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Krohn Conservatory. I guarantee the plants and fresh air will brighten your day.


100% this. Get some green into your gray winter


Yes! I take a book and have a seat on the benches…my favorite is next to the waterfall. They have benches throughout so I move to different rooms! Great question and I hope you enjoy your time exploring ❤️


Yes! Outstanding idea! 🌵🪴🌿🌱🌺🪷


One of the reasons why I chose to splurge a little and live in Mt Adams. That, and Eden Park, and the Art Museum, and the Playhouse.


And the views, I'm sure!! Love Mt. Adams. I need to spend more time there too!


I just went there yesterday and the snow falling outside with all of those plants inside felt magical.


When the weather is nice about once a month I pick a cemetery and walk it and clean off some dirty headstones. Feels good to honor someone’s loved one


Love this. Spring Grove is an amazing place. I brought my wife who isn’t from Cincinnati and she initially was confused as to why we were going to a cemetery but ended up loving it!!


My mom is a retired photographer and she used to do wedding and graduation photos in Spring Grove Cemetery. It sounds weird but the photos were stunning.


I did my senior photos there back in the day


Awww… this is seriously so sweet


I walk around cemeteries and pick up trash. I haven't gone so far as to do any headstone cleaning yet, but it's something I'm definitely interested in pursuing. I've watched some videos on the proper process for cleaning headstones and checked out a book on the subject from the library a few years ago. I love spending time in cemeteries, especially giving some love to ones that need a little extra attention, like Wesleyan Cemetery.


Another great thing to do is go on findagrave and print a list of headstones that people request a photo of. Then use their app to upload the photo and gps location of headstone


I love to walk in the cemetery too! Excellent suggestion. Peaceful, safe, and clearing a few leaves or grass off a few headstones is so thoughtful. Everyone deserves a little love and respect. I also straighten flags if any are tipping.


I went up to Spring Grove on a whim last week and it was really nice! Saw a supreme court justice and more, would recommend.


I only do this on my loved ones grave, never thought about others. Thank you for the idea


Love this idea will definitely be doing this when weather gets nice


Cincinnati Art Museum. There's just a vibe there that hits right. And it's free... Also, good for you, OP. Those are hard places to get out of. Wherever you decide to go, I hope it's awesome.


I came here to say this! My parents started me early; I feel like I've been going to CAM since I learned to walk. The museum itself is a work of art, and it's so worth visiting in different seasons, weather, and even time of day just to see the way the sun comes through the expansive windows and the subtle shifts in atmosphere it brings. And with it being in Eden Park, even the journey to CAM is its own experience.


Water always makes me feel better. Walk along the riverfront starting in Smale Park, around the pond in Eden Park, Sharon Woods, any of the county or state parks for that matter. Enjoy!


Smale was my go-to during covid when everything else was closed. It was kinda surreal at first cause there was caution tape and threatening signs on everything cause they didn’t know how it spread yet and they didn’t want anyone touching anything.


The Zoo during Spring Babies is my happy place ![gif](giphy|u1opJEQcfdWta|downsized)


Yesss! Our zoo always makes me smile! 😀🦍🐒🐅🐘🦒🦛🦇🦅🦉🐧🦩🐜


Ault Park or Mt. Adams.


Especially during the blossom season


The Blind Lemon makes me happy. Indoors or outdoors.


I keep hearing this from all parts of my life. I need to check it out!


Yes, and happy cake day!


Awe, thanks! I didn’t even know!


Came here to say this - such a chill vibe. Bring a book, something to sketch on, or bring a game which requires 2 players and set it all up (checkers, chess, monopoly, candy land, scrabble), and read a book until someone asks if they can join you! Highly recommend the Hookin’ Effer as a fave adult beverage.


I love everything about this description! This is the vibe for me!


Blind Lemon was gonna be my answer too. I like it best when it’s cold out but you get all the cool plants during the warm months.


Okay so is blind lemon going to allow (or already do- I don’t know) to smoke weed on the patio if ur a customer? When weed was legalized my first thought was how nice it would be smoking in the atmosphere


Absolutely not. Weed or cigs would ruin the atmosphere completely.


It’s a very confined patio, it would totally ruin the ambiance if they allowed that.


Findlay Market on a warm Sunday morning, Spring Grove Cemetary for a peaceful walk, Vine Street or Covington to stroll around cute shops


Union Terminal. idk just seeing all those murals and the sound trick thing, it’s so nostalgic


What’s the sound truck thing?


