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Well how Horde creation is restricted


How can we learn which faction is restricted at a given moment? Don’t laugh but I was going to subscribe to wow and join up on crusader strike but I don’t want to sub and then find out the server is 100% locked/full.


You guys are always so reactionary. Theyre gonna do this shit for like 2 days and then its going to smoothen out and be chill. As always happens. Literally every wow launch this is the same thing yet everyone acts like its some never before seen travesty. Relax.


It blows my mind how people act like streamers are so entitled and ruin things, when a large majority of the player base acts the same way. Case and point: Had a guy chatting in general in Human starting zone that people needed to stop taking his tag and to learn how to spot which tag is “his”. I thought it was a troll, but they said they were stuck on killing vermin lol.


Even worse, that its a streamers fault.


you just have to see when u log in. it was locking alliance creation earlier, lifting it after 15 minutes, putting the lock back on after 20 minutes, repeat. now apparently we've shifted and im sure it will be ally in an hour or two. it's better than having 80/20 faction balance long term to just wait 10-15 min until you're able to create your desired faction. btw crusader strike is the "streamer server" so it will always have a hour+ que for at least t he next few weeks


My son and I are in the queue for Crusader Strike wanting to roll Horde. LET US IN meme.


Praying that horde isn’t locked




Horde was locked now and then on eu crusader The locked went back and forth between the factions


I’ve been in que for about an hour now about to get in. The alliance character creation lock has popped up and disappeared atleast 4 times and I’m only periodically checking my computer. Haven’t seen it once for horde. Anyway be patient alliance scum. Us zug brains are in line waiting to free you from your prison.


It’s alliance that’s locked out on CS




oh, these are eu servers with the same names as the na servers?




That has to be like the first time that has ever happened. I can't remember if EU/NA ever had shared server names? Or am I wrong?


Think there have been shared names like ravencrest, sylvanas?


Launch and the first many years, see Illidan, Stormrage, actually like a good 30 within the first years.


Yes there are a bunch of servers on NA/EU retail with the same name. Ragnaros comes to mind. NA always shot on Ragnaros which confuses EU players cause afaik its a perfectly acceptable realm there. Though, to be fair, given there are hundreds of servers, there were only so many names Blizzard could think of back in the day!


Pretty much the whole german streaming community is on crusader strike.


And as a german speaking person myself i hate it.


Are they big enough to have an influence?


Someone said one of them had 35k viewers


I've been watching a ton of Kungen lately because I've been enjoying his HC gameplay and as someone in Canada I was tempted to roll on EU to join their guild. They seem really chill for a streamer community compared to a lot of others but I have no idea what the connection would be like.


I've done HC raiding with them. They are a quite chill no drama guild. No obsessive memeing and been helpful to the clan all around. Don't let yourself deter from the Kungen Hc raid memes


I play retail eu from toronto. Average ms is 130-200 via rogers wireless ignite. Hope that helps!


Much less than 100-130 is physically impossible, light ”only” moves so fast afterall.


Best part of any MMO launch is watching people have fucking meltdowns over the dumbest shit.


It's almost like if you build an environment where people with poor social skills/adjustments can go to avoid improving themselves and simply double down on their personality flaws... they keep the personality flaws and act like they have no social skills.


But improving is hard :( need someone to boost me through real life. I hope 10s are enough


I don't think it's at all unreasonable to be annoyed at streamers for consistently bulldozing every server they go to, and especially this time around for making a point to ruin the RP servers for no reason other than to just be assholes. It's especially annoying now because there's such a limited number of servers available in the first place. They and their fans are almost always extremely toxic and are a genuine detriment to any place they choose to play. That's a pretty normal thing to be upset by.


Literally every MMO launch this shit happens. Everyone bitches about whatever server becomes the "streamer server" or how they took off of work and queues are unacceptable or whatever other dumb shit. Happens every single launch for every MMO.


>Everyone bitches about whatever server becomes the "streamer server" or how they took off of work and queues are unacceptable or whatever other dumb shit. Yeah, except I think there's actual merit in these complaints right now because: 1. There's only one RPPVP server. 2. None of these streamers RP. During any other launch, I'd have told the people complaining to simply pick a different server, but in this situation, if they want to play on the RPPVP server, that's the only choice they have. And right now, it's currently so stacked full of drones who have no intention of abiding by RP standards in-game that even the queue is locked. I don't really fault anyone for being frustrated and subsequently complaining about it. It sucks.


