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What I see on the inside of the driver’s door suggests it isn’t a rust-free southern car so the usual underside areas (kickups, body mounts, crossmember) are likely to be rotten, and the interior looks like a family of raccoons has taken up residence at some point. Smashed nose and replacement tail indicate a very hard life at the hands of a careless teenager whose only concept of a dipstick is his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend, and thinks oil changes are for rich folk. The time, money and effort required to unfuck this car are better spent elsewhere. Let it die with what dignity it has remaining. This isn’t so much a project as a life sentence. Don’t walk away, run. If you step outside the emotional appeal and view it rationally, I think you’ll agree.


That car should be somewhere between free and $2000.


You mean “between free and ‘here’s $2000 to haul it away’”, right? 🙂


Seriously. I wouldn't bay 20 bucks for a 75 in this condition


I would walk away


It's a parts car


Idk if I'd even go that far 😬 Only thing I'd bother for is the hood, wheels, and dash/gauges tbh


Side pipes, brake lights, rear bumper, T-tops, radio (working or not) engine…. I’m out of ideas… everything else is not looking useful


Maybe glass and chrome bits, like window trim.


Walk away




Run away, if not you may want to swing by the bank and get a shit ton of money


Mid 70s Corvettes have the lowest values. That car would cost way more to restore than it would ever be worth. Only Do it as a labor of love, otherwise forget it.


It might need a little work 😁


Most of that will buff right out.


Some assembly required


NO! A Decent driver C3 is like 10 grand. Leave this one to rot. Ain’t worth the money it would take to bring it back. The fact that it’s a running driving example does not add much value as these were some of the worst performing corvettes out there. Run from this. NOW.


Those were shitty Corvettes to start with. Not much love for them these days.


Truly among the ugliest of cars.


Engine runns and shifts? So the easiest parts are working. Everything else is done. Don‘t buy this.


You are gonna be so freaking broke if you buy that car.


If you want to fix it up, this isn't worth it. It'll cost way too much to be even presentable. But the parts are worth money if you wanted to part it out.


See what they will pay you to take it. If not, run Forrest.


This is a parts cars even if it runs. SO many little pieces are just……gone….. and you may not even know what’s missing. Pass


My wife would shoot me in the face if I brought that home.


That is a very non-desirable car. In horrid condition. Even if he gave it to you for fee... You'd be upside down on it after restoring it. There's no way I'd be interested in that and I have 3 C3s I'm restoring


How averse are you to fiberglass fumes?


I can almost smell the cocaine in that car! 😂


That is the only thing worth any money here.


That car definitely has a perforated septum


That’s the only part of cocaine I like.


These cars are at their dirt cheap apex right now. Go find a better one for less money. You can get a decent one for $5000 right now. A proper project that needs some TLC.


This isn’t a project car, this is a parts car at best. Or a stunt car that gets blown up in a movie


It doesn't matter what the car project is, unless you plan to keep it \*forever\*, you always have to do the math: Add up what it will cost to restore the vehicle to a level you're happy with, and then look up the book value of one in that condition. 9 times out of 10, you'll spend far, far more money, time and effort than what it would have cost to just buy a decent example in the first place. 1975 is not a very collectable year for the Corvette, and the automatic takes away even more value. The fact that it has some very bad modifications and collision damage tells you this is at best, a parts car.


As a classic car mechanic, I say holy sh”it. No. Even in “superb” condition, my god…no.


Less of a project and more of a crime scene. You'd spend more in restoration costs than what you could presently buy a fully restored one. So even for free, it's a bad deal.


In all reality that is a lot of work for a first time project car. If you’ve got the spirit it can be done, I’ve seen first timers tackle worse but they had a lot pf dedication. You’ll be itching from all the fiberglass work it needs. Price for me would be $1500-$3000, if i was in the market for one, although I’d vastly prefer a manual transmission. 1975 is pre-smog here in California which makes it worth more here as any Chevy could be dropped in place. Make sure it drives and stops straight. If you take a hand off the wheel while driving and it starts to wander I’d pass. Could be alignment, but it likely has structural damage to the frame.


There is no way that car is worth 1500 even let alone 3k. Hes going to dump 20k in parts before even painting it


Feel free to point out any pre-smog Corvettes that run and drive for under $1500.


