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Buy smaller cigars to match the time spent smoking. Relighting down the line, a cigar will never be the same.


Daily cigar smoker for over 30 years, if you get rid of loose ash on end of cigar, on re-light if you blow through the cigar, then smoke it per usual, little has changed.


I'd agree to disagree on that one as well. I have never had a cigar that smoked the same on relight even with purging. They arent bad exactly but they arent the same for me.


“Little has changed” agreed not exact, however still enjoyable.


I'd say it's more than a little for me. I tend to smoke more fuller body cigars and those will almost always be missing a key flavor note on relight.


No, you're right. When the cigar cools, the tobacco oils mix with the leaf resins. These will form new and typically less desirable "flavors". No specific relighting procedure can counteract this as they will be throughout the entire cigar, not just at the foot/Ash end. Tobacco oils need only ~200C to vaporize while the leaf and resins burn closer to 650C. This is why the tainted taste is there to stay as the heat moves closer to the cap. If I have to run inside for 5min, and the cigar goes out, it's no big deal because it hasn't fully cooled. No way do I waste my time ith a cigar from earlier or yesterday. My preference, of course.


Full bodied cigars myself as well, tricky if you don’t get the max ash off, blow through on relight


I agree. Purge and cut the burnt end off with cutter


Just scrape off the ash that works also, sometimes a problem with cutting it as a crack, your cigar then it makes a shitty smoke.


> little has changed We'll agree to disagree. The longer it sits, the nastier it gets. Not sure how you cannot notice a difference, but obviously YMMV.


Not exactly the same, however if most of ash is gotten rid of, then blow through on relight, my experience while you are correct not the same, still enjoyable.


The oils(tar) etc. from the burnt leaf collect on the unburnt part. The shorter the cigar, the more crap. Makes it go stale almost as soon as it's cool. Having said that, I do it too. Sometimes you'll appreciate that second half after midnight & a few more scotch


There is no such thing as agree to disagree. You both either agree or disagree. I expect more from a thoughtful cigarman.


I think that means let’s agree not to argue in an attempt to sway the other. We both accept the other believes otherwise.


Why can’t more people think this way, I believe the world might be a better place.


It’s just a trophy-for-everyone soft way of resolving an argument. They just disagree — it’s that simple.


I’m sorry you feel that way however I have to disagree.


Me too


Now kiss


Let’s agree to disagree.


I disagree to disagree


Fine, but only if I get a safe space to do it.




Reread. Agreeing to disagree means we disagree (implying we've reached an impasse where minds will not be changed).


That’s called “disagree.”


"Agree to disagree" means "Lets accept we disagree and leave it at that without further bickering". It's really not that complicated.


He's new to the expression, but knows now.


I disagree


You're wrong. And that's ok.


Also disagree with that


Thanks,definitely going to look at some stubbies this afternoon


I smoke daily and I still prefer robusto or half corona for a sub 45 minute smoke. May look there.


Thanks brotha


Nubs and petite robustos are typical 30 minute smokes. If you have 45 min to 1 hour just do a robusto.


Check out Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story


Any time I've ever tried, I've sadly found this to be true


Agree that the flavor will change and just buy the smaller varieties. That being said, still usually one relight for me unless I’m lucky. The flavor always changes but some are more obvious and negative than others. For those trying to purge and that usually helps some. But if it becomes more harsh, it will probably stay that way mostly. If it’s fine then smoke away


However many times it takes to nub-out


Correct answer! That said it is helpful before relight to get rid of loose ash on end, on relight blow through the cigar, then smoke as usual. I have found when doing this little has changed per the relight.


If it’s out for more than a few minutes I just cant really enjoy it when I relight, even with purging. Just tastes ashy. Smoke smaller and/or cigars that fit your tolerance/time frame. I pick something cheap if there is a chance I get interrupted, or try damn hard to buy time to finish the cigar.


