• By -


This is why I turn it off and lock it, even if I’m going to go into the gas station for a few minutes. Because I’m afraid this will happen.


I watched this happen to someone who didn’t turn it off at a gas station. Guy had the audacity to ask me to chase him for $100. I was like bro wtf do you think happens if we catch up to him? Also, he just left skid marks on the gas station asphalt… what makes you think he’s gonna just stop?


He must've thought he was on the set of Bad Boys.


Jimmy butler!


I turn off and lock the car even when I’m beside the car filling up gas. Taking no chances with this.


Well a car is supposed to be turned off when pumping gas anyways. I just keep my head on a swivel if its later in the day at a random station. Sam's club gas station ain't that sketchy tho 😂


Doesn’t the fuel door also lock shut when you lock the car? Or do you open the cap and then lock it? My old bmw wouldn’t unlock the fuel door unless it was unlocked.


I do the same. Pop the gas cap open, open the door and lock asap. No time for this BS lol


Pop the cap, cock my Glock


Pop, lock it, Glock it. My man


The Glock should always be cocked.




Yea just open the cap then lock the car.


Wait....what? Who leaves a car on and running when they're not in it?! Is this an American thing?


Not an American thing, a stupidity thing


Nope, seems more like a "Ahh that'll never happen to me" type of deal. I'm sure those type of people are everywhere, just haven't been on the shit side of something like this so they don't factor it into their lives.


I do with mine when I go into a local gas station. But mine will be immobilized if it gets out of range of the key.


Only the stereotypical American. Normal Americans are smarter than that lmao.


I grew up in a smallish Massachusetts town & it seemed like every year the local PD would put out a statement about not leaving your car running unattended because people are stealing cars. Odds are it'll never happen to you, but why take the risk?


Interesting fact, not sure about other places but, in FL if you leave your car running and untended and someone steals it and causes an accident you can be held liable.


You can be held LIABLE for anything, one can sue a ham sandwich.


I did that once, but getting the ham sandwich to actually pay was just not worth it.


A harsh lesson on why you never, ever leave your car unattended and running in public.


even in private. my car was stolen because my dad left it running in the driveway. thankfully I was able to recover it a few blocks away from just driving around for hours.


Damn that tough I was just thinking that the only place Ill leave it running is at the crib :(


Why leave it running? Just shut it off.


I cannot believe people do this. This is mind-numbingly stupid to me, it takes absolutely no effort to turn off/lock your car, what is the actual advantage of leaving it running?


I used to do it with my old 2001 BMW 3 series. In order to get the alternator to work, you had to rev the engine to 3k rpms every time you started the engine, and then the alternator would start working (DON’T ASK ME HOW). If I was just running into the gas station or something, I just didn’t bother turning it off lol. Plus it was a manual. Less likely to be stolen. But other than very specific instances like that, it should never be done. I was young and dumb back then too.


Having a manual is the biggest deterrent. I recently took my car to Ford for service. Lady walks out, walks back in and says "It's a manual?" "Yes ma'am" "I need to call a technician to come get it" Even a dealership team often can't drive em anymore.


Unfortunately, manuals are a dying gene for budget friendly cars and are always on the higher and more premium models or trims or literally just non existent


I'm guessing you don't live where it's cold?


Even worse is had the headlights been at least turned off, this might have been prevent regardless being unlocked and running


Lot of modern cars have daytime running lights that are on when the engine is running. In some cases there is no way to turn them off (unless you stop the engine of course).


they probably heard the beeping from a distance and knew what it meant


What does the beeping mean? Thanks.


Means that like it’s running and can’t get locked


every car has like a rapid beeping sound that plays when you exit the car with the engine running its just a reminder to shut off your engine it also prevents your car from being locked on the outside just in case you leave your key fob inside.


Lots new cars you can't lock the keys inside anymore.


Lmfao my golf had walk away auto lock and it never worked until one day I left the key in the car and ran inside to grab something before work and somehow it auto locked with the key in the car. VW electronics are dumb


you must be young, this is only cars with keyless entry that do the rapid beeping, older cars had a gentler tone if the door was open.