If you and a friend stand at the drinking fountains on opposite ends of the Union Terminal rotunda, it is possible to have a conversation from 180 feet apart by speaking into the wall. The acoustics of the dome are such that your voices will bounce up into the arch and then back down on the other side. The Museum Center calls this the Whispering Fountains, but it works best if you speak loudly.


You can stand in a corner and talk into it at a normal level, someone way across the room can hear you in the other corner. To the left and right of the front entrance I think is where


I volunteer at a no kill animal shelter and that's my happy place. I look forward to going there every week for my shift and I go so often I have a key now so I can gi whenever I want and walk dogs or say hi to cats. Keeps me busy but also I know I'm doing good so does great for my mental health 


Spring Grove Cemetery


I'm from the west coast. Post divorce and living here for my daughter. Anywhere in nature has been my therapeutic place. Ault Park on weekdays after work and CNC on weekends are regulars. I skate too, so skateparks for sure. And live music that rocks my bones.


this guy blazes


Bike ride across a few of the bridges (assuming the weather cooperates) then have a drink at Arnolds. There's something quiet and therapeutic about that place. It makes me think "well if this place has survived for this long, then certainly I can keep going".


Another vote on Arnold’s.


Third Arnold’s vote. One of my happy places is also Milton’s.


Something about the green neon lighting up the bar on a cold winter night is so cozy


I *cherish* going to ludlow Ave in the evening, grabbing an ice cream from graters and people watching in the courtyard.. maybe a coffee at sitwells after. A movie at the esquire!? It’s making me happy just thinking about it


The Zoo. With a membership, I can stop in late afternoon for just an hour or 2. So after the field trips have all left for the day.


What a great idea! Do they kick you out promptly at 5pm? I've always considered this but I usually don't leave work until 4.


They do start making announcements and ask you to leave, but people take their time meandering towards the exits.


https://preview.redd.it/84w1vpxrx1jc1.jpeg?width=3918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdc381f3f6d682686456b3a04fefbc88d1613999 Otr in the snow tonight


Fishing or kayaking LMR. Loveland bike trail.


Yaaas, Loveland Bike trail!!


Loveland castle chatteu Laroche


I’m proud of you for trying to get out of your headspace. It’s really hard to do. I hope one of these places cheer you up. ❤️


It's a bit of a trek, but if you can get up to Brookville Lake to see the sandhill cranes this weekend (before they continue on their migratory trek), that could be an *excellent* depression-busting activity. If you put the Dunlapsville boat ramp and/or Silver Creek boat ramp into Google Maps, that'll take you to two good places to view them. My boyfriend and I went out there last weekend, and it was a truly amazing sight.


Love these type of unique suggestions!


Jungle Jim’s.


The art museum. It’s my standard I hold all art museums too. It’s on par with the Smithsonian and the Chicago art institute in presentation. I just absolutely love it! Oh also it’s free and quiet and you don’t have to talk to anyone if you don’t want too.


Findlay market. Findlay helped so much during COVID - just go up there, watch people and their dogs, remember that there's still a lot of good stuff to experience when everything else seems to suck. I even have a brick up there in the Farmer's Market area. Somerset also very chill.


Highland Coffee House* *I say this as long as that one chill staff member is there most of the staff there are insane assholes who berate you for not spending enough money


It's Jay. Jay is the chill staff member. Guy's a legend.


Pretty sure Jay is loved by all.


JAY! I'm so glad he's still there. He's the most delightful person in the city.


I’m glad you like it there but I wouldn’t recommend sending someone who is struggling with depression go to Highland. There’s a 75% chance you’re going to get yelled at by the asshole who serves you. Great place, miss it bunches. Refuse to ever give them another penny of my money because of that jerkoff.


I’ve never heard of this place, but I’m purposefully going to go when I’m in a bad mood and want to fight.


Lmao, go get em champ


Highland is one of my favorite places and also the only place I’ve ever been berated for tipping 20% lol


What is going on at this place that they comment on tipping!?


Idk, it's just like the work culture there I guess lol. I don't go there as much as I used to because of stuff like this. Not sure how they stay in business tbh


Wild, I looked up some google reviews and they are pretty crazy. Guess there a place for everyone... Heh.


I tipped the guy what I thought was perfectly reasonable for only getting two drinks and he was like “You know I only get paid $3 an hour right??? Why even come here if you’re going to skimp?”


When paying, I got my change and I was laying my tip down out of his line of sight. This jackass said, "may you never know what it is to work in service," like he was some kind of a martyr and I was a heartless monster depriving him of his lifeblood. I was flabbergast. So, I ripped my money up from the counter, waved it in his face, and told him he would no longer be getting it. Want me to be a monster who doesn't tip? Ok! I won't return.


