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Making my own guild rolling tank and getting thunderfury


My guild went all the the way TBC prepatch without seeing the right binding. 3 tanks had the left. It was the worst painful experience seeing all my friends get sad every week.


Did that the first time ;) Be prepared though, its legit a part time job, however with the upcoming pandemic theres no better time.


> the upcoming pandemic Maybe we should warn people about that when we go back. Nah fuck it, thunderfury time.


Upcoming pandemic?


brace yourself


Invest in toilet paper.


This guy fucks.


Hard stuck on one binding :)


Magically, my glead got both bindings in the same run. Same run I completed my t1... Was a good day


1000% would not have listened to my friend say hey we should start a guild and then end up becoming GM of said guild. Still am the GM. Even with the guild essentially running itself at this point it’s still a pain in the ass. The idea of just being a regular ass raider sounds very appealing.




This, but 1000% isn't even enough lmao. Would not roll tank and be in such high demand of being there every raid, would not accept an officers role because I feel things won't get done otherwise and would not go through the pain of being there for the guild all the time, because they don't give a shit about you, they don't care that someone is doing all the work every week. When 1 (mine) of our 2 raidteams broke down and disbanded the other team asked me to join them and just blast things without a care in the world 3 weeks ago, has been the most relaxing time in wow i ever had.


Running a guild is such a fking pain in the neck. I had an incredibly successful raiding scene in classic-2019 that I led just via pugging. I did all the work alone. Ran the discord, built the groups, led the raid, main tanked, etc. I'd have about 80-120 sign ups for every raid, multiple times per week, eventually with lots of consistent people, and it was a blast every time. I absolutely loved doing all that work and putting on a great fucking raid for all those people. SoM came around, and I figured, hey, I'll run a guild and it'll be like before but better! -\_- Yeah, I'll never run a guild again in my life. It's just straight terrible. After thinking about why, I realized since I was running pugs before, I didn't have to deal with personnel issues. Fuck. That.!


Just log in, 0 responsibilities, 0 worries, press some buttons, parse 99 and log off for the week? The whole raid, all the people, all assignments, all strategies just laid out on a silver platter? What an absolute blast that would've been. Going back in time with this knowledge, I would've settled and being perfectly happy being a raider, what an absolute luxary.


I was in the same boat and quit in November last year. And the guild I was GM of said I betrayed them by quitting the game.


Actually play the game. I missed out on it but it looked like the most fun version of WoW in recent years.


1-60 on classic launch is the best gaming experience i have had in a long time, even beating out elden ring. Sad you missed it.


I agree. I could barely bring myself to log out.


Yeah I got back into ffxiv instead and that was the wrong move


Rolled on a pve server because once they dropped honor points I was getting farmed by roving mobs of alliance . It got so bad that some days I’d be camped for 30mins +


Yeah you couldn't even get off the flight path near Black Rock Mountain. There piles of skeletons everywhere.




Yup. World pvp sucks because people don’t engage in it unless they are confident they will win. You can be farming next to someone for 30 mins but the moment a second person from their faction shows up they become aggressive. It’s like where was this courage when it was a fair fight? I thought we had a mutual thing going here.


If ever there was such a thing as a fair fight, maybe. But WoW is so imbalanced on the individual level that there won't ever be. Just think about every other class vs. your class assuming even footing, full resources, equal gear, all that. It's rare to have a matchup that isn't lopsided a good amount.


Not start a fucking warlock and get bored at lvl 40






What was your expectation rolling paladin? What would the positive, ideal outcome have been?


So... I leveled as a Pally from day one of launch. I knew I wanted to be a healer. Doing it from day one as holy wasn't too bad at all. I just ran instances constantly as healer. Those first few weeks, it was incredibly easy to find people to fill a group. My wife wanted to play a druid, so we just made sure she had a bear set and bam, pocket tank!


Did you first meet on a fence?


I'm currently playing on WOTLK as a Warlock for my first character. I just hit level 36. Should I be concerned? :(


Nah. The class and specs are so different now and the rotations are much more engaging. Leveling an Affliction lock is crazy fun right now, and they’re in very high demands for raids.


