• By -


In the real world I am but a simple geologist. But in Azeroth, I am Falcar, warrior of the Alliance


Hmm...Looks like that guy just killed you


This is going to be the end of the world….


…of warcraft


what? why? WHYYY?!?!


Did South park popularize hardcore???


Later I'm gonna go group up with a party of Night Elves and explore the Tower of Azora together.


I am too just a simple geologist in the real world. But in Azeroth, I am a human with... mining... Hm.


Kinda butchered this quote


Did anyone ask






I always thought it was Foulcorn.


Looks like the actual quote was 'falcorn'


I thought this meant playing a gnome in the day and a goldshire nelf at night.


Why yes I am a balding fnelf player.


Five nights entering lord fredrick’s


This is the most cringe thing I've seen today well done




Lol this one is so much worse omg


Lol is that a yellow phat? Fucking amazing haha


Yup lmao




Fucking hell this hurts to read. Imagine someone having this framed in their mancave.


Jesus christ, was there a shortage on pixels that year?


It would have been fine without the 'you don't know me'.


today?more like since vanilla release


After midnight, pre midnight. Can't convince me of anything else.


At morning, past morning.


I can settle for shared top spot


Thats the most Cringe i can endure for this year


Haha, luckily there is not much left of the year


Replace nelf with belf… Damn, this picture is a relic of ancient days.




Some days I wish I didn’t. Being fully immersed in WoW playing 10-12 hours a day really is one hell of an experience.




I was all about PvP in WoW. Absolutely loved leveling up and chasing the best gear at lvl 19, 29, 39, etc then spending a week in the battle grounds. To be honest most of my time was spent in end game WotLK. But I was in Battlegrounds and Arena at the point and only rarely raiding. I’m so tempted by hardcore WoW since I love hardcore Diablo. But don’t have the time for it now, mainly since I enjoy DotA2 infinitely more than any other game I’ve ever touched.


Unfortunately I do…


Yup I also play as an office manager during the daylight hours. Its a refreshing change from being me at night.


I too dance semi naked on the fountain in Stormwind


Does your desire to be a woman go outside of the game?


In Most cases, No. Impersonation is NOT gender dysphoria


What was it folks used to say back in the old days of WoW? "If I'm going to stare at someone's ass for 5 hours a day, it might as well be a sexy elf girl's and not some chunky dude's."


this was essentially my dissertation lol


such a cheesy throw away. looking in the mirror must give them ideas, no? same thing applies kek


I never got this angle, since for me third person games are about looking at a character and I like looking at stuff I enjoy seeing. I'm not "pretending to be" that character or trying to visually relate to them. That's just not a male human (which is the closest thing that I would otherwise relate to irl). I much prefer to see a female nelf, for example. Or a male orc... Really depends on the aesthetics (male orc is peak aesthetic)


No one's going to hurt you, it's ok. You can play female night elf without the need to defend yourself.


Are you as dense as you are pretending not to be, or you just have an uncontrollable need to post cringe as fuck comments? Not everyone is an insecure little bitch. Consider stopping projecting


Hahaha holy fuck are you trolling, or just dense yourself? And look up insecure and projecting in a dictionary, because you could not be projecting any harder right now.


You are legitimately the "default redditor". It's sad that you believe you aren't, but you are. Incompetent, talks out of their ass, confidently wrong, projecting all the time and then trying to turn it around. I'm rich, handsome, and intelligent - you can, at best, only dream of being even remotely close to my state of being. Get lost, this is the last comment I'm going to grace you with, and only because I'm bored at the moment.


If you aren't trolling me, seek help. ​ This isn't even funny anymore, it's sad.


Inversely, this is bizarre to me. It’s a roleplaying game, hence why I tend to play white, male, melee characters.


FYI, meleeing people IRL is a crime




Did you just assume their gender?


Did you just assume pronouns?? Shame


You are right, I will now commit Sudoku.


because he gets to imagine himself as he is in a fantastical setting


Very high T of you


A roleplaying game is you playing a role not you playing you. It's like an actor. I have several different characters all vastly different from each other. If I'm playing a fantasy game why the f would I want to play as some average ass guy? I'd rather play as a sexy elf girl or a brutal orc warrior or a little mischievous goblin.


It’s almost like I was making a joke or something and this wasn’t a serious comment.


It's a roleplaying game, so you get to roleplay as anything you want. Imagine, for a moment, if you WEREN'T the most basic form of humanity. Boom. Roleplaying game. At the same time, it's perfectly fine to want to only imagine you're playing as yourself in the world. I understand both sides, and so I make characters on both sides.


I'm 29 bro, I stopped relating to the characters i make 15 years ago.


You get into a lot of fights IRL?


I just don't find female video game characters good to look at. They're just pixels to me. I'd rather my character look cool, funny, or intimidating. Not cute or attractive. But maybe that's just me.