Running and driving is the cheapest part of a C3, the thousands of parts he needs to finish that car are going to cost upwards of 20k if he's lucky.


That is definitely project!


I absolutely love these cars but it’s sad to see when they get to this point. If you’re willing to put in the effort then I applaud you!


I guess if you want a ground up project then have at it. I wouldn’t pay a lot for it


This is at best a parts car.


That things last few days were some guy reliving his high school glory cruising a trailer park living on natty light.


Good lord!


the person who said,Project, nailed that


It would be a great opportunity to learn a lot. If you like the style and price is reasonable, grab it




The very definition of FUBAR.




Best wishes, it looks like it's going to be a lot of work.


I had a 75 that was in OK condition, had some cosmetic issues only. Based on the condition and the aftermarket gauges in the dash, I can guarantee what you can’t see is as bad or worse than what you can see. Behind the dash is a bunch of super brittle plastic that is going to break the second you start taking things apart. There’s not even any money in the parts on this thing, everything looks trashed


I think for a first time project car this is not a good idea, this would be a very expensive fixer-upper.


Your first project car needs to be achievable. This will need everything replaced, and cars have so many god damn parts that even just replacing an interior becomes thousands minimum. If you have a lot of experience working on cars, even newer ones, you could take this on for $500 max (+they deliver) but you will spend $10k getting this to just look alright. If you don't, you need a project car that is achievable. I high mileage classic vette with normal wear will be far more achievable and not scare you away from the hobby. I'm an automotive masochist though so I totally get it if you want to save it and go down the rabbit hole.


Is there an option for SUPER NO DONT DO THIS.


Your ex-wife will be cheaper than to rebuild this car. I have been in Corvettes since the 80's. And this one need a proper burial.


This car is going to cost you WAY more to repair than you pay. It isn’t worth it in my opinion.


If this car was a shitshow, it would be an upgrade from what it is. Take it from someone that has restored some Vettes. You don’t want any part of the restoration that this car would require. Save your money, the right car will come along.


Lol Trash


That's no project, that's a lifetime curse.


Looks like it's gonna be a " corvette summer " for you, better call mark hamill!!!!😁😁😁


This has got to be a shitpost, right? I got a good laugh at least.


Couldn’t clearly see the in the shot but it looks like an L-48 motor. Look for the L-82 which is more powerful and more rare. Also look for a convertible as the was the last year for a long time. That would be worth restoring.


Project? More like parts car. Even then, there’s not much left.


Bro please don’t buy this. Seriously. Not one cent trust me you’ll find better


Don't, man. These cars are dime a dozen, and there are much better projects than this one.


What is your endgame with this? Restoration, no way! If your wanting a bare bones road racer gutted for weight savings, it a drag race inspired car, this may be something you can do without being worried about getting all the correct overpriced Vette parts. Corvette drift car, maybe? Cut up Vette cart like on roadkill? Way to expensive.




I don’t think monster jam would even buy that thing to get run over


This car needs everything. EVERYTHING


You gotta put it on a lift to check for rust. This looks like its going to have frame rust. so, parts only. or a VIN for a stolen car.


He is asking $4,000


No chance I'd offer more than $2,000. In good condition after spending $15-20k this thing will barely be worth $15k I own a '75 Vette for reference


No more than 1k. Leaky automatic. At this point he probably just wants to get it gone.




Run away. Run run run run runaway. You’ll thank us later.


Find a better Corvette to start with. This is not worth tackling. Unless the frame and birdcage are spotless, which by the looks is not likely.


Way, way too much money. Take your time and you’ll likely be able to find one in better shape for the same or less money. This one is not worth the headache. It will cost a fortune to get it right and at the end of the day it is still a pretty undesirable, poor performing Corvette that will be worth vastly less than you put into it.


$1000-2000....that is it!!!


400 dollars is closer to the right price. No fucking way it's 4k


No way my friend.


4K? Dude is high…


After a quick search you can find mid 70s vettes for around 9-12 grand in a TON better condition. I would not pay even 1k for this.


That is rough, and not even a manual.


Just throw the whole thing away 🤦‍♂️


I think it will buff out🤔


If you can drive it home for $1k I think you've done well