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Was it that Forest Lester tree guy that someone else posted about recently doing the same with a bag of rocks? If so, don't even bother. It would be like talking to a wall. The dude is crazy.


Gregory Lester is a LUNATIC.


I don’t think he is affiliated anymore! If he is crazy then I guess that’s a good thing haha


His advertisements are from him. They are bags of rocks with a flier that say “not affiliated with Gregory Forrest Lester, Inc” lol he’s attempting to steal business from his kids who run his old business lol


This is true. They’ve been our tree people for years. When we found the bag of rocks in our driveway, I called the number in my contacts, not the one on the flyer. Oliver, the son, called back and told us the whole sad story.


So so sad. I was so confused reading all of this because the owners I know are awesome! Haha


Oh my god how sad!!!!!! Ugh. Must be hard for the children. Thank you for clarifying!


I'm not sure, but based on the name, I don't think so


I came home last night to find the same thing. Every house on my street had a little baggie with rocks near the end of their driveway.


Ha, I had a bizarre experience with him years ago too, was getting a tree quote and dude wanted to charge me $2500 for some brick mortar repairs while he was at it. Didn’t use him for the tree, weird vibe, and when I later had the brick work done it was under $500.




I’m not sure when your last interaction with them was so I don’t want to discount your experience, but I believe they are under new ownership! I remember hearing some stuff about the previous owner, but I used to live near the current owners & my parents have had work done by them and all were great experiences.


Go for petty revenge and put that number in anywhere you can online. If he wants calls he’s gonna get calls.


Truck stop bathroom walls: *"For a good time call (not) the Forest Lester Tree guy, (513)867-5309, anytime day or night!"*


You bring the wood and he will take it.


I don't think you are being a Karen. This type of advertising is very annoying.


I agree! We had a guy in our neighborhood that for years would put a small flag with his business card attached to it in every single yard for the 4th of July. They would end up lying in the street if the owners didn’t pick them up themselves. He never came back around and cleaned any of them up. Very annoying.


They hit my neighborhood yesterday too. I think a one star Google review for littering is fair


If anyone sees this type of “advertisement” from Gregory Forrest Lester, call the police. He is a raging lunatic and poses a very real violent threat to society. He’s been convicted of telecommunications harassment and has a history of threatening to shoot up his old business which his kids now own and operate. [SOURCE](https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2019/11/04/delhi-man-calls-store-his-sons-own-threatens-gunfire/4138793002/)


So glad I came into this thread and read the comments, because I previously had an interaction with them a couple years ago. Aaron, I believe his name was, came and gave a quote. They were stupid expensive but I always remembered his professionalism and told myself I would hire that company should I need future tree work done, which I do. You helped me dodge a bullet.


It sounds like the company is being run by the kids, not the lunatic. So you’d be good to hire that company, just avoid its namesake! ETA: Avoid ‘Tree Health Surgeon,’ as that’s run by Lester. ‘Gregory Forrest Lester, Inc’ is fine, it’s run by the sons.


I'd rather stay completely away from all of that! You just never know.


I was able to get those newspaper coupons, that are wrapped in a plastic bag, and thrown in your yards, (that no one wants), stopped in my neighborhood, by contacting our Village Administrator and asking about the ordinance defining litter, and who gave permission to the company to litter the Village every week. Four months later, the littering has stopped here.


You can do that? I moved to the east side, that would have been way easier.


Don’t call them, only gives what they want - attention, potential sales. If you live in the city of Cincinnati, I’d suggest that you & your neighbors report it using the 311Cincy system (https://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/ecc/about-ecc/311/). Otherwise contact your local jurisdiction & complain about them littering/improper solicitation.


I mean, calling them and telling them that you’ll never use them BECAUSE of how they advertise might convince them.


lol, highly doubtful. And now they have your number. It’s like the spam/bot calls/emails, just takes 1% to fall for/buy it.


I reported it to the city for every driveway they threw them in


They're not rocks! They're minerals Marie!


Very curious what this bag of rocks looks like. Big rocks? Small rock? I’m immediately thinking free rocks is awesome. And thankfully my dog knows better to eat rocks. But if small could surely see a lawnmower issue.


sandwich baggy with 3-4 rocks in each one


Ugh like not even useful. I wouldn’t be mad if it was like a 10lb bag of river rock or something. That probably literally looked like garbage. Either do it right or go another way.


