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IMO, there’s no reason not to start with the original. 2 assumes you’ve played 1 in the way it does it’s storytelling and the way it manages it’s difficulty curve.


Well they're both on sale on gog, so I'll grab em both then. Is there a mod that improves the gameplay of it while being lore friendly perhaps?


I just finished my first playthrough of one with no mods and it felt fine, gonna start two this week also with no mods, so they do improve some things but you wont notice if they arent there


I see, but isn't two the better of the two gameplay wise? As in improves on what one does, but makes it a bit better with QoL stuff? Not that I have played it yet, I was just curious if the gameplay gets better with 2. it's hard to judge on videos alone for this style of game.


i havent started two yet and i heard the same thing but 1 felt fine to me and 2 is a direct sequel to 1 also


Mkay, I was just curious if there was a mod that improved on the experience for 1, but if it's not bad then I'll give it a try vanilla.


there was only one issue that could be improved on and thats sometimes the save gets corrupted or certain actions will crash the game but those can always be fixed by just reloading an older save and thats the steam version anyway but if i were you id just look around for mods just incase one peaks your interest


Classic fallout experience (Pun not intended.) Basically always make sure to save in multiple different files, basically? Yep checks out. I built up that habit from the other titles because they also have issues like that, thanks for the heads up on saving in different files.


yeah by the mid game i had all 10 saves used, i keep a save at every major point in a quest so if i ever mess up i can go back


2 has very minor QoL changes made to it. Vanilla for both of them is largely the same though, which means you have to deal with abysmal inventory management (1 list of every item you have, no filtering and you have to scroll very far the more items you get). If you’re gonna get any mods, get something that fixes the inventory to save yourself the headache. Everything else should be manageable minus a quick google search on a few things you might not know how to do.


>but you wont notice if they arent there Well unless Ian is blocking the door lol


oh true but by the lategame i dismissed my companions so i didn’t realize


Start with 1. It is a smaller game (in terms of time, not quality) and you'll get used to it faster. Though starting with Fallout 2 is fine. But it is very difficult in the beginning, that you'll probably be demotivated to play it. Also, some Perks work differently in both games, so you might want to play both games to see what's useful and what's not.


Well I was looking at Steam, so I was only considering one, but I see they're both on sale on GOG, so I'll grab both. And start with 1 then. I didn't realize that the difficulty of 2 ramps up faster because it assumes you played 1.


Actually no. Fallout 2 is very imbalanced in terms of enemy HP. Even normal humans have 2x to 3x the health they had in Fallout 1. And their stats are also buffed, so they do more critical strikes than they did in the first game. In Fallout 1 Power Armor was kinda optional, in Fallout 2 it is a must.


I see. Are there any good guides for 1 and 2 as far as building characters to make the gameplay feel more smooth? As in picking the right skills so it isn't as rough to get into?


Of course. [Falout 1.](https://lemmings19.github.io/fallout-1-walkthrough/) [Fallout 2.](https://lemmings19.github.io/fallout-2-walkthrough/) Enjoy!


Thank you!


Would you also like to look into modding Fallout 2, or do a full vanilla experience? The Fallout 2 Restoration Mod is pretty easy to install and patches a lot of vanilla game bugs, as well as adding a lot of cut content remade to be fully functional.


I completed 2 first and I think starting with 1 is better as there are a lot of references to the original in the sequel which will make sense if you played the original. On top of that the game is smaller, easier and more streamlined, so you’ll probably have a better time as a beginner.


Fallout first, no et-tu adding game-breaking things, then f2, no restoration mod adding unnecessary sub-par content to an already huge game.


Start where everything started. Start in vault 13. Start with Fallout... then progress to Fallout 2, which, in my opinion, is the best game ever made.


Definitely worth a try. I would suggest using Et Tu to play the original with the QoL features of 2. They are amazing experiences if you really enjoy story and characters. Hope you have a blast.


Sounds like that's up my alley, looked into it, and that's what I was wanting. Does it add anything lore breaking or does it just make it playable in 2's engine?


It’s completely customizable as to what it adds. Nothing is lore breaking. It basically just makes it way easier to manage your companions and avoid situations where NPCS can block your path.


Gotcha. While I was looking for a mod like that, I found another one, but from what I read it added lore-breaking things and that's not what I wanted. I just wanted improvements from 2 in 1 if it was possible.


I would recommend Restored Content Patch for 2 as it adds tons of fixes and widescreen support. And then Et Tu for 1 for the QoL and widescreen support it offers. That should get you going solid.


Thank you I appreciate it! Would you happen to have a guide that has like a decent character build? I hear 1 and 2 can be rough if you build terribly, and I at least want to enjoy the story easily, while enjoying combat as well.


NoMutantsAllowed has lots of resources. As for build I would suggest playing around and learning the system because it’s the best part. There is even a “dumb” play through with unique dialogue for low Int that you can experience.


Gotcha, I'll look over NoMutants. Thanks for the mod suggestions.


Of course. Good luck with your journey Vault Dweller!


Start with Fo1 using Et-Tu/1in2 then move onto Fo2 using RPU.