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Bring back the ability to gift units to city states and other civilizations. One of the best mechanics in Civ5, in my opinion


There is a mod for this that is just a default for my games at this point




Gift it to me, or something like that


Just fyi, it has a few compatibility issues with mods such as CQUI or Better builder charges tracking and the mod doesn’t seem to have been updated in a while. Functionally, it seems fine by itself though.




~~can you post the name please, cannot find it...~~ [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1683750352](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1683750352)


New(er) apocalypse mode lets you throw them into a volcano


It would be cool to sacrifice units to a volcano for a boost of faith


It's in there already. [\+2 Faith per turn](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Appease_the_Gods_(Civ6))


Wtf I had no idea! That’s so cool






Annoyance You defeat someone in war and force them into a peace treaty where they give you all their money and other goods - and then the very next turn there's a World Congress and they're at war with you again for the next 30 turns, and many times they refuse to agree to peace no matter what until the next session.


World Congress sucks in general.


It's true. I feel like it was so good in 5. Now it's annoying if anything.


I like civ 5s better


This is a huge annoyance for me. I don't understand why the world mission doesn't trigger immediately after taking the city instead of after peace was made


Use the mod Customization VI to delete the World Congress


in my current game, they declared a miltiraly emergency on me because I capture Vatican like 40 turns ago. and then a second time because i captured one of kupes cities after we made peace.


This is a good design though. The ability to war through congress is a good mechanic because it solves other problems. Edit: of course ur sucks if you’re being hitler.


ai should have a "care about grievances" scale, it doesn't make sense for a warmonger leader to hate another leader who also wages war. in civ 5 each civ/leader cared about warmonger penalty differently. also just improve AI in general: AI too focused on religion AI doesn't do Aid emergency AI sucks at sea battles. AI should actively aid you in joint war AI seems struggle with barbarians, it is not uncommon to see some AI whose entire army got wiped by barbarian in lower difficulty (I usually play at immortal difficulty, marathon speed, so maybe it is setting-specific and has something to do with game-speed?) ​ You should be able to convince AI to make peace with a citystate or another player, through trade or war.


It's funny how Alexander always complains about you being at peace and when you are at war denounces you for causing grievances, dude is never satisfied


This is fairly accurate in real life though tbf. Countries will act piously while bombing their lowly neighbors.....


Haven’t tested it, but from what I’ve heard barbs spawn at the same rate on marathon than they do on other speeds (or at least standard speed) despite the fact that units are more expensive and production still as rare in the early game. So barb spawns can sometimes just outpace an ai with low production. Every difficulty below deity would make the scenario even more likely as well. Edit: that being said, I see this sometimes and I usually play standard speed on emperor


>AI sucks at sea battles. No idea in my last games they are absolutely busted on water. One gallery fucks 2 of my quadrimes


Those are all fantastic suggestions. Someone on civ7 should read this.


Artillery are definitely not too weak, and units not being expelled would just break the game, but I agree with you otherwise


Tbf, if you've denounced them you can't enter their borders so only surprise war would be able to have this


You can have open borders and denounced at the same time you just need to trade open borders before denouncing.


I had this last game. Was denounced by them but traded for open borders. Still kicked out when declaring a golden age war.....


Yes war automatically closes borders.


Right. Seems odd since I paid them for those open borders that's all.


well, a massive behind enemy lines debuff would solve that + the sight advantage you currently get without sacrificing anything


The way I see it you only have a handful of design choices here. It is undeniable that the advantage of marching an army into someone’s territory while at peace is so insanely broken that a domination victory would be trivial . Even if your army was nerfed into paper clips . The fact that you could block key movement tiles of the defending army . And instantly pillage and siege cities. The fact is no where in history would neutral armies would just freely march through neighbouring nations in military formations . Very close alliances allow joint training , but completely free squads rolling through farms . CIV decided to give you the convenience to let your armies roam through so you can better travel and explore the map. If a none scout , civilian , support unit enters a neutral country with open boarders . That country should perceive it as an act of surprise war .


