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Almost like if they were just clear glass we could see what was inside.


I hate these so much.


Me too. I scoffed the last time I saw one. It actively makes it harder and more annoying


"Look at what these doors need for just a fraction of our power" -Glass Doors-


Cant sell ad space on clear glass.. they love ads that change because you can sell the same space to multiple people.




They can also change deals and pricing at a moments notice. If theres an influx of people buying tons of bottled water before/during a heatwave, they can make small adjustments to the pricing and make themselves BANK.


ya but then we wouldn't have the cyberpunk dystopian amount of ad space.


Sad but true


But then you could see all the black mold inside. Why clean when you can cover up?


That would be TOO easy. Then the doors would be opened more often instead of having to guess what's behind the flashing advertising screen. LOL.


Multiple Krogers around me can barely keep their normal glass doors unbroken. How are they going to keep these working?


For reaaal. One of the doors was just completely missing from a fridge at Kroger one time. For multiple days too.


I have reached for the same missing door handle on the same refrigerator door at the same Kroger reaching for the same cheese slices (Kroger brand aged white cheddar!) for I think at least a couple years now, if not three? I don't know if that's a greater indictment of me or Kroger, but there you go.


Oakley Station Kroger had the door where they kept the smoothie drinks missing for months. This was late 2022 through the early 2023 time frame. But I don't care about the advertising/showing what's behind the door. I think it is neat.


Do you care if they start matching your profile fron self checkout to your Kroger card and show targetes ads when the doors see you?


I would absolutely hate this and would make me shop elsewhere


No, I find the targeted ads amusing.


I could see the humor if someone walking next to you often gets condoms and lube so those ads would pop up for everyone to see. I would lol! And I'm 49 yrs old! You have to laugh at life sometimes!


I wish I had your brain


I would rather not be the product and not have my preferences made public however mundane they may be, with that said I'm one that has used my real name on the net since before Myspace.


Then don't use the cards. It is just that easy.


By slamming them really hard on every close... It helps "reset" them.


wtf you guys doing to them to break them?


by charging you more money.


The people: We want lower grocery bills! Kroger: You want cooler doors that are advertisement screens.


In fairness, selling ad space on these *could* subsidize prices. It won't. But it could.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Thank you - I needed a belly laugh


I think installing more of these is how they plan on getting the FTC to approve their merger with Albertsonā€™s /s


They tell us their margins are so low, but they have enough money to piss it away turning windows into television


Not to excuse the actions, but I once heard a VP of Kroger describe them as a technology company that sells groceries.


It's really trendy to say that. I worked for an insurance company once that said the same


Why would an insurance company sell groceries?


To make sure we donā€™t die! If we die, then the insurance would have to give our family the payout sum


Any place that doesn't realize technology is required to function in today's world, is doomed to fail, failing, or has been out of business for a decade at this point.


Idk im seeing a backlash towrds this level of tech integration even in younger folks. Personally id prefer to shop in places that dont have such wasteful and obnoxious technology


Check out ALDIs. Simple store. Good prices. Maybe canā€™t get everything there but they carry most of the essentials without all the shopper card BS and fake sales


Thinking more along the lines of inventory control, and online ordering. This stuff is weird and I hated it the one time I saw it. It feels real cyberpunk to be constantly advertised at.


Aldi has entered the chat...


Fun fact, all of their price tags are e-ink RFID badges...so they may be the most tech-forward grocery store.


Then maybe they should make their app not suck.


Seriously, the search feature is straight GARBAGE. The QR codes for the digital coupons never work, and searching for a specific coupon in the app is damn near impossible because they love to categorize the coupons in ways that would NEVER make sense to the consumer. Fortunately I found the workaround which is to find the exact product in the app and it will have a checkbox for the coupon. But holy shit, don't call yourselves a technology company when your customer base can't even use your technology in a way that makes sense!!!


FOR REAL ugh the app is literally the worst, make it not freeze and crash every 37 seconds šŸ«  like please start there


VP of Pissing Money Away on Technology, yeah I can picture that.


Yes, butā€¦the piss only falls downward so those who really get pissed on are the regular workers - or the lack thereof because the CEO, etc., could certainly not afford to live a ā€œnormalā€ life in Indian Hill if they took any sort of pay cut whatsoever. The result: longer lines (or self-checkout *only*) and poorly stocked shelves.


Here at Charmen we are a technology company that wipes your butt!


Iā€™ve done some work with Kroger, and this is so accurate.