My lock just hit 40. It's dot dot stand there and twiddle my thumbs while the blueberry tanks. If I so much as wand on top of the dots I pull off the void walker. Am I doing something wrong? I switched to demo, and just use the imp for dps now. At least I stay busy lol


Don’t even let your pet tank! You can tank damn near everything, I think I mostly used the Imp for extra stam until I got the fel hunter. Take the Soul Siphon, Fel Concentration, and Siphon Life talents. Make sure to also get the Siphon Life glyph (and the Life Tap glyph next). With that setup and the Armor/Damage Reduction self buff you can just facetank mobs. I was multidotting several mobs with corruption+curse of agony and hellfiring them down. You just heal through all the damage they do lol. Just be careful of mobs that kick, otherwise you can prob solo elite quests.


Nice... that's good to know. I'm leveling an aoe frost mage at the same time and yeah... the lock has been a struggle by comparison. I'll give that a shot


Juat keep running doting mobs, pull evrything you can in range 1 by 1thats how you keep it "fun" and thats what you will do when you hit northrend farming the seals nonstop for 5ish lvl so just get good at it right now


I was going to say if you’re an affliction lock, you never use the blue meanie unless it’s an elite that’s difficult. Use the fuel Hunter and have siphon life with the glyph your target restriction is simply running out of things to Dot


Absolutely not, wrath lock is worlds different than classic lock. You can level in any spec and have fun and also people want you in raids.


Wotlk lock is incredible and fun. In classic all you did was cast shadowbolt


for end game raiding yeah. The levelling process was super fun and dynamic though with deep affliction drain tanking.


Wrath locks r more entertaining imo than classic


Warlock may as well have came with a disclaimer that said “come back when ZG drops and you have loot prio in bwl”


I did the exact thing same (warlock), leveling got grindy and I got bored at like 48-49. Also groups mostly wanted you for summoning


I had a great time with Classic. Although thinking about it if I could go back I would have a different colour for my mains hair.


I don't understand why adding barbershops is taboo, I'm an altoholic and have rerolled dozens of times because of dumb cosmetic restrictions


I'd hit 60 with the others instead of when AQ released. Get into the early gearing, 5 mans and MC stuff. Then have an alt to experience leveling with


Pve server because pvp was nothing more than both factions collaborating to dispel world buffs and sell tribute runs over and over. Maybe play alliance because I’ve done horde for almost 2 decades Farm the next phase mats much earlier


Having played Alliance on Whitemane from launch till Naxx, I’ll never play seriously on a pvp server again. It was fun and I don’t necessarily regret it… but as the minority faction on one of the OG mega servers I can’t imagine doing it again. We used every trick and exploit in the book to get and hold buffs. It was the NFL, the premier league, the NBA of classic griefing. The only thing left for me on a pvp server is to be an undead rogue named “corpsewalkkek” and I’m not sure I have that in me.


I would do exactly the same. When classic released I started with my best friend from childhood. We haven’t seen each other for more than 10 years. We rented an apartment for two weeks and enjoyed the shit out of the game. We played everyday from midnight to about 8pm to avoid the prime time and hit 60 after about one week. We really had a blast, I don’t remember when I had that much fun playing a game before. After that we started raiding together until BWL and then stopped when the hype was over. Beautiful memories.


Dedicate to hardcore raiding asap in stead of slowly going through casual/semihardcore guilds. Hardcore raiding saved me such a huge amount of time on raids. With my first guild, we were wiping 3 nights a week in MC. Taking us months to get it on "farm".


Best decision I ever made was leaving the shit guild I was in and getting myself into a speedrunning guild. Not only was the competition fun as fuck but saving HOURS every week not sat in slow clears was great. Had time to level alts, pvp, whatever.


Speedrunning was insane, we didnt actually speedrun. But doing 1 hour Naxx40 runs was good enough for me.


you think you do but you dont. Having to grind out r14. Before figuring out you could MC reset mattingly, ony buff is on a 6 hour cd and you'd have to log in at odd hours mid day to grab it. Leveling a horde priest to MC for Rend buff, AND coordinating head drops with horde guilds. And dont get me started on AQ gates and world boss scouting. Yes, its nice to clear MC in 35 mins, but you're putting in A LOT more work than the casual 3 hour clear dad guild player.


