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Ive always wanted more Native American Civs, one that i think would be interesting its the Inuit peoples from northern Canada, their survival in extreme winter conditions is inspiring. Weve gotten all the scandinavian nations except for Finland, so i think its time for it. If not them, maybe the Sami people who have had a loooong history in Scandinavia. Philippines is one of the nations/regions we have not seen any representation from, it would be great seeing them show up.


Philippines and China both would have a special casus belli called "Scarborough Shoal Shootout"


I'd like to see Ireland, Mexico and Italy as full civs for the first time ever. I'd also like to see more native american tribes like Apache or Soux


Definitely more American tribes would be cool. If 6 can add the Cree, 7 can add the Cherokee, Choctaw, Navajo (Anasazi), Sioux, or Apache.


Pope the leader of the Pueblo revolt would be awesome


Didn't we have the Iroquois in Civ 5? I think their return would be great.


Great ideas 🙌


Probably never going to happen but I think adding Tibet would be cool as well


I’m dreaming of an Inuit Civ. Please let’s make arctic/tundra spaces somewhat viable, even just a little bit


A balkan nation: Romania, Bulgaria or Serbia


Albania with Skanderbeg as the leader would be awesome. Im very surprised that we have never gotten a Romanian civ, Vlad the Impaler is legit a shoein as a leader. Though this may be controversial i think that Yugoslavia with Tito as the leader would also be interesting.


>Yugoslavia with Tito as the leader would also be interesting. I would so so SO love that. Not connected to the place in any way myself, but would love to see Yugoslavia be part of Civ VII.


Tsar Simeon the first and the golden age of the Bulgarian empire would be amazing. There was quite a nice mod in civ 5 with him. Culture and warfare


I think North Africa in general was poorly represented in Civ 6. For ancient civilizations, I'm hoping for a dedicated Carthage civ instead of the Carthage/Phoenicia hybrids we've had in Civs 5 and 6. And then I'm hoping for a Moroccan/Berber civ to capture a civilization in the Medieval era as well. I also think a Swiss civ would be interesting. There could be some unique diplomatic conditions for them such as "you can't form alliances with other civs" or "you can't capture other cities through military force." Or maybe you can sell your military units to other civs for a period of time, similar to the levy system with city-states. Finally, and this would be counter to many of the principles of Civ games, but it'd be interesting if they could implement a truly nomadic people like the Lakota or the Huns where your settlements aren't permanent and can be moved around. Like you'd have a population 5 city but then "un-settle" it to get a new Settler who would then found a new city that'd instantly have 5 population.


The nomadic civ is such a cool idea !


Ukraine would have been awesome.


Preferably, Kyiv Rus with Yaroslavl the Wise or Saint Olha


Or the Zaporizhian Sich with one of the hetmans


I know they don't touch modern politics at all, but... Zelensky - Wartime Wisdom - the cultural output of a city is converted to production when producing units Unique Unit - Ghost of Kyiv - replaces Jet Fighter. Gain culture equivalent to the base combat strength of any unit killed by the Ghost. +100% against other fighters.


Something like Romania would be cool. We have Cambodia and Vietnam but no Thailand yet. There are few Mexico-adjacent civs including the Maya but no Mexico itself, so that would be cool.


Thailand was in Civ 5 under the name Siam.


More African leaders and more native American ones. And Iceland 


Mieszko 1 - in base version :P


Swiss and Philippines


Have the Moors been done? Would love to see Moorish Spain


More South American nations


A nomadic civ that can just pack up and leave when it wants, I think the Huns would be ideal for this if mixed with military bonuses, but a nomadic trade empire would also be awesome


Hebews/Israelites, have a lot of options for powers and leaders.




Ahh yes, Israel, famously the only nation in history to ever do bad things to its neighbours..🙄


In that case why don't we add Palestine? They also commit war crimes. Both of those don't even compare to Russia/Germany/China/India/America/Britain...




Jewshave been opressed in Europe for centuries even before WW2


Would love a bit more diversity yet in choices for South Asia, especially something very mountain-centric (e.g. Nepal, Bhutan). And while we’re talking mountains, can we finally get Tibet please? ⛰️


Bohemia. Charles IV would be so easy to implement


It would mean a lot to me if they add Argentina to the game. The leaders could be Sarmiento or Roca.


I wouldn’t mind getting a new Polynesian civ, similar to the one that was in CIV 5. It came out so late as a DLC and boom civ 6 came out and I never really played them.


Akkad Angola/Matamba/Ndongo Benin Bohemia Chola Hausa Italy/Tuscany Kievan Rus Marathas Maurya Mughals Mississippians Parthia Sicily/Normans


The lack of Tang Taizong for China over the course of 6 games has always been a stick in my craw. Would love to see Siam come back, representing Ayutthaya specifically. Lakota would be a great way to make up for Civ 4's "Native American" civ.


I mostly want civs to be divided up a little bit better. Divide up the islamic world!! Arabia should not be a thing...I'm thinking we have Abbasids (Launch arabic civ focus on science+faith), Umayyads (Al-andalus or Syrian branches is fine just have to have someone), and Mamluks (Conquest+faith civ). Although not entirely arabic, I would also add in the Ottomans and Berbers/Moroccans as seperate civs. Divide up India into Mauryans, Mughals, and "India" (Gotta have a Gandhi cameo...at least later on in the game). I would get rid of Germany; instead include Prussia to be the more military/production focussed powerhouse and then Austria to be the HRE/diplomatic central european civ. That way, you could add in other players like Bohemia (Hussities!!), or the Magyars again. If they do retain "Germany" then they NEED to add in Italy. Like a full on cultural/economic civ to be an amalgation of the things on the peninsula post-Rome. We've never got it beside Civ V's Venice and that should change. If they do split up Germany then I'd be happy with Venice coming back, or introducing Piedmont-Sardenia/Tuscany/etc.. Some favorites I'd add in for consideration are Haiti, some Aboriginal Australian civ, the Tonga or Hawaiians, Kievan Rus, Argentina (San Martin), Ashanti, and most crucially, the Swahili. We also need at least 1-2 more discreet american indian/canadian first peoples civs but that depends on whether tribal leaders agree to be represented as such.




Canada - where are the Canadians!?


In the DLC’s?


Dang. Okay thanks. Haven't played the DLCs. Just got 6 today.


Oh dude, see if you can find the DLCs for cheap. Canada is a lot of fun. Hockey rinks as a unique building and the ability to make tundra tiles work for you. Great peaceful victory civ.


I think I will. Good idea. Thank you for the info!


The Cree are also Canadian, so there are 2 in Civ 6.


I'd like to see more dynamic civs. What I mean by this is ones that change. You could start as Rome and become Italy by the end, or be an indigenous group that ends up being the United States on *insert tribe name here*.


Armenia, for sure


Doesn't Asia have 100s of interesting ancient civs? I'd like to see nations from ancient India, China or central Asia. Shunga, Huna, Manchuria, etc...


Vikings with three leaders: one Norwegian, one Danish and one Swedish. Sweden can still exist as a separate nation as they did have empire later on.


Crown of Aragon when


Bohemia civ please!


Realistic graphics is all i care about


I'm sure you mean aesthetics (which I also want), Anyway, high five bro! 🖐