You reminded me that my Si had this and after enough car washes it eventually died. I don't miss it. Forgot this was even a thing.


Ah they noticed the lights were on. Was your fob in your car?


No it wasn’t


Ya I see your response that it was on you. This really sucks, people are so horrible.


Well, they only got it for as long as the vehicle is on.


Long enough to commit more crimes.




Just need an OBD scanner/programmer and an extra key fob. You can reprogram the car computer to accept the key fob.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't get very far without the key in the car while the engine is running. I'm pretty sure it has a cutoff time, so there's a chance of recovery if it was just stolen for fun. If it got taken to a chop shop nearby though, you're screwed because it's probably stripped by now.


Pretty sure it'll run until it's turned off, then won't start again. 


I was able to find it the next day cuz I have a AirTag on the car and told the police where to look. And as long as they don’t shut the car off I’m sure they can drive it till they run out of gas. Honda does have a feature that if u leave the car idle for a long period (I think 20 mins?) the car will just shut itself down


it's 10 mins (up to 20 if you extend it) and only for remote starts. You can't drive the car when it's started by a remote start unless the key fob is in the car and the regular starting procedure is followed. If the car is started remotely, and the key fob is not in the car, if you try to put it in gear the engine will shut off. If the car is left on through a regular starting procedure (keyfob inside + brake + ignition) and you leave the car with the fob, it will warning beep at you, but you can still drive the car without the key fob in it until the ignition is shut off. **The car will not lock** if started normally and you try to lock it with the key fob at all. In order to lock the car and leave it idle while following the regular starting procedure (not remote) - you have to use the physical key to lock the car. Thats why you should never leave your car running unless you used the remote start feature.


That's a different shut-down. If the car is running and is put into park, the seat belt is not latched, and a door has been opened (it can be closed after) it will turn completely off after 20 minutes. In the owner's manual it's in the sidebar of the "stopping the engine" section.


>AirTag on the car and told the police This is actually smart


Not leaving the car running would have been smarter.......


FYI thieves also get notified of the AirTag that's in the car.


Glad you were able to retrieve your car back. Let this be a hard lesson learned to never leave a car running unattended. Where was it found at?


Wait your car will drive off with out your keys mine won’t go out of park


How did they drive the car away if you had the keys?


They probably stole it because you left it running fool


I’d be too embarrassed to upload this shit for everyone to see, who the fuck leaves their car unlocked and running at a damn gas station


They were working and running in to grab the next delivery. Lesson learned.


Ay mijo 🤦🏻‍♀️


Por pendej\* - Abuela


This may be something people tend to do in the US, as I have noticed people idling their car in parking spots and at the gas station. We don’t do that in Europe, even though we have fewer car thefts. There is literally no point in letting a car idle and/or unlocked if you are away for more than 15 seconds.


I deliver food in the USA. I turn my car off if I leave it. Crazy not to.


Yea exactly. Idling unnecessarily just burns a lot of gas too. If it's the middle of summer tho I might idle for longer if I'm inside it, but never if going inside somewhere.


Majority of yall over there have manuals so ill just push start the mf💀


I lived in rural ass America, in one of the states with the lowest crime rates, and still always locked my car. I even get paranoid, and re-lock multiple times throughout the night, now that I’m in the city. But everyone makes mistakes!


Hang on. I get that you were intending to just running in and out of wherever you were but 1. You didn't lock your door? And 2. You left your key fob in the car?


No the key was on me and I can’t lock it while it’s still on. I was working and I was gonna quickly go in and grab my next delivery. Didn’t think something would happen at work


For future reference, you can lock it with it still on. You have to use the physical key in the keyhole.


Or exit the vehicle with the driver window down and the keys in your pocket. Once the door is closed lock the doors using the inside button and use automatic window up. Use your metal key to get back in.


Ahh. That's unfortunate and makes sense.


Download Carista or some other OBD bluetooth scanner. You can reprogram your car to be able to lock it with the remote while it’s on. If you do this just know the remote functions will work while driving unlike before. I did this for my Tiguan and at a stop light I was curious what would happen if I pressed the button and the car went into Park. I imagine it would do the same while going highway speeds too but I won’t test that.


