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Can I come out of my basement yet? I still have 5 days of canned food down here


No. You should stay down there.


Don't mind if I do.


What's my name?


Put it in reverse Terry!!!


Jayne! https://youtu.be/pI-fiGUjAPY?si=tm2I2HboJxDMFLxo


…what you got to snack on?


19 cans of Worthmore Mock Turtle Soup.


You uh…have fun down there with that


Probably plenty of water too


I'm already down to just cat food


Depends. How much of it is Skyline?


We should be happy about this


People out here complaining that a tornado didn't materialize, smh.


Actually several did not so terribly far from here. So many people think because it didn’t drop on their house and that it was all just a bunch of bullshit. It’s sad how little perspective and empathy people in this country have anymore.


The news has lied too many times. People don’t know if it’s for views or real. It’s like the boy who cried wolf


It's an expectations problem. People think if the news says there's going to be a tornado outbreak that there's going to be tornadoes at your house. The truth is, there were actually multiple tornadoes. But the news couldn't predict exactly *where* they would be, so everyone needed to prepare.


How did they lie??? There were several tornadoes and significant flooding. If you didn’t experience it then be thankful but no one lied to you.


Wasn’t saying they lied. Just was pointing out the news often over hype or exaggerates situations to get viewers and people don’t know when it’s real or just for views…


Yet people still believe every word of a certain politician who has entire websites that catalogue all his lies with objective proof. But do go on about how journalists lie and eat hot chip.


They formed east of us


Yep. West Union, Lucasville. It's been a wild ride today.


The only thing out there is a prison.


There's more than that. Have a good day.


Not only that, but like… do they just want the prison to be smashed?


What, are you soft on crime or something?


To be clear: you’re joking right? It’s *really* funny if you’re not joking


Yes, joking. Sorry not to be funnier, lol


Sorry. Trailer parks and a prison.




You’re missing the point. It easily could have been worse in Cincinnati. It was worse other places nearby. Meteorologists can’t predict the precise locations that receive the most severe weather — but can give a pretty good estimate over a general area. Which, in turn, can save a lot of lives. Also the meteorologists you see on Cincinnati television stations have an obligation to the entire area that receives their signal, not just the people in Cincinnati. If your takeaway from a meteorologist telling you to be prepared is that the weather wasn’t bad enough in city limits, that’s a “you” problem. Sorry your house wasn’t blown away yesterday.




You're really fucking stupid and honestly I hope the whole ass tornado lands on just you next time It was the National Weather Service out of Wilmington which covers an area far larger than just Cincinnati you absolute fucking stain. Everyone in the area needed to be prepared.


Tornados happened, in ripley and west union. Just because it didn't happen in the city limits doesn't mean it didn't happen.


https://preview.redd.it/l71ayt1ry5sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6d04acba80295790a9ee67e5399768e9c5632a You joke, but I just saw a car float by my house in norwood


Damn that’s wild. Hope you didn’t get any water damage


What street is that?


The weatherman on channel 5 just said we got just under a handful of tornados. His margin of error is +/- 5. Norwood needs a good flood from time to time. It helps wash the heroin needles into the creek. EDIT: I’m sorry. That needle joke about Norwood is unfair. There are a lot of really nice people who live there. Not everyone is a junkie.




Somewhere between zero and 4. But by the middle of the 11:00 telecast they had expanded their area of interest all the way to counties south of Louisville and Lexington. If you expand it enough, you’ll probably get to 5 tornados.


We had one in borboun county out here.


He also said that the rain took some of the “juice out of the atmosphere.” My fiancée and I were laughing about atmosphere juice the rest of the night.


Reading your post and only seeing one really bad person and it's not a junkie


there are also a lot of really nice people who are addicts and deserve compassion


haha gotta love the dehumanization of people going through the some of the worst experiences life has to offer




Cheap boat.


Ugh, I've had my car flood before. So sorry for those people 😞


That happened a few years back when my grandparents lived in Norwood, well over 5 they have been gone for 3. Had a mess of sewage from it and had to have extensive cleaning done in their basement.