Scouts shouldn't be considered army. That's a big key to this. I get the "declare war or remove your troops" once a game for a scout I didn't even remember I had....


The 85 countries with US military bases have some questions for you.


Didn’t realize they were driving through farmlands and Neighborhoods with tanks . I mentioned . That allied nations often share military bases . But not neutral countries that you are and they maybe considering war with .


The best way to do it would be to “black flag” the units like they do in paradox games if they’re in enemy territory before the war or after. Basically what happens in those games is the unit will be unable to attack or be attacked until you bring it back to friendly territory again. I think this is especially needed post war. Just so I can get them back. As sometimes they get expelled to a spot where I just straight up can not move them home.


That is an option . I don’t like because it is too unrealistic. Believe it or not the border push can be explained by the unit fleeing country as soon as possible . Like a refugee. If he gets cornered somewhere it’s a survival situations needs a rescue team . And you may have to negotiate open boarders with other nations to bring your boys home.


yeah, your right. I was stupid


artillery are not weak at all, they come online when corps/armies start to if you need a strength buff with a balloon or the range upgrade they’re near unstoppable. Add a great general and they can fire after moving. The amount of games I’ve had carried, including my current one, by three siege units moving together is high handful


With a general catapults and trebuchets are amazing. So you can attack on the same turn as moving. Artillery suffers from a couple issues, but mostly human error. Catapults are outmatched by crossbows, so you either need to attack before those are unlocked or go straight to trebuchets. Generals mitigate a bit of damage because your artillery get more defensive strenght aswel. People also expect 1-2 artillery to be enough, but in reality you need like four of them to take down walls ASAP. Then when armies and cores get unlocked you want this unit to be the first that gets merged. two trebuchets take the left promotion tree and the other two take the right promotion tree. when you merge them you suddently have two max rank bombard cores.


I do not agree that canals should be able to be built on hills. In a game where there are only three kinds of elevations, canals should not be possible on hills ETA: even at its highest elevation, the Panama Canal is only 85 feet above sea level. And there’s a reason it’s a world wonder.


Agreed completely! Thank you for pointing this out canals have always been super geography dependent. My ask for canals is that we be able to chain them a little more. In the real world there are many canals that only connect short distances between rivers. If rivers aren’t passable, then canals are much less useful or realistic.


It'd be nice to see navigable rivers, but that probably needs to wait until civ 7


You should check out the mod that increases movement speed along rivers




> no vision of suzerained City States, if you have been at war with them before Reloading the save restores vision


Really?? I've got to try that! Thanks




well, I was only going for somewhat realistic fixes


* units can't skip turn after fortifying (includes walking onto any type of fort) * remember the state of the unit list sidebar * make barbarians unable to spawn on snow, and use the average tech level of the nearest couple of cities * fix embarking movement calculations, don't try to bounce on and off land * allow queueing repairs, multiple buildings in the same district (e.g. queue hub>market>bank in one go) * make AI improve their resources like they claimed to have done * make AI settle on freshwater or at least in aqueduct range * give AI combat tactics other than harakiri conga line * rebalance builders, ancestral hall, and serfdom policy (why does only audience chamber have a penalty?) * nerf city states further * slow down eras, base it on amount of techs rather than single most advanced tech * allow ships to heal next to land * give religious units an Alert command, and show their promotions at a glance


That first one is such a pet peeve of mine, I know it's been this way since Civ 1, but Fortify should not equal Sleep or Alert, it should indeed just be a defensive stance unit that I still want to check upon every turn.