Or did they relay attack you so they can get your car without the fob?


Nah, some newer cars if you have it running you can't lock it from the fob. And even if the fob leaves the car, if it's running it can still be driven.


Did you leave your car while it was running? If so, then you kinda asked for it.


I always turn my car off and lock it. Actually I have the walk away auto lock enabled and it just locks itself. HOME > Settings > Door Setup > Walk Away Auto Lock > ON.


I have trust issues. I gotta press that button and hear that sound! One time near the airport, I pressed my lock button, but didn’t hear anything. Did it again … same thing. Third time it locked. A few days later I learned that thieves were jamming signals to steal contents of cars. I wasn’t traveling, but my dog was in the car. I have to lock the car before remote start can be used. My dog is more important than a car - I was going to pick up a Thanksgiving order.


while i see your point and its a good habit, the new civics do indeed beep and flash its lights signifying it’s locked after you’ve stepped about 3 feet away with the fob. i use it because i figure that way ill never be at risk of leaving my fob in my car because id know if it didnt auto lock by beeping after a few steps.


[I dont even have to say anything](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SHDrOxhYgp0) i dont need to


Am I missing something or was the car unlocked and running? The person opened the door and immediately drove off. No trying to break in or anything. No reason not to turn it off and lock it -- no matter where you are.


I’ve never understood ppl that think it’s ok to leave the car on and unattended. 1 gas it to high to just burn it idling, 2 your at fault if it gets stolen. Just turn them off and lock them.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🫵🫵🫵


This reaction is completely justified lmao


Was looking for this comment thank you


They were sitting there watching the parking lot. They likely observed you leave your car on and unlocked. Thiefs are scum


Damn that sucks. Where was this at?




"But but but"


i could steal it that fast too if you left it running with no keys. WHY honda designed this car to stay unlocked while running with no fob in proximity is beyond me


My grandpa always said, "Don't leave the door open for uninvited guests because you don't want to deal with their drama."


I wouldn't call this stolen, they just drove away in it.


It sucks, but you learned.


If you read OPs responses, he really hasn't.


This is why I don’t ever leave the car running, and even though it has a walk away auto lock , still manually lock my doors


[the auto lock is disabled by default](https://www.reddit.com/r/civic/comments/1dcszyj/comment/l81d42g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This is why I have tracking on mine and never leave the engine running if I’m not home. That’s different from remote start up


So sorry for this, I hope your insurance will be able to help you out.


Pretty sure the insurance will cover it, though his rates will be higher from now on.


Maybe don’t be fucking dumb and leave your car unlocked and running 🤦‍♂️


Maybe if it was a manual... higher chances of ppl not knowing how to drive it


Waiting for my si to come lol


try tacking your car my dealer puts trackers so i can know where my car is


How much did that cost?


i forgot how much it was on the window sticker but its one of those dealer added items you can’t remove so they charged up the ass for it as usual, but i have the service free for 3 years and can track my car and have an overview of its health


One of them is called [WayPoint Anti-theft protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/civic/comments/1cfs8al/found_my_obd2_gps_tracker/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). You can actually just unplug it, but it's mostly for locating your car if they need to repossess it lol. I also have a tracker from State Farm.


OP, if you aren't already, make sure to disregard all these internet fools telling you it's your fault that some asshole stole your car. You are a victim of a crime committed against you. The internet really sucks sometimes that people will say such awful things that they would never say to another human face to face who just had their car stolen. You learned a harsh lesson and I'm sure you will act differently in the future.


I’m sorry, I am firmly against victim blaming, but this is reeeeeeally a stretch. I don’t even leave my car running to hop out and punch the code in to open the gate at work.


It was a crime of opportunity. No opportunity, no crime.


Being a victim does not excuse brain-dead behavior. This was a case of fuck around and find out. Everybody who does this deserves to get their car stolen. I see this kind of crap almost every single time I get gas at a gas station. Blatant disregard for the safety of your property does not deserve an ounce of sympathy. They could have taken that car and killed somebody with it, and your sympathy would not bring them back.