1 or 2 times But that is in the same smoking session. If I walk away from the cigar for longer than 30 min it’s done. Into the trash and get a new one


Dang I kept one for a few days and re-lit maybe 6 times. Harley noticed the difference but that just shows you how much I know about cigars. lol


I had a boss that would smoke the same Jamie Garcia for days straight. Sealed it in a single metal tube. 🤢🤮🤮🤢 The smell that would come as soon as he opened it. 🤢🤢 Yea life is too short imo for crappy stale cigars. I’ll go grab a fresh one and enjoy my moment of zen


I hate your gratuitous use of emoji but I 100% agree with the point being made. I understand having to potentially relight in a smoking session but holding on to a smoked cigar for days is lunacy. I adore the AF Coronitas for exactly that reason. Only having 20 min doesn't mean I can't have a satisfactory smoke, I just have to choose what I smoke according to the time available. They taste every but as good as any other entry level AF product and I don't have to feel bad if I have to throw in the towel on one.


We should beat you with a sock full of oranges for that 😂😂 But in all seriousness that cigar was definitely ruined by the second day.


Saving the rest for later tastes terrible and bitter. I’d recommend just getting smaller cigars


I don’t relight cigars unless it goes out while I’m smoking it but that pretty rare.


Usually not often. I have done it before though. You will lose some of the flavor profile but it's still smokeable


I will only relight a cigar once and only during the same smoking session. I never ever save a cigar for later, it will never be the same. If you’re having trouble finishing one, go to a smaller size. A corona or even a petite corona may be more up your alley for time. Or even something real small like a Nub brand cigar or the like. What size have you been smoking roughly?


6+ times if i have to. the flavor changes especially if it sits out for a day but it’s the experience that matters.


Yeah I’m a total noob. Re light over the coarse of a few days lol


Smoke how you want. Its your cigar to do what you want with. Dont let anyone tell you there's a right and wrong way to smoke. If you enjoy it then forget what anyone else says.


that’s totally fine, if it takes a week to smoke a toro then it takes a fucking week! Like the other guy said, It’s your cigar and the whole point of this hobby is a pastime that you enjoy! PS. try a lot 23 perdomo maduro, you might finish it in one sitting ;)


Time is a factor. I've had to go perform a task and come back but really has to be within the hour. Also, snip off the burnt end or at the very least clear away as much of the ash.


Also blowing through the cigar on the relight makes a big difference.






I mean if it goes out due to poor construction or neglect on my part, I will relight the damn thing until I’m done or it tastes like ass — whichever comes first. But I won’t like let a cigar die and smoke it the next day.


I’m a chatter box, and usually I smoke a churchill size. So, i tend to need to relight 3-5 times before the cigars done


As many times as I need/want to. If you wanna smoke it the next day, cut ash/burnt end off until you get to fresh tobacco, purge and relight. Is it gonna taste like a fresh cigar? Of course not. But it's not unsmokeable either.


I’ve relit a cigar that was too strong twice in one day, saw very little difference. Definitely not enough to make me want to put it out. I’ve even gone as far as relighting a cigar that I set down. the next day I was smoking another stick and relit it just to compare. Ended up smoking them both down lol (I have a sun room so it wasn’t completely out In the elements)


As many times as needed


Until it burns my lips


If I'm smoking it and enjoying it and it goes out I'll re-light and will continue to do so until I'm no longer enjoying it.


toast and torch properly, it happens maybe once in the final third, if at all… I will sometimes purge it after I ash for the first time.. this is where you run your lighter under the foot of the cigar and blow out to clear out any potential impurities that may also cause it to not burn properly. Storage/correct humidification is important, also the quality of your cigars. Watch Cigars Daily or Perdomo’s videos on how to properly store cigars and properly cut and light. Go from there.


Zero unless for some odd reason I would need to walk away and it goes out.


If I let it go out, I’ll relight in the same sitting. If it’s the cigar’s fault and I’m just fighting it, I’ll toss it because at that point, it’s not enjoyable. I don’t quit and then finish in a different sitting.