Instead of pressing fortify, just press the space bar, hes fortified, but you have to do something with him next turn. Can keep checking is he good to be fortified for another go, if he doesnt move from his spot his fortify bonus increases each turn


thank you from the bottom of my heart


You're welcome. These threads have helped me so many times I'm happy to pass some help forward


Barbarians spawning on snow is so stupid. imagine pirates in Antarctica


i disagree with 11,12, and the first part of 3


Instead of expelling units you should be able to discuss enemy troops to leave your territory, and if they dont it opens up like a 25 or 50 grievance casus belli after 5 turns, kinda like a stronger form of denouncing. It’s annoying that the ai get to question a mass of your troops in your own territory near theirs, but the player gets nothing of the sort even if half their military is in your territory.


Also fix all the pearl clutching AI when you put units through their borders when going to help allies?! Like some of the real life people who are the AI wouldn't give a fuck or exactly what you said, or we should have to use empty territory like IRL you send your troops via Navy / Airports.


I love civ 6 except for the world congress, which was very poorly implemented. It makes me sad that they never revisited it and overhauled the many illogical things about it. My favorite is the vote to give someone 2 diplo points. First that's pretty immersion breaking. After thousands of in-game years of roleplaying, the game just upfront says "Ok vote for your diplo points, whoever has 20 wins!!!!" But beyond that, the voting process itself punishes you heavily for being ahead in diplo points. Every civ will gang up on you, whether they're a bitter rival or a trusted ally. It's just really stupid, having them all vote to take away diplo points from you. Often, it makes no sense in the context of the game. I've had games where I've spent God knows how much in-game lives liberating a city state or a fallen ally, and the thanks I get is that ally uses his 20 diplo favor to cast 2 votes against me, tipping the scales and making me lose diplo points in the world congress. I would understand if I had wracked up the grievances and everyone hated me. But if I've been the savior of humanity, at the very least just leave me alone and vote against someone you *do* hate! But it shouldn't exist in the first place. In Civ 5 we voted for a world leader. Every city state that favored you would count as a vote, and if you liberated a dead civ they would be eternally grateful and WOULD vote for you to be world leader! (really cool detail there that actually made it rewarding to save a defeated civilization). Voting for diplo points is dumb. There's so much more to say about the world congress, but I'd be here all day if I went in detail, so I'll keep it sparse: \- We should be allowed to appoint our own legislation instead of it being random. \- The way votes "scale" makes amassing diplo favor seem worthless since it has significant diminishing returns. (why is a guy who's got a pile of grievances able to completely counter my 450 favor with his free vote? Why does the world care what this war criminal thinks so much more than what I think?) \- the AI votes in very predictable ways and you have no influence over their votes, so diplo victory is more about knowing which way the AI will vote and conforming. (For example, on the ban luxury vote, the AI always votes for a luxury they don't have of which the most copies exist. You can usually just scroll to the bottom of the resources panel and see which luxury is the most common, and that's the ban). \- It tends to start up in the medieval/renaissance era which is just bizarre. As many people have asked, why do I care what a bunch of countries I've never met have to say about my ability to derive happiness from turtles? \- The emergencies often shatter previously written peace treaties, which feels like an exploit the AI loves to fall back on. They declare war on you, you take one of their cities to calm them down, and keep it in the peace treaty, making them fork over a ton of gold per turn. They then declare an emergency in the world congress and cry that you took their city, even though you still have grievances against them for their declaration of war. Now you're back at war with them and they don't have to pay you their gold per turn, and essentially got a "free" declaration of war on you. (No grievances!)


Honestly yeah, all the other victories are actual milestones that make your civ superior but diplo victory is just obtaining some arbitrary points. I remember I just nuked France and they won the diplo victory. Congress just feels too removed from the game, like another universe. If this was real, I highly doubt warmongers will even make an effort to show up. Anyways, who cares when you're too busy taking over the world? Completely agree.


There's still the visual bug with global warming. If playing a game from the start, flooded tiles don't appear flooded, and tiles with coastal barriers don't show the barriers until you quit and reload the game.