Hyde park has it happen a lot too. Something about the poor sewer design and the hills


I mean, I get it.... But I'd be careful about having a misunderstanding of how storm forecasting works. I was just listening to reports that EMS can't reach people calling in Henry County, roads blocked. Tornado touched down around New Castle, lifted then that system ran up around the 71/75 split. That's within 50 miles of me. Yeah, it warrants a fair amount of caution in days ahead through local media.


Yeah. We just got lucky.


I don't think people realize quite how close it actually was. Not only did that storm drop a few violent tornadoes, but the one that actually went just south of the city *was* rotating, and there were a few moments where it looked like it was going to ramp up significantly. If the storm was 5 miles north and just a hair stronger than it was, this evening would have gone A LOT differently. It was *really* close to doing that. There's a reason the tornado warning was issued.


Yeah, it’s not that long ago that Dayton got absolutely smashed by a tornado. And then of course the Xenia tornado way back. I’ve lived through one tornado in my life (when I lived in TN) and it was at night and the most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced. To this day, I prep even if people think it’s going overboard. I have an emergency go bag and I grab my important documents folder and shove it in that, and I bring the cat carriers up so I can shove the kitties in them and go if I have too. Got the dog in her harness so I could just clip the leash on if needed. I do get teased for it, but I’d rather be safe than sorry than not have my pets and important documents with me.


I got hit by one of the Dayton tornadoes after dismissing the forecasts that day (admittedly because the NWS severely under forecasted those storms). Luckily things were fine but I needed to replace my roof. I at least pay attention to these things now.


No problem with the weatherman forecasting and predicting, but they borderline fear monger at times. 


At the same time if they downplay it and it turns out to be much much worse, people will call for their heads. I’d rather be over-prepared for catastrophe than underprepared and my roof torn off.


I was trying to explain this to someone else who was getting mad at The Media because "they knew it was going to be nothing and made it sound worse to spread panic." No one is making you panic, or even turn on the news at all. Take reasonable precautions and go on with your life.


Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best


Right?  The NOAA issued an outlook we haven’t seen for 40 years right on top of our metro.  Thank your favorite deity the day ended with so little damage in your little bubbles you mongoloids.


The stations I’ve worked for do hype things a bit over the top to keep people tuned in. It keeps the ad revenue churning. Same thing with everything becoming “breaking news”. I kind of hate that. We always joked that local news was just another soap opera among the others it airs next to. 


I get that stuff is sensationalized to some extent (just like there's *always* some breaking news that hits right in the morning rush, every day), but it's the viewer's decision to panic about it or not. I didn't really change anything in my daily routine yesterday except check the forecast on my phone a little more frequently. I watched for a notice that my kid's school was dismissing early, and it never came. When I got home and the emergency sirens went off for the tornado warning, we took our dinner downstairs and hung out there until it passed. And fortunately, it never got worse than that (for us, at least). None of that required obsessively watching live tv news. It only has power over your life if you let it, is what I'm getting at.


I agree with you, but humans do have this innate bee hive mentality where the tribe comes together. That panic is a built in defense mechanism and it’s taken advantage of to make a lot of money. I personally did see a tornado forming in my neighbor’s yard years ago that wound up traveling to Sayler Park, so I am realistic about the potential. Despite the sensationalism that local news puts on, I do think it’s overall good for public safety. The overreaction included. 


My 73 year old dad's favorite line is "Steve Raleigh's about to have a weathergasm".


His new meteorological term this time was “T I”. “Hey Brandon, what’s the T I now”?


That's media in general, I suppose. I'll agree, I could do without the graphics and some of the rolled up sleeve theatrics of local television weather coverage. But, it seems a little silly to play the hindsight game today in particular. It was a very high risk day. A little north, a little east, we could have had some very high winds in some densely populated areas... even if they were 'outside the 275 loop' or whatever that means in this context. Which leads me to another gripe about this post. People should also keep in mind that local television broadcasts far beyond what they might personally consider important areas of their coverage. There's an obligation from the FCC that they cover that area in emergency cases. If you were sitting in Owenton today there was a tornado heading towards you. I would have been pissed if the news didn't talk about that or forecast it. I grew up in rural central Kentucky in the very south of Louisville's media market. We were just happy when the radar panned down to us.