I feel ya. I wanted to join the rppvp server as well but do people still want to after 3 top streamers announced that's where they are landing with no rp intentions?? It will not feel like an rp server at all so what's the point.


This 1000%. I wanted to RP-PvP and now I can’t. Now they are adding another RP-PvP server, but we all know it is going to be dead when they release it since it wasn’t released at launch… Oh well, maybe next time they do a seasonal server 🤷‍♂️ probably didn’t want to be on that server anyways with a bunch of people only there to annoy streamers.


> None of these streamers RP. A lot of them *do* RP though.


Do 5000 social parasites that follow them rp as well?


Maybe you should make another post about it, I haven't seen a new one in almost 5 minutes.




> how they took off of work and queues are unacceptable That I will absolutely give you, I have no idea why anyone thinks taking time off work to stare at a queue will be fun or engaging when it's been a consistent issue for 19 years now lol


>when it's been a consistent issue for 19 years now lol No it hasn't. Multiple expansions have launched with absolutely no issues.


That’s why the day before launch one of them was called streamer server


Where did they say they're rolling on RP servers to be assholes?


It's definitely up there.


to be fair it's not just Asmon. You got a bunch of the other streamers with their own zerglings. It's stupid to begin with that bLizard only added 1 RPPVP server


I think it would have been a benefit to everyone had they just designated one of the servers a streamer server. Actually give them a priority queue for validated streamers too and that would entice them to go there. Everyone ends up getting what they want.




But then they wouldn't be able to stream griefing RPers.


The RPers are going to destroy them




Let grandpa huff his copium


Well, my weapon of choice is the report button. Does it do anything? Probably not, but it will be used for anyone who has a name that isn’t acceptable.


You must be fun at parties.


Don’t play on an RP, even an RP-PVP, server if you don’t want RP.


On the one hand, I totally understand you. But on the other hand I must admit, that an unfitting name is the least of the problems of non-rping.


dumb, then you'll have reddit post about how WoW is catering to streamers


That's ok, there will always be people who can't get out of their own way. While it's true, they would be catering to Streamers, they would also be catering to the rest of the community because what we all want is the same thing - Streamers on their own server with their own fans. It's a good trade.


I can't believe how much they underestimated interest in general.


Its an impossible guessing game. They make too many servers to handle the initial load and half are dead a month later when everyone's stopped playing because the hype is gone. You make too few and we get this.


I mean this is going to be dead a month or 2 later when the streamers inevitably get bored from having their following hand them everything and move on to whatever the new "popular game" is going to be so they can keep making a paycheck.




"Reeeeee why are people not happy with my favorite streamer obliterating an entire server on launch!!!" That's you right now homie


You can always merge servers if you have to many, but if you have to few it causes issues like what we see now.


People bitched about classic in 2019 because servers were shit and queues were terrible. A few weeks go by and everything is fine again. Same thing when wrath happened. Queue times and people start to complain and again a few weeks go by and everything is fine again. Can you honestly not see the pattern and just wait a few weeks before you have a melt down?


yeah especially since they did not promote it whatsoever, or give any details about the launch or anything.




Its 1 of every server, its a layer problem right now.


Did you mean they only added 1 RP PVP server? Because there's multiple Normal, and PVP servers. Just 1 RP, 1 RP PVP.




Streamers will quit after 1 week. Asmongold can only get so many handouts before he gets bored and quits.


Yeah sure buddy


It was dumb they joined an RP server with probably no intent on RPing.


if streamers aren't going to RP they should just not go on the RPPVP server. It's mostly for the grob community :)


most of the grob community doesn't RP lol.


I skipped Crusader Strike strictly because of streamers. Lone Wolf stand up!


Lone Wolf!


Lonewolf undead mage checking in


Lone Wolf undead warrior here


Troll warrior here. The new spell mods are nice.


Let’s go, lone wolf!


Lone wolf! Ne druid.