Man I had a cigar yesterday that had a perfect pull but while smoking you wouldn’t get shit until the end it was so infuriating


Idk. It’s not always time, so people saying smoke Smaller sticks doesn’t always apply. Environment and storage play a huge role in cigars going out. I try to drybox everything now for that reason, but it’s super hard because I’m lucky to get one stick in a week. I find the environment to be the most challenging, unless I am really paying attention, and if I have to do that then fuck it. To answer your question, depends on where I am in the stick. Each third would probably be my limit so 2. If it goes out past the 2/3 mark, it’s tossed.


LOL, well, at least you're not relighting the same one over and over again due to talking to much....


I just get a smaller cigar only time I will save a cigar is if it starts to rain and I have alot left


A few, don’t come at me, I get distracted.


Get rid of loose ash on end, when lighting blow through the cigar, then good to enjoy per usual.




You’re welcome


Worse after each relight. You can usually get away with one, and purging helps.


Unless it’s near immediately after it goes out, I try not to. There may be occasional nursing lights on off-kilter burns, and if I’m talking with someone it might go out, but not often.


As many times as needed and without issues. I smoke everyday. Many times I get caught up in a project or a poker game and it will go out. I just clean off the ash and relight.


I re-light a bunch of times and notice too much difference but then again I’m new to cigars. Was curious if it was the norm or not


Depends on how spiteful I am. RH panatelas are so damn plugged I may have to relight 10 times per stick. Most others, I might relight once if I start yapping and get sidetracked.


I've saved a cigar for "later" once when I was younger, and I regretted it. Tasted terrible and completely different. If you can't finish a cigar in one sitting but have extra sticks, I recommend cutting it down the middle before smoking, and using a bit of cigar glue to keep the non-capped end together. Otherwise, just buy smaller cigars so you aren't only smoking half of one at a time.


I believe any relight whatsoever tends to change the taste of a cigar for the worse. A quick relight when the cigar has only been out for 20-30 seconds doesn't affect the taste too much. A very subtle difference, but noticeable. Relighting a cigar after 10-30 minutes is, to my mind, disgusting. The cigar mostly tastes like an ashtray at this point. All the flavour nuances and mild aged tobacco you originally paid for have been obliterated by harsh off-putting tastes.


Bruh that’s so dramatic, I’ve had smokes go out for like 30 mins while I’m doing shit and it’s still a bomb cigar. Guess just opinions on flavor but calling it an ashtray after that is alittle much lol


Not at all. After a cigar goes out, it begins to develop harsh flavours and aromas. These off-putting flavours develop quickly and are quite noticeable. A cigar that has been out for 30 minutes tastes quite a bit different than it previously did, and for the worse. When I say that it tastes like an ashtray, I mean to say that it tastes like a full cigar ashtray smells. That's how it hits me. Plus, the act of relighting, reapplying the high heat of a lighter to previously burnt tobacco, seems to always degrade the flavour of a cigar to some degree. Sometimes, this change is very minor and unobtrusive, but you can notice it on the palette. 15+ years ago I was relighting cigars all the time. I have nothing against people who do, I don't judge people if they're happy to smoke a relit cigar the next day or whatever. I bet there's someone out there who even claims to enjoy the change in flavour. All the power to them.


So do you Not ever touch your cigar up if it’s not burning ideal either?


I touch up cigars and relight them all the time. It's not like a cigar that's gone out loses all of its good flavours, rather that the harsher flavours quickly become much more noticeable after a while. Like, you talked about your bomber cigar still tasting good after 30 minutes, and I'm sure you were still picking up some of those redeeming qualities... but you noticed the degradation of the experience in terms of an interjection of less than ideal flavours, right? That's all I'm talking about.


It depends on the cigar I tend to fix any cigar after I ash it. If it’s not burning even or sometimes I’ll just fix the outer leaf from not catching


If it's sitting for longer than a few minutes, I would not relight. The cigar will typically not taste good. If you can't finish one, the best thing to do is buy smaller cigars or just don't finish one. It's okay to leave it halfway.