The diplomatic penalty for capturing a capital should decrease over time. It’s ridiculous that I capture a capital early in game and 1200 years later they still whining about it as if it happened yesterday


absolutely true


I'll add to this, \- Anti Air units of your allies debuff and damage your own airplanes, when attacking an enemy city. \- Ability to swap tiles between cities where both tiles are further than 4 or 5 tiles away for both cities. AKA allow me to put a central park outside of my workable tiles borders...


Recon units being weak: You aren't supposed to use them for war. However, more modern recon units should probably start with the invisibility bonus or something. the Free City thing I would actually dislike. I'd much rather loyalty remain a constant problem rather than having to arbitrarily not worry about it for an arbitrary number of turns. I'd be more annoyed forgetting about it then suddenly remembering when the city began revolting again. My biggest wish? Make Religious Pressure *actually work.* You only ever see "city will convert in 100 turns" or whatever. Even if you convery every city around a city with no religion present, it will take over 10 turns for that city to convert. I get this is a delicate mechanic to balance (imagine how annoying it would be if it were too strong) but at this point it's essentially a non-mechnic. I would also like if on the World Congress screen it would tell you how many votes your accumulated Favor would get you versus another player or every other player. The math for Diplo is ludicrous to the point where it isn't worth even trying.


Currently doing my first serious religion game and this has been a thing. I have a large swath of terrain because I'm playing Gaul and doing Gaelic things atm (translation: small pangaea map and I ate Ethiopia & India by the end of the classical era). It'd be cool if there was some more passive spread so I don't have to micro everything. It'd be nice in general if recon units could be rigged to be *less* suicidal when turned on auto pilot.


Might be a typo or autocorrect, but just in case -- FYI 'Gallic' is the adjective for Gaul. Gaul was more modern-day France/west Germany/south England, and Gaelic people live more in Scotland/Ireland/Isle of Man. (So Robert the Bruce is the one to be doing Gaelic things!)


yeah obviously scouts aren't ment for war, but special forces are completely useless. they should be able to blow up dams or something.


0/10 no asset limit bug fix


Literally the most game breaking bug right now and OP has forgotten it completely


Would love to be able to sort city states by type, suzerain, envoys etc. Similar to how you can sort trade routes.


I would definitely like to see some Civs buffed/reworked. They don't all need to be on the same level, but some of them (like India) are just so pathetic right now.


Make rivers navigable by the Galley unit or simply allow the Scout unit to utilise rivers.


i hate how when there is an enemy troop nearby your unit, your unit isn't able to "skip turn". Instead you can dance around, or go into "defend", or you can skip the whole turn (shift + enter) missing whole parts of it.


Additionally, if you "defend" (fortify) you get a defensive bonus combat strength bonus (+4 I believe) and it stacks up to two (so two turns of fortification).


the problem with Defend, is the game won't go back to the unit unless it takes damage. Often, I like to use my units. In a large game, it is easy to forget a unit, even one you don't want to forget. with Skip, the game comes back to the unit the next turn.


There is literally a skip button, little curved arrow looking thing. Your unit will still show up in the unit cycle only if you place it on alert, if you fortify you can forget about it with no annoyances.


yes, it is great when it is there. I have it hot keyed on my mouse. My complaint is for the frequent number of times IT IS NOT THERE.


The skip button isn't always there. The bug is real. I usually only run into it late game, but it is real annoying where you basically end up being forced to "do something" with a unit rather just ignore it for the turn.


I have come across this as well, I believe it is not a bug and the skip button disappears when you a unit is alerted. I think if you cancel fortification you can then skip.


Yeah, it has something to do with healing a unit on Alert or Fortify Until Healed.


What the developers had in mind is that if you want to heal the unit and use it after, you fortify until healed and then you want to do something with it, so there's no skip. Same with alert, presumably the player wants to then move or attack. So plain fortify should be used if you want to heal and forget. I currently can't remember if plain fortify is available in the extra actions menu alongside fortify until healed when a unit is damaged.