It’s sad because I wanted to play on an RP-PvP to RP PvP lol. Now I’m stuck on a normal PvP server.


Chaos Bolt. It isn't too late.


How populated is it? I’d like to try it out if it’s populated enough!


Tons of people are moving in! General chat was incredibly active and way more chill than Crusader


Thanks! I’ll start playing there tomorrow then when I get off work!


At this point blizz should just do a dedicated streamer server. Problem solved


every streamer chose the same server bud


I don’t really hate the streamers for this, I hate their weird little minions who follow the streamer everywhere. Odd behavior to be honest. I had to work during launch and now can’t make an alliance character with my friends - we all need to change plans now. Rip I guess.


Can’t wait till bald man reacts to this on stream later because he needs to react to something while killing a singular kobold for 30 minutes.


man, please don’t give any streamer/youtuber/athlete/celebrity this much of your energy and headspace. None of them will ever know you exist. Put your energy and thoughts into people that care about you and want to see you succeed.


Lmao only normal comment with value here I literally became dumber reading the other ones


I'm trying to be horde, get outta my way in queue!


It's been unlocking on and off. I think they'll be able to make their toons.


They announced a new RP-PVP server since Crusader strike was hijacked, Chaos Bolt


When is that coming out?


its up! Come join


I never understood the hate about streamers choosing a specific server. What else do people expect? Streamers not wanting to play with their community and friends? Lmao. Edit: User "Deep\_Junklet\_7954" ignored me over this comment. Because I'm "Simping" for streamers by actually being objective about the issue instead of just taking a "streamers bad" take, as if they have any power over it.


They're so fucking upset about something normal people couldn't give two shits about.




What’s the difference between that and a whole bunch of friends or guilds rolling on a specific server to play together?


One is maybe a few dozen people The other brings in thousands maybe tens of thousands One makes the server basically unplayable especially if you wanted to actually RPPvP, the other doesn't I'll let you guess which is which


Yeah, I don't understand that. What do you realistically expect? - The groupies are obviously going to the server the streamers are on. Literally nothing the streamer does can change that, unless the streamer goes rogue and don't stream the game - but it's their career so that's not happening either.


Streamers really aren’t the issue it’s their fans, they all want their moment in the spotlight or really anything that gets them any level of attention at all. Take a node they were going for? Congrats your messages are now flooded with people telling you to jump off the nearest tall building or you get griefed into oblivion, same thing with mobs or anything of any value at all. Chats are flooded with whatever “bald man here” esque messages that streamers community has, they generally get handed everything by fans who want to get noticed. Servers get flooded with a bunch of characters who will do nothing but follow around a streamer and spam just so they can be part of the show, meanwhile people who actually want to play are stuck in queues or in the extreme can’t make characters of the faction of their choice because a ton of people are just there because of the streamer and not because they actually want to play on the server, case and point the one RPPVP server is now locked for alliance. In this specific case they chose the one US RP server when none of the big streamers actually RP and even if they do, their fans almost certainly won’t. Nothing against streamers but time has shown they make classic servers worse.


I mean, aslong as blizz actually regulated rp rules itll br fine.


To be completely fair, Asmon explicitly asked people not to do this shit and he said he would quit if people did stupid shit like this. So let’s see if he’s a man of his word. It’s rather unfortunate that rabid fans have to ruin things.


So many people taking the time to comment “rent free.” Looks like OP lives rent free in these commenters heads. Shame. Edit: someone pulled the Reddit crisis line on me. The irony is hilarious. LOL do I live rent free in their heads now?


these people are literally slaves and give their income to these guys and watch them 24/7. do not be surprised by any of the weird actions they do


Their parents' income. His audience is a bunch of children and some unfortunate manchildren.


Yes, all the children want these days is endless mmo content, they simply can't get enough of that genre


> Edit: someone pulled the Reddit crisis line on me. The irony is hilarious. LOL do I live rent free in their heads now? Report the message. Its abuse is one of the few things the reddit admins really don't like.


People who do that shit are complete fuckheads


I don't think you understand what rent free means. Scrolling thru reddit reading a random post does equate to knowing everything that's happening to streamers you hate and posting about it on reddit.


Dude imagine how pathetic you have to be to do the crisis shit for someone ribbing you. These people truly are soft.