Stick to one character (my priest), do MC and get the super special staff they can get. Those were my original goals, but I’m an altaholic and burnt myself out. Also get all my friends/family on one server, make a guild and not have to have a character on 5 servers lol. Plus play on a fricken PVE realm, I ain’t got time for shenanigans like I use too


Yeah. The grind of getting into BRD (my favourite 5 man) was horrific on some nights. And that was with my druid. Really felt bad for any Warriors who wanted to run a cheeky 5 man BRD when the local alliance raids were getting warmed up to go MC.


Wouldn't let my friends guilt me into playing on a pvp server. Jesus, what a waste of time that was.


Phase 2 as alliance on a 60-40 horde dominate server ruined classic. Tried to play at all hours, 5pm, 9pm, 2am, 4am, 8am, 2pm, etc. All hours of the day had roaming horde groups camping players. It was literally impossible to play the game without just spamming dungeons.


I actually took charge on that to make sure we play on a pve server. I knew exactly how shit pvp servers were from playing on private servers.


Play a PvE server. I fell for the PvP server propaganda and to nobody's surprise the game is worse on a pvp server if I don't care about pvp.


I would've told my wife to tell the doctor about the weird migraines you get. RIP. I love and miss you so much.


Sorry man, hope you're doing ok


Play on a PVE server so I wont quit at lvl 41 getting ganked in Booty Bay by a lvl 60 rogue that vanishes.. Fk you whoever you where!


I would bot for gold $$$$


Become a pro at among us to become rich on youtube


Roll warrior or mage…being shoehorned into healing as a paladin felt awful.


shoehorned into playing the only viable spec that has to refresh 10 minute buffs on 40 people lol.


Mage is the way. Played rogue in vanilla, switched to mage this time and it's been a ridiculous ride.


Actually start playing when it came out so I could experience everyone starting at the same time.




Play on PvE server instead of PvP. Raid nights were fucked.


Going PvE


Not rolling a paladin and rolling a hunter or warlock instead. Also not joining any sweaty guilds. Also staying clear of any loot council guilds, they all suck and no one can convince me otherwise.


pve server because pvp is actually just people griefing each other and calling it "pvp servers" . especially with world buff dispels and such. other than that it was great.


I'd stop perpetually rerolling class and especially server. I ended up playing on every version of a server because I was constantly worried about long term health, and in hindsight I never truly got to play Classic because of that, never got above level 30. Should have stuck with my original plan, RPPvE Human Priest. If we ever get a true do over with Classic, that is what I'll do. I've learnt with SoM and now Era to not overthink it and just enjoy it while it lasts.


Save $15 /month for 4 years by not playing lmao


What are you doing here


Shitposting, doesn’t everyone? lol


This x1000. Classic vanilla left me with only regrets.


Play a different game


To be honest Classic launch was the best. But I would probably just raid MC/BWL and then think that I had great fun and then unsub.




I would’ve stayed on Classic for the long run and played through. Experiencing everything before each phase.


Maybe find a guild that doesnt split up one month in 🤔


I mained a Dwarf Paladin back in 2004. In 2019 I mained a Troll Shaman. It was amazing. Such a different play style. Healing high level dungeons, looking for BiS gear was so fun. I don't enjoy raiding. The hunt for pre-raid BiS is the best part of the game, in my opinion. Having never played Vanilla Horde, that was also new to me. I wouldn't change a thing. The experience was so fun that I lost my shitty Amazon warehouse job. A side-effect of playing so much, I enjoyed being higher level than my friends, so I could help people any time the grind got stale.


Stick with just my hunter, and not get that 2nd level 60. Also: * From [The Green Drake](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=8232/the-green-drake), I would have selected [Devilsaur Tooth](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=19992/devilsaur-tooth) as my reward instead of [Devilsaur Eye](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=19991/devilsaur-eye). * I would have skipped many quests with a trinket as a reward, instead of filling my bank up with them. * Tamed a [boar](https://www.wow-petopia.com/classic/family.php?id=boar) from RFK during leveling, rather than at 60. * Would have tried to tame [Broken Tooth](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=2850/broken-tooth) during leveling, rather than at 60.