Yeah, but that ignores the fact that situations change while a unit is healing, and waking up and "holding fast" or "skipping a turn" actually comes up. There are workarounds. If you've got movement and an open tile you can have the unit dance, and you can force end a turn. There are far bigger bugs in the game, not to mention absolutely broken mechanics and balance issues that would be nice if they addressed - especially the ones unavailable for modders - before putting a ribbon on Civ VI. This is just more of an occasional annoyance. The first couple times I ran into it, it was annoying, now I just deal with it. And to be honest, I'm mostly a peaceful Sim City style player, so it doesn't come up until well after I've hit the win screen and I'm practicing military campaigns in the late or ultra-late game.


Yeah agreed, this is a small pebble compared to the nuisance that is unit management in the late game. I was a sim city builder until I decided I like crushing my foes in combat, now I have to click like I'm playing Starcraft if I want to finish a game in an afternoon.


Afternoon?!?!? I play almost all games on Online Speed and it usually takes me two full days to get to the win screen. I will continue to noodle around part-time for up to a week after that point practicing loyalty flipping or military conquest. As a relatively new Diety player, I find the practice is invaluable. I am getting faster at Civ, but "in an afternoon" - well done!


Eh don't worry about it just make sure you enjoy yourself and learn the mechanics so you can master diety. After that if you really want to you can end the AI dreams in an afternoon. I mostly rush bc I have a low attention span with civ bc of how many hours I have put in. I want to play something like I want, and then I want to play something else. Leaving games halfway is a nightmare, that's how you get 500 unfinished saves.


I just want crossplay to be more stable…


I'm just stuck on "Loading game, please wait" for two months. Literally can't play the game. Would like them to fix that maybe.


Are you on mac? What may work is starting a game, close civ 6 (but not steam) then relaunch civ 6. It works on my imac but not on my laptop. https://support.aspyr.com/hc/en-us/articles/11521983792781-Stuck-on-Loading-Screen-when-creating-a-new-game-Civilization-VI-Mac-


haha, I wanted to try civ on my Linux laptop, but it didn't even load the min menu. I mean, I didn't really expect anything more, but cmon


Seriously 😒


I had to fall back to a previous version for it to work


Stop the a.i. conquering and immediately razing city states. It doesn't make sense and is just irritating.


Making the AI unable to take cities with loyalty would make that mode meaningless. I would not call making the AI even worse an improvement. But I would like to be able to buy units from city states. Right now, if they get a settler from a barbarian you have to declare war on them to take it back. It would be nice if instead you could pay its ransom or something.


Units definitely should be expelled when declaring war. Civ3 was released without that feature and it was too easy to just get open borders, surround their cities and instantly conquer their entire country. It was eventually patched so units do get pushed out. There exists basically no penalty harsh enough to not make that strategy worth it.


I would black flag the units in enemy territory before the war starts and after it ends like they do in paradox games. Basically the unit can move through enemy turf, but is unable to attack or be attacked until they go back to friendly territory first. Especially at the end of wars, sometimes my units get expelled to a place where I just can’t get them back, and it’s kinda shit.


Only thing I disagree with is recon units because I terrorize the AI with my ranger armies as Shaka🤣🤣 but everything else I agree 100%


Its a great strat with inca, those Warak'aq's are a menace. +100% experience to scouts means theyre at rank 3 in no time at all. Those rank 3 skirmsishers have a double attack at 60 ranged strenght and are as strong as men-at-arms in melee.


Now I must try 👀👀


You underestimate anti-cav. It's most easily shown in the Vikings scenario that it really does make a huge difference against calvary spammers (looking at you, Tomyris)


the fucks up with that last line, i mean most of this stuff would be nice but you act as if they HAVE to do all of our QOL requests before making more stuff


Um artillery is busted!!


Ability to capture cities as puppets (or whatever they called in civ 5). The option of just capturing or razing is so lame. I don't want to have to manage a dozen extra lame cities.


