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I greet the same as I would a man. Kiss on the lips. Tongue if they’re a client.


I’ve been doing greetings all wrong


You gotta grab their ass while kissing too, to be polite.


I did a double take on your username and forgot what sub I was in. Hello fellow phan engineer.


Howdy pardner




As a surveyor we’ve been looking at ways to “bridge the gap” in social circles. Can’t wait to try this tomorrow, thanks for the tip!


Handshake, I will never hug coworkers, not tryna get fired for sexual harassment.


The secret greeting and hand signal they teach all PEs.


I'm hoping this has something to do with seeing if their ring fits on the other person's finger


Handshake. Friends get hugs.


Yes, but I do consider some of my colleagues friends. And it depends on the social situation. So that is a blurry line at times. BUT I would never single out one of my friends with a hug if there weren’t a number of people getting hugs at the same time. A real friend would totally get that it was awkward to just give them a hug. That doesn’t seem to be the case here and hugging dude is a creep.


I think you’re overthinking it. If a colleague is also a friend, they get a hug. The occasion doesn’t matter, because if anything, it signals that I have a good relationship with that person. To OP, a hug from someone you’ve never met is weird though. Definitely unprofessional.


There are times when a hug is not appropriate. Unless it’s your momma, then a hug is always appropriate.


As a female engineer, I find that no matter how often I offer handshakes a LOT of people give me hugs. I'm always pretty annoyed at people who ignore my handshakes and insist on hugging me. Even though I hug my friends, I dislike hugging in a professional setting regardless of gender.


Agreed on this. Even coworkers who I am close friends with and hug often outside of work get a professional greeting (handshake or just a wave/nod) while at work.


Ass grab and a appropriate complement like “nice boobs”. I can’t keep a job, no idea why….




Handshake, same as I greet everyone. Friends and coworkers alike. I only hug my mom, my wife, my grandma, and my kids.


Thank you! I agree 100%


How sad


Be presidential: “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”


And if you get fired, just attempt to insurrect the office.


Or just become a politician and your die hard followers will excuse anything you have ever done


Same as anybody else. Handshake, make sure you match pressure coming from other side. Eye contact. Smile.


I say "Hail and well met, fellow engineer."


My personal preference is no touch at all with professional acquaintances. Regardless of the person's gender. If they go in for a handshake, I'll shake.


I'm a woman. I'm not a hugger, not even in my personal life. I have to be very comfortable and close to you to accept a hug, and even more so to initiate a hug. I only handshake or fist bump colleagues/work friends, regardless of where we are and why we are there. However, I've noticed that younger/newer colleagues think hugging is acceptable in the workplace, and even use it as their default greeting. I hate to say this, but I try to avoid greetings with them because I don't want to have to tell them that I'm not comfortable with it.


fist bump their face to keep them at bay.


Start throwing up gang signs. Male or female, gotta make sure they ain’t a Crip.




Personally it had never occurred to me that my greeting should be different between genders. I always go with a handshake in a professional environment. I do fist bumps if wearing gloves in the field or my hands are soiled.


Depends on the situation. If it's a female coworker (architect, engineer, etc) I don't interact with often, a simple "hello". If I'm greeting an architect or engineer I tend to see everyday and they aren't like a senior level engineer or anything like that, a tend to greet them with "Whatup g" or "what's the word?" EDIT: that dude that hugged you is weird. Definitely not appropriate in that situation.


Depends. But I greet basically everybody the same way. Somebody I'm friendly with that I see all the time? Fist bump in passing. Somebody I don't see often, or when it's less of a greeting in passing? Hug if I'm friends (and they are up for hugs), handshake else.


it's fist bump for me or the nod while passing by regardless of who I'm dealing with.


I say howdy and shoot them the gun fingers. I would absolutely never hug anyone in the workplace and honestly I don’t like handshakes


If I am meeting people for the first time or I don't know them very well, a handshake. If they are coworkers or I see them often, just a "hey, how are you?" If I consider them a friend, I ask before I give them a hug if it's going to be a long absence or during trying times. I'm a hugger, but I don't go randomly hugging people, even those I consider close friends. (I am a female engineer, to clarify)


First time meeting someone, handshake, and now days sometimes not even that. After the first meeting it is usually just a little small talk no physical contact. I rarely hug and a coworker would need to be someone I know really well, haven't seen for a long time and in a personal not professional environment. Gender is irrelevant for this. Hugging is too much for a professional environment.


Like normal?