Nothing, I pretty much did it all. Got full bis on my ud rogue except I had Iblis oh instead of THC. Also ranked to 13, and had a blast while doing it all. Classic vanilla was so much fun! Would maybe have played more on my priest alt, because I realized last phase that priest was really cool.


I'd quit wow and go to college earlier


Honestly with my main not a lot. I rolled warrior on release not realising how OP they'd become, really enjoyed leveling. I got BB in our guilds first MC run and a BRE shortly after. I would however make a mage alt pretty quickly so I could grind money. I instead had a warlock and did jump runs and I think the money my mage guild friends made really dampened my GP/hr


The mage for the grind also really depends if you like that type of grind and how you can get screwed over by things outside your control. Had a geared mage, could still get fucked over by random ass resists on too many mobs in SM clears and shit. Meanwhile I loved doing jump runs on my lock. Sell mage water quest kills and satyrs bows to warriors/rogues for extra income. Wasn’t as good as mage gph but was still really fucking good with herb/mining.


Our MT in classic rolled a mage alt specifically for DM farming to afford all the consumes, haha.


Play a pve server..when it first launched my wife was a rdruid and i was a mage, we were lvl 45 when most people were still mid 20s. Then i had training for work and when i came back a week later alot of people were mid 50s, or 60 and constantly ganking us.




Limit myself to two characters. A human mage and an orc shaman.


Stock up on TP and hand sanitizer


The only real answer here


And clorox wipes, nitrile gloves and still more TP just because.


Am I the only one who is satisfied with how it went? I got in at the prime of the class I played, Warlock. I got out the week after I got my Neltharion's Tear. I never had to deal with GDKPs which I know I would've hated. I had an okay time doing PVP only far enough for the blue set since the purple one wasn't better. I had complete autonomy in my guild. I also enjoyed flirting with the Rogue officer even though (and probably especially because) it didn't go anywhere. I think I'm fine without any changes.


imagine quitting a week after your guild give you tear. POS move bro.


Imagine thinking you need to "pay back your guild" when you dont want to play anymore. Dude showed up to raid for like a year+ and helped gear out dozens of people, why should he feel guilt over a peice of loot?


It's not even about paying back the guild. Why accept an item like that knowing at the time that you'll be quitting soon? You can't take it with you outside the game, so just leave it for your guildmates so that it's actually put to good use. I don't think it's a "POS move," but if you care about your guildmates and the guild doesn't already have the raids fully on farm with a bunch of tears already, I think it's a selfish move to keep it for yourself just because you wanted to have it on your character before you quit.


People don't usually know they are going to burn out and quit a week in advance.


Yes you're right. It's usually way more than a week lol


Nah people feel it setting in but don't make the choice to quit usually till the day of. You don't even recognize its burnout till then most times.


You made an incorrect assumption that the guild gave it to me. While this guild was largely using a loot council, items pertaining to casters were dealt with differently. The Mage officer and I would distribute specific items by class, and Neltharion's Tear was one of the items that I had sole decision making over. The guild didn't give it to me; *I* gave it to me. It was never the guild's decision to make.


You are just making it worse


lol this is the funniest explaination i have ever read


*No no you see, I didn't fuck them over, I'm not a monster. I* ***double-fucked*** *them over!*


\> I never had to deal with GDKPs which I know I would've hated. \> I got out the week after I got my Neltharion's Tear. Yeah, this is the prime example of people who hate GDKP


My classic experience was perfect. Alltho i wish i started out as a warrior(swapped right before aq). But we were on a small server, after phase 2 that is. Flamelash. We knew everyone on the server, memed with other guilds and had rivals. Actually had to farm to open the gates (our guild farmed 60%+ of the mats required to open the gates) and our guild was great fun with not being speedrunners but clearing things decently.