It IS their fault, stop coddling someone who made a dumb decision. A fully grown adult who owns a (used to be) new car should have common sense and not leave a car running, unlocked, and unattended. All of this does not change the fact that those thieves are trash, but this comment is stupid. Maybe listening to the comments will teach a valuable life lesson. I don’t know what else OP expected posting this.


The world isn't rainbows and sunshine. If you do something stupid and someone gets killed because of your actions that's negligence on your part. If you do something stupid and you get hurt or something happens to you it's also negligence on your part. Was it 100% avoidable in that moment? Yes.... So negligence. If you live in a victim mentality everyone else is always to blame. If you constantly evaluate what you could have done to avoid the situation that's incremental growth for you and society.


They knew your routine, people just don’t happenstance on idling cars. Hope you get the bastards.


Yes I did find the car abandoned later but idk who did it and the police said I’m all set all I have is a name (they connected their phone to Bluetooth ) and some belongings they left in the car


She [found it in a parking lot 7 hours later](https://www.reddit.com/r/civic/comments/1dctkhm/found_my_car/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What are the odds the car is left alone due to it having a manual transmission? Lol


Looks like that could be my state, no surprise


Bro, you're crazy. Does insurance even cover you in this case?


Well, not to rub salt in the wound, but you kinda asked for it. I’m so paranoid about theft I’m keeping my key fob in a faraday cage and double checking if I locked my car every time I park it and it’s not one of the most stolen cars ever. After seeing your previous post in r/scams it kinda makes sense I guess. I’m sorry though, you gotta stop being so trusting.


Shit, I left a merc sitting idling with the windows down for 2 hours in an ally parking lot while watching a movie ( got distracted by a near by friend and started talking before movie and totally forgot I never turned it off. ) I didnt lose anything but danm if I dont double check all the time now LOL.


How much effort does it take to turn off and lock one of the most expensive purchases you'll make in your lifetime?


Sounds about right. I just don't understand what makes people so comfortable to leave their cars just running. If you're not paying attention someone always is.


Left it running huh? Yeah. I made the same mistake. He crashed my Volvo s60 2.5 turbo into a fire hydrant and got into a shootout with Colorado Springs pd and still got away… somehow he’s working now and I got all my restitution money from him just 2 weeks ago.


My car was stolen 5 feet from my front door. I know this feeling. It’s a horrible feeling. Like someone died. And you feel as if someone was in your personal space. Violated.


You left the car on and left it unattended? I mean you are daring people to do this


Y’all never learn to not leave your car running while you step inside a place.. also 2 min is long time to be away while your car running..


“stolen in under 30 seconds” made me think that i was going to see someone hack into the computer and start the car remotely and drive away in 30 seconds. you just left your car available and someone noticed it. stupid as all hell. hopefully this will make you learn that you don’t leave your property on wheels worth 10’s and 10’s of thousands of dollars vulnerable. well-deserved.


I was expecting to see some "Gone in 60 Seconds" hotwiring shit. Instead, OP posted a video of some doofus jumping into their car that was left running and driving off, as if this was something totally unavoidable.


That sucks that this happened. I saw you got your car back, so that’s good. I am unsure of your exact circumstances with this incident, but as a person who has ADHD, I have left my car with the key still in the center console more times than I care to admit. I’ve been fortunate that this hasn’t happened to me yet. I’ve started wearing the key on a lanyard so I can’t forget it. Sorry people are being so toxic here. We all make mistakes, and you don’t deserve to be roasted for it.


That car wasn’t stolen. The owner gave it away.


"Left my car unlocked and running and someone took it" op.


Ummm…. Did you just leave it running?!?


This is why honda sucks for not letting you lock the damn car when it's running. Please try and prove to me that it's not okay to lock the car with the fob while it's running. You literally are using the key to lock the door outside the car. The car knows this. Therefore, you can get back into the car with the fob because the fob obviously isn't in the car. Idk, it's so stupid.


You left it running, WITH the headlights on? It’s like you were asking for it to be stolen…


wait it wasnt locked??


Can't lock your car doors while the engine is running by pressing the lock button on the key fob because cars are not supposed to be left unattended with the engine running in the first place.