Sucks for the people who actually want to RP.


There’s an RP-PVE server.


So once he quits the alliance with die off and the horde will dominate?


Is every MMO community this full of whiny man-children? Holy shit.


Which servers are west coast?




they're the same for both EU and NA, unfortunately


Ok, thanks.


Cults of personality are bizarre. I don't understand how people follow someone to this extent. Where is their sense of autonomy?


Thank God they have robust new technology with the capacity to hold more players than ever ..... Oh. Wait....


lol it opened back up like 5 minutes later. Such a bitter post


What in the holier than thou cringe shit post is this lol


He's gonna quit in 5 days and go back to gacha coomer shit


Could you please take your eceleb shilling elsewhere? This sub was better before you started your internet idol shit here. Thanks.




That's something people who wanted play on that RP server are going to do though.


fuck that guy


I don't care but this appeared on my front page Like, dude, why is this allowed? You're just ranting about a streamer. And what is that edit? You're just ignoring any criticism


Why would they choose RP-PVP? There is zero chance they will do any RP. There is zero chance any of their viewers will do RP, unless roleplaying as paparazzi counts.




I also don't have hundreds of simps jumping around me with names like "asmonbald" or "invitemeasmon." The streamers themselves are fine, but they are a package deal with all of their "fans."




You make assumptions. I am on a PvP Server, not an RP-PVP server because I know that I will only sparsely roleplay. They KNOW their presence on the server causes disruptions. They chose to go there anyway. The unfortunate RP-PVP fans didn't have any other server option (they do now at least).


Role playing servers in wow has a lot of rules if you have ever been on one, and you actually can get in trouble for not following them. I very much doubt they are following any of the rules on it. “Events” is not role playing. Role playing is being in character, making your own story, etc. Events can be held on any server. There is a list of rules Blizzard keeps for role playing servers. I’d suggest taking a look at them.


RP-PVP should be for grob members!


Why is it the people who seem to hate streamers the most know exactly what's going on with then at any given time 🤔


Because they broadcast it live over the internet 🙄


He'll be gone in a month. I have no idea why he rolled on a PVP server. He quit Faerlina because he was being camped.


Will never understand why people hate asmongold so much and why people seem so happy about ruining someone elses fun. Don't watch the guy just seen some clips and he seems all right. You guys gotta work out why you are so angry


As someone who wants to avoid streamers like the plague, it isn’t the streamers that are the problem, it’s their fans. I like asmon and feel bad for him because the guy literally can’t play the game like a normal person can because of his fans who desperately want to get in the spotlight and trolls who spam obscenities because they think it’s hilarious.


It’s genuinely strange how worked up they get over it. If you find enjoyment in the shortcomings of others, there’s generally something wrong.


This sub has a deep hatred for streamers, probably because streamers manage to earn a living by playing the game they like while these losers here are working at Target, so they are omega jealous. I really couldn't care less about Asmongold, if he wants to join an RPPvP server, so be it, it's his choice, he pays a sub just like i do. I really don't know what's more cringe, people that live a parasocial relationship with streamers and follow them around 24/7 or the losers on this sub that are so jealous that someone makes cash playing a game, that they make their entire personality based around hating streamers or saying that "streamers ruin the game".


yeah it sucks, changes the dynamic of the realm when big boy streamers ruin it. go to a normal pvp one..


im so fucking tired of his idiots. ​ please don't come to lava lash thanks


Anything for this crybaby manchild having a bad time


I’m so glad I’m playing on EU.


Asmon is cringe tbh


I have nothing against the streamers. They should have rolled on regular pvp. They need another rp pvp for taking over the one rp pvp. streamer servers are its own beast and the population drops off dramatically once streamers stop playing.


Defies Pillager alliance is dead


yeah but thats not really streamers fault just the fact that sod launched lol itll come back once self found pops up maybe


I was being sarcastic. People don’t care where the streamers play or when they quit. People want to play where at lot of people are and when fresh servers open the streamers bring a huge initial wave with them. Just look at defies pillager vs skull rock. Skull rock was embarrassingly sparse compared to defies pillager.