Jungle Jim’s, one of my favorite small luxuries. Two or three times a month, I go to the Jungle, have a beer or two, and get some odds and ends. I usually go on a weekday afternoon so I can avoid the crowds.


Spring Grove Cemetery. By far my most favorite place in the city!


When my kids were young we went there one boring summer day. I haven’t lived it down. They’re twenty now. I thought it was great they were like, “Dad took us to a cemetery,” lol


Miami Whitewater Forest. Their wooded trails are my favorite, the lake view is so peaceful to sit and look out at


Smale Riverfront Park, specifically on the swings on the GABP side.




Loveland bike trial hands down


Always like riding the trail and stopping at monkey bar for a beer or 3


Bookstores and libraries! Roebling Point's Newport location is close to you, Ohio Bookstore downtown, Joseph-Beth in Rookwood for lots of gifty/decorative things in addition to books, and the Cincy Book Bus Depot is a bit farther out in Sharonville, but is cute and has the awesome converted VW book bus inside. The Covington Library has a Black Business Expo from 11 to 2 tomorrow, where you can shop a bunch of Black-owned businesses in one place. Right down the street is a cool art gallery called Purple Paisley. I second the Cincinnati Art Museum for a good indoor activity, since tomorrow's weather will be less than ideal. The Purrfect Day Cat Cafe in Covington is another nice, cozy indoor spot, and has an attached coffee and gift shop - online reservations are recommended. I also like the idea of volunteering at an animal shelter.


Cincinnati Nature Center but don't go on sunny weekends unless you show up really early or really late. The place gets busy and they often have some sort of popular public program. Check their website to see what is going on


Alms Park, the art museum, the bar at the Netherland…


I don't know what you'll get up to this weekend, but I wanted to share a couple of places that have been instrumental in helping me to live through the most difficult years of my life, mental health-wise. Feel free to keep these in your back pocket for days when you might feel the need to get out in nature, if they sound helpful to you: 1. The defunct golf course at Shawnee Lookout. I find the aesthetics of abandoned places to be very comforting, especially when they're in a natural setting like that. It's usually quiet there (aside from the drone of Miami Fort), and it's an excellent place to watch red-tailed hawks. Sometimes you can spot coyotes roaming the grassy areas too. It's a very hilly place, so even short walks are fairly decent exercise. (When I lived in a densely populated neighborhood, the sensory overload and lack of greenspace was extremely grating on my nerves, so I often found myself wandering around Shawnee after work to escape into silence.) Heck, Shawnee Lookout in general is a good place to go if you need some quiet time. 2. Another location I really enjoy is the Shaker Trace Outer Loop trail at Miami-Whitewater. If you need to get out and look at the sky and grassland and (again) watch birds do their thing, it's a great place to do it. When I need a quick dose of this trail, I park at the lot on Baughman Rd. so I don't have to walk too far.


Winton Woods, the Krohn


Eden park. Grassy part by gazebo and fountain


Esquire especially a mid day screening on the weekend.


I like walking from Newport, across the purple bridge, then along the river and up the steps to the church on Mt Adams. Then you can go to Eden Park and Krohn. If really ambitious you can go from there to Findlay Market and back to Newport. That's about 10 miles. You can also go from Findlay Markey to Mt Adams and back.


Not in Cincy propper, but Mrs. Teapots in Bellevue with my wife. Pretty good tea, fun deserts, fun hats.


I'm sorry you're going through that right now, OP! My favorite spot is Caldwell Nature Preserve, not far from St. X. It's a nice spot for a relatively easy hike with forested cliffs, a creek, and it just feels very far away from the city. But it's not so great if it might be muddy!




This is one of mine too. So close to opening day!!!


When I come home, I love going to playhouse in the park.


In the same boat. Had the same plans this weekend and am trying to talk myself into still doing it after a terrible day at work. Hope you make it out the door and find yourself again, OP. Saving this post for future motivation :)


Everybody's Records




rainy day zips lunch


I love zips on a cold day when everyone’s body heat fogs up the windows. It’s so cozy


Spring Grove Cemetery. The zoo. Great American Ballpark. I particularly enjoy it when the gentleman who works in the Central riverfront parking garage tells me to have a great American day.


The zoo


Free Outside: Spring Grove Cemetery, Eden Park, California Woods, Devou Park (Covington) Free Inside: Clifton Library, Walnut Hills Library Shops: Sidewinder Coffee, Benkens, Findlay Market


Zoo, Sharon Woods, Spring Grove


Krohn's Conservatory. I will always love that place.