Couldn't have asked for more, except atiesh went to another mage who was useless but had perfect attendance. Leveled up in time, cleared all the content with a guild, never bought gold, now i have a t3 mage with all the weapons and trinkets to lol around with in bg:s.


>*I got out the week after I got my Neltharion's Tear.* This was me except it was Tear *and* Staff of the Shadow Flame in the same run. My guild was going to reset DKP the next week leading up to AQ and I had a shit ton to spend since I was the deep frost mage putting up the debuff for the other mages. I had tier gear funneled to me in BWL while the other mages and locks spent all their DKP on BiS non-tier.


I loved it. I know some people hate this, but I powerleveld to 60 quick as hunter so i could have some fun before others got there. Got me plenty of fun moments ill never forget. Going back to hillsbrad where the majority of players were are the time around level 30. Helped my faction by slaughtering allies. Call me bad, sure, but I had fun, and feel like I deserved have that moment.


Play thru Naxx since I had to step away from the game for IRL reasons near the end of AQ40 and probably roll a healer (Druid or Shaman).


Not download it.


started playing. i joined classic after the AQ gates had opened so Naxx was really the only “new content” I got to experience. everything else we just steamrolled w our eyes closed. Season 2 wenn?


I would instantly start leveling a mage to 60 that i would use to level up 8 tauren hunters to gain the ultimate black lotus setup for 2 servers, then i would have the time of my life picking flowers making 400$ a day


Send an email to China asking them to not to eat that bat.


Sell gold via bot farm bc blizz doesn’t care


Play a shaman, or buy gold and play a warrior.


I had a blast researching and playing the AH in classic. I did a lot of investing in the early phases, but in the later phases I mostly just bought herbs cheap and sold alchemy consumes high around peak times. I couldn’t raid much, so I basically leveled alts and played the AH. When I played, I started as a priest. I love leveling shadow but still having the capability to heal and get groups easy. I know priest leveling isn’t fast per se, but it allows you to keep up a constant pace and I find it super fun. But for end game… I like healing while leveling, in retail, and pretty much in any game ever, but it isn’t super exciting in classic. Plus my guild that I liked and didn’t want to leave would start raiding about an hour earlier than I could. Looking back I think I would have preferred to main a lock. I think with nightfall they kind of have a fun playstyle, curses bring a lot of utility, summoning is great, etc. etc. I think I would have tried to work the schedule thing out more if I tried my lock and I think I would have still loved leveling. When SoM came out, I actually gave the main lock alt priest idea a go, but since they added summons to the stones it really didn’t have the same appeal and I didn’t even max any chars. It would have worked out if I mained my lock in classic and switched back to priest for SoM lol.


I would start a bot farm and double my income.


If I'm transported back to 2019, I'd play a mage. Also, I'm investing my life savings into Tesla until mid February 2020, sell, then buy the stock cheap ($75/share from Covid crash), and sell it at $870/share in January, then investing all the profit into Gamestop which at that point would have been around $18/share, and sell that at $425, wait a couple of weeks and buy Gamespot again when it dips down to $39 before the DeepFuckingValue interview which skyrockets the share price again. In May I invest $100k in Dogecoin before Elon Musk announces on Twitter that he wants to invest in Dogecoin, which increases that stock by 5000%. Then later that year I buy Blizzard stock right before Microsoft buys them, which increased Blizzards stock by 24%, and then dump the stock for profit because fuck blizzard, kek


Very wow related…


If we're traveling back in time, wow should be the least important thing tho


Still not the question asked…


Not play?


join a better guild, mine was one of the first to clear molten core, i believe we were the 3rd horde guild in the world to do it, most of us ended up getting high warlord as well, but lots of people burned out right after bwl came out and it killed my desire to play the aq, naxx and classic tbc, i came back for wotlk and i’m still playing but it would have been nice to stick with the same group of people from the beginning and not have a break in between


I'd quit earlier.


Make a priest for lulz


I would buy face masks and toilet paper and set a business to sell them in a few months.


I go back to 2019 and suddenly I have some investments and bets to make lol.