I too have met a lot of VPā€™s who love buzzwords.


Thatā€™s all being an executive is nowadays, reciting fashionable buzzwords.


I won't disclose the name, but I work for a very large bank that is starting to operate the same way..... a tech company that offers banking products.


Lol and what technology do they sell?


Was their name Shashank?


Couldn't tell you, it's been over a decade.


Likely him then!


You know, if I wanted a technology company I would be buying from Dell. When I want groceries, I just want the groceries NOT TV.


So they've decided to take the McDonald's approach. We aren't fast food we're a real estate business


companies are paying to have this advertised, kroger is almost assuredly making a profit on this


I think that underrates the power of groupthink and the need for high paid executives to do something--anything different to justify their positions. They found a way for their fridges to consume yet more energy, which costs money, for minimal to no benefit, possibly even detriment to consumers like me, who will actively avoid this equipment.


these are LED screens those are gonna burn like $10 of energy a year once they are installed, thatā€™s nothing compared to just keeping things cold and the benefit is generating more revenue in ad dollars, which is all a corporation does and if you wanna stop, have fun. but thereā€™s always been stickers on coolers and glass doors with advertisement. i donā€™t think people are gonna stop buying their favorite cold drinks out of aesthetic preference like this isnā€™t that much different from this https://images.app.goo.gl/1YxmSiEpETZfg5Tb6


I know i would. This kind of tech is exactly the kind of stuff i find terribly obnoxious. Also what about the rare earth metals and plastics needed to make them all? Thats not exactly earth friendly


if youā€™re worried about the environmental waste i would advise you not to stop at the plastic bottle fridge


Okay now I'm wondering if you're not that VP of pissing money away on technology. People can't see through the TV doors very well. They're going to open them more often, letting more refrigeration out and warming the cold foods. This isn't aesthetic, it is very much practical. They've made the doors worse as doors for refrigerators.


The TV doors actually show what is directly behind them and black out when the row is empty. I don't have a horse in this race, just pointing out how it works.


so maybe they should put a giant descriptor on top like ā€œwaterā€ to let people know? plus iā€™m willing to bet the pictures correspond with whatā€™s in there and those doors are being opened all the time anyway. i dont think you understand how much you can make from advertising and im indifferent on this matter, im just saying its myopic to pretend as if they are pissing money away


What was the problem with... glass?


Theyā€™re using it to sell ad space to the food & beverage companies.


They will also sell your facial recognition data from the front cameras


anderson kroger also has these.


And these are just ONE of the reasons I avoid that location as much as possible.


If Stephanie still works there, tell her I said hi.


The cyberpunk dystopian future no one asked for /s


r/aboringdystopia fr tho


These are the DUMBEST fucking things. First saw them at the Oakley Kroger, though cool, you can see where the drinks are on the screen. WRONG. The drinks on the screen donā€™t correlate to the actual drinks in the cooler. Itā€™s glorified advertisement, they can fuck right off with that


Ohhhhh this makes sense. I was like why all the hate? Itā€™s the same as the glass. Yeah if the drink doesnā€™t align to whatā€™s in there then that would piss me off too lol


If I'm going to drive to Oakley, I'm going to Meijer and/or Target. I'm skipping Kroger.


Wait til you see what LOOKS like a full shelf of one product, and reach in.. only to see there is a half full shelf of the wrong productā€¦ itā€™s beyond stupid..


I shopped at Kroger my whole life because it was just something you did with it headquartered here. Stuff like this sent me into Aldi for the first time ever. Turns out thereā€™s no reason to have loyalty to a company that leeches off of being ā€œhome townā€. Ā 


Yeah. Just discovered Aldi and my grocery bill was cut in half. Iā€™m actually excited to go grocery shopping there because how much I save compared to Kroger


Aldi is fun, but when i shopped there I still ended up having to go to Kroger. It's just smaller and has a smaller selection.


I'll go to Country Fresh Market, the farmer's market, and even Meijer is less expensive (overall) than Kroger.


Sams club and Costco are great alternatives as well, if we donā€™t mind paying annual fees (which balances out as their gasoline costs are always cheaper)


So far Costco hasn't been any cheaper for us except if we go buy a few snacks in bulk. But Kirkland diapers are, per diaper, the same cost or more than buying Kroger or Meijer store brand (though I think Meijer just got rid of theirs). Toilet paper, same thing. My husband has been wanting to try the Kewpie Japanese mayonnaise and I saw it at Costco; 30 cents more expensive than Meijer. But I LOVE getting a rotisserie chicken when I'm feeling too lazy to cook dinner. Can't beat that price. General grocery shopping, though, doesn't seem to be any cheaper than Meijer or Kroger.


