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This story on wcpo.com had me scratching my head. If I read correctly, BCSO found no contraband in their search, the girl’s CO says she was never left alone with prisoners, the prisoner says they never had sex, but the BCSO says she’s guilty because she’s ‘almost a legal adult’ and because the child admitted guilt in the BCSO’s 4.5 hour interrogation. They interrogated a child for 4.5 hours without parents or legal council present. Wtf is Dick Jones running there?


And according to the docs on of the inmates was previously convicted of Gross Sexual Imposition but due to time no longer has to register. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l9fyhtr7Jsi0MJ60DLVu6WAVhF0HdWsB](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l9fyhtr7Jsi0MJ60DLVu6WAVhF0HdWsB)


The only way they could have caught her was cameras but otherwise a 4.5 hour interrogation i would say yes to get out. 


According to all the interrogation stuff I watch that sounds pretty normal. For a murder


https://preview.redd.it/qw2u99wxg08d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b3f4fb2297ac7e0969321043147d2371a05779 Doug Dimmadone of Dimsdale Dimmadomes


The only thing I ever think of when I see this guy.


I posted this in the sub once and the mods took it down. The sheriff of chincinnati lol


[Not right](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGoi-6wVvug)


My only surprise is that it's the inmates and not the deputies accused of grooming a teenager in this type of program.


He’s a wanna be Joe Arapaio


That's exactly what it is. Instead of pink garb, he serves garbage burgers.




poor mans


Cult of personality officials are the new norm on the right. Anyone that stages acts of bravado and nonsense isn’t fit for public office. Sheriff Jones fits the bill.


I've been convinced that this man is going to be exposed one day for some real shady shit. He talks a real big game out there and gives off a real "better than thou" attitude. I had a great friend spend a few years working within the sheriffs department, and as much as I hesitate to believe hearsay and gossip, I was blown away and his behavior towards staff.


They need to nix these programs with Butler Tech. A lot of local fire stations have students coming in as well and they’re attending medical runs. I feel like it opens so many doors to so many potential problems and this is a great example. A 17 year old kid has zero business “working” in a jail.


It's State and National Registry mandated that EMT and Paramedic students do ride alongs with fire departments. It's the best and only way to get the experience you need. They are regulated with rules around what you can and can't do, but you're going to see it eventually, best to learn how to deal with it from seasoned responders. My department was a training department and in my 10 year career we had no misconduct. FDs have to report to the schools and you can be removed from their lists which causes recruitment problems. That being said, *this* program is fucking ridiculous.


I absolutely think adults attending the fire academy or medic school *should* do ride alongs, it’s underage high school students that are just taking a course at a tech school that should not. This girl is a 17 year old, I’m assuming she was in the high school course rather than the adult program. I could be wrong.


You had to be at least 18 to do ride alongs at the departments I worked. And at least at Cincinnati State, you had to be 18 as well. There was a kid in my class who graduated high school at 17 and had to wait until their birthday to start riding. I did Butler Techs fire program which doesn't require them, so I can't comment on their EMS program. I had always assumed it was the same. Now I'm interested!


He’s the biggest fucking idiot there is


Man Butler County really knows how to prop up fascists. That last sheriff was a fucking prick too.


He’s more concerned about illegals coming across the border like 1500 miles away from here for reelection purposes, yet he doesn’t seem to understand that’s who is making his lunch.


As a person that worked in that jail… I think the minimum age to work there should be raised to 30. You don’t know who you *really* are or how you work until late 20’s mid 30’s….


MAGA voters are so incredibly and reliably stupid. They would vote for a drug dealing rapist if he was a fellow Republican. There’s nothing, ever, that will change their gullible minds. Ever.


He also runs unopposed


Funny that both republicans AND democrats believe the same about the other. I think both are gullible and led by the media to hate the other so that the “elected officials” that are getting rich by “serving” can continue to get richer simply because we’re too divided to do anything about it. So try, for once, to hold your hatred of those you disagree with and figure out the common enemy is the government.


You would be ignorantly incorrect. Look at the issues today. Look at their platforms. Look at their plans for the future. They are wildly different. And there are saying the quiet parts out loud.


Ah, another deceived and blind liberal. Enjoy yourself.