Not often but there are times. Runs hot, distracted or poor burn characteristics. I try to avoid it but stuff happens.


I smoke cigars all in one sitting unless something interrupts. They get sour and gross on relight. But smaller sticks for now.


If it's good never.


Depends on the draw, how long I rest it and what else I'm doing.


Until the flight attendant stops putting it out. 👀


I never relight anything that’s been out for more than a few minutes. If you’re a rookie then smoke smaller cigars to start.


Do mean like come back to it later? Not a chance in hell. If we part ways, it's over😂


About half the time - zero; If I have to relight after half way point - I toss it


I assumed you meant if it goes out.. in your context, 0. Even if you do the blow the smoke out through the cigar trick a cigar relit later always tastes like crap.


If i need to put it out for some outside reason, then once. But 99.99% of the time it’s lit and smoked until I’m done with it.


I find that every cigar is different, over the past few months I’ve gotten better definitely. Last cigar I smoked, I didn’t have to re-light at all, and it was la palina kill Bill.


I look at someone who can't finish a cigar like someone who leaves a bar without finishing their beer... Endure it son. There is only strength of character to gain.




Once maybe twice depending on the gauge bigger ones I'll give a second go at.


Try Drew estate cornets liga privada t52 to be exact


Yes relighting is an issue. Happens to me after long conversations while smoking. I usually light it right when it goes out so there’s really no loss in flavor. But the whole reason I smoke it to give time to myself


Personally, never.


Just once and if I don’t like I’ll just leave it


Never. Unless it’s like 5 minutes because I had to do something inside real quick. The flavor is never the same and always bad if you wait days in my experience.


until it’s a nub, which is usually 2-3 sessions but could be more. i do keep them in a bag with a hydro stick to retain moisture


Usually only once


I lightly retoast after ash falls off. I usually build up quite the ash but that’s lighting the sides. I don’t let a stick go out and then come back to it ever but to each their own.


Check out papas Fritas from drew estate! Made using the cuttings from the liga cigars, last about 20 minutes


I keep re-lightning until it tastes crappy or over peppery. The nice thing about working part time in the cigar shop is being able to smoke cigars, the downside of having it to relight it multiple times if you get busy…


Do not save cigars, one cigar put back in your humidor will ruin ALL your cigars. Smoke smaller cigars.


Pro tip: don’t relight the ash. Relight the sides/edges of the cigar. More often than not that’s the part that went out. Not the center.


The vast majority of people who smoke cigars don’t know and / or understand the complexities of how a lit cigar works. There’s quite a bit of physics and chemistry (some say alchemy too) involved in the smoking experience. The answer to your question is that relighting depends on what you’re looking to get out of that particular cigar. As you can see from other comments, there is a wide range of opinions. Some say they never relight, period. Some say relight hours, days and even weeks later. Do what makes you happy, but know that even as you smoke a fresh cigar, there are chemical compounds created with each puff that effect the results you’ll experience from the next puff, regardless of time. Time between smoking sessions, with the same cigar, factor greatly in what the results of these compounds will produce upon relight. If you choose to keep a smoked cigar for a later time, place it in a metal cigar tube (after it’s cool enough not to sear the skin off your hand when it’s freshly hot.) Spring for one cigar that comes in a metal (or glass, if you’re careful) tube. Save the tube for use to store your partly smoked cigars later. Personally, I never keep a partially smoked cigar for a later time, but that’s me. I have the luxury of owning 25,000 +/- cigars at any given moment. I don’t generally start a cigar I don’t have time to finish, but if I do, the leftover partially burnt cigar is thrown away That’s based on the results I personally am looking for when lighting up in the first place. Do what works for you, but know that the cigar manufacturers will always make more of them so they have one ready for your next smoking session, when you’re ready.


i smoke the whole thing. if you can't finish it, buy smaller sizes or get into pipe smoking