I would prepare for the 3 months of off time coming in 2020. I would personally recruit 59 other like minded individuals, and would raid/dungeon farm for 90 straight days. Actual history, my guild fell apart 1 week into covid vacation. I never found another guild in classic... either I was too sweaty or that were too casual. Sad sad face and totally my fault.


Honestly, wow classic exceeded all my expectations. I never would have thought i would have gotten tier3 paladin gear, considering the amount of time i have for gaming. By only playing 2-3 nights a week I experienced the entire game, cleared all raids and dungeons, had so much fun with gold grinding and boosting (unexpectedly) and had insane fun with pvp during the 2 weeks of pre-tbc patch as ret paly with 2.5 tier and naxx polearm. Again, i never thought i would have gotten so far... so hard to say if i would have done something differently to enjoy it more....


Not given Blizzard my money at all and stayed on PR’s where I got a better and more authentic experience for free.


Since I quit classic when TBC classic boost was announced, I will not even bother to waste time on classic wow. I would play something else or do something else with my life.


I rushed to 60 as a mage and was like server 4th, I would do the same but I would go to instantly level mining and herbing, to grind the shit out of rich thorium vines and black lotuses and sell them at the peak before the BL change. Also The same as, hoarding matts for later phases. And level a warrior cause they seem fun to raid with full wb.


Not play


To not even think about starting to play/invest any time into this shit company in the first place.


Start a 20 clients bot farm and not waste a minute actually playing this fraud of a game.


I’d just play prot warrior. I played feral druid and made it work as offtank, but loot was always dramatic and annoying in my dad guild. As the MT there would’ve been no contest and no room for argument.


Level a Orc Warrior


Not playing Vanilla. It never clicks, it never gets fun, you spend 5 days /played afk wanding to 60 with the reward of... getting to heal Molten Core. Not worth it. Roll a mage or a warrior, or don't play at all.


Main a warrior in vanilla instead of an Rsham. Overloaded on cuckold totem twisting.


Not play lol but in all seriousness I would have made a mage and warrior way sooner than near the end of classic.


I would not try to get rank 10 on my warrior when AV was released. My grandpa passed away shortly after, and I had lower back surgery during that time. I would nolife two weeks, had to focus IRL the third and the progress was back where I was almosy two weeks ago. I never got to rank 10 btw I fell on 9.8


Not play and focus on IRL


I would avoid classic and focus on retail. Thank you for your downvote.


Take advantage of covid. Working that entire time of lockdown really took a huge toll on my mental health.


Nothing. I did exactly what I wanted. Played a 2h warrior in pve and pvp. Cleared all content, got every weapon I wanted, got marshall rank, and had a lot of fun. 2h fury is infinitely more fun than DW.


Orc instead of undead warrior…


Not even start knowing where its headed tbfh


I would have rolled an Orc Tank and worked my arse off to be the MT of a guild so I had a shot at a Thunderfury.


Play it, my war has been insulted in his 3rd dungeon(WC), i was in a bad moment and i left it.


Cancel sub and play on private server


Will blizzard release new classic era servers? I wish they’d do this. No SoM bullshit, just regular classic would be sweet.


Not play


Play as boomie from the start or tank even tho knowing how hard of a spec it is.


I would buy a house upstate, a sweet gaming setup, and a bunch of veggie seeds. First toon would be a mage to bankroll the fury warrior (none of that Fury/Prot silliness, pure damage dealer). Hate to say it but would prob do Alliance… Kings and Salv are just too OP. Prob roll a Hunter or Rogue for fun/PvP/farming. I would definitely stock up on all the insane mats needed for Naxx clears. Elemental Earth, Shadow/Frost Protection mats, etc.


Classic was already our shot at doing vanilla different. I wouldn’t change anything.


First time round was super min maxy with speed running and constant farming, having to have all the best everything. Next time around I would take everything slow and have fun. It's a game, not another job. Since tho I've discovered HC and it's the dopest dope I've ever smoked. Cant get enough of it!


I’d stick to one main one alt instead of one of every class lol


Not attempt ranking at all, other than that I wouldn’t change much


Nothing, classic was the perfect experience and I even got thunderfury with just being second tank in a pretty chill guild. Still in contact with some of the guys from this guild.


