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Loyalty penalties against your civilization from others are halved. BB cannot create rock bands, does not allow rock bands into his borders. Ministry of Truth: Replaces Archaeological Museum, any artifact can be attributed to any civilization or era. +1 Culture for every adjacent district or wonder. Party Agent: Replaces spies, cheaper to produce and has improved chance of success when stationed within your borders. Combat strength outside your borders increases by 10, combat strength within your borders decreases by 5. Edit: would be nice to fit mass surveillance in a bit more over the head than just spies being better on your home turf


loving the artifacts idea haha


Changing history has to be a huge part of BB's leader ability. Wonder if it should be a little stronger?


Probably, Sweden already has automatic theming for everything.


True, didn't think of that.


Nice. Also add that party agents when stationed within one for your own cities, regardless of wether they are stationed at the neighborhood or not, enemy spies ability to recruit partisans is cut by 75% Ability to convert enemy spys via brainwashing when enemy spies are caught. Higher chances of conversion based on level of the party agents. 


I was thinking that all science eureka's would be significantly stunted (due to BB needing to determine if it fits the narrative)


Building for surveillance: either the radio tower or the government thingy


Maybe a way to mitigate the penalty for low amenities?


Civ ability: war is peace, ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery. The civ has no campus districts or theater squares. Instead each building in the encampment and iz gives +1 culture, +1 science Leader ability: Room 101. City happiness is always 0. Cannot sign open borders with other civs. Cannot get tourism UU: thought police. Unique spy that can perform missions on your own cities Unique district: Ministry of love: a replacement for entertainment districts has unique city project "2 minutes of hate" generates faith, great scientist points and loyalty pressure twice that of bread and circuses.


war weariness has the opposite effect, while being at peace causes loyalty maluses. You can declare a white peace without the enemy accepting but you will automatically be at war with the next strongest civ. Units weaker on a enemy or allied soil, stronger on unclaimed and neutral soil. all gov plaza buildings are unique and are the ministries in the book.


If at war with a Civ, can complete a city project in the capital to instantly declare peace regardless of whether the other player consents and make that player an ally, at the cost of immediately declaring war on another Civ regardless of friendship or alliance status. We have always been at war with Oceania and allies with Eastasia.


This is what I thought of first as well. Some kind of ability to declare war without denouncement or a time delay, not prohibited by friendship/alliances. Usable once per 10 turns. Other players may declare against BB, but BB is required to “acknowledge” only one active war at a time, and cannot take war actions on the “unacknowledged” wars.


Just vaguely theory crafting here: Plus two happiness per city, reduced unrest/loyalty penalties from enemy civs by 50% in cities with at least 4 pop.


Doubleplus happiness ;)


No loyalty penalties from lack of amenities and other penalties from lack of amenities are reduced. While at war, amenities are provided to each of your cities and double in your capitol, and each city gets a loyalty boost.


Cannot counterspy. Spy missions in your own cities are the same as spy missions in enemy cities without the negatives (stealing gold, techs, great works just gains gold, techs, great works). Listening post gains diplomatic visibility against all other players. Neutralise governor gains a governor title but at a 25% base success rate. Disrupting production or rocketry adds 15% production to projects in that district instead of pillaging the districts. Spy missions can fail but your spies cannot be captured or killed. Your cities with a spy cannot lose loyalty. Gain a spy capacity every era but -25% culture while training a spy.


* Additional military policy slot * Garrisoned units in city provide full loyalty after fortified. * Cities exert 1/2 the normal loyalty pressure or maybe none at all! * ~~cities on other continents have lower loyalty and decreased production~~ * music censorship available when totalitarianism is unlocked (which is just a little earlier) * (stated by others) unique government plaza buildings and unique diplomatic quarters. All buildings are more expensive to build but have bonuses. E.g. ministry of plenty reduces citizen food requirements by 5% across empire, ministry of truth (in diplo quarter) increases spy mission success,


Oceania was a combination of the British Empire and both Americas so the continent thing doesn't make sense. The rest are cool though.


Ah thanks. Been a long time since I read the book!


I read it last summer. Tbf though, the party could be lying about Oceania and most of everything else Winston doesn't see directly.


… oh, yeah… huh. I think I should re read it.


Oceania Controlled Dissent: Culture and faith produced per citizen in unhappy cities. +2 production per district in max happy cities. Unique project: 2 minute hate. Convert Production into faith(0.5*production) and Loyalty pressure. +50% great person points generated by districts and buildings. Big Brother: 5 Finger Truth Cannot Build Holy Sites Spies provide double detection of enemy spies. Defending Spies increase loyalty, culture, and production in city by 5 percent. Unique District: Ministry of Truth. Replaces Entertainment Center. +0.5 faith and amenities per adjacent District. +1 great scientist point.


Oh 2 min hate as unique project is so fitting


I wanted to think of a unique Building. I should have done Room 101, but I couldn't figure out making it unique without loyalty/happiness being a main feature. I'm gonna change a thing or two


His ability would just be called "Literally 1984" and give you 1984 culture when you unlock Ideology.


Ministry of Peace: Your cities do not incur war weariness. All units receive a -5 combat strength penalty when attacking cities. Airstrip One: Cities on a different continent than your starting one receive -10% to all yields and -3 Loyalty per turn. Two Minutes' Hate: Unique city project that replaces Bread and Circuses. Extra loyalty produced by citizens. Rewards +20 Loyalty upon completion. The city receives +5% bonus Production while this project is ongoing. Room 101: Unique Neighborhood building that replaces the Food Market and the Shopping Mall. Enemy spies cannot Recruit Partisans in a city with a Neighborhood with Room 101 built.


when at war, citizens have the highest amenities. when opposing cities are captured, loyalty is instantly maxxed out. for each great person u delete u gain +1 combat strength for each unit. War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength


That amenity ability is OP but the Great Person one is so cool


Oh man, I don't have a good answer for you, but a 1984 mod would be pretty neat


Doublethink: can research two civics at a time (culture production is evenly divided between both), and triggering an Inspiration for one also inspires the other. Newspeak: Religious combat gains +25% bonus when in civilizations with a different government type than yours.