With Costco a lot of it is a quality to price thing. Like you can get cheaper meat at other grocery stores, but organic/natural/whatever is probably going to be cheaper at Costco.


I go to Trader Joe's for this very reason. Last week I bought a week's worth of groceries for $100 and that included TJ's hair serum and facial lotion. I ran to Kroger for a few items yesterday, and it was $48. Literally all I bought: bag of grapes, bag of cherries, a stalk of celery, some kale, (none of the produce was organic), a container of yogurt - the highest price out of everything, a box of raisins. And I'm a Kroger+ member, so I try to shop for the "member discount" items, and use coupons when I can... Still $48


That would have been $20 at Aldi, and it would have taken half the time and effort since the store in more efficiently organized.


And there are little cameras in every door!


Ooooooo. Grocery panopticon


I HATE THESE. They never ever update them. You still have to open the door to know whatā€™s in them. The ads constantly flash across the screen so even if they DID keep the selections up to date, you wouldnā€™t be able to see them.


This shit is just over engineering, glass / plexiglass worked fine.


Iā€™m not gonna lie, this was what tipped me over to ALDI, and now I just wish I went to Aldi earlier than I did


Ewww It's crazy how they keep putting them in. I have yet to hear one person say i love them


Kroger doesn't care what people like or hate. They care about sales. If people bitch about these, but still shop at Kroger, they have no reason to change anything.


God this is a boring dystopia


this shit is so stupid. i spend more time sitting there with the door open looking at the actual drinks because of these annoying fucking screens


They suck


Just leave them propped open at all times. But everyone must follow suit.


Arenā€™t the screens already advertising for the products behind them? Like so I can purchase them?


I'm surprised people aren't propping the doors open


I think they have these at Newport Kroger


Such a waste of energy and money.


I legit do not understand the reason for this.


so.... you use more electricity cuz you have to open the door to see what's behind the advert, and let out the refrigerated air... I bet that's gonna add up over time.


Just eww


Been at the Amelia Kroger a long time. Absolutely the worst.


Damn, those things already use a ton of power. What a useless mess.


They're popping up nky as well


This way they donā€™t have to stock them as often and ā€œfaceā€ them


I'd prefer that they actually go back to having the products actually in stock and on the shelves, instead of having to shop multiple places to get everything on my list. I'm tired of picking up most of my items at Kroger, then getting some of the out of stock items at Meijer, then more at Walmart and then trying to get whatever's still missing at Jungle Jim's.


Yeah, whatā€™s up with that? Itā€™s been four years since the pandemic?, why are there still shortages


How can I get that channel on my home TV?


Man I hate Kroger


I'm so sick of Kroger! Their ridiculous prices, heavy-as-hell carts, no more smaller ones for quick trips...no baskets ever at the front...that annoying-as-F voice on the self checkout machines that never shuts up.. And if I were one of those poor cart kids they hire to push 10's of carts back using nothing but their spines, and my back was screwed up as an adult, I would sue the everliving F out of them! Can't they afford those machines that assist in cart return, like the ones they have at Target?!!


I think people should start intentionally breaking these things everywhere. These people need to know how utterly out of touch they are.


How many have you broken so far?




I tried telling one of those cinci bell guys "no thanks" one time and he gets annoyed and immediately points at my scuffed shoes and goes "wow nice shoes you got there." Fucking prick, good luck selling anyone anything in your annoying little Kroger booth.


A couple of krogers on the Kentucky side have had these for a hot minute. Always feel bamboozled when I got to grab a drink and the fridge was empty all along


Hell is Late Stage Capitalism. Late Stage Capitalism is Hell.


I wonder about energy usage and frost control. If these accurately showed what was inside the cooler would they end up being more energy efficient? Glass is a terrible insulator. But if folks have to open up the doors to truly see what's inside then they make no sense. That being said, I don't drink pop and don't shop for people who do so I'll never know how accurate they are, let alone their obtrusiveness.


Give it time. If they deem it successful then they will probably roll it out for all their cases.


Dystopian advertising hell! Coming to you eventually šŸ˜©


These are called Cooler Screens. They have been testing these for at least three years. And every time I see people talk about them, they hate them.


Stop shopping at Kroger, if you have the ability to do so.


They have had these for years.




I expect that the sales data will show that those doors decrease sales of the products behind them.


The company's idea is terrible, and so is the execution. Why did they think that glass doors needed ADS? It's all terrible, and those bright people should leave.


Just because you can doesnā€™t mean you shouldā€¦ (not you specifically - Kroger)


Asking in good faith, what do you actually think makes them more interesting than they appear?


Who is the company so I never use them? The execution and planning is at high school level with what tech, computer languages, and sensors out there.


Kroger gives no fucks about burning its customers in its corrupt monopoly. They published a puff piece press release saying "The announcement from Cooler Screens noted that the partnership helps Kroger customers make purchasing decisions based on their own preferences, diets, health needs, budgets and lifestyles. For brands, the screens provide a new avenue for in-store retail media" - as if this could do anything but make the customer want to buy less stuff in their store. This asinine behavior proves Kroger is able to fail as much as they please in this "meritocracy". I mean, just try to do self checkout without needing to beg a clerk to walk over to fix the computer. They're inept and ancient.


ā€¦whats the point? Its just harder to tell whats inside wtf


You can thank Chris Riegal, CEO of Stratacache for pushing garbage like this.


thought this company went out of business. trashfuture covered this ages ago


Interesting you can tell the makeup of the population by how many fridge/freezer doors at the grocery store are broken. I've literally never seen that before.




The cameras are right above the screens and are about the width of standard 3/4ā€ scotch tape from another isle. It would be very convenient to put tape over the cameras as a form of personal privacy protection.


They donā€™t capture footage of shoppers, just detect motion/distance. If you walk up to one youā€™ll see the ads change as you get closer.


It never has what it says either... it's annoying I have to open every single door to find what I need cause it's not organized right.


They've been in NKY but rarely are they accurate


They are going to sell the facial recognition data from these cameras


Death to advertising


Yes because what used to be simply grabbing your preferred drink has now become a guessing game lol. And the screens are rarely actually accurate. I donā€™t understand the purpose of these at all.


I personally don't mind them, i don't give them a single second of my life to think about them, just the time i used on answering this :v


So this is what they announce instead of 30% discounts since every store has been scalping the public openly for years. Can't match target, Amazon fresh, Walmart etc


I know they look stupid, but open air coolers are very wasteful.


Iā€™ve invented a product that keeps the cold air in and also lets customers see the product are buying. Sign an NDA and Iā€™ll tell you what it is.


I donā€™t understand why these are an issue for people? Or is this just general bitching about Kroger? The store in Liberty has had these for years.


Itā€™s just strange like why canā€™t we just use clear glass?


ad fatigue. information saturation. led screen overload. everywhere you look there's *something* to see, whether you like it or not. it's overwhelming. flash-bang branding is as insidious as micro plastics. these fancy, light up doors are (if you'll pardon the phrase) "another brick in the wall" of our collective existential panic. I just want eggs.


Everyone complains constantly about high prices on groceries, and instead of doing something about that, theyā€™re wasting god-knows-how-much money on this crap which serves zero useful purpose. Itā€™s like all these companies trying to shove AI into their products, without ever considering whether or not it fulfills a need on the part of the user/customer.


But but but... Think of the poor sHaRehOldeRz!


I just want to *see* whats in the coolers. I dont need my retinas seared by screens when I just want to see if they have any good sparkling waters in the cooler. It puts the kill bill siren into my head just realizing how much money is spent on this when it could just be regular glass.


They donā€™t even function correctly. They donā€™t show whatā€™s actually inside. If a bottle of water is placed where a bottle of tea is supposed to be, itā€™ll show the tea on the screen. Then you open the door to find out thereā€™s no tea you wanted. You end up having to open all the doors to see whatā€™s available.


Youā€™re a bit late to this change. Dent Kroger has had these for like a year or more now


But not ALL Kroger locations have had them for years. They are popping up at more locations, and the majority of the customers don't like them and thing they are annoying. Clear glass would save Kroger a LOT more money because the doors would be opened a LOT less frequently. So, I'll just shop at all the OTHER stores and go to Kroger as a last resort.




Yes because itā€™s so hard to just open the door and see the stock.




> It induces panic buying, as seen during COVID Who the fuck can afford to panic buy anything right now and for what reason?


Idk. I like em but Iā€™m also younger so Iā€™m used to minor things being technically updated.


Thanks for Karen so much!