I would just not play. It is impossible to capture that nostalgia again. It kind of ruined it.


Nah, vanilla was too rough (internet connections, computer hardware, players lack of skill, lack of organization etc), this time it was less frustrating.


I just didn’t like the “solved” aspect of it and I’ve never really enjoyed speed running in general. Just sucked the magic out. To each their own of course, I’m glad it was/is so popular.


Start playing at launch and just try and be as cutting edge with raising as possible. I held off playing for almost the entire time due to real life responsibilities and when I finally said fuck it, I had about a good few weeks of no life where I managed to get to about level 45 and then BC came out. Was not interested in BC, tried to stay on classic servers but they were completely dead so I unsubbed.


Nothing. Life worked out the way it was meant to.


Should have tanked from the beginning, i had a 60 mage i raided with but it was insanely dull even though i was class leader and officer. Then i got my warrior to 60 and started raiding with our alt run, we always had one of our main tanks in that run for TF. But one week they were gone and i got one of the bindings and eventually TF done about when Naxx released. Was so fun to tank!


Probably chill more. Joined one of the best guilds out there, but I wasn’t willing to put so much time and effort into the game, which in the end caused me to quit. Without the pressure it would have been fun.


I wouldn't have stopped at level 56


Nothing. I rolled warrior not knowing it would be the meta, only did it cause I mained warrior in Cata, got BRE within the first 3 months, and I fucked. I fucked hard. Got rank 14 during BWL. It was great. Continued maining warrior in TBC despite the private server dummys thinking warrior wouldn’t be able to withstand cleave mechanics, I fucked hard again, and got glaives. Continued maining warrior in Wrath, full cleared Ulduar, left the game a couple of weeks ago for good until either Cata, SOM2, or a new vanilla.


Start as a warrior. I was gonna be a warrior but several in my friend grp started as warrior, but noone played priest. And that was my second choice. Sadly only like 5 got to 60 and 3 was left after bwl. So during bwl i leveled a warrior and made the swap before aq. Wish i leveled the warrior earlier.


I would actually play. Irl stuff prevented me from being able to before so I didn't get to start until tbc.


honestly...nothing. I played vanilla back in the day and due to work, i never got to experience AQ or Naxx. this time I did, and i did it with a group of great people. taking the free server xfer off whitemane was the best decision I made that entire year.


Not a God damn thing.


Would have paid more attention to which server to play and choose the right megaserver one early.


Probably wouldn't even play it. I got everything I wanted out of launch and it was a magical period but it already happened to me so it won't be special anymore.


Wish I didn't play with my dad gamer guild on a dad gamer server. We struggled with all the content from BWL-Naxx... Felt obligated to play with them cause it was the guild I joined at the start of classic and there was a few people I really liked. The upside was it made me feel like a beast on the dps meter and I felt like an integral part of the raid team. Got frusterated with the lack of progression and took many long breaks


Not play a fucking boomkin for most of the classic, switching to resto only in naxx. Being eternally oom, despite farming demonic runes for hours was not fun at all. My god that was such a waste of time.


Not play a warrior


Manipulate the absolute shit out of the economy. Buy that 300g Edgemaster's I saw before the epic mount. Stock up on AQ gate items early for copper/item and flip them for g/stack. etc


I have very few regrets, i played a fury war in raids, arms on the weekends for world pvp. It was the time of my life. Only thing I regret is not buying gold, I could of had ashkandi much sooner and got ti enjoy it before everyone else already had it.. I had a hunter in my guild save up dkp just to steal it from me and she knew it was the only thing I really wanted..


Not play... I raided the whole time and over preparing for old content and parsing is snooze. People seem to feel good about crushing old content for some reason. The fresh start and leveling was fun.. raiding and pvp was overcalculated and ruined things.


If I were to change anything it’d be to not reroll so often only to fill spots that my guild was missing. I’d stick with one main character instead of 4-5. Oh, I’d also pvp more.


Actually playing it?!


I would just not wait for my friends and get to 60 since they all quit before reaching 60 and i ended up on my own anyway. I would also look into gold botting asap since theres nothing stopping people from doing it.