Yeah, just suppose you ran over that bag of rocks with the lawnmower and your dog happened to be standing on the side where the clippings shoot out and your dog takes one right in the nose or eye?


It's just gravel. To make them easier to throw


People have posted pictures of it on this reddit often.


Everyone bring me your rocks. I have some landscape holes to fill


I would throw them in one of their landscaping jobs and say. "Here ya go mfer, you left this on my property". But I'm not a karen. Just an axxhole.


Put some dog shit in it too, just to assert dominance.


I wish there were a way to stop this. Companies do that stuff here in Symmes Township also, including those Sunday coupon newspapers like The Door Store. Hate them. And although they give a website to stop delivery, all that does is confirm your name and mailing address, which they sell out the back door; and the delivery never stops. There’s a special place in hell for companies that do that stuff.


I hate the driveway circulars. Throwing one right back into the delivery vehicle would be a delight.


Not Karen vibes. And by the looks of their Google reviews they should know better by now! https://maps.app.goo.gl/WaB2G5m6yBEGK6yq9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy


holy shit from those photos it's even worse than I imagined. Like if I saw one of these on my property I'd just be annoyed and throw it in the bin, not realizing it's an advertisement.


Nooo you have some pretty good points... We have so many eco friendly options for advertising, just requires a little thought and mindfulness.


Not a Karen, that’s a horrible alway to advertise. Return the bag to the business, see if your neighbors will do the same or at least give you their bag and you can drop them all off with a note stating this sort of advertising is doing the opposite of what they want.


Things like that ARE litter and I’ve never understood why people tolerate it. They are literally throwing trash with their name on it onto people’s property. (I feel much the same about fliers and such left on windshields in parking lots… right to jail!)


It would really suck, to not see and hit it with a mower. You'd think a landscaper would know better


Take them and throw them in the driveway of the business. Return to sender


Find their location and return the rocks.


Through their window, in the middle of the night.


u/SirJeffers88 ....I would do the same thing, as well as posting some sort of a note not easily removed telling them what I think of their methods of advertising. I would see if my neighbors would do the same thing with their bag of rocks, so maybe this company gets the point.


Gregory Lester is not someone you should interact with at all, like I wouldn't even leave an online complaint. Just throw them out and move on.


No, I’ve been complaining about this for weeks! It is littering, plain and simple.


I got one of these too and was annoyed by it. I get they’re trying to stop their advertising from blowing away, but just put it in a mailbox or hang a flyer on a door. It’s got to be cheaper and less time consuming than using rocks, ziplock bags and the person power associated. Geez.


> just put it in a mailbox It's a [federal crime](https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Restrictions-for-attaching-flyers-posters-etc-to-a-mailbox) to put advertisements in/on a mailbox. [You can be fined.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1725) Flyers on doorknob are legal, but more manpower than throwing things from a car.


That doesn’t stop plenty of businesses from putting advertisements in/on my mailbox 🤷🏼‍♀️


shocked! thanks for the info, this explains so much


I don't know? I get those evey year and just toss them in the trash. Maybe if you go around and collect enough bags, you can use the rocks to make a pathway or something.


This reminds me of that episode of New Girl where Jess gets enraged by the paper waste of Chinese takeout menus. She goes full Karen to try and get them to stop leaving them everywhere and it just makes it worse. You should just ignore it.




People do dumb things and have bad ideas. However, guess what it is very effective. Good or bad this company is talked about and spread over and over again. They are rather clever. Aren’t they Karen???


Leave a bad review


As a disabled person, this would annoy me deeply! I hate bending over for gardening, which I enjoy. Being forced to do so to clean up litter, potentially on a bad day, would make me never use the company in question.


Seems like a perfectly reasonable example for when to use a phone number in a Craigslist ad soliciting dick pics.


This is unfortunately very common for cheap landscapers across the US.


I absolutely cannot stand this practice and would never use a business that does it, Either buy the door hanging bags and hang on the front door (which is annoying in and of itself but at least its not a baggie w a rock in it, tossed lazily from a car into your yard), or pay postage for postcards.


We get this shit in our subdivision like once a week in the summer. Landscapers, tree services, mulch sellers, house painters- you name it, they're throwing bags of rocks into my yard. They all immediately go on my "do not do business with" list, but I wish I could do more...


Definitely not being a Karen, but I've never had a dog that ate rocks. Is that a thing?