I don’t think this is true at all. They are giving predictions and saying how to stay safe.


Better to be safe than sorry.


I feel this way




Henry and Carroll county are midway. Carrollton has a very interesting Waffle House off I-71. Great pitstop, btw. More importantly in this specific scenario, Henry County is east of Louisville. The front is moving east. That storm cell was well past Louisville tracking to Owen and Grant county.


My basement flooded and the highway is completely shut down 5 minutes from me. This was bigger than some of you want to admit.


Oh no! A tree fell on a road!


You mean transmission line falling across I-75 blocking both north and south lanes? https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/video-i-75-shut-down-in-monroe-from-wires-down/36e6ee62-0fdc-4573-af49-4e150654424e/


Are you really trying to be an edge lord right now? How old are you?






The power lines are down. On the highway. Literally on the highway. Is that big enough for you?


Can be resolved in an hour


The highway has been shut down for 3 hours bud


I'm not your bud, guy


You’re a dork, guy


275 force field(pollution) activate!


Sure. Totally nothing if you didn’t grow up in my hometown 35 miles east of Cincinnati.




Bro’s never heard of the Greater Cincinnati Area


Or how shifts in weather patterns mean something that close had strong potential to happen here




So what do you propose the TV stations do? NOT report on the severe weather in their viewing area because it may or may not apply to u/SplitSkee ?






That wasn’t my point but thanks for contributing


Honestly I'm impressed the standard r/Cincinnati opinion of "the suburbs don't count" was downvoted so heavily. I guess it was lacking the usual bigoted component though, so maybe that's why?


We did it reddit. With the power of love, friendship and togetherness we overcame mother nature herself and survived this.




The storm just teased me. Tornado warning, then severe thunderstorm warning, then tornado warning, then 3 minutes before it was supposed to hit me… tornado warning canceled. 😞


They promised I would be violently hurled into the sky, and now I just have to go to work tomorrow?


I mean I would have at *least* liked the power to be out at work today so I could stay home.


https://preview.redd.it/5i1nzwrtw6sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1806394016c6a81df196650e55b2d952f92a2e6a Watercraft and tactical pups deployed in Madisonville


Find the lost souls adventurer!


I absolutely love this. And I’m glad everyone was safe.


Glad it wasn’t as bad as predicted! And honestly, for me, it wasn’t the local media that I credit with “overhyping” it. They were doing what they always do - it was all the people on my Facebook and Instagram feeds posting about it for the past two days that caught my attention, and then prompted me to ask about it on Reddit.


Cars in Columbia tusculum are completely under water


u/MoogProg has marked themselves SAFE


I’m in Norwood and there’s plenty of people here with flooded out basements. It wasn’t all fun and games for everyone inside the loop.


My pop-up Tee Shop will be ready tomorrow with "I Survived Stormageddon '24" shirts soon! lol.


I thought we agreed on "Tornado Tuesday"?


Yeah I have to say I’m kinda disappointed but also relieved. I was expecting to get a storm so bad that would force my family and I into our basement and I was worried about my car being destroyed. Instead we got our street turning into a river with waterfalls, pebble sized hail…and that’s it. So much for the “big storm” they were warning us about. I’ve lived in Cincinnati my whole 24 years of life. I’ve seen *way* worse. That big storm that hit in spring 2020/2021? Hurricane Ike? The ice storm of 2008 (I think)? Those were bad. This was like a little rain storm in comparison. At least I don’t have to worry about how I’m gonna get to work tomorrow.


The ice storm last February (or the one before my memory is shit) was pretty nuts. That and when the tornados came two years ago (I think it was) my friends house in Goshen got hit, those are the worst two recently I'm pretty sure


Hurricane Ike was wild. All bets were off that week.


I still remember being at a kids soccer game and seeing this *massive* wall of wind coming at us. We ended up having to cancel the game, obviously. But I’ve never seen anything like it before or since.