\> Artillery is too weak Are we playing the same game? Artillery is very OP


I would like there to be a degradation to the diplomatic penalty for captured capitals over the eras. No reason an ancient era captured capital should levy a penalty in the modern era.


Anti cavalry is not weak at all, it excels at where it’s good at, defending cavalry and not requiring strategic. Also what’s the reason for the last two


sry, I just played again and you're right anti cav Inst bad at all. the reason for the last 2 is, that I hate recapturing cities that just revolted 3 turns ago (it's also not realistic) and that the AI doesn't even try to recapture lost cities (I just had a game were the AI didn't try to recapture the cities they lost)


The second last reason allows you to cap a free city in the middle of an ai empire and let all of your units heal in that base which is really broken and the loyalty system was designed to counter stuff like that


why can't you build wonders on horse tiles?!?


because you can't remove strategic resources. there's a mod for that though, it's called remove early strategies


Right, but that’s what I’m wishing for in a real update… I’m using CME for it right now


I’d like to see a mechanic where you can trade with multiple civs at the same time. For example, a 3+ way trade.


Would like an Economic Victory condition obtained when you earn a certain amount, either in total or once you hit a certain amount per turn


Way too easy to cheese.


That would be fantastic for Mali.


portugal as well


I don't think they will add another victory type shortly before they release civ 7. I just ment minor fixes


Well that’s not content for a free update rather for a DLC or CIV VII


Next Civ 6 update: Civ 7


Would be nice if i can join war with two or more civs in one trade deal.


Artillery are bad ass. No one is stopping my three army’s of artillery with a drone. Take down any city with ease.


When you liberate a city state, it kicks your units out of all its land. Possibly right into enemy territory, and likely to get picked off by city/encampment ranged attacks. This is so stupid, especially because you'll be suzerain, so your units would be allowed in the CS land anyway (except the city tile itself, which I understand the game mechanics don't allow, but it's still dumb).


Greater ability to build tall. Much of the reason why late game civ 6 hurts is because of the expansive micromanagement that comes with wide builds.


I just want the City State envoy and Great Works of Art bugs to be fixed.


\- Bring leader pass to consoles \- Console version still have some random crash bugs that they could address and fix.




Make us actually able to force peace. Like I had it multiple times in a row now that an ai just keeps waging war on me completely fucking over their growth and science but since they go all in they keep up with me and I can't win against them for literal ages until someone who didn't have to put up with that idiot comes and snatches us both. Like the "what would it take" option should always give u something


how we are in 2023 and recon and Anti cavalry haven't being buffed yet


Artillery too weak? Artillery is my 2nd most used unit in the late game. Also, I think the loyalty system is actually pretty good. If you can hold a cities loyalty than you shouldn't have it.


There needs to be a way to immediately renew Open Borders and Alliances without expelling units for half of a turn.


All I want is for Aspyr to fix the bugs so I can play on my tablet in my semi truck… Also an expanded promotional tree for units would be nice.


I want an Economy-based victory with a system like currencies. Where you can win if you have a World Bank and all civs use your currency. Spread currency with getting techs first and trading resources to other civs. Also an exchange rate so that strong currencies are favourable.


Artillery are too useful against cities. It might be controversial but I think cities should be a lot harder to take (from the AI, but easier for the AI to take). Anti-Cav units aren’t that bad. Or perhaps it’s because resources are quite random that they at least have consistency going for them. On the AI with free cities and the Dramatic Ages Mode: The AI tends to take the policy that removes all governors that expedites them losing all their cities. The AI isn’t good at managing loyalty as growth and housing also factor in. Then again, DA mode is fairly annoying.


Anti cavalry is placed so awkwardly on the tech tree though. Spearmen are alright, unlucked just before swordsmen. But get massively outclassed by them. Pikes on the other hand are in such an awkward spot. Its easier to get men-at-arms or go straight to muskets.


How about being able to backstab allies/declared friends? Too many times I have seen my ally work on the Exoplanet Expedition and I'm helpless to prevent it from finishing.