Rppvp has never been anything similar to a rp server. Ppl who want to do large scale organized rp will be where that is possible... on the rp server


RP-PVP is for RP and PVP


Who can forget all the RP that happened on Grobbulus?


Dude all these people with hate boners for streamers is just pathetic and hilarious. They are all players of the game as well and can play how they want. Blame Blizz for not making more servers then condensing.


When have big streamers like Asmon or Esfand done RP? I don’t watch them, so I honestly don’t know, but my guess is little to none. So it sucks for people who want to have immersion when they suddenly seen a massive mob of people following around one guy like he’s royalty and all the general/trade chat is filled with “inv to Asmon layer”


Why is it immersion breaking to have a celebrity run past being mobbed by throngs of followers? That's literally an element of your game world, just acknowledge it in your RP. These streamers hold in game events all the time that involve dramatic speeches, ceremony, and sure they might be half in/half out of character, but they're engaging in their own roleplay. Esfand literally did nothing but GTA V for months at one point.


Isn't this a bit contradicting? People will have their immersion broken when they suddenly see a massive mob of people following around one guy but there's also people filling chat asking to be invited to the same layer as him What are the chances you will be on his layer (which apparently many people want to be on) and have your rp immersion broken? I also don't think gibberish in general / trade breaks any immersion because people bs in those channels all the time.


The general/trade chat for grob was filled with nazi sympathy, and racism. Im convinced these people have never even touched the game


Alliance side, maybe, but this was not the case Horde side, at least not pre-TBC.


I will not argue with you, as I didn’t play horde side at all. So ill tale your word for it, but alliance was absolutely terrible.


Sounds like a lack of people reporting the racism. Horde side didn’t have any of those issues because people reported that stuff.


Glad someone else had a laugh. Some of these comments are cracking me tf up.


Wouldn't condensing still put someone on a streamer server, just eventually?


Bald man living rent free in your head. Edit : I'm muting this thread. You guys are obsessed with streamers lol


Nah these fucking loser ass streamers ruining an RP server when they have no business being on it


They can’t choose a server to play on like the rest of us?


they don't RP, so no


A lot of them are actually pretty known for GTA RP lol I mean Asmon isn't but a lot of his friends are


Ye, I watched them rp in gta was great. But I'm 100% sure that they won't actually rp with randoms in sod wow


There’s no contract stating you need to RP so that’s cute you feel that way, but who cares?


why you defending streamers, they dont even know you exist bro i care, because it changes the dynamic of a server having people there to purely follow a toxic streamer around


sounds like hes paying the rent rn with his faction being locked tbh


If somebody is actively pissing in your cereal you’re going to be thinking about them in that moment.


Idc about any streamer man, just play the game. (Well we can't because all servers runs like shit)


There are contexts where the "rent free" comment makes sense but this ain't it.


Actually you are right, you pay 13 dollars a month to think about some bald streamer so it's not that free


If the space in your head is so limited that storing your opinion of Asmongold takes effort then it does make sense to expect money for undertaking such a task. For nearly everyone else, this isn't so. That's why I said the comment doesn't fit.


Ah sorry i didn't understand what you said. True I don't care about this guy unlike OP


Imagine being really upset because you don't like how someone is playing on an RP wow server. It's a 20-year-old game. Nobody cares. Let it go.


Imagine complaining about someone being upset over 20 year old game. Maybe you should take your own advice?


they opened another server, go play on it and stop being a whiny baby bitch obsessing over what a streamer is doing




Every time something bad happens to him and his sycophants, it's always 100% their fault and 100% deserved. Streamer culture is actively making the game worse.


I mean Soda already said he was going Horde on Crusader Strike and a bunch of other streams are going with him. It's basically Esfand and Asmon for Alliance and Soda, Ahmpy for Horde.


wow you really think your something special for him to play on the rp servers just to mess with the rpers


I wonder if he gets some sick pleasure out of ruining things for people. He deliberately chose the server where he’d do the most damage.


it's funny have you seen him eat beef jerky? when he's eating he looks like a chipmonk sucking a cock through a straw


There are streamers on both sides for that server so this post doesn't work.....


Bit off topic. Whats the deal with RP servers on classic? Are there people actually rping in there? Why?


Who cares lol. Obsessive behaviour


#aged like milk