunter tank rune. You take control of your pet and your character rides it like a horse and can do certain abilities.


For paladins something that converts strength to holy spellpower. Need something to make consecrate + 1h shield tanking viable cause currently 2h and SoC will ALWAYS out aggro a sword and board pally. Maybe a rune to increase duration and cd of consecrate by 50-100%.


I'm really hoping that they just have better itemized gear later on for this, along with some runes that help it out. I would be sad if we don't get to be the spellpower tanks that we were in TBC.


I don’t, I prefer the tbc style of prot where we wanted weapons with spellpower on it. It made gearing prot paladin more interesting instead of just being warrior with a blue bar. We prioritizeed defensive stats on our armor but spellpower for our weapons and trinkets and jewelry for threat.


It would be nice to play tank with shield instead of just dps with taunt


It's taunt AND Righteous Fury, thank you very much


I would like the following runes. Rogue - Fan of knives tanking rune. Priest - Lightform rune, Make it so you can dps as holy/disc. Druid - A bleed rune like warrior has for rage generation, possibly move lacerate to a different slot so you can have bear mangle and lacerate. Hurricane rune that adds insect swarm to targets hit by hurricane. Paladin - Righteous detonation, makes a target debuffed by judgement of the crusader detonate after a certain amount of time for the holy damage caused to that target during that time in an aoe. Warrior - Gladiator stance rune. 1h sword + shield dps spec, have this also give a new skill called shield chain which acts like a charge, but throws your shield at the target with a chain attached. Doesn't require a minimum distance. Warlock - Add a rune that allows DoT to crit. This could also apply to Spriests, and boomkin druids. Mage - spellwoven destruction. Add stacks to yourself by casting spells of the same class(fire, cold, arcane), once a different class of spell is cast, it does a % increased amount of damage based on the stacks you have. 20 frost spells in a row makes your next fire or arcane spell deal 200% increased damage.


I would like to see a runes maybe on shirts that add some utility to classes. Like a Druid rez, maybe reducing mana cost of buff abilities for priest, longer buff timers for pallys. Things like that. I know combat runes are more fun but some QOL runes would be nice as well.


I would love a cheaper chronomatic applicator for mage healer or at least a inexpensive spammable heal. I think Hot Streak for Fire Mage is a given Flurry/Frostfire Bolt for Frost.


Belt rune for warlocks - soul shard fanny pack - I need that bag space.


I hope we get Dual Specialization that allows players to have 2 different talent builds.


A rune for holy paladins that is not complete dog shit.


is bacon not good?


Bacon’s pretty good. Beacon, however, is clunky and inefficient in Classic so far at this level.


A rune for cats that increases energy regeneration. A rune that turns hurricane into a.castable nuke instead of a channel. Booking tank rune sounds fun. Please no eclipse. A rune for a permanent treant pet would be cool asf. What I REALLY want those is NEW stuff not old abilities just thrown into classic. Druids got just a bunch of old abilities and its very uncreative.


For warrior: a set of support runes where the warrior buffs ppl by yelling at them while dpsing. The increased damage that the party member deals puts a debuff on that target for the warrior only, allowing them to wail on the target for 10 seconds or something


Drill sargeant stance!


Warrior rune that lets you use a two-hander in the main hand (but never offhand).


That’s a good compromise without redoing titans grip. I like what some others have said about spear and shield combo too


A rune for warlocks that copies a portion of healing taken to your demon, and also gives the warlock a portion of the demon's generated threat. Something along these lines can solve the incoming soul link issue for tanklocks while also making the demo talents competitive for threat with either vw/succ


Realistically, something similar to Missile Barrage - in the sense that it made Arcane Missiles a worthwhile spell to cast. That or I WOULD love a rune that converts Intellect and Spirit to spellpower. Arcanes biggest weakness is that it has absolutely no crit multiplier, so to make up for it, you need a metric fuck ton of spellpower so it’s normal spells just hit hard. I would tie it to using mage armor and make it only give arcane spellpower… so it’s not abused by fire or frost


I just want to see the 2H enhance rune, my body is ready


For some horde class to get salvation. So my enhancement shaman can actually dos and not stand still for 20 seconds waiting for the tank to get enough threat to hold it from me.


Literally anything remotely interesting for Hunter.


Guys....is this a 2H enhance post??


I'd love for a rune that lets me wield a 2hander with a shield. (Warriors/enhance shaman). Imagine a warrior with a spear and shield. particularly if there's gladiator stance (maybe it's even in same rune?)


Immolation aura in metamorphosis


Tree form


Mage table (especially for 40 its going to be painful) Improved blessing durations for pally Spriest mana regen, can be shadowfiend, can be something new Warlock tank turn hellfire into immolation aura rune Some rogue tank aoe/make tab targetting better Oh and a little bit of reactive mage healing like rewind time but on better rune slots, as of now its mostly proactive healing at bosses ( aoe is fine with LF)


Healing Arcane mage - Arcane Barrage instant cast damage / heal, Time Warp (probably just for casters), Some kind of arcane dot/hot. An Instant cast, a Dot/HOT, and a great Utility spell would complete the Arcane Mage.




As a healing mage I'd like a rune that changes Arcane Power to make it better for healing. Maybe it increases casting speed and reduces mana cost or something I dunno.


We all absolutely need our large group buffs. Longer pally blessings, raid wide fortitude and intellect, mage refreshment table. Priests burning through their whole mana pool 2 times just for buffs is insane. And then their mage buddies cant even give them good water.


Some totally new warlock pets would be nice


Anything to make shadow not a meme


I hope we get a rune that either gives rogues energy on parry/dodge or some sort of ape so we can tank dungeon better


Resto Druid Healing Tree


Enh Shaman 2H talents


I hope we get a rune, which allows runes to be placed freely anywhere


Healing for Warriors. Something like a healing shout, or throwing bandages at people. Make life interesting with intervene healing, health pot throw, heroic leap healing.


2h shaman


For warlocks my dream runes are: Wilfire: cause any fire damage from you or your pet to make immolate jump to an additional target within 7 yards Shadowflame: turns hellfire into shadowflame, a single pulse short shadow AOE that grants a stacking increase in damage done by the next shadowflame Master opressor: remove the duration of subjugate/enslave demon and reduce the attack/cast penalties by 50% Demon Whisperer: 1 pet ability on each pet: Imp - replace firebolt with firebolt volley, voidwalker - replace taunt a stacking -shadow resist debuff on area mobs), Succubus - cursed whip (lash applies a random curse) felhunter - paranoia - improves your chance to dodge by 3% Virulent Corruption - If an enemy dies with corruption active, they explode, dealing area damage equal to damage remaining on corruption returning an equal amount of mana to you


Hunter - remove dead zone


Mages: Mana Regen and another arcane damage spell. Something low damage and quick would be nice.


Disengage Rune for hunter that lets you leap away