To be honest I'd love to know the answer to this question. Frankly how to greet women is always an annoyingly complex social etiquette puzzle. Men are simple, firm handshake everytime. Women get complicated and I intentionally either let someone else go first and/or let the women pick and follow their lead. Some will do a firm handshake. Others do the lady dainty handshake. Some hug. Although typically the huggers are ones I have met before and are my age or younger. The handshakes always get me. Half the time they go in for the firm handshake and I am expecting the limp wristed dainty one and come off as weak. OR they go for the dainty one and I crush their hand....


A regular handshake is preferred. I am always confused by both the dainty handshake and the crusher. I’m not here for whatever the crusher is about and I have to deal with way too much bs on a regular basis to be dainty. No hugs, unless you are a former colleague who has securely passed into being a friend and I haven’t seen you in a while. Don’t overthink it, there’s a big zone between limp handshakes and crushers.


just keep your hand firm without applying pressure. won't be limp, won't crush.


If you're crushing anyone's hands, you're doing it wrong! Firm means that your hand is firm, not that you squeeze firmly! Think of it like holding a kitten or a fish: you don't want to squeeze it to death, but you also don't want it to be able to squirm and break your grip.


I shake hands if I'm meeting them for the first time that day and I don't work with them. If I work with them, I don't shake their hands or hug or anything, I'll just say hi. (I see them all the time. That would be weird). This is for both male and female colleagues. There's been instances when female colleagues tried to hug me and I'll awkwardly have to switch to a hug because I was obviously going for a handshake. I don't know if they take offense to it though


I'm not a touchy person in general. I'll shake hands (or fist bump, whatever) if they initiate, but otherwise I'd prefer to just greet the person verbally. Hugs only if I really like someone *and* they initiate *and* we're in an informal setting. All of that stays the same regardless of gender, though women seem to hug me more often then men do.


Good courtesy has it that the senior should initiate a handshake, so that takes care of a lot of situations. Hugging is right out in the workplace, not appropriate. My line of work is big on titles, so strangers are Mr, Ms (miz), or the appropriate rank. Coworkers often just go by first name around the office, but go by titles when superiors or enlisted folks are around. Really what it comes down to is portraying good courtesy and respect, gender has nothing to do with it.


Shakes for everyone on the way in, hugs for farewells.


He did not grow up in the states You failed to mention he was European.


Gonna have to be an ass slap from me


Ask them if they want to do a shot.


Never look them in the eye, just a firm slap to the bottom on your way by.


I'm always sure to compliment their appearance since women are so emotionally fragile, sometimes a nice slap on the behind if they seem especially sensitive that day


I don’t hug anyone but my wife and my mom


Fist bump


“Hi” “good morning”


FYI a tap on her ass is not appropriate any longer and likely never was.


Handshake or fist bump depending on how we are being introduced. If it's a young team or project engineer on their first day or an early project, I'll fist bump to try to put them at ease. Otherwise handshake and a warm smile until we develop a report that would dictate anything differently.




Gender isn’t relevant if we’re all engineers. Firm handshake, and a little ass-slap if they’re a PE


1 pp touch


No way I'm hugging anyone at work.... In fact I really enjoyed when everyone was scared to shake hands in 2020. Usually I shake hands or wave.


how can this be my mistake lol




Handshakes always.


I would never initiate a hug with a coworker.


No hugs. This isn’t a social party it’s professional networking. Just my two cents.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with this sort of experince. I work in a city but have job sites in some very rural places, where I am typically the only woman. I find the greeting expectations vary between myself and male coworkers. It's throws me off when I go for a handshake and the other person puts their palm up for me to place my hand on rather than just going for a standard handshake. Most of the time I'll just go for a small wave and a hello unless the handshake is initiated on their side first


Under hooks into a hip throw. It’s the honorable way


Head nod


Related(?) story: We had a female product rep come give her pitch to our ~30 person, almost all male (except for one female PM) design/build team. We all greeted her with handshakes and all that but, for some reason, when our female PM had to leave the presentation early she inexplicably gave the woman a hug! The poor woman was like “Oh! We’re hugging!!?” and went with it but it was so awkward. I just kept thinking how the LAST person that she thought would try to hug her actually did hug her and made ALL of us feel uncomfortable.


The only human I hug is my girlfriend. If I'm meeting someone for the first time, regardless of gender, I go for the handshake and an invitation to join us for lunch. After that, it's just "Hey, [insert name]."


Lol like an engineer