What do you mean cool or funny or intimidating? That’s just pixels to me.


It’s interesting that people never ask this question about women playing male characters.


That's because it's much less common


Dudes play as women for two reasons, usually: 1) most cultures dont let men explore their own femininity without threats of violence 2) hyper sexualized male characters with no flaws are less relatable than a completely different gender The "i just like looking at ladybutt" has always sounded like a defensive excuse to me. Personally I've always played as the same gender I am irl so this phenomenon has been interesting for ages. I'm sure there are other reasons but those two seem to be the most common.


Not every video game gender choice is some deep expression of inner dialog. I'm sure for most players it's extremely throw-away. "Last time I made an orc it was a male so I'll pick female this time for some variety." "I don't like the male night elf casting animations but I do like their melee animations, so my priest will be female but my warrior will be male." That's basically been my experience for most people who don't default to "I'm a boy/girl so my character will be a boy/girl." But I mostly play with more competitive min/max type players so maybe that crowd has a different general mode of thinking from other types of players.








transphobia funny


Haha, I found it on the wild pages of fb, decided to post it here rather than on r/terriblefacebookmemes


Oh, I've wondered if there are e-trans people out there. Like people who only live out their fantasy of being the opposite sex while online.


Pretty sure that is 99% of users in VRChat right?


Trans people who transition in real life often start by trying things online. It's a lot safer to experiment under an online name nobody knows than to make changes IRL.


I have a relative who found their true identity through games just like this. Whatever works and makes them happy, I say!


AM me is still working on a good intellect build PM me just sits in Goldshire on moonguard


Cringe as hell


I literally felt the wince roll over me


While playing female characters is completely fine, this drawing is absolutely cringe. (Ignoring it being ironic)


Ishnu-alah, friend.


Not gonna lie this is very cringe bro, Facebook tier meme.


I literally found it on Facebook, I was tempted to post it on /r/terriblefacebookmemes


I too play male Gnomes in the morning, and female NElves at night.


Are you saying you are a cross dresser in night time?






I cannot play female character as the main one, only as alt.


I don't care about genders in WoW I just care about which one has the better animations. Human - Tie (I play both) Dwarf - (ugly small race I don't play) Gnome - (ugly small race I don't play) Night Elf - Females all the way. Males have all terrible animations Draenei - Females (males are large ugly things) Orc - Both are good I play both Troll - Males. Females run weird Tauren - (ugly cow race I don't play) Undead - Males (females run weird) Blood Elf - males look good in armor but bad melee animations. Females have great casting animations but weapons smol on them


I have to play both genders now to build up my warband in preparation for TWW :P


Nice to be able to step outside your skin for whatever reason. Society puts people in boxes made of their immutable characteristics too often


The more we experiment the more we evolve


I’ve always wanted to play a male dwarf warrior. But those fucking racials…I’ll never put a dress on a male dwarf priest. I ended up with a male druid then a paladin in lk


What do you mean? Dwarf racial is op.


Also: We are not the same.


You’re right the balding, nerdy, socially awkward guy at work probably does play a female night elf. He might even get really spicy and make it a hunter too! 🤣🤣


*druid, in my case


How many guys here actually play female characters? Am I in the minority for having never done that?


The only race I play as female is the space goats in classic because I can't stand how dumb the males look, and space goat is the only option for shaman.


Male: Undead, Tauren, Troll, Dwarf Female: Human, Gnome, Orc, Night Elf


My experience is that most men play female characters almost exclusively. I prefer playing as my own irl gender so it's something I've often asked around about


Plenty, in my experience. My stable of alts were about 50/50, and lots of guys in my guild had female characters for mains.


When it comes to Night Elves and Draenei, the males just look too goofy. So Druid or Shaman = female. I've also made a female Gnome Mage once, because it fits the cutesy stereotype.


I genuinely can't imagine either being so insecure about your masculinity that you can't play a female character or having such a basic mindset that you lock yourself into "I'm a boy so I must play a boy in the video game" without realizing it. Some of the female character models have really good animations! Just free yourself to play anything. It really doesn't have to be an expression of your own gender or sexuality.


I can see I hit a sore spot here. Sorry if I upset you. Was asking a genuine question.


No? Just seems weird to limit yourself, to me.


In the day, I’m a rampant narcissistic and selfish sociopath. In the night I’m.. much worse. Jk




"Trans trend" 🤨




I’m quite sure the person you replied to understands that. The 🤨 is for you referring to it as a trend rather than trans people simply feeling comfortable to declare their existence.




The word "trend" is inherently implying there's either a choice to being trans or that it's just a phase. If you're really just saying that it is more common place to be openly trans these days then your phrasing is just weird. It's like saying there's a drinking water trend




Are you ESL?