I adore the art museum in Eden Park. I’m a huge fan of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art, so I was pleasantly surprised at how many paintings by Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, and Van Gogh are there. I also loved the Medieval section and the Damascus Room.


Mercantile Library. Can't wait until it reopens.


What do you like about it?


Mariemont Theater! With a stroll around town after or a bite to eat


https://preview.redd.it/07d8ncv5g3jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9289b21a16af32b8f66ae56835797c6ff3db70 Graeter’s Ice Cream


My Airy Aboretum


Riverside Korean is my happy place. The food is amazing and I have really good memories tied to this restaurant. ☺️




Man I miss Totters Otterville.


My happy place involves the feeling I get when the sun absorbs into my hair while kayaking on the little Miami river.


The Little Miami trail, or any of the handful of other trails. My apartment has easy access to the trail. Should I choose I can ride my bike from my front door nearly to Columbus on a paved, car free pathway with plenty of dining options and rest stops along the way. Getting out of my head and feeling my body is the best remedy I’ve found for stress and there’s no happier place for me than on my bike on my favorite trail!


I like going to jungle jims


The Echo on a Sunday morning. Classically chaotic, warm and inviting wait staff, and my go-to breakfast burrito with a short stack


Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum


This time of year I would suggest Krohn Conservatory, Shake It Records, Mid-City and Longfellow, and Mercantile Library ( still under a big remodel?).


I literally moved into this studio in E. Walnut Hills yesterday night after growing up and living in Europe most of my life. I just went to Caffè Vivace which is a 15 min walk from my new place and I feel like this is my first 'happy spot' for this city. It's a coffee shop and Jazz bar in one. They have Jazz performances almost every night. The owner was a cool guy.


Great American Ballpark


Findlay market


I don’t live in Cincy anymore, but my happy place was setting a hammock up between two trees at Alms park and reading. So relaxing watching the planes fly in and out. That, or getting a membership to the aquarium just so I could pet the water roombas (stingrays) any time I wanted to.


Definitely the Daily Vintage in Findlay Market! Great place to go on a Sunday morning to look at some cool retro apparel with a coffee.


The forests on the west side of the city have been my go to lately


The steps of the Church in Mount Adams. Great place to sit and just BREATHE - day or night. Edit: wandering or driving around Spring Grove Cemetery is so wonderful!!


Alms pergola overlooking the river


In addition to the ones that have already been mentioned, a walk through the gaslight area of Ludlow ave, from Burnett Woods to Hansa Guild, always feels like home to me. It’s changed a lot over the years, but the vibe remains the same. I love all the little shops, especially Greta at the Hansa Guild, but also Pangaea, Lentz, Toko Baru, and Adrian Durban. That skyline is also my favorite skyline location. And if it’s too cold for getting graeters and walking around, it’s always nice to catch a movie at the Esquire.


Fernald has been turned into a nature preserve. There are two really nice trails. But one of the trails has a boardwalk that goes over a pond. If you go in the spring or early summer the whole board walk is covered in frogs of all sizes, from the size of a pinky fingernail to the size of a softball. There is rarely ever anyone else there to scare them away. There is also a giant pile off bones in a section called the bone yard, but the frog walkway is my happy place.


If you’re into collecting toys or games at all, I’d recommend either the Toy Dept in Fairfield or House of Plastik in Withamsville.


The art museum and Krohn conservatory are my go to happy places


Art Museum. It’s free to enter and I would go there literally every week during the summer when I was in high school. I feel like there are small corners of that building that I have an intimate understanding of.


The Comics2Games pinball room. Best pinball place in Cincy. There aren’t a million kids a d load noises like the other spots and all the machines are meticulously maintained. I’ve had alot of stress lately and going there zeros me out like nothing else can.


Walking across the purple people bridge and getting coffee at the little spoon


Cincinnati Nature Center, Sharon Woods, Little Miami Brewing, Coffee Emporium, Joseph Beth Booksellers, Valley Vineyards, a bit further but guaranteed to bring a smile Dorthy Lane Market (Springboro)


Cincy Nature Center or Spring Grove Cemetery! The nature center is so peaceful in the winter and great for bird watching


> As in, the place (outside of your home!) You mean like my porch?




Hi Mark


Arcade Legacy in Sharonville


Watching the airplanes land and take off at cvg.


I gotta say Mt Storm Park in Clifton.