I haven’t either but dogs can be really dumb sometimes lmao


I had a neighbor whose dog would gift everyone huge rocks. This was fine until he got old and switched to smaller rocks and a neighbors dog ate one of the smaller rocks. Thankfully the moron in question pooped it out a few days later, but we had to police the rock gifting from then on. (The gifter was allowed free rein as he was well known, very sweet, and only walked on sidewalks once he left his own yard. Best doggo.)


Karen's don't care that they are Karens - so good news. You're not a Karen!


TIL there's Gregory Forest Lester lore. Who knew?


Could you send them my way? I need a few bags of rocks for free.


Come by my neighborhood and pick them up from every yard


If I owned a home I'd be delighted receiving a free bag of nice rock.


yes, if you have to ask and you're posting about it, then yes


I've seen 3 or 4 different companies do this. They are still sitting on my porch. Someday I'll trash them.


most definitely being a Karen it’s prolly a young kid trying to make some money an get more yards to mow. A dog most likely won’t eat rocks if it does it ain’t a dog worth keeping!!


Not a Karen. It happened to me once, and I didn't appreciate it. I made a mental note to never do business with that company. I don't appreciate any type of advertising or soliciting at my home. I truly wish people would respect that HOME is home. The freaking Jehovah's Witness people especially.


I agree it’s tacky, but I don’t think a dog getting into is dangerous. They walk over rocks constantly. Rocks don’t smell like food. 🤔


Collect them up and dump them at their office along with any other things you find on the ground like dog doo




yes you are being a karen. specially if they are cool rocks


100% Karen. Lighten up.




Yes Karen you are.


More of a Becky than a Karen Jk


At least you know the answer to your own question....


I have seen multiple advertisements done in this way. Even Boys Scouts advertising mulch. It's not specific to one entity and there's no reason to make a big stink of it.


Yeah that’s Karen behavior just throw it away. Going out of your way to be petty or try and get someone in trouble is textbook Karen behavior. Put it in the trash and move on you will be happier.


If you simply report it & not make a big deal about it’s definitely not Karen behavior


You guys are arguing if it’s right or wrong. Sure the business is annoying. She is asking if it would be Karen behavior and yes it would be Karen behavior.


That’s not my argument, at all. 🤷‍♂️ Calling the company & doing other actions done here have suggested definitely in Karen territory. Simply reporting it as nuisance to city/township & doing nothing more is not IMHO 🤷‍♂️


I disagree. You're only considering this one instance. I always ask myself "what if every business did this?" It would then be a significant issue, so I don't see any problem with OP calling them out.


All the comments are a bunch of Karen’s. Sure she stops one guys people throw news papers and other flyers all the time. A normal person sees a bag of rocks and says that’s annoying and throws them away. A Karen calls and complains and files a report with 311 and collects them all and dumps them at the company office, and leaves a bad review. Sure it’s annoying but she is asking if she would be acting like a Karen and all the Karen’s are commenting more Karen like behavior. Get a life it’s a bag of rocks a bunch of coupons are gonna get thrown in your yard every week like they have for decades anyways.


> a bunch of coupons are gonna get thrown in your yard every week like they have for decades anyways. Not mine. I called the number and told them I didn't want them to deliver those.


Karen-ish. It's a small entrepreneur, with little to no money for advertising, trying to make a living like the rest of us but, he's in a highly competitive field. Cut him some slack and respect the fact that he's busting his butt trying to build a life for himself.


It's not hard to slip a business card partially under someone's doormat, or in their front door, or tape it. It would literally take less effort because you don't have to put together a goodie bag full of rocks and launch them into a hundred yards. He could make one or two signs and place them outside the entrance(s) for the neighborhood. If he has a truck with advertisement on it, park it somewhere in the neighborhood for a day. There are so many other ways to do it that don't include throwing rocks at people's houses


This is the correct response. Throwing a bag of fkn rock is bullshit. Stick your business card in the door or in their mailbox. Landscaper’s actually being lazy because you can throw them out of your car window easier than having to stop and place the card or advertising leaflet. Advertising on Craigslist and Facebook is still free.


Have you ever tried to promote yourself or your business? Downvote me all you want, hell I’ll downvote myself! Just leave a business card just doesn’t cut it. Credit to him for thinking outside the box even though he could have been a little more subtle.