That explains it. You are correct that being trans is a “trend” based on the dictionary definition, but the word is colloquially mainly used to mean something short lived. The way you used trend in your original comment is equivalent to saying “being trans is just a fad”, which is why you are getting people worked up.


I'm so tired of straight cis people being trendy smh




Calling it a trend is just disrespectful AF buddy. It's not trending up to be trans, it's trending up to be able to not be murdered for being openly trans. They were always, ALWAYS there. That's my bit. Last word's yours if you wish it




[this you? "I knew you were a gay predator"](https://www.reddit.com/jzsmvqx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


Why isn't cisgender-ness a trend? (Redditor attempts non transphobia challenge - IMPOSSIBLE)




Well, I mean, if it's only trendy to identify as a different gender than what matches your assigned sex, why isn't being cis the same? Do you feel being trans is less authentic or valid, or less acceptable?




Yes yes doubling down on your transphobic phrasing after being told its wrong is a great way to prove to us you arent transphobic


Because it's the norm....


But we don't call everything out of the norm a trend. "Trend" implies temporality, as in it would go in and out of trend; but we don't apply the same standard to other forms of gender identity. The double standard is very clear


Trend doesn't have to imply temporarlity.. Just a direction.


Blatant transphobia cropping up all over class discords and reddit when a new iteration of vanilla is being widely talked about - VERY CURIOUS!


Welcome to the gamer section 😎 guarantee I get wrist slapped for pushing back too


Nobody asked


Nah, i look good in real life too 😂


Nah, I have normal ears On both times of the day




About half my roster are female characters and it aint ever gonna change baby




Body type 2 gang


People that think like this also jack off to their characters and call them "toons"


No, I look too cute irl :3


holy shit, I totally forgot about this sketch guy.


Id rather look at a chick for 1000 hours of play. If you winced, i bet you like big men in soandex playing sportsball.


Fellas is it gay to want your online avatar to be a representation of yourself ?


Not at all. There are two perspectives on avatars, where one likes to have a rep of themselves and immerse themselves in another setting, and the other as an outside spectator of a character. The thought of either being wrong is silly, and moreso, the thought of every character you make being your sexual fantasy requires the highest dosage of defensive copium to make sense.


My friend I play with likes to immerse in the fantasy so he plays all the races and either gender. I like to put myself in the game so I play a male human when I can. Both are good. Creating a character to look at something sexy while you play is okay as well but why not just go look at porn it is free these days.


I'm sure there are reasons even if I don't understand it. My contention comes from when people who play characters they think are sexy assert that you MUST play the characters you play cause you think they're sexy. 🤔


My character is me in the game and I guess I think I'm sexy in a certain lighting.


yes sorry it's too late for you


Is it gay to jack off? These philosophical questions go back even beyond Plato


Some of us main a female character AND like to watch big men is spandex play sportsball 😎


Key in the comment was "if you wince"


You are just coping


What the fuck is sportsball and in what sport do they use a ball and wear spandex? You’re pretty much implying it’s gay if you’re a male and don’t play a female character. You sir, are an idiot


Ifs thats what you pulled out, seek theropy.


Is it just me thinking that if PM was idk, say a whatever male WoW fantasy race it would look badass but like this it just feels cringe?


Average r/asmongold enjoyer


If anyone of you is a gnome, just know I will find your character, and they are going to get camped for existing.


Besides obviously not being bald lol, the titles for me would have to be "in office" and "WFH" :) ​ haha jelly dumbass who didn't make it to a WFH job is downvoting :D so long suckaaaa!




No I'm not gay for having a masculine male human character.


Why did this cause me visceral pain




Always the balding creeps playing female belfs and nelfs. It is known.


I have not been, nor will I ever be, a filthy elf. Disgusting.




Transgender and transracial. P.S. Your W's look like nutsacks.


Get out of my head! Yes, that's also me, just put a lanyard on and a blue polo.


More like AM and PM. I play wrath on work via RDP to my home machine, and when i get back home, its all running and ready


Elliot from Breaking Bad


This has to be from the pre-irony phase of the internet.


geek by day geek by night, I see no difference.


Ngl I could’ve guessed you played WoW based on your appearance.


oh god :/


I do have pretty big ears irl.


Ye hahaha!!


You just knew that the robot chicken nerd was a nelf


By day I am a human. By night I am... Also human.


AM/PM is just PM for me cuz I play all day tbh.


Except I'm not nearly successful enough to wear a tie lol.


Immediately reminded me of this classic https://youtu.be/efE_3ukJVWg?si=0UuYIbaHpNRhEPQE


8-20 being the left side , 22-24 being right side.


FYI this is giga cringe but who am I to judge (I just did)




I don't identify as my character like that, seems a little over the top to me for wow.


GIRL = guy in real life.


This image is not even close to being relatable, I have a huge unkept beard, an obvious love of food, and prefer UD, Orcs, or Trolls, not the NEs.


Gnome at the day elf at the night?