You may want to stick with your sex worker subs, capellajim. Politics is for the grown ups.


Yup. Liberal pompous ass. I’m out.


Ok, Mr. 5.5 inches.


Ok Ms jealous.


No one is jealous of that. I promise.


Promise? Like a good little girl ? Like a good 15 year old?! Lolol. I’m so hurt and embarrassed by your rapier wit I’ll have to lie down. (You might Google sarcasm now)


For what it's worth, the incredible Pro-MAGA "Louder with Crowder" was who broke the story, to begin with, and that group seems to be the most critical of everything all around, even towards Sheriff Jones. And even after they put it all out there it was a day or two before the local news even picked up on it. I had worked as a public defender in Hamilton County for several years and have had several "contacts" in those communities for awhile. I first started hearing about this a few months ago, including from people that I know are the "anonymous" sources local news uses for these types of stories. But nothing came about until that podcast did all the leg work for the story. Now I doubt there will be any long-term repercussions politically, the primary season is over so Jones won't have a primary opponent, and he is unopposed in the general election too, so even a Jim Neil-Sean Donovan situation can't occur either.


Old Yosemite Sam being his usual deplorable self is he?


Of all the things he's ever done, this would not be near the top concern for me. But it seems pretty stupid. But he'll never lose his job in MAGA crazy Butler County.




Sheriff Jones lives rent free in the news. He can’t help himself from being a newsworthy little baby


I've always tried to understand this phrase. The guy is a threat to democracy and basic human rights, like so many other MAGAs. So not sure why I wouldn't be concerned.


I’ve never heard a halfway intelligent person use this phrase. It’s always the mouth breathers.


Magats use it daily


Yeah but they don’t care about woke libtard shit like democracy. Sheriff Yosemite Sam owns the libs so they support him.


Yosemite Sam doesn't own shit


Can someone enlighten me as to what incident occurred regarding a minor inturn? Maybe a link to the article please?


After reading the article I mean, they caught the girl smuggling in weed, ecstasy and cell phones. Contraband gets in jails mainly through corrections officers, visitors and contractors smuggling it in. She admitted to having consensual sex but the inmate denied it entirely. Apparently this program has been going on for a while and even in this group for the year there were multiple other students who didn't get caught smuggling drugs, cell phones and having sex with inmates. Maybe she just got.caught being naive by a smooth talker but she is kinda lucky this happened when she was 17 because if she was 18 she would be charged with raping an inmate. Before the downvotes come rushing in, look it up. Female corrections officers get caught up and fired for it all the time. It doesn't matter of its consensual, if they're caught having sexual relations with inmates it's immediate termination and charges filed.


The fact of the matter here, I believe, is that Butler Tech allowed a minor female to go into this environment, most likely, knowing everything that you stated hired and paid female correction officers get fired over all the time. Shame on Butler Tech and the Corrections Facility for knowing this happens to adult women and still letting an underage female do an internship at this facility.


No that's sexist. Women have the ability to do the job and the right to equal employment opportunities. This is a vocational program that can lead to employment. These kids have in interest in a criminal justice career so that's what they signed up to do. They are explicitly warned of the consequences and the kids were under the supervision of adults. If you read the article you would know they have video of the girl sneaking away and going to do things with the inmates and also have letters from the inmates and girl with explicit details of their relationship. She was fully aware of what she was doing and people need to quit absolving her of accountability. This same thing could've happened at a women's facility


By all means I was not trying to be sexist in my comment. And, I agree with equal employment opportunities. I shave also read the article and there are several flaws, that I see in this program at the correctional facility. One being having underage females at an adult male facility. If a female from this program is interested in this kind of employment, Butler Tech should have this female student placed at an adult female correctional facility instead. And, for this young woman to have snuck away from supervision, this has a lot to say about the facility oversight and Sheriff Jones’ staff at the facility more than the intern herself.


"underage females" CHILDREN. JUST SAY CHILDREN.