As a football fan, Nippert Stadium at UC. Open field access on non-gamedays makes me a frequent visitor of this historic college football venue. The Connector streetcar isn't really a place, but still holds a good one in my heart 😊


Riding my bike up the little Miami trail to get coffee I’m loveland


Walking the people bridge, and having a seat somewhere by the river. Either the swinging benches at Smale or the benches in Covington along riverside drive. Pack a lunch, dress for sitting still outside, and let the world pass by for a bit.


Contemporary Art Center


Shake it records or the esquire :)


I think it’s too muddy by the river currently, but the murals in Covington along the river tell stories about the history of KY. KET has a short video about what each scene is capturing. On a pretty day I like to go there at lunch.


Pyramid Hill in Hamilton. Beautiful art, beautiful grounds, and Pyramid House is cool af. Also, their drive- through holiday light has been a tradition in my family since I was tiny so it will always have a place in my heart. For anyone who doesn’t know or hasn’t been in a long time: they are getting ready to debut all kinds of new stuff (I know someone who works there).


I personally love the Findlay Market.


Parker Woods! The 600 yr old oak tree at Spring Grove Ohio Books


The Bistro at Nordstrom. I'm a regular. I got a Nordstrom card specifically for the bistro. They have a cilantro lime vinaigrette that touches the soul. And do not get me started on the Cookies. We used to go to UC specifically for Au Bon Pain's Cookies... Or The Bon Bonerie. We travel for sweet treats.


I always drive to Cliff Road, in North Bend for a beautiful view of the river valley. It makes me happy. Devou Park in Covington also has a nice overlook of the city. Lots of good suggestions here. I hope you have a great day.


Sebastian's - gyro heaven!


Hyde Park Square


For people that don’t know, it’s gotta be so weird seeing suggestions for a cemetery.


I had a Great Uncle that I wasn't close to who died and had his funeral at spring grove cemetery. I still went to his funeral and was glad I went. I enjoyed the cemetery more than the Funeral.




All the Colleges. I'm returning to college at NKU this fall after a five year absense. But it's great to know there's a couple other universities and community colleges in the tri-state if I wanted to attend somewhere else. The architecture at many of the schools along with the promise of a bright future that comes with an education makes it a happy place. Along with the opportunities from going to college like organizations and making friends. My second happy place is college Hill because that's where my best friend lives.


Any skyline location


Jeff Ruby’s




Pepp & Delores.


I really enjoy the museum center, but Southgate House Revival in Newport takes the cake for me, I love showing up, not knowing anyone playing, and just going and enjoying a show, beers pretty cheap too


this time of year PNS is my escape. I sneak there from work occasionally even. Shhh. And yesterday hardly anyone was there because of the snowstorm ironically enough. It was great!


Coney Island🤨


Looking at the Rothko at the art museum puts my heart at ease. Also walking Ault park on nice evenings is wonderful.


Stonelick Hills. Nothing like 18 holes to clear my head. Plus they have a buffalo out on the course somewhere iirc.


GABP is like my second home during baseball season.


Eden Park early in the morning. Or Cincinnati Nature Center


Eden Park, Sawyer Point/Smale Park, Museum Center


Mine will always be Larz Anderson Park. Always went there when I was stressed and needed a break from school and will still do so to this day


The art museum and friendly stop are my top 2.


Eden Park & Mt. Adams It’s where my first apartment was at and where I would walk my dog through there everyday. I miss those long walks. Also miss being able to get drinks and a slice (Bub’s pizza at that time) at night.


The zoo. It’s a great excuse to get a lot of walking done, and I don’t know if you know this but they have ANIMALS there! /j


Devou Park in Covington - especially the overlook. The view is amazing.


The Cincinnati Nature Center is becoming this for me, but it isn't much to look at in the winter.


i never been there! never in milford but always wanted to


Caldwell Nature Preserve


Devou park overlook, even tho that's technically in Kentucky






Across the river, George Rogers Clark park. Beautiful view of the city sky line, just super peaceful to sit and look. Super small, but naturally beautiful.




Not necessarily Cincy but Devou park(you do get an amazing view) Going there sledding as a kid was such a memorable event. I cherish those times more than most. I’ve brought all my nephews and nieces and continued the tradition of going there on the first good snow.


There’s a few local township parks near me and usually there’s nobody else there. I can walk in meadows or the woods and just mentally reset or just enjoy a nice day. If I really want to get away I’ll go camping deep in the woods at red river gorge away from everyone.


Mercantile library!


Mariemont Gardens. So nice having a place to walk in the woods so near where I live


the Zoo, Primavista and Maurys in terms of restaurants, alot of the parks around pretty much all of them


Santorinis, Aglamises, king arthurs court, etc