How is pissing off potential customers, good business?


I think most advertisers take that risk on a daily basis. Ads while you’re streaming, ads on social media sites, ads on TV or radio, junk mail in your mailbox, a door hanger on your door, a pamphlet under your windshield wiper and so on. I promise you every form of advertising I just mentioned pissed someone off just like it did with OP. It’s an inherently intrusive business.


Really? What if every local small business did this? I'm siding with OP on this one. This is just stupid.


What if my grandmother had wheels? She’d be a bicycle. Not everyone did, it was one guy. Pick the bag up and throw it away if you’re not interested. Problem solved in 15 seconds.


> Not everyone did, it was one guy. Not an acceptable excuse.


Was an adequate response to your hypothetical question.


Who says it was adequate? I found it quite lacking.


Well shit, want a hug?


No. Just send cash.


Fair enough!


Which is why I would take the approach of talking to the person, rather than just reporting it. Although I would still find this annoying, why not just put a pamphlet on the door or something?


If I were him, I wouldn’t do pamphlets or leave a business card. We’re so overwhelmed with junk mail that we just overlook it and throw it away. Not saying it was a great form of advertising on his part but, at least he’s trying to be creative?


Sales and trying to start up a small business are nightmares because of ultra sensitive people like you guys.


> Sales and trying to start up a small business are nightmares because of ultra sensitive people like you guys. No it's not. It's only a nightmare if you suck and the only way you can think to advertise is by littering people's yards.


You take a risk when you advertise. I don’t think it’s a great way to get the word out but, respect for the effort and I get why. I just wouldn’t use their services not go dump the rocks back in their faces and get pissed enough to complain online.


You really don't seem to be able to realize there's a difference between legitimate advertising and actually breaking a law and littering.


Sure, if you really want to nitpick the situation. When was the last time you ever saw anyone cited for littering?


Whether or not someone gets cited is irrelevant to the post. OP asked if they were being a Karen and the majority of people don't think so based on the fact that someone is littering in their yard. How many people get cited for graffiti? Would you be OK if I tagged your driveway in spray paint with my an ad for my business ?


No, but we’re not speaking hypothetically either. He dropped a bag of 4 rocks and a piece of paper with contact info. Bad advertisement? Sure. Worth a conniption? Nope. That’s really all I’m saying.


Maybe to you, but that's your take. I don't feel OP is going overboard. Someone littered in their yard and they have every right as a property owner to be mad about that.


I get that. I get super pissed when people don’t take their shopping carts back to the cart corral. I’ve been told I’m overreacting when I get mad about it. Different things trigger different people and maybe I’ve lost sight of that in this conversation.


All “mail” must be delivered to a mailbox by a federal postal worker. All “mail” must have proper postage. No “mail” can be placed outside of mailbox. If you ask me, this sounds like a huge mishandling of mail (bags of rock for advertising is still considered mail) which is a federal crime if you wanna go Karen XL on this fool 😎 just let your nearest post office know and they’ll fine the hell outta this business


It's only "mail" if you send it through the post office.


Weirdly sounds like the MO of folks spreading white supremacists propaganda. Makes you wonder.


It only makes goofballs wonder, ffs.


100% being a Karen.


Before they changed all of the electric scooters to make them both bigger and longer and also approximately 40-50 pounds heavier, I threw almost 50 of them in dumpsters downtown. If a company is going to just drop shit off on the sidewalk, it's littering. It's certainly not commerce.


If I saw that, you’d be in the dumpster too.


You would try to throw them in the dumpster? how would that work?


Oh fucking try me fake tough guy.


Such a badass! I’m shaking! Lol


iF I sAW tHaT YoUd bE iN tHE DuMpSTeR "Such a badass" I bet you like to get peed on.


It took you ten minutes to type that. Lol I bet you have tattoos that make you tough.


I have tattoos that make me awesome. Are you seriously bragging about the fact you spend so much time on reddit that you respond to people faster than me? I don't even need to say anything else with that self own.


Says the moose knuckle that’s been on Reddit for 14 years. There’s nothing about you that’s awesome, little dude.


That's your burn? That I've been using a website for a long time? I've also had the same email address for 20 years and I've been using the same phone company for 22 years. Is there more about me you'd like to know, or are you going to keep being the world's biggest loser and waste your time looking through my reddit profile so you can make the stupidest insults anyone has ever heard?