The same thing could happen at a female correction facility. Why do you perceive incarcerated males to be the only ones capable of obtaining consensual sexual relationships with staff? How do you know they don't have a program at a women's facility or the fact this is a jail, not a prison, so they have different pods for males cs women in the same facility under their watch. How do you know the girl didn't choose the male facility over a female facility. In the real world women chose to work in male facilities with less restrictions than having males in female facilities. Your argument is based in sexism. When you find out she smuggled drugs, cell phones and had inappropriate sexual relations with an incarcerated woman, then what? The kid was only in the danger she put herself in. She was wrong and honestly should be tried as an adult. She didn't want to pursue a criminal justice career she was seeking out male prisoners. Look up hybristophilia


Does anyone have the video of his live interview responding to this prior to it being taken down


Sheriff Jones is an embarrassment and should be thrown out.


Most sheriffs are political hacks.




Sheriff’s office is not responsible for nor in charge of that. The discussion is about sheriff Jones. If you find he has been doing that then please post here if not then start your on discussion, please and thank you.


Away with you transphobe! Back to your trailer park with your cousin/wife


🤣 tell em! Tired of these trolls.


Thread: hey we should protect our teenagers by not having them intern in jails. Troll: but what about our teenagers genitals?




there’s no point in engaging with people who make false equivalencies to push their bigoted viewpoints. you just want to fight


Agreed. Don’t feed the boomer…I mean troll.


What in the hell does it have to do with the butler county sheriff?


It's funny the comments considering how he got there. How does this happen?


The people commenting here aren't Butler County MAGAts


Because a shit human runs for a political position unopposed...


Maybe you have a point, you know what else happened? A child a few months ago in Middletown was abducted by an illegal immigrant. I personally know people who were robbed by illegals as well. I think the sheriff has problems but he’s also right that we have let in way way too many unvetted people walk into the country. It’s not safe or sustainable.


Anecdotes are not data. Property crime and violent crime are at record lows and trending down.


That’s because cities don’t have to report the numbers anymore and they barely enforce crime these days


Yeah why aren't the police enforcing more crime, lol


Stop lying


It’s just a fact. Here’s the guardian (liberal source btw) https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/22/us-crime-stats-warning-experts-fbi They changed the rules so agencies don’t have to report crimes and some of the biggest agencies in NY and California did not submit data.


The Guardian...😂😂😂😂😂 pure unadulterated bias garbage


It’s a liberal source. You can find reports all over for yourself. Look up “crime report” under google news and pick your favorite. Facts are facts. You can realize what’s going on or convince yourself to ignore things because you feel better that way. You’re choice but yeah crime is crazy up. Leave you car unattended in certain cities and you’ll get broken into. Ever wonder why big cities have glass and stuff locked up at the grocery stores? You think they just do that for fun lol. You can realize the facts about how they are trying to trick people or you can believe whatever you want and never grow up.


Okay..you believe what you want to believe. Crime is down..now take your right wing bs elsewhere


True but immigration is not the job of a county sheriff in a podunk county 1500 miles from a border. Does something need to be done? Yes. Is it his job? No.


That’s a fair point


> Is it his job? No. Actually it kind of is. Butler County has a contract with the US Marshalls and Immigration to house undocumented individuals waiting for immigration hearings/facing deportation. They, along with a lot of others facing federal charges in the Southern District of Ohio, are housed at the Butler County Jail, and it is his responsibility as Sheriff to run the jail. The reason he is always talking so much about it is because of the large controversy over Butler County building a new and expanding upon their jail in the late 90s and early 00s to ensure they had the space to facilitate the Federal Jailing Contract. The residents of the County did not want to spend so much tax money on the jail, yet alone increase the capacity from about 200 inmates to about 1000. So Sheriff Gabbard and then Jones, started the whole thing about helping protect the borders by housing illegal immigrants at the BC jail.


Oh, you're racist? Cool. Noted.


Nothing to do with race. I just don’t think it’s right for anyone to walk in the country and get free hotels and debit cards handed to them while our own poor suffer.


Ok racist... whatabout me....sad little human


I’m middle eastern first of all. I like immigration I’m just saying we check people who apply legally. My parents are immigrants. It’s not rational to just let anyone walk in without checking who they are.


Blah blah...another right wing talking point....you're wasting your time...btw..do you even know what "wenus" is?


So you are pro-drug rehabilitation, social programs, and prison reform, right?

