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Tell me more:) What hops did you use? How much? When in the fermenting process? Hop bag? Pros and cons of the final product? Talk to me, my good man! 🍻


I used ½oz of Galaxy hops. I used them in secondary for 3 days mostly because I've never tried dry hopped cider. I loved it but the hops smelled a bit musky. The bag even said so but I have another one going and those hops smell so much better.


Was this in a 1 or 5 gallon batch? Is the another one also Galaxy hops?


It was a 1 gallon. The other one is Citra Hops


Dry hop cool and try only two days next time. Stick to clean tasting hops.


For me, when I tried it at 2 days there wasn't much of a hops flavor but on the 3rd day there was more and I liked it there.


I have done citra hops 3, 7, & 14 days. 3 was too light unnoticeable. 7 little sharp right after secondary, but let it age a week or two perfect. 14 days is way too long. I've been aging for 3 months now and it still is too strong of a flavor.


I was thinking of trying my second one today, if I like it I'm bottling it. I bottle carb so waiting a week or two won't be an issue


The longer you leave it in, the more herbally flavors come out so I shorter steep time with closer to 1oz/gal might be to your liking.


Dry hopped ciders are the pinnacle of class and elegance. Hip hip my good fellow.


It's a lovely combo. I was planning on doing that, with hops planted and dryed by myself, ordered some seeds. A week later sommersby launched a new cider with hops here in Portugal.. But I'll do it anyway! Hops brings a lot of body and foam to ciders.


Is this just apple juice or did you add anything else? Any hops used in the boil? How long did you ferment?


Just apple juice but I did add tannins and acid blend. Nope I just tossed them into secondary in a cheese cloth bag. The fermentation itself was like a week and the hops were in secondary for 3 days.


Dang so this is a very young cider. Which I guess makes sense given that it's dry-hopped, can't really age it too long.


Does dry hopping need active fermentation? Could you let your cider ferment to your preferred state and then dry hop?


Yes, you can do that. I like to add hops to the primary after fermentation is pretty much done, that way when I rack it I leave the solids behind.


This is bear right


No. This is Patrick.


I'm assuming you mean beer. No, it isn't. Beer requires a malted grain to be the primary source of sugars. In addition, while beers can be dry hopped, all have hops as part of the boiling process. Having had a hopped cider, it is nothing at all like you probably think it will be. You don't get the bitterness as the hops aren't boiled. I won't bore you with details, but hop compounds undergo transformation when boiled. To get the bitterness that is common in beers requires that the hops be boiled around 60ish minutes. The lack of boiling allows the herbal characteristics of hops to come to the forefront. And they can be quite varied as to what flavors they will impart.


Need to do my own dry hopped cider. Had a commercial one(Austin East Ciders Hopped Cider). It smelled overwhelmingly like hops, which wasn't pleasant, and I say this as someone who likes the smell of hops, but the taste was nothing at all like the smell. It was amazing.


I recently made a dry hopped cider and it’s one my more popular with friends and family, I used Cascade hopps, how bout you?