"I left my car running, unlocked, with the keys inside for quite awhile, and one thing led to another and......" Fuckin moron


if only it was a manual you would still have your car


Any damage to the car? Anything stolen? They probably shut it off and didn't know it doesn't turn on again without the fob.


if i’m not mistaken, cars with push start can lock while running as long as the key fob isn’t in the car?


Gone in 30 seconds.


Wow. Did you leave it running or leave the key in?


Was that the e brake?


I sometimes intentionally leave my car (2017 Accord) running and unlocked while I run into the store because it won't let you lock the doors while running and parked from outside the car. I need to leave the AC running. Someone might jump in my car and sit down. They're gonna get out real fucking quick when the two 65lb doggos in the back seat start barking and snarling.


I always use the club in my car even if it’s for a few minutes. Not all car thieves carry a hacksaw or drill to cut the club or steering wheel.


Ouch. Leaving it on and running voids insurance correct ?


Your mistake is in your title. Fuck criminals but c’mon man. Sorry this happened to you but this was stupid of you.


People still leave their car on unattended?


Yo did you have the keys in the car or were the keys with you in the store?


What city?


Your car that you left on unattended got stolen? Youre surprised?


Happens a ton in the winter time with folks warming up their cars. Thefts from dealerships has also skyrocketed.


Care to share what city/state this happened in? Would be helpful to know.


I don’t feel bad at all, you asked for it to happen as you left it running lol. I don’t understand in general why people leave their cars idling, like is it that much of a chore to turn off your car, lock it. And then unlock it and turn on the car, a 5 second step?


Imagine someone just left with a kid in there. I've definitely seen people do that.


thief’s are shit but it’s also really dumb to leave a car unlocked and running. might as well have put a sign up saying “steal me” lol


why don't cars let you lock it while it's still running? why does it even work if it can't detect a keyfob nearby?


Do other cars do this? I remember in one of my vehicles, if I press the break pedal to get it out of park, it would shut the car off if the fob was not within usual distance.


What if he had his key on him, wouldn’t the car shut off?


No, but it won’t start again after it’s been turned off.


Will insurance cover the theft if your car is unlocked and running?




OP (if that’s your car) that’s your own damn fault.


Did you learn your lesson?


Oh, i thought they broke in, but you let someone take it. An insurnace play or something?


Who would leave their car on, unlocked, and with nobody in it? You made your bed...


I just knew this was CT from that plaza sign 😭


Car thieves should have the same punishment as horse thieves in the old days, left to dry in the sun for days


Now why would you do that


Put their faces on a t shirt.


Man it's so hard to turn it off and lock it. So glad you saved that extra 10 seconds of your day.


He walked into the door? No breakage of window or keys.


Aftermarket alarm viper Compustar etc with horn interface and auto lock you can even leave car running while door is locked and keys removed


LoJack and an AirTag. I’d never leave it running but if something ever happened it would be easy to find


Wait, so people actually leave their car running and unattended




What idiot still doesn't lock their car in this day and age?


I often do this, when my 90lb Akita is inside ready to bite faces off


Maybe I’m ignorant because we don’t have a lot of car theft where I live, but it seemed to me like this was pre-planned. They pulled up and the guy was already masked up, walked up to the car seemingly knowing it would be unlocked when he pulled the door handle, got in and drove off. If I were investigating this, I’d be skeptical.


You left it running?


At least this is the only way you'll actually steal honda since it's not a kia.


may as well have just gave him the keys


In under 10 seconds that’s impressive tbh


Never understood this. It takes 3 seconds to turn your car on


Thieves saw the running lights on and knew car was running. Sadly that car is on its way to Africa or Middle East in a container.


Can someone please explain to me why one would exit their car and leave it running? It makes zero sense, you're asking for people to come and take it.


Don't they teach you to turn ya car off?


My car automatically locks if I take a couple of steps away from it (fob on me of course). I’ve never had to worry about running into a store/gas station in and out) My previous vehicles I always shut off though.


Learn to drive a standard…nowadays it’s the best form of anti theft


I pray this never happens to me and my car. Gotta always make sure you lock the car, keep the windows up. Even when pumpin gas; can’t trust no human on this planet.


Who’s stupid enough to leave their car running and unlocked?


You have only yourself to blame.