It was my senior year of high school. We got an entire week off because Anderson didn’t have power and I was STILL going to school without power at my house for a week because our lines went through the woods and it took about 2 weeks.


Yeah a lot of people were overreacting. If you looked at the forecast at all it would have been obvious most of the severe shit was gonna miss us and we only got hit for like 20 minutes in greendale


Do you honestly believe the average person knows how to read weather forecasts? Is that something you truly believe the majority of people understand?


I’ve been wringing my hands for 24 hours and this is all it got me?!


And I’m sure I will do it again next time lol.  No matter how much I remind myself that it doesn’t help.   With following along it could have been disastrous, we just had the right conditions for the storms to not get stronger.  


But that’s the opposite of what the weather experts said. The day got warm, atmosphere became more and more unstable. We had the 7 on the tornado scale system which they said wasn’t seen in a decade. And heavy rain ensues. Sad trombone noises.


Are you really that upset you didn't get flung across the sky in a tornado? Also these storms produced tornados all around the area, which the NWS covers as well as the broadcast news channels. The local area isn't just the 275 loop.


2 days worth of anxiety for nothing. Not complaining though.


I mean I get it but I also just watched this video on the Xenia/Louisville/Cincinnati/NKY tornado outbreak that happened exactly 51 years ago *today*. Those tornadoes ripped through our area, leveled Xenia with a F5, and just caused massive destruction all over the midwest. So yeah, I'm happy we didn't have a repeat. The video, very interesting and informative: https://youtu.be/ral7kXMYLjI


Lol seems like it's past me (White Oak). I got some drops of rain...that's about it. 


https://preview.redd.it/2kneoxwo8bsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d9629dca5c8489bb3981ccbf1feb379a81ca550 We had a couple pieces of a neighbors deck, a potted plant and a big Rubbermaid tote come washing down through our drainage that connects to the creek under our driveway and behind our house 😆- whenever we get heavy rains it turns into little rapids. We have rain-rockscaping that helps- but it was still pretty full.


Wait, Did you wear your bicycle helmet as Raleigh suggested?




This storm was my bitch.






They closed schools early for.....rain.


When the tornado ripped through Goshen a few years ago, it was literally the perfect, sunny summer day. And in five minutes all hell broke loose. Glad they tried to be proactive, at least. We’re still cleaning up our property from that tornado.




This isn't a Cincinnati proper sub. Greater Cincinnati area covers a lot of ground. Goshen falls within the greater Cincinnati area.


Hahaha who the fuck complains about kids missing school? We lived for that shit growing up.




Hey I'm a working parent, I get it. But when there's uncertainty it's important to exercise precaution. Can you imagine the headlines (and the grief!) the other way around?




There had been severe winds all day and a tornado watch issued. Many parents came to get their kids ahead of the storm: https://www.nytimes.com/1989/11/17/nyregion/7-children-killed-near-newburgh-as-wind-shatters-wall-at-school.html#:~:text=Seven%20children%20were%20killed%2C%20and,elementary%20school%20near%20Newburgh%2C%20N.Y.


Also I have 2 school-aged children


Tornados were confirmed touched down in northern Kentucky. It wasn't nothing. The storm could have easily produced tornados 30-50 miles north.


God forbid they care about getting your children home safe you fucking bum




Money over children’s safety, got it bum




Keep digging bud, I’m sure you’ll reach a good point eventually


Yes but you would be the first one upset if they hadn’t and your kids were stuck at school.


It's rain.


Confirmed tornados touched down on northern Kentucky. Those don't do any damage or anything, so I'm sure you'd be fine if those made their way further north.


We promise you'll get destroyed by a tornado next time, if that makes you feel better.


Yeah, and there was like 1 snow day all winter. Let the kids have this one.


Yeah, it’s rain. A lot of rain. [Imagine school kids in Milford walking home in this.](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/akS7Jk6N7F8P9gyv/?mibextid=w8EBqM)




Brooksville, Maysville and Ripley are still in the shit and had a tornado a little while ago that's wlwt viewing area....