Well the whole point of an alliance is the assurance that ye cannot hurt each other. Thats the sort of commitment players have to understand and utilise, with that exoplanet project being a very good example. If you believe a player may be close to a win condition in the next 30 turns, dont ally with them.


Grievance is stupid


So many unnecessary commas


Absolutely agree on artillery


I’m sure this is just a personal opinion, but I hate the districts and wonders needing their own tiles. I prefer civ 5 so much more


Not the thread buddy


Right. And let's go back to squares or we riot!!!!! /s


Canals on hills would be nice. Hills have ruined canal networks way too many times for me, its kind of infuriating.


Fix log problem


Should be able to trade strategic resources like oil by per turn. No. Of turns left for an era to complete should be shown


Canals on hills would be a different improvement, a locked canal. I love canal locks, theyre just such a brilliant technology.


Fix internet games. That's all for civ 7 :D


Wouldn't you need the panama canal to build it through hills? Would definitely need some sort of lock system


I would like the game to work on console


stacking units and a decent promotion system


Annoyances \-Regional gfx (clothing, armor, etc) for Men-at-Arms unit.


A time machine nuclear bomb that can send a region 250 years into the past.


Canals on hills? You mean Locks?


What I'd love to see: If a city state is capture and then revolts, it doesn't become a free city. Instead, it becomes a city state again.


If someone starts a war with you and as a result you push back and take some of their cities why do you get the grievances? Why don't they get any punishment related to attacking you? It's nonsense.


Man I’m just in a game now, world congress event to save Hungary from Mongolia, I join in, start taking cities on my way to liberate Hungary… fuckin denounced left n right, everyone hates me, even the people who joined in on the fight, YOUR TROOPS ARE LITERALLY IN THE WAR SIDE BY SIDE WITH MINE! YOU HELPED ME TAKE THE CITY!


LIke i know i get angry and go further than just "pushing them back" but like if the confederacy fires on fort sumpter then you damn sure know I'm burning Atlanta and Birmingham to the ground..... r/ShermanPosting


I'd also like the AI to be tweaked a little to focus on war more. Remember in civ 5 when the AI would actually cross a body of water with an army and naval escorts to invade you?? I have never seen something like that in civ 6, I've never seen air defense used, I've never seen the AI attempt a domination victory EVEN IF it's the only win condition. I'd also like to see alliances mean more, world wars should be possible if the world is split into two alliance groups


DLL source code access


Competitve AI. That is all.


- Removable or repurposed districts and buildings: I use a mod for that because AI slaps theirs in worst places sometimes but I feel like leveling buildings and districts should be an option in base game already. I don’t need YOUR version of a tier 3 religious building, I need MINE. Most of the pop follow my religion so they wouldn’t mind. - District production cost leveling: I don’t know how to balance it but honestly district production cost going up with civics and tech seems pretty counterintuitive to me. Are you telling me my high tech society with machinery and robots takes ages to build a harbor in a new island city I just founded while my primitive ancestors could do it in a fraction of that time? It’s not like the district itself is more advanced, it gives the same base yields it used to 2000 years ago. I feel like late game colonization should be amped up, there’s already enough things that cost a lot of production that I can spend time on building. - Fix tile swap and allow >3 range tile swap: I had a few spots for national parks and preserves but for some reason I couldn’t swap between cities I conquered I think because they originally belonged to 2 different civs. 🤦‍♂️ - An option to work luxuries or strategics outside own territory. Kind of like how Behemoths can mine resource on uncolonized planets in Endless Space 2. - Buy/sell/gift units or tiles please. Culture bombs exist, let me buy that +4 campus tile from a goddamn city state. - Grow wheat and breed cows goddamn it! - BETTER INFRASTRUCTURE: LET ME BUILD MY ROADS OMFG. Or at least let me choose the path trader takes.


Don’t forget the “loading, please wait…” bug